1 in 5 women are raped at college

Justice Department: 1 in 5 Women Sexually Assaulted in College | Inside Higher Ed

According to the DOJ, about 1 in 5 women on college campus' around the US are sexually assaulted.

So tell me, why are liberals so gung ho about a college education since they have become the #1 enemy of the Metoomovement?

The problem is simple:
  • Women outnumber men in college.
  • They dress and act like sluts.
  • The act provocatively as sex objects.
  • They tease guys because they get off on being desired.
  • Colleges condone drunkenness and bad behavior.
Then when a guy gets the wrong signal and takes it all as an invitation and interest in sex, they slam his penis in a car door, call it assault, and try to end his career.

Your bullet points is exactly why the rape culture will contain. Victim blaming.

What a woman wears isn't the problem. Ive gotten harassed while wearing sweats and no make up before. Men are not wild cats where they have to force themselves on a woman.

Even if a woman is in the nude, a man has no right to force himself on her.

There is only one major flaw to your argument:


If people from a hundred years ago or maybe even 50 years ago saw how many women walk around lewdly exposing themselves in revealing clothing now, they would be surprised, shocked, to even arrested. Men are surrounded with sexual imagery in our culture: movies, advertisement, porn, everywhere. In the recent past, advertising and even society treated women as mere sexual possessions.

Here are a few common advertisements from when I was a kid:

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If that attitude were not bad enough, for TWO MILLION YEARS, man was a hunter gatherer. He fought for territory, made a home, then went out and got a companion. The female was often taken by force, brought home, and she stayed because she was safe there. The man protected her from others, gave her a roof over her head, warmth, clothes, and food. It is only in the last maybe 700-800 years that started to radically change, and only in the last 50 that women became truly independent---- an artificial construct brought about by the conveniences of modern society to where a woman no longer "needs" a man. That is about 1:25,000,000ths of human history that society has changed in this way. Biology does not follow social convention, and while I do not defend assault and rape, I certainly wouldn't do it, we can hardly be surprised at its occurrence considering how we have handled things, and in some ways, man has been made the victim as much or even more than many women because our society is no longer in harmony with nature and has now swung to where everything is against the man. It is now fashionable to bash and blame guys for everything. Even you, you think a woman can do ANYTHING, and no matter what, all men should just contain their impulses. These "impulses," that is NATURE, guys did not create it, women have long exploited it, and you can't just switch it on and off just because some bureaucrat writes a law about it. The sad fact is that these rapes are likely the result of liberal policies which try to deny, ignore and suppress inborn human nature rather than actually deal with it.

Firstly, please use paragraphs. It was like decoding binary going through your post.

What you're saying is absolutely offensive to men. You're basically saying men are wild animals who rape women. You're playing into the feminist stereotype that all men are big bad and evil walking penises.
But but but Muslim women are treated badly GTFO.
Muslim women are treated like shit in Muslim countries and its state sanctioned, mostly to comply with one form or another of backwards ass medieval Shariah law.
Why do you need a uni to get doctors, engineers, math....blah blah blah?
Universities are going the way of the dinosaur.
That's why I support feminism, they are doing an outstanding job of tearing shit down.

Obviously, the Nazis who drew this understand nothing about Ants.

Ants already have a feminists society. The workers and Soldiers are all female. The males are only kept around long enough to mate with the new queens, and then they die off. After mating season, they are thrown out of the nest and starve to death.

Just so we are clear... you think humans should model their lives as a fucking ant?
Hey if you think of yourself as a fuckin' ant fine. I'll remember that when I'm scraping your kind off my shoe.
Betsy Devos wants to roll back protections women have on campus under Title IX. So who's the enemy here?

The enemy is Liberal college administrations that refuse to allow women to arm themselves for self defense on campus.

Only like one in 6 women would actually use a firearm... nice try dude.
Clearly, more affirmative action is needed. More diversity on campus is the solution. If only even more women are exposed to other cultures then the rape rate would be better.

Besides all women want it from "diversity", right?
If you disagree then you are a racist who wants to kill 6 million jews.
[Only like one in 6 women would actually use a firearm... nice try dude.

Please note that I never specified firearms. Knives, of spray and many other self defense devices are restricted or banned on most college campuses. More importantly, few places teach or remind women they can and should fight back. Especially if he tries to get her into a vehicle.
But but but Muslim women are treated badly GTFO.
Muslim women are treated like shit in Muslim countries and its state sanctioned, mostly to comply with one form or another of backwards ass medieval Shariah law.
Wrong I lived in a Muslim country and Muslim women aren't treated like slurs like here..
President pussy graber, cheated on his wives, his current wife sold her body to make money, and married a man who clearly doesnt like just foe the money and fame....1 in 5 women in the US were raped or sexually harassed....
You got not lessons to give.
Just so we are clear... you think humans should model their lives as a fucking ant?
Hey if you think of yourself as a fuckin' ant fine. I'll remember that when I'm scraping your kind off my shoe.

not the point I was making at all. I think it would be really tough on that one lady who has to have all the babies....

Then again, you have all these rich white yuppie bitches who pay poor white girls to have their babies and poor girls of color to raise them... so we might not be too far off.

I just find it hilarious that some nut who whines about "feminism" doesn't know enough science to realize most ants are female.
yeah, nobody wants to go to school at Gun Nut U any more than they want to go to school at Rape U.

Or you really think a lot of drunken frat boys with guns is a great idea?

Nobody is talking about Gun Nut U. I’m simply suggesting that the number of tapes will go down markedly on campuses where female students are armed (with whatever weapon - gun, knife, or spray, etc...) they prefer and empowered to use them proactively if necessary.
Nobody is talking about Gun Nut U. I’m simply suggesting that the number of tapes will go down markedly on campuses where female students are armed (with whatever weapon - gun, knife, or spray, etc...) they prefer and empowered to use them proactively if necessary.

Nobody wants to sit in class next to a gun nut.
Nobody wants to work next to a gun nut.
Nobody wants to ride to work next to a gun nut.

As much as the National Rampage Association tries, most sensible people realize that guns cause far more problems than they solve.

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