1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth, Survey Says

We are so screwed , This is what happens when science is denigrated and magical thinking is elevated

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth Survey Says The Two-Way NPR

That's how the Democrat Party uses their educational system to breed future, dumb, government dependent voters

And once again, and just as he so comically did with The Great RW Ebola Scare, CrusaderFrank posts without bothering to avail himself of the facts posted in the two threads about this.

Facts, Frankie. For a change, base your opinion on facts.
5 Scientific Reasons Gay Parents Are Awesome
And you can start with the FACT that its Texass that publishes the nation's text books and controls what is printed in same. That's the same Texass that wanted Thomas Jefferson removed from history books because he didn't contribute anything of value to the beginning of our country.

Research on the children of gay couples is an emerging field, but so far, the evidence is on the AAP's side. Here are five reasons that gay parents typically do a great job raising kids.

5 Scientific Reasons Gay Parents Are Awesome AAP Support for Same-Sex Marriage

Please note that although eots posted that I included the phrase

5 Scientific Reasons Gay Parents Are Awesome

I did not. eots added that to my quote himself.
We are so screwed , This is what happens when science is denigrated and magical thinking is elevated

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth Survey Says The Two-Way NPR

That's how the Democrat Party uses their educational system to breed future, dumb, government dependent voters

And once again, and just as he so comically did with The Great RW Ebola Scare, CrusaderFrank posts without bothering to avail himself of the facts posted in the two threads about this.

Facts, Frankie. For a change, base your opinion on facts.
5 Scientific Reasons Gay Parents Are Awesome
And you can start with the FACT that its Texass that publishes the nation's text books and controls what is printed in same. That's the same Texass that wanted Thomas Jefferson removed from history books because he didn't contribute anything of value to the beginning of our country.

Research on the children of gay couples is an emerging field, but so far, the evidence is on the AAP's side. Here are five reasons that gay parents typically do a great job raising kids.

5 Scientific Reasons Gay Parents Are Awesome AAP Support for Same-Sex Marriage

Please note that although eots posted that I included the phrase

5 Scientific Reasons Gay Parents Are Awesome

I did not. eots added that to my quote himself.
I did no such thing
We are so screwed , This is what happens when science is denigrated and magical thinking is elevated

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth Survey Says The Two-Way NPR

That's how the Democrat Party uses their educational system to breed future, dumb, government dependent voters

And once again, and just as he so comically did with The Great RW Ebola Scare, CrusaderFrank posts without bothering to avail himself of the facts posted in the two threads about this.

Facts, Frankie. For a change, base your opinion on facts.
5 Scientific Reasons Gay Parents Are Awesome
And you can start with the FACT that its Texass that publishes the nation's text books and controls what is printed in same. That's the same Texass that wanted Thomas Jefferson removed from history books because he didn't contribute anything of value to the beginning of our country.

Research on the children of gay couples is an emerging field, but so far, the evidence is on the AAP's side. Here are five reasons that gay parents typically do a great job raising kids.

5 Scientific Reasons Gay Parents Are Awesome AAP Support for Same-Sex Marriage

Please note that although eots posted that I included the phrase

5 Scientific Reasons Gay Parents Are Awesome

I did not. eots added that to my quote himself.
opps sorry.. did not mean to do that
This is what you get from democrat controlled schools.

No public school text book has ever taught this crap. How exactly can you learn this shit in public schools?
Most public schools are n*gger day care centers. Most of these people are borderline retarded and illiterate with IQs around 85. I wouldn't be surprised if this statistic disproportionately represented the low IQ non-white population that lives on government handouts.
At least they go to school. Clearly you don't.
20 Black Inventions Over The Last 100 Years You May Not Know - Atlanta Blackstar
In fact, you have never done jack shit in your life. You leave a legacy of nothing.
Oh, cry me a river. Looks like the truth hurts, faggot. You can't take the fact that your minority pets that vote democrat make up most of this statistic.

What would the white man do without the peanut butter? Clearly, diversity, and the resulting high black crime rate and low black IQs, are our strength :lol:.
We are so screwed , This is what happens when science is denigrated and magical thinking is elevated

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth Survey Says The Two-Way NPR

That's how the Democrat Party uses their educational system to breed future, dumb, government dependent voters

And once again, and just as he so comically did with The Great RW Ebola Scare, CrusaderFrank posts without bothering to avail himself of the facts posted in the two threads about this.

Facts, Frankie. For a change, base your opinion on facts.
5 Scientific Reasons Gay Parents Are Awesome
And you can start with the FACT that its Texass that publishes the nation's text books and controls what is printed in same. That's the same Texass that wanted Thomas Jefferson removed from history books because he didn't contribute anything of value to the beginning of our country.

Research on the children of gay couples is an emerging field, but so far, the evidence is on the AAP's side. Here are five reasons that gay parents typically do a great job raising kids.

5 Scientific Reasons Gay Parents Are Awesome AAP Support for Same-Sex Marriage

Please note that although eots posted that I included the phrase

5 Scientific Reasons Gay Parents Are Awesome

I did not. eots added that to my quote himself.
The only thing worse than a homo is a homolover
We are so screwed , This is what happens when science is denigrated and magical thinking is elevated

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth Survey Says The Two-Way NPR

That's how the Democrat Party uses their educational system to breed future, dumb, government dependent voters

And once again, and just as he so comically did with The Great RW Ebola Scare, CrusaderFrank posts without bothering to avail himself of the facts posted in the two threads about this.

Facts, Frankie. For a change, base your opinion on facts.
5 Scientific Reasons Gay Parents Are Awesome
And you can start with the FACT that its Texass that publishes the nation's text books and controls what is printed in same. That's the same Texass that wanted Thomas Jefferson removed from history books because he didn't contribute anything of value to the beginning of our country.

Research on the children of gay couples is an emerging field, but so far, the evidence is on the AAP's side. Here are five reasons that gay parents typically do a great job raising kids.

5 Scientific Reasons Gay Parents Are Awesome AAP Support for Same-Sex Marriage

Please note that although eots posted that I included the phrase

5 Scientific Reasons Gay Parents Are Awesome

I did not. eots added that to my quote himself.
The only thing worse than a homo is a homolover
Stop being an infant. There are already too many here.
2/3 of the kids who "Graduate" NYC Democrat stranglehold control high schools can't function at grade level and answered "Obama" to the Sun and Earth question
To be fair it was a sample of only 2,200 people total. Maybe they took the poll in a church belt heh
Also this survey contains a tremendous scientific falsehood:

In the same survey, just 39 percent answered correctly (true) that "The universe began with a huge explosion"

1) The Big Bang is not an explosion, it's a hyperexpansion of space according to its own proponents.

2) The Big Bang is likely true based on observational evidence, but it still has not been proven to be true. It's simply the most accepted conjecture concerning the creation/generation/recycling/insertfavourhere of the universe (or just a random branch of a multiverse).


also it should be noted that any "model" that accurately predicts what the user of the model requires is considered sound. For most ordinary folks, the geocentric model accurately predicts what is required for their daily lives.
We are so screwed , This is what happens when science is denigrated and magical thinking is elevated

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth Survey Says The Two-Way NPR

This is what happens when American are taught about LGBT issues in math class.
Still teaching math there, but they teach the morals of our society in all classes.
It's the aspect of focus. When you focus on LGBT classes that's what you're going to get. Eventually everyone in or community will be either gay, bi, trans, or lesbo but dumb as shit because that was the focus of their education.
Public education failure.

More like christian home "skollin" You christers are big on that stuff

HOME-SCHOOLING: Outstanding results on national tests
Five areas of academic pursuit were measured. In reading, the average home-schooler scored at the 89th percentile; language, 84th percentile; math, 84th percentile; science, 86th percentile; and social studies, 84th percentile. In the core studies (reading, language and math), the average home-schooler scored at the 88th percentile.

The average public school student taking these standardized tests scored at the 50th percentile in each subject area.

Read more: HOME-SCHOOLING Outstanding results on national tests - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
IOW the average home schooler scored 36 percentile HIGHER in science than the average public school student.

Do you ever get tired of being proved wrong?

Homeschoolers are only tested if they decide to apply for college, or if their state is one of the very few that requires testing. Most homeschoolers never see those tests, much less take them, so your sampling of mostly college bound homeschoolers doesn't mean much. Not many of them even consider college.
Public education failure.

More like christian home "skollin" You christers are big on that stuff

HOME-SCHOOLING: Outstanding results on national tests
Five areas of academic pursuit were measured. In reading, the average home-schooler scored at the 89th percentile; language, 84th percentile; math, 84th percentile; science, 86th percentile; and social studies, 84th percentile. In the core studies (reading, language and math), the average home-schooler scored at the 88th percentile.

The average public school student taking these standardized tests scored at the 50th percentile in each subject area.

Read more: HOME-SCHOOLING Outstanding results on national tests - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
IOW the average home schooler scored 36 percentile HIGHER in science than the average public school student.

Do you ever get tired of being proved wrong?

Homeschoolers are only tested if they decide to apply for college, or if their state is one of the very few that requires testing. Most homeschoolers never see those tests, much less take them, so your sampling of mostly college bound homeschoolers doesn't mean much. Not many of them even consider college.

Interesting point.

Here is a Canadian study that equalizes the playing field and reaches a similar conclusion...

Overall, the structured homeschooling group performed much better than the public school group. And the margin was pretty dramatic.

In 5 of 7 test areas, (word identification, phonic decoding, science, social science, humanities) structured homeschoolers were at least one grade level ahead of public schoolers.

- See more at: Homeschooling outcomes How do they compare
Public education failure.

More like christian home "skollin" You christers are big on that stuff

HOME-SCHOOLING: Outstanding results on national tests
Five areas of academic pursuit were measured. In reading, the average home-schooler scored at the 89th percentile; language, 84th percentile; math, 84th percentile; science, 86th percentile; and social studies, 84th percentile. In the core studies (reading, language and math), the average home-schooler scored at the 88th percentile.

The average public school student taking these standardized tests scored at the 50th percentile in each subject area.

Read more: HOME-SCHOOLING Outstanding results on national tests - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
IOW the average home schooler scored 36 percentile HIGHER in science than the average public school student.

Do you ever get tired of being proved wrong?

Homeschoolers are only tested if they decide to apply for college, or if their state is one of the very few that requires testing. Most homeschoolers never see those tests, much less take them, so your sampling of mostly college bound homeschoolers doesn't mean much. Not many of them even consider college.
Is there any sort of evidence to support your claim?

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