1 million dollars for EVERY American

This idea would lead to such runaway inflation and a devaluation of the dollar that a gallon of milk would end up costing 100.00. So your million would eventually end up being worthless. Lets not forget the fact that 250 Trillion dollars is so far beyond the pale of the federal budget that if this kind of money were even laying around we would not even be having duscussions about budget deficits, or trade deficits. So this is a little bit far fetched. If you want the govt. to invest in something with the money they have already taken from taxpayers, then perhaps use that money to invest in educating people to make themsleves self reliant and contributing members of society? or an even better idea , what about helping the 90 plus percent of Americans out there how pay their bills monthly with helping them stabilize property vaules? Thats within the bounds of this seal of approval for mismanaged companies.
18 years and older!

This would end ALL economic problems in this country!

Lets organize the BIG GIVE!

contact me!

It would end poverty!

It would allow any person that wanted to go to colledge to go!

Cheaper then 700 billion!

Banks would be booming!

Stock market would go thru roof!

No crime!

Car companies would not be able to keep up with demand!

People could pay off all credit cards!

Retail would boom!


Do you people have problems with math?

how would 1 million dollars for each person be cheaper than 700 billion.

a billion is 1000 million, so 700 billion is 700,000 million dollars, which means you could give 700,000 people a million dollars each.

to give every person in America 1 million dollars you need to multiply 300 million by 1 million. You get a number so big, and so far out of our reach it is not even funny.

I think this thread points out a problem in America. To man Americans here these big numbers like 700 Billion and they think it is a lot more money than it really is.

lets make this real simple. If we took 700 Billion dollars and divided it up between all 300 million people each person would get about 2300 bucks. Not 1 million dollars.

Learn to do math people, and stop making retarded comments.

Even if you limited it to people over 18, you are still talking about a couple hundred million people, and my point stands 700 Billion divided by 200 Million people amounts to 3500 bucks for each person not a million. you would need 200,000,000,000,000 dollars to give 200 million people a million bucks each.



To put 200 Trillion in context, our GDP is about 11 Trillion a year, our Debt is about 10 Trillion, and this fool is talking about a plan that would mean the government handing out 200 Trillion dollars.

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Didn’t Bush do that like last year with his tax rebate checks?

$700B / 250M = $2,800 per person

Ah, I see bush just paid out ½ what he should have because his big give only cost my daughter’s generation $350B.
Didn’t Bush do that like last year with his tax rebate checks?

$700B / 250M = $2,800 per person

Ah, I see bush just paid out ½ what he should have because his big give only cost my daughter’s generation $350B.

he doesn't have to pay for it, so...
Didn’t Bush do that like last year with his tax rebate checks?

$700B / 250M = $2,800 per person

Ah, I see bush just paid out ½ what he should have because his big give only cost my daughter’s generation $350B.

Wouldn't it be nice if you could just give her all your estate without it being taxed ?
Wouldn't it be nice if you could just give her all your estate without it being taxed ?

Hey, if I have enough to be subject to the estate tax when I die, there is no way I wouldn’t plan my way around it. The only folks who actually pay the estate tax are the super rich (b-o-o-h-o-o) and those who planned poorly.
Hey, if I have enough to be subject to the estate tax when I die, there is no way I wouldn’t plan my way around it. The only folks who actually pay the estate tax are the super rich (b-o-o-h-o-o) and those who planned poorly.

She still has to claim it as income and it gets taxed again.
Still waiting for the originator of this thread to tell us how we can give every person over 18 a million dollars for less than 700 Billion.

Simple math people. Learn it.
She still has to claim it as income and it gets taxed again.
Nope, section 1040 of the code (aka “the angel of death”) allows any appreciation in my assets while I was alive to go untaxed at my death (i.e. never taxed).
1 million dollars for every American citizen 18 or older!

End of financial problems!

The BIG GIVE idea!

Do the math beats 700 billion bail out!

end poverty!


Um so 200 trillion is less than 700 Billion eh? God help us when you people are in control of this country. We are all so fucked.
even if we just send them all to college the cost would be much higher than 700 Billion.

One thing from last nights debate that blew my mind was Obama one min slamming Bush for driving up the Deficit, and the next min talking about nearly a trillion in new spending he wants to enact.

Personally I think the guy is insane.
Believe NO promises of either of these guys.

Presidents propose but Congress disposes.

This nation is broke, folks.

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