1.5m streaming subscriptions cancelled


You people are so emotional, so hateful.

That's what talk radio has done to you.
My radio show makes me laugh. Maybe I need to stop listening to the Dan Patrick Show with Dan Patrick and the Danettes. Didn't realize that was causing any hate, I thought it was just sports entertainment.

Didn't realize it offended you snowflakes, my apologies.
I never liked it because I don't have a "smart" tv, and I don't want to buy a new TV. I always would go to my friends house for netflix, hulu, etc.
You can buy a Roku box rather inexpensively....The base programming on it is all free, and the subscriptions are a-la carte...Get a digital antenna for local stations and you're set.

Soon as we get fiber optic service at the tree ranch, the satellite receiver is gone, gone, gone.
Wasn't the hate radio....Orange Man irreparably broke him.
The left wing talk show circuit is full of hate mongers but the left claims they aren't out there.

Left has admitted they are responsible for what people think.
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Honestly, I have no idea how low income are making it now.
YOu see some stories in the news, but they don't tell enough for obvious reasons.
He is very angry isnt he ? Its only TV.
As i stated, you are a poor liar! Lmao, you say it's only tv but it's millions or even billions in revenue they are losing over their sick desire to push children into transgenderism and homosexuality. Why do you want kids to be hurt like this?
As i stated, you are a poor liar! Lmao, you say it's only tv but it's millions or even billions in revenue they are losing over their sick desire to push children into transgenderism and homosexuality. Why do you want kids to be hurt like this?
Put up some examples dopey . Nobody knows what is going on in your head.
Put up some examples dopey . Nobody knows what is going on in your head.
Leftist rules of engagement

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

3a. Play dumb to keep others wasting their time trying to enlighten you.
not everyone who disagrees with you mac are "trumpsters"....that guy must have really fucked your head up....
He seems to want to divide people, he definitely seems to love conflict, thus his labeling that continues to use. He just like the hate and stirring it up. I usually just laugh at his posts, most bigots like himself are just happy to hate.

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