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1,600-plus Scientists Say Climate "Emergency" Is a Myth

Experts Debunk Viral Post Claiming 1,100 Scientists Say ‘There’s No Climate Emergency’

Our twice-a-week dive into the most pressing news related to our rapidly warming world.​

August 23, 2022

"...Rather, they said, the post seems to be the latest iteration of a broader disinformation campaign that for decades has peddled a series of arguments long discredited by the scientific community at large. Furthermore, the experts told me, the vast majority of the declaration’s signatories have no experience in climate science at all, and the group behind the message—the Climate Intelligence Foundation, or CLINTEL—has well-documented ties to oil money and fossil fuel interest groups.

“Looking at the list of signatories, there are a lot of Engineers, Medical doctors, and Petroleum geologists and almost No actual climate scientists,” said Zeke Hausfather, a longtime research scientist at Berkeley Earth, a non-partisan nonprofit that specializes in analyzing climate data, and the former director of climate and energy programs at the Breakthrough Institute, another independent environmental research firm.

In fact, Ivar Giaever, who has been promoted as a kind of poster child for the declaration in what some believe is meant to give it credibility, won his Nobel with another scientist in 1973 for their discovery of electron tunneling in superconductors, not for anything remotely related to the study of global warming. Other signatories of the petition, as noted by climate journalist Dave Vetter, included at least eight current or former employees of oil giant Shell."..."

THere weren't asphalt jungles in the Napoleonic wars. Or MASSIVE air conditioning units adorning the tops of buildings Or airports with incoming/outgoing traffic every couple minutes.. A few trees can be a micro climate in a large city. Everyone is for that. But you're NOT gonna reverse the UHIsland issue that way. Not with Progressives pushing DENSER LIVING and dissing my suburban estate outside the Nashville heat bubble.

Er ... world population was under a billion when Napoleon came to power ... and the industrial revolution had just started in 1796 ... now there's beer everyplace Napoleon went ...

Experts Debunk Viral Post Claiming 1,100 Scientists Say ‘There’s No Climate Emergency’

Our twice-a-week dive into the most pressing news related to our rapidly warming world.​

August 23, 2022

"...Rather, they said, the post seems to be the latest iteration of a broader disinformation campaign that for decades has peddled a series of arguments long discredited by the scientific community at large. Furthermore, the experts told me, the vast majority of the declaration’s signatories have no experience in climate science at all, and the group behind the message—the Climate Intelligence Foundation, or CLINTEL—has well-documented ties to oil money and fossil fuel interest groups.

“Looking at the list of signatories, there are a lot of Engineers, Medical doctors, and Petroleum geologists and almost No actual climate scientists,” said Zeke Hausfather, a longtime research scientist at Berkeley Earth, a non-partisan nonprofit that specializes in analyzing climate data, and the former director of climate and energy programs at the Breakthrough Institute, another independent environmental research firm.

In fact, Ivar Giaever, who has been promoted as a kind of poster child for the declaration in what some believe is meant to give it credibility, won his Nobel with another scientist in 1973 for their discovery of electron tunneling in superconductors, not for anything remotely related to the study of global warming. Other signatories of the petition, as noted by climate journalist Dave Vetter, included at least eight current or former employees of oil giant Shell."..."


You've convinced me, there is an emergency.

How many new nuclear power plants should we build?


Co2 went up.

Atmospheric temps did not.


Government should not fund thousands of conflicted fudgebaking liars and "studies"

Government should just capture data and post it online.
None of my questions were answered. If your charges had any validity, those answers would have been ready to hand.

Why would anyone in here take you seriously? Feel compelled to answer your questions?

48 hours ago, your head was exploding about Hurricane Lee quickly strengthening due to global warming.

It's now a Cat 2... 🤡

Damned global warming :abgg2q.jpg:

None of my questions were answered. If your charges had any validity, those answers would have been ready to hand.

I not only answered your questions at post #252, but I worked hard to explain WHY the surface temperature NORMAL VARIATION (daily, weekly, monthly) is more concerning and even more lethal than the "tiny shifts" in the MEAN surface temperature due to GW...

I'll work with you on understanding the EXACT MAGNITUDE and concerns of GW. But you're gonna have to open your horizons a bit on WHY the GW crazy train is coming to a screeching halt the past decade or more.
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The original satellite and balloon data has been censored everywhere online except here... the TRUTH.... NO WARMING in the atmosphere despite rising Co2...

Golly Gee - you're lazy. If you KNEW who Dr Roy Spencer -- you would have FOUND the sat data yourself on his site at Univ of Alabama Huntsville. He's IN CHARGE of processing the sat data since the sat data became available. AND

HE'S A SELF PROCLAIMED GW skeptic as I am. At least when it comes to elevating the GW fear porn to hair on fire levels as the media and government does now today.

Can't help you man. On the scale of 1 = Raving lunatic Warmer to 10 = Denier slacking off on work to READ and follow GW science and news -- You are a 10..

Dont have time for pretenders. Here's the Sat Data you DENY exists.


I'll bet a 3 course meal at Burger King that you cant even read or interpret graphs. Have a good time in that straight jacket.
"satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling.

Never happened. The sat and land thermometers agree BRILLIANTLY for the 25 years starting in 1977 or so FOR SURFACE MEASUREMENTS (actually lower troposphere.)

BESIDES -- that article is almost 20 years old and not well written.

What DID happen was that at HIGHER ALTITUDES (where balloons are useful), sat and balloons KILLED the theory of a middle atmospheric "hot zone" because NOTHING of the type was EVER FOUND. Thus blowing up a keystone GW prediction.

After 2007 or the nearest El Nina event the warming slacked off for about 7 or 10 years and the "activists in labcoats" started juicing the land based thermometer readings by using more modeling and re-analysis than actual data to BOOST their records of GW compared to sat reading. Since they did that -- the land based data does not EVEN SHOW EL NINO events while the sat data preserves it.

LOTS of hanky panky in GW science. You dont need to make up outrages that NEVER HAPPEN.
The entire scientific process, is thus, handicapped, a priori, and necessarily, politicized, and bureaucratized, there is no 'open debate,' the agenda is baked into these forums by those that seem to have a political agenda.

Government science is tainted. USED to be that universities were immune to politicizing their schools of science -- but unfortunately the power of the govt to spread their "message control" by coercion of funding has screwed that up also. See what the govt did killing the 1st Amendment by invading social media and having social media "make voices disappear" during Covid and since Covid.

I think the tide is turning. They got caught red-handed and trust in government is circling the drain.
Government science is tainted. USED to be that universities were immune to politicizing their schools of science -- but unfortunately the power of the govt to spread their "message control" by coercion of funding has screwed that up also. See what the govt did killing the 1st Amendment by invading social media and having social media "make voices disappear" during Covid and since Covid.

I think the tide is turning. They got caught red-handed and trust in government is circling the drain.
What changes took place in scientific results when Trump was in office?
I think the tide is turning.
I wish I were as optimistic as you.

I don't see the power of the oligarchs waning.

For instance, the majority of the average citizens, don't want either Trump or Biden to be who represents them in either party, but we won't have an option. . . the parties represent the corporations and the .01%, you know, the Fortune 500 top billionaires.

I don't see the agenda of the UN, the WEF or the Club of Rome waning, they don't care what the people know, or what the facts actually are. . .

The Club of Rome and the Rise of the “Predictive Modelling” Mafia​




"While much propaganda has gone into convincing the world that eugenics disappeared with the defeat of Hitler in 1945, the reality, as I discussed in my previous article The Revenge of the Malthusians and the Science of Limits, is far removed from this popular fantasy.

In that piece, I reviewed the origins of cybernetics as a new “science of control” created during World War II by a nest of followers of Lord Bertrand Russell who had one mission in mind. This mission was to shape the thinking of both the public as well as a new managerial elite class who would serve as instruments for a power they were incapable of understanding. 1

We also explored the science of limits that was infused into the scientific community at the turn of the 20th century with the imposition of the assumption that humanity, the biosphere, and even the universe itself were closed systems, defined by the second law of thermodynamics (aka: entropy) and thus governed by the tendency towards decay, heat death and ever-decreasing potential for creative change. The field of cybernetics would also become the instrument used to advance a new global eugenics movement that later gave rise to transhumanism, an ideology which today sits at the heart of the 4thindustrial revolution as well as the “Great Reset.” .. . . ."


Neil Ferguson’s Sleight of Hand


". . . .The person assigned to impose cybernetics and its associated “systems” planning into political practice was Lord President of the British Empire’s Scientific Secretariat Alexander King- acting here as Director General of Scientific Affairs of the Organization for Economic Coordination and Development (OECD) and advisor to NATO. His post 1968 role as co-founder of the Club of Rome will be discussed shortly.

Whereas selling end-times scenarios to a gullible populace took the form of such Gates-funded stochastic models utilizing Monte Carlo techniques like those deployed by Neil Ferguson, the selling of end-times scenarios in the form of global warming have also used the exact same techniques, albeit for a slightly longer time frame. As Dr. Tim Ball proved in his successful lawsuits against the IPCC’s Michael Mann of “Hockey Stick” fame, those end-times global warming models have also used stochastic formulas (aka randomness functions) along with Monte Carlo techniques to consistently generate irrationally high heating curves in all climate models. . . . "

Michael Mann’s 1998 “hockey stick” temperature model, debunked several times over for using fraudulent techniques and selective data, but used by the IPCC to this very day. Source.



On page 118 of an autobiographical account of the Club of Rome entitled ‘The First Global Revolution’ published in 1991, Sir Alexander King echoed this philosophy most candidly when he wrote:



This piece goes on and on, it is a really great read, it includes that viral video from last year, from one of the authors of the Club of Rome's, Limits to Growth document;

When I watch it? I think of Crick and abu. . .


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