1.3 million COVID deaths worldwide, 250k in the USA

Access to data, that's all it takes. Although I have been there.
I've posted about this for literally the whole year. It's been a model in that way. I've also posted about a town in Italy that wiped out its Corona completely, by literally testing everybody and then quarantining the carriers. That was what had to be done; it wasn't a secret.

Still, yes I actually do have some rockin' binoculars.
Comparing Iceland and a town in Italy to a country the size of the US is absurd.

"Size" doesn't even enter into it. It's about procedure. "Size" has no bearing on how a town, or country, approaches it.

Or didn't you even bother to read the post you just quoted?
You're on record then as saying we should have listened to Fauci and Biden. We would have done a lot better right?

I didn't mention "Fauci" or "Biden". I mentioned Iceland and a town called Vó and what they both did to address an epidemic, and how well it worked. And I posted about both of them at the time, last winter. I'll just wait here while you catch up.

You don't go "you're on record as..." followed by shit you just make up.
Iceland is the F size of a grape and people are isolated......ROFLMAO. What the F kind of compaison is that?
Access to data, that's all it takes. Although I have been there.
I've posted about this for literally the whole year. It's been a model in that way. I've also posted about a town in Italy that wiped out its Corona completely, by literally testing everybody and then quarantining the carriers. That was what had to be done; it wasn't a secret.

Still, yes I actually do have some rockin' binoculars.
Comparing Iceland and a town in Italy to a country the size of the US is absurd.

"Size" doesn't even enter into it. It's about procedure. "Size" has no bearing on how a town, or country, approaches it.

Or didn't you even bother to read the post you just quoted?
You're on record then as saying we should have listened to Fauci and Biden. We would have done a lot better right?

I didn't mention "Fauci" or "Biden". I mentioned Iceland and a town called Vó and what they both did to address an epidemic, and how well it worked. And I posted about both of them at the time, last winter. I'll just wait here while you catch up.

You don't go "you're on record as..." followed by shit you just make up.
Iceland is the F size of a grape and people are isolated......ROFLMAO. What the F kind of compaison is that?

You're completely illiterate huh?

Get your English teacher to read my posts to you slowly. Eventually it'll sink in.
What we are enduring is unofficial and illegal martial law that is ripping at the fabric and principles of Liberty
Humans give it up so easily. The Roaring Twenties ended up with the Great Depression. We have been Partying for near 60 years. We have people in power who have for that long. We lowered our values on liberty. And the fools are going for the false promises while they lose rights.
Is every leader of other other nation on the planet as incompetent as Trump? Biden said that if Trump took it seriously, we would have had ZERO deaths.....yes, he said that. He said we should have had ZERO deaths.

So, again, is every leader of every other nation on the planet also an incompetent fool?

What did they do that Trump did wrong, specifically?

Also let me take this chance to ask for the 20th or so time.....

Liberals, what would you have done to beat the Rona. Start in January and give specific actions and dates.

For example....the minute we heard there was a problem in Wuhan in January, I would have completely shut the nation down 100%.

Something like that...go for it.....actions and dates....your plan...Go:

There are 12 nations who have done a worse job than Trump. And 151 who have done better.

That puts the US in the lower 8th percentile. With 92% of nations having done a better job.

Our response has been an absolute failure. Trump doesn't even bother with meetings on coronovirus anymore. He doesn't even bother talking about it. As we break records daily, as we lose a 911 of Americans every 3 to 4 days......his response is to whine about how the election was 'stolen' from him. Pout and retweet conspiracy theories.

This is what passes for leadership among conservatives now.

One of those being Sweden.

Well, that pretty much sums up that argument.
What we are enduring is unofficial and illegal martial law that is ripping at the fabric and principles of Liberty
Humans give it up so easily. The Roaring Twenties ended up with the Great Depression. We have been Partying for near 60 years. We have people in power who have for that long. We lowered our values on liberty. And the fools are going for the false promises while they lose rights.
I know of nowhere that we turned our liberties over to health officials and theoretical scientists. The ultimate goal of this is to make Americans compliant and submissive. We are charged with obeying established law and not worst case scenario freedom robbing health issues.

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