$1.9Trn bill was a Biden disaster


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

Can’t print money forever and now we will get hit with massive inflation. As I said before it would have been smarter to give the full $1.9trn to Americans vs just $422bn and have the rest be bullshit.

Get ready for banks to hold back credit and for a massive recession.

Thanks you Transocrats
At least Biden is getting US vaccinated & back to work, play & life! Trump caused the
You mean China did and so far only Red States are opening up so how is Biden doing this? Fauci says even the vaccinated should wear double masks and not shake hands.
Can’t print money forever and now we will get hit with massive inflation

Didn‘t see any inflation worries when Crooked Donnie ran up a $3 trillion deficit.
That's different a Republican did that.
So you’re saying I write for Marketwatch now?
No, I am sating your fears are unfounded since the US has been doing the same since Reagan.
My? This was from MarketWatch?
Trump passes $2.2 trillion COVID economic stimulus
Republicans: We must stimulate the economy and help those impacted by COVID

Biden passes $1.8 trillion COVID economic stimulus
Republicans: What about the DEFICIT?
The duopoly is nothing but hypocrisy.
Notice i said the duopoly and not just repubs. YOU are just as bad.
Can’t print money forever and now we will get hit with massive inflation

Didn‘t see any inflation worries when Crooked Donnie ran up a $3 trillion deficit.
That's different a Republican did that.
Happens every time a Republican is elected

Slash taxes and then complain once a Democrat s elected

What about the Deficit?
Deficits don't matter is what Cheney told us.
Trump passes $2.2 trillion COVID economic stimulus
Republicans: We must stimulate the economy and help those impacted by COVID

Biden passes $1.8 trillion COVID economic stimulus
Republicans: What about the DEFICIT?


Republicans: Why is only 10% of the bill Covid related?

Can’t print money forever and now we will get hit with massive inflation. As I said before it would have been smarter to give the full $1.9trn to Americans vs just $422bn and have the rest be bullshit.

Get ready for banks to hold back credit and for a massive recession.

Thanks you Transocrats
/——-/ democRATs get what they voted for. BREAKING: U.S. durable goods orders fell 1.1% in February, vs 0.8% increase expected Orders for long-lasting U.S. manufactured goods were expected to rise by 0.8% in February, after leaping 3.4% a month earlier.
The GOP is upset because this stimulus didn't give rich people free money through the PPP loan program nor did it give the corporations the ability to not be held liable for negligible death from covid while employed

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