1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth, Survey Says

We are so screwed , This is what happens when science is denigrated and magical thinking is elevated

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth Survey Says The Two-Way NPR

No...this is what you get when the government controls education and gives instruction over to the education wing of the democrat party who believes school is for creating social justice warriors, not educated students and that schools are used to funnel money from the tax payer to the teachers union who then uses the money to pay kick backs to politicians who then set the benefit levels for the members of the unions that gave them the tax dollars from their dues..........

all while fighting any measure of reform that focuses on actually teaching children math, science and reading....and who think their membership...the teachers union membership....should be above criticism even when their graduation rates from high school are 50% and those kids who do graduate can barely read or write and can't do basic math.........

That is the real problem.......and that you don't see that is why we still have the problem.....
We are so screwed , This is what happens when science is denigrated and magical thinking is elevated

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth Survey Says The Two-Way NPR
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

I'm sure you are 1 out of 4.
We're the 25 percenters. Get used to it. :thup:

Yes, I already knew you were a big dummy. Thanks for repeating that fact.
The Japanese believe the sun orbits japan and that Japan is the center of the universe. The chinese think that too.
We are so screwed , This is what happens when science is denigrated and magical thinking is elevated

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth Survey Says The Two-Way NPR
No, when schools teach little girls how to use dildos, being gay is okay, and at 6 years old if you don't feel like a boy. Act like a girl. Instead of english, math, and science. That's what you get. Thanks to liberalism. God was taken out of schools years ago. Another liberal screw up.

EXCELLENT example of gullible RW ignorance and stupidity.

These RW fools will believe anything they're told to believe. And when they learn they are wrong, they just double down on their own stupidity.

Thanks jknowgood for, once again, being the poster child for RW stupidity and for proving the right has no use for critical thinking skills.
No, thank you for showing your ability to blindly follow your cause. Schools are liberal indoctrination centers now. 1 in 4 believe the sun rotates around the earth? Liberals are in charge of the education system.
Science was never the best subject union workers could teach. I bet the same number believe the sun is just a benign object in the sky and that people really control the climate.
We are so screwed , This is what happens when science is denigrated and magical thinking is elevated

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth Survey Says The Two-Way NPR

No...this is what you get when the government controls education and gives instruction over to the education wing of the democrat party who believes school is for creating social justice warriors, not educated students and that schools are used to funnel money from the tax payer to the teachers union who then uses the money to pay kick backs to politicians who then set the benefit levels for the members of the unions that gave them the tax dollars from their dues..........

all while fighting any measure of reform that focuses on actually teaching children math, science and reading....and who think their membership...the teachers union membership....should be above criticism even when their graduation rates from high school are 50% and those kids who do graduate can barely read or write and can't do basic math.........

That is the real problem.......and that you don't see that is why we still have the problem.....

Notice that 2aguy willfully ignores the facts posted in this thread.
We are so screwed , This is what happens when science is denigrated and magical thinking is elevated

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth Survey Says The Two-Way NPR
Fundamentalist Christians are actually making Americans far more ignorant than people in other developed countries.

Case in point: According to surveys from the National Science Foundation, one in five Americans believes that the sun revolves around the Earth. Why? Some of these people may simply be uneducated, but many believe that because the Bible says that the Earth is the center of the universe, it must be true.

I had some trouble swallowing this, so I did a little research. One Christian forum was particularly disturbing, with statements like, “I was recently reading some bible verses that clearly state that the suns [sic] revolves around the earth. Scientest [sic] have been wrong all this time, all they had to do was look in the bible.”

One commenter agreed, theorizing that scientists are lying to us to discredit creationism or the possibility of life on other planets, which the devil wants us to keep hoping for. Eek.

That may seem extreme, but creationist hogwash has so infiltrated our culture that one-fourth of all public-school biology teachers think that humans and dinosaurs once roamed the earth together, according to a study by the University of Texas.

Thanks, in part, to these “teachers,” 42 percent of Americans believe that god created humans 10,000 years ago, and just half of Americans believe in evolution, according to a recent Gallup poll. Even among this group, most believe that god guided the process.

But while fundamentalists have a stronghold on America’s education system, they’re basically a fringe group in other developed countries.One study showed that 80 percent of Europeans accept evolution, while just one-third of Americans think it’s “definitely true.” Of all the countries included in the study, only Turkey had a larger population of evolution-deniers than America.

In the words of National Geographic, study leader Jon D. Miller surmised that the “U.S. has a tradition of Protestant fundamentalism not found in Europe that takes the Bible literally and sees the Book of Genesis as an accurate account of the creation of human life.”

No...this is what you get when the government controls education and gives instruction over to the education wing of the democrat party who believes school is for creating social justice warriors, not educated students and that schools are used to funnel money from the tax payer to the teachers union who then uses the money to pay kick backs to politicians who then set the benefit levels for the members of the unions that gave them the tax dollars from their dues..........

all while fighting any measure of reform that focuses on actually teaching children math, science and reading....and who think their membership...the teachers union membership....should be above criticism even when their graduation rates from high school are 50% and those kids who do graduate can barely read or write and can't do basic math.........

That is the real problem.......and that you don't see that is why we still have the problem.....

Notice that 2aguy willfully ignores the facts posted in this thread.

Fundamentalist Christians are actually making Americans far more ignorant than people in other developed countries.

Case in point: According to surveys from the National Science Foundation, one in five Americans believes that the sun revolves around the Earth. Why? Some of these people may simply be uneducated, but many believe that because the Bible says that the Earth is the center of the universe, it must be true.

I had some trouble swallowing this, so I did a little research. One Christian forum was particularly disturbing, with statements like, “I was recently reading some bible verses that clearly state that the suns [sic] revolves around the earth. Scientest [sic] have been wrong all this time, all they had to do was look in the bible.”

One commenter agreed, theorizing that scientists are lying to us to discredit creationism or the possibility of life on other planets, which the devil wants us to keep hoping for. Eek.

That may seem extreme, but creationist hogwash has so infiltrated our culture that one-fourth of all public-school biology teachers think that humans and dinosaurs once roamed the earth together, according to a study by the University of Texas.

Thanks, in part, to these “teachers,” 42 percent of Americans believe that god created humans 10,000 years ago, and just half of Americans believe in evolution, according to a recent Gallup poll. Even among this group, most believe that god guided the process.

But while fundamentalists have a stronghold on America’s education system, they’re basically a fringe group in other developed countries.One study showed that 80 percent of Europeans accept evolution, while just one-third of Americans think it’s “definitely true.” Of all the countries included in the study, only Turkey had a larger population of evolution-deniers than America.

In the words of National Geographic, study leader Jon D. Miller surmised that the “U.S. has a tradition of Protestant fundamentalism not found in Europe that takes the Bible literally and sees the Book of Genesis as an accurate account of the creation of human life.”

Should come up with a spray that we can spray the fundy churches on Sunday mornings to sterilize those people, not hurt them, but sterilize them so they cannot further breed so America can once again take the lead in Science and math and critical thinking
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We are so screwed , This is what happens when science is denigrated and magical thinking is elevated

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth Survey Says The Two-Way NPR
Fundamentalist Christians are actually making Americans far more ignorant than people in other developed countries.

Case in point: According to surveys from the National Science Foundation, one in five Americans believes that the sun revolves around the Earth. Why? Some of these people may simply be uneducated, but many believe that because the Bible says that the Earth is the center of the universe, it must be true.

I had some trouble swallowing this, so I did a little research. One Christian forum was particularly disturbing, with statements like, “I was recently reading some bible verses that clearly state that the suns [sic] revolves around the earth. Scientest [sic] have been wrong all this time, all they had to do was look in the bible.”

One commenter agreed, theorizing that scientists are lying to us to discredit creationism or the possibility of life on other planets, which the devil wants us to keep hoping for. Eek.

That may seem extreme, but creationist hogwash has so infiltrated our culture that one-fourth of all public-school biology teachers think that humans and dinosaurs once roamed the earth together, according to a study by the University of Texas.

Thanks, in part, to these “teachers,” 42 percent of Americans believe that god created humans 10,000 years ago, and just half of Americans believe in evolution, according to a recent Gallup poll. Even among this group, most believe that god guided the process.

But while fundamentalists have a stronghold on America’s education system, they’re basically a fringe group in other developed countries.One study showed that 80 percent of Europeans accept evolution, while just one-third of Americans think it’s “definitely true.” Of all the countries included in the study, only Turkey had a larger population of evolution-deniers than America.

In the words of National Geographic, study leader Jon D. Miller surmised that the “U.S. has a tradition of Protestant fundamentalism not found in Europe that takes the Bible literally and sees the Book of Genesis as an accurate account of the creation of human life.”

No...this is what you get when the government controls education and gives instruction over to the education wing of the democrat party who believes school is for creating social justice warriors, not educated students and that schools are used to funnel money from the tax payer to the teachers union who then uses the money to pay kick backs to politicians who then set the benefit levels for the members of the unions that gave them the tax dollars from their dues..........

all while fighting any measure of reform that focuses on actually teaching children math, science and reading....and who think their membership...the teachers union membership....should be above criticism even when their graduation rates from high school are 50% and those kids who do graduate can barely read or write and can't do basic math.........

That is the real problem.......and that you don't see that is why we still have the problem.....

Notice that 2aguy willfully ignores the facts posted in this thread.

Fundamentalist Christians are actually making Americans far more ignorant than people in other developed countries.

Case in point: According to surveys from the National Science Foundation, one in five Americans believes that the sun revolves around the Earth. Why? Some of these people may simply be uneducated, but many believe that because the Bible says that the Earth is the center of the universe, it must be true.

I had some trouble swallowing this, so I did a little research. One Christian forum was particularly disturbing, with statements like, “I was recently reading some bible verses that clearly state that the suns [sic] revolves around the earth. Scientest [sic] have been wrong all this time, all they had to do was look in the bible.”

One commenter agreed, theorizing that scientists are lying to us to discredit creationism or the possibility of life on other planets, which the devil wants us to keep hoping for. Eek.

That may seem extreme, but creationist hogwash has so infiltrated our culture that one-fourth of all public-school biology teachers think that humans and dinosaurs once roamed the earth together, according to a study by the University of Texas.

Thanks, in part, to these “teachers,” 42 percent of Americans believe that god created humans 10,000 years ago, and just half of Americans believe in evolution, according to a recent Gallup poll. Even among this group, most believe that god guided the process.

But while fundamentalists have a stronghold on America’s education system, they’re basically a fringe group in other developed countries.One study showed that 80 percent of Europeans accept evolution, while just one-third of Americans think it’s “definitely true.” Of all the countries included in the study, only Turkey had a larger population of evolution-deniers than America.

In the words of National Geographic, study leader Jon D. Miller surmised that the “U.S. has a tradition of Protestant fundamentalism not found in Europe that takes the Bible literally and sees the Book of Genesis as an accurate account of the creation of human life.”
Should come up with a spray that we can spray the fundy churches on Sunday mornings to sterilize those people, not hurt them, but sterilize them so they cannot further breed so America can once again take the lead in Science and moth and critical thinking

And spelling,definitely need some help with spelling.
We are so screwed , This is what happens when science is denigrated and magical thinking is elevated

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth Survey Says The Two-Way NPR
Technically, Earth Does Not Orbit Around the Sun

The discovery that Earth revolves around the Sun was revolutionary. It fundamentally changed how we viewed the cosmos, as well as ourselves.

But the Earth does not revolve around the Sun. At least, not exactly. Time to get pedantic.

"Technically, what is going on is that the Earth, Sun and all the planets are orbiting around the center of mass of the solar system," writes Cathy Jordan, a Cornell University Ask an Astronomer contributor.

"The center of mass of our solar system very close to the Sun itself, but not exactly at the Sun's center."

Technically Earth Does Not Orbit Around the Sun RealClearScience
We are so screwed , This is what happens when science is denigrated and magical thinking is elevated

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth Survey Says The Two-Way NPR
Technically, Earth Does Not Orbit Around the Sun

The discovery that Earth revolves around the Sun was revolutionary. It fundamentally changed how we viewed the cosmos, as well as ourselves.

But the Earth does not revolve around the Sun. At least, not exactly. Time to get pedantic.

"Technically, what is going on is that the Earth, Sun and all the planets are orbiting around the center of mass of the solar system," writes Cathy Jordan, a Cornell University Ask an Astronomer contributor.

"The center of mass of our solar system very close to the Sun itself, but not exactly at the Sun's center."

Technically Earth Does Not Orbit Around the Sun RealClearScience

If you had read either of the two threads that have been posted on this, you would have seen that I already posted this link. But, thanks for the additional evidence that its the right who hates science and education.
We are so screwed , This is what happens when science is denigrated and magical thinking is elevated

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth Survey Says The Two-Way NPR
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

I'm sure you are 1 out of 4.
We're the 25 percenters. Get used to it. :thup:

Yes, I already knew you were a big dummy. Thanks for repeating that fact.
Well, my Mom still loves me. So I think I'll be OK. :thup:
We are so screwed , This is what happens when science is denigrated and magical thinking is elevated

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth Survey Says The Two-Way NPR

That's how the Democrat Party uses their educational system to breed future, dumb, government dependent voters

And once again, and just as he so comically did with The Great RW Ebola Scare, CrusaderFrank posts without bothering to avail himself of the facts posted in the two threads about this.

Facts, Frankie. For a change, base your opinion on facts.

And you can start with the FACT that its Texass that publishes the nation's text books and controls what is printed in same. That's the same Texass that wanted Thomas Jefferson removed from history books because he didn't contribute anything of value to the beginning of our country.
We are so screwed , This is what happens when science is denigrated and magical thinking is elevated

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth Survey Says The Two-Way NPR

That's how the Democrat Party uses their educational system to breed future, dumb, government dependent voters

And once again, and just as he so comically did with The Great RW Ebola Scare, CrusaderFrank posts without bothering to avail himself of the facts posted in the two threads about this.

Facts, Frankie. For a change, base your opinion on facts.
5 Scientific Reasons Gay Parents Are Awesome
And you can start with the FACT that its Texass that publishes the nation's text books and controls what is printed in same. That's the same Texass that wanted Thomas Jefferson removed from history books because he didn't contribute anything of value to the beginning of our country.

Research on the children of gay couples is an emerging field, but so far, the evidence is on the AAP's side. Here are five reasons that gay parents typically do a great job raising kids.

5 Scientific Reasons Gay Parents Are Awesome AAP Support for Same-Sex Marriage
We are so screwed , This is what happens when science is denigrated and magical thinking is elevated

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth Survey Says The Two-Way NPR

That's how the Democrat Party uses their educational system to breed future, dumb, government dependent voters

And once again, and just as he so comically did with The Great RW Ebola Scare, CrusaderFrank posts without bothering to avail himself of the facts posted in the two threads about this.

Facts, Frankie. For a change, base your opinion on facts.

And you can start with the FACT that its Texass that publishes the nation's text books and controls what is printed in same. That's the same Texass that wanted Thomas Jefferson removed from history books because he didn't contribute anything of value to the beginning of our country.

Dems OWN the educational system

You can pretend otherwise
We are so screwed , This is what happens when science is denigrated and magical thinking is elevated

1 In 4 Americans Thinks The Sun Goes Around The Earth Survey Says The Two-Way NPR

That's how the Democrat Party uses their educational system to breed future, dumb, government dependent voters

And once again, and just as he so comically did with The Great RW Ebola Scare, CrusaderFrank posts without bothering to avail himself of the facts posted in the two threads about this.

Facts, Frankie. For a change, base your opinion on facts.

And you can start with the FACT that its Texass that publishes the nation's text books and controls what is printed in same. That's the same Texass that wanted Thomas Jefferson removed from history books because he didn't contribute anything of value to the beginning of our country.

Dems OWN the educational system

You can pretend otherwise

Says the guy who thought The Walking Dead is a documentary.

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