1 in 5 women are raped at college

You know it takes a "special" kind of low intellect to use allegations of college rape as a reason to attack a college education or a make a political point. Yes, rest assured, you have convinced everyone that you are Trump voter.

Questioning allegation made by rape victims just to cover up the Progressive safe zones of colleges across the nation?

Is this what the Left has sunk to?
Tying rape as a means to attack a college education, is that what conservatism has sunk to?
You know it takes a "special" kind of low intellect to use allegations of college rape as a reason to attack a college education or a make a political point. Yes, rest assured, you have convinced everyone that you are Trump voter.

Questioning allegation made by rape victims just to cover up the Progressive safe zones of colleges across the nation?

Is this what the Left has sunk to?
Tying rape to a college education, is that what conservatism has sunk to?

Conservatives are the only ones warning people about this.

Obviously, you are fine with it.

I suppose it is no wonder considering that Progressives and political leaders knew about Harvey Weinstein for so long, but did nothing except sing his praises anyway.

They will sink to any low to win an election cuz Harvey had lots of money to give them.

But once he backed Hillary and lost, they turned on him.
Either way, the article doesn't say that 1 in 5 are raped. OP editorialized the thread in an intellectually dishonest way.
I read the .pdf copy of the BJS report; "Campus Climate Survey Validation Study Final Technical Report" which the article is based on and yes, it states absolutely nothing about 20% of all college females being raped. Here's what it does say;

Maybe they like to be raped.

How can liberals be so outraged by someone like Trump being a man whore but ignore the very institutions that they are in charge of like this?

None of them would send their daughters to be Trump's intern but they will pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to send them to universities around the country so they can get raped.

At least Trump does not sexually assault women.
We dont ignore it. Why tf would you think that?
You know it takes a "special" kind of low intellect to use allegations of college rape as a reason to attack a college education or a make a political point. Yes, rest assured, you have convinced everyone that you are Trump voter.

Questioning allegation made by rape victims just to cover up the Progressive safe zones of colleges across the nation?

Is this what the Left has sunk to?
Tying rape to a college education, is that what conservatism has sunk to?

Conservatives are the only ones warning people about this.

Obviously, you are fine with it.

I suppose it is no wonder considering that Progressives and political leaders knew about Harvey Weinstein for so long, but did nothing except sing his praises anyway.

They will sink to any low to win an election cuz Harvey had lots of money to give them.

But once he backed Hillary and lost, they turned on him.

Your post is disingenuous in everyway. You are not "warning" anyone about college rape. You are using college rape as an excuse for attacking higher education. Anyone can see that. That is why your post is all the more pathetic.
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You know it takes a "special" kind of low intellect to use allegations of college rape as a reason to attack a college education or a make a political point. Yes, rest assured, you have convinced everyone that you are Trump voter.

Questioning allegation made by rape victims just to cover up the Progressive safe zones of colleges across the nation?

Is this what the Left has sunk to?
Tying rape to a college education, is that what conservatism has sunk to?

Conservatives are the only ones warning people about this.

Obviously, you are fine with it.

I suppose it is no wonder considering that Progressives and political leaders knew about Harvey Weinstein for so long, but did nothing except sing his praises anyway.

They will sink to any low to win an election cuz Harvey had lots of money to give them.

But once he backed Hillary and lost, they turned on him.

You post is disingenuous in everyway. You are not "warning" anyone about college rape. You are using college rape as an excuse for attacking higher education. Anyone can see that. That is why your post is all the more pathetic.

What is the alternative? Not tell people?

Just sweep it under the rug?


There is no Progressive utopia, and luckily I'm not on a college campus where I would be shouted down by speaking out. Nor am I on Facebook or Twitter where I would be censored.

It's called, freedom of speech.
Oh, then it is 1 out of 5 sexually assaulted.

Thank You, Votto.

There, that makes Progressives feel so much better.

People have the right to be left alone, irrelevant of political views. That's my view on it.

I was just correcting the inconsistency in the report vs that of the way the report was offered for debate/discussion. I'm sorry, I'm just nitpicky, ya know?
Oh, then it is 1 out of 5 sexually assaulted.

Thank You, Votto.

There, that makes Progressives feel so much better.

People have the right to be left alone, irrelevant of political views. That's my view on it.

I was just correcting the inconsistency in the report vs that of the way the report was offered for debate/discussion. I'm sorry, I'm just nitpicky, ya know?

I'm not the type to get all bent out of shape for someone critiquing me or saying that I'm wrong about something.

It happens. I need to be corrected at times and I don't shout them down when it happens.

Meanwhile, in liberal loony land................
Justice Department: 1 in 5 Women Sexually Assaulted in College | Inside Higher Ed

According to the DOJ, about 1 in 5 women on college campus' around the US are sexually assaulted.

So tell me, why are liberals so gung ho about a college education since they have become the #1 enemy of the Metoomovement?

Betsy Devos wants to roll back protections women have on campus under Title IX. So who's the enemy here?
People with an education are a threat to the republican party!
You know it takes a "special" kind of low intellect to use allegations of college rape as a reason to attack a college education or a make a political point. Yes, rest assured, you have convinced everyone that you are Trump voter.

Questioning allegation made by rape victims just to cover up the Progressive safe zones of colleges across the nation?

Is this what the Left has sunk to?
Tying rape to a college education, is that what conservatism has sunk to?

Conservatives are the only ones warning people about this.

Obviously, you are fine with it.

I suppose it is no wonder considering that Progressives and political leaders knew about Harvey Weinstein for so long, but did nothing except sing his praises anyway.

They will sink to any low to win an election cuz Harvey had lots of money to give them.

But once he backed Hillary and lost, they turned on him.

You post is disingenuous in everyway. You are not "warning" anyone about college rape. You are using college rape as an excuse for attacking higher education. Anyone can see that. That is why your post is all the more pathetic.

What is the alternative? Not tell people?

Just sweep it under the rug?


There is no Progressive utopia, and luckily I'm not on a college campus where I would be shouted down by speaking out. Nor am I on Facebook or Twitter where I would be censored.

It's called, freedom of speech.

Colleges have been proactive in taking measures to prevent college rape. The irony of course is that many of these measures are then blasted by conservatives like yourself.
Your initial post had nothing at all, not the slightest, to do with preventing college rape but was rather a screed against higher education. Just admit it.
Questioning allegation made by rape victims just to cover up the Progressive safe zones of colleges across the nation?

Is this what the Left has sunk to?
Tying rape to a college education, is that what conservatism has sunk to?

Conservatives are the only ones warning people about this.

Obviously, you are fine with it.

I suppose it is no wonder considering that Progressives and political leaders knew about Harvey Weinstein for so long, but did nothing except sing his praises anyway.

They will sink to any low to win an election cuz Harvey had lots of money to give them.

But once he backed Hillary and lost, they turned on him.

You post is disingenuous in everyway. You are not "warning" anyone about college rape. You are using college rape as an excuse for attacking higher education. Anyone can see that. That is why your post is all the more pathetic.

What is the alternative? Not tell people?

Just sweep it under the rug?


There is no Progressive utopia, and luckily I'm not on a college campus where I would be shouted down by speaking out. Nor am I on Facebook or Twitter where I would be censored.

It's called, freedom of speech.

Colleges have been proactive in taking measures to prevent college rape. The irony of course is that many of these measures are then blasted by conservatives like yourself.
Your initial post had nothing at all, not the slightest, to do with preventing college rape but was rather a screed against higher education. Just admit it.

Right, like Chicago has been proactive in trying to prevent shootings.

Thanks for that.

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