People are deported now. No one is blacking that. Courts can't block current laws. Courts can block Trump from just making crap up knowing it will get blocked.
Because of the open border the illegals just return after being deported

As long as their job is here, they are coming back. Bringing them in by boat is as easy as truck.
It's far easier to keep them out in the first place rather then send them back once they get in. Douchebags like you know this. That's the only reason you propose this "solution."

That's true BUT impossible as long as they have a reason to come. The only way that happens is if we cut off the jobs.
It's not impossible. We have empirical evidence that proves walls work. That's precisely why you are opposed to them: you know it will work.

Please quit pretending that you actually want to control illegal immigration. We all know you don't.

Wall on a portion of one side of your property has never worked.
They are unable to do that. You are once again making crap up. They will not hold them beyond their sentence as that is illegal.
‘This Will Protect Criminals’: Homeland Security Blasts New York Law Allowing Illegal Aliens to Get Driver’s Licenses

This Will Protect Criminals’: Homeland Security Blasts New York Law Allowing Illegal Aliens to Get Driver’s Licenses

New York is unable to determine who is here legally and who is not. They want to make sure those driving on their roads are capable of doing so.
That is a complete lie. Why then when they passed their Illegal Law to grant Illegals Drivers Licenses were there thousands lined up at New York DMV offices, and they were processing Drivers Licenses at 3,000-5,000 people a day at each office every day since they allowed it, and had to hire interpreters to help illegals get their drivers licenses, which is also a violation of Immigration Law to help an Illegal obtain Official State or US Identification Documents.

It is Illegal to give an Illegal Alien a Drivers License or even to transport them anywhere within The United States.

You have to show identification to get a Driver's License, and that means things like Birth Certificates. They know EXACTLY what they are doing.

They are trying to ROB America of Federal Tax Dollars, and their Fair Representation in Congress.

The are engaged in an act of Rebellion and Usurpation of our Democracy.

States can NOT enforce immigration laws. Why? Because immigration is Constitutionally allotted to the federal government.
States cannot try illegal aliens but they can assist federal law enforcement

but in liberal states they work against the feds

Why should the states do what the Federal government will not do? They should do the job of the federal government because they will not do it?
18 U.S. Code § 1546 - Fraud and misuse of visas, permits, and other documents

(a) Whoever knowingly forges, counterfeits, alters, or falsely makes any immigrant or nonimmigrant visa, permit, border crossing card, alien registration receipt card, or other document prescribed by statute or regulation for entry into or as evidence of authorized stay or employment in the United States, or utters, uses, attempts to use, possesses, obtains, accepts, or receives any such visa, permit, border crossing card, alien registration receipt card, or other document prescribed by statute or regulation for entry into or as evidence of authorized stay or employment in the United States, knowing it to be forged, counterfeited, altered, or falsely made, or to have been procured by means of any false claim or statement, or to have been otherwise procured by fraud or unlawfully obtained; or
Whoever, except under direction of the Attorney General or the Commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, or other proper officer, knowingly possesses any blank permit, or engraves, sells, brings into the United States, or has in his control or possession any plate in the likeness of a plate designed for the printing of permits, or makes any print, photograph, or impression in the likeness of any immigrant or nonimmigrant visa, permit or other document required for entry into the United States, or has in his possession a distinctive paper which has been adopted by the Attorney General or the Commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service for the printing of such visas, permits, or documents; or

Whoever, when applying for an immigrant or nonimmigrant visa, permit, or other document required for entry into the United States, or for admission to the United States personates another, or falsely appears in the name of a deceased individual, or evades or attempts to evade the immigration laws by appearing under an assumed or fictitious name without disclosing his true identity, or sells or otherwise disposes of, or offers to sell or otherwise dispose of, or utters, such visa, permit, or other document, to any person not authorized by law to receive such document; or

Whoever knowingly makes under oath, or as permitted under penalty of perjury under section 1746 of title 28, United States Code, knowingly subscribes as true, any false statement with respect to a material fact in any application, affidavit, or other document required by the immigration laws or regulations prescribed thereunder, or knowingly presents any such application, affidavit, or other document which contains any such false statement or which fails to contain any reasonable basis in law or fact—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 25 years (if the offense was committed to facilitate an act of international terrorism (as defined in section 2331 of this title)), 20 years (if the offense was committed to facilitate a drug trafficking crime (as defined in section 929(a) of this title)), 10 years (in the case of the first or second such offense, if the offense was not committed to facilitate such an act of international terrorism or a drug trafficking crime), or 15 years (in the case of any other offense), or both.

(b)Whoever uses—

(1) an identification document, knowing (or having reason to know) that the document was not issued lawfully for the use of the possessor,

(2) an identification document knowing (or having reason to know) that the document is false, or

(3) a false attestation, for the purpose of satisfying a requirement of section 274A(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.

(c) This section does not prohibit any lawfully authorized investigative, protective, or intelligence activity of a law enforcement agency of the United States, a State, or a subdivision of a State, or of an intelligence agency of the United States, or any activity authorized under title V of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970 (18 U.S.C. note prec. 3481).[1] For purposes of this section, the term “State” means a State of the United States, the District of Columbia, and any commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States.

Because of the open border the illegals just return after being deported

As long as their job is here, they are coming back. Bringing them in by boat is as easy as truck.
It's far easier to keep them out in the first place rather then send them back once they get in. Douchebags like you know this. That's the only reason you propose this "solution."

That's true BUT impossible as long as they have a reason to come. The only way that happens is if we cut off the jobs.
It's not impossible. We have empirical evidence that proves walls work. That's precisely why you are opposed to them: you know it will work.

Please quit pretending that you actually want to control illegal immigration. We all know you don't.

Wall on a portion of one side of your property has never worked.
Douchebags like you are the only thing preventing the wall from being built along the entire border, and even partial walls work if they are placed in the most heavily trafficked area.

All your theories about illegal immigration are pure horseshit.
‘This Will Protect Criminals’: Homeland Security Blasts New York Law Allowing Illegal Aliens to Get Driver’s Licenses

This Will Protect Criminals’: Homeland Security Blasts New York Law Allowing Illegal Aliens to Get Driver’s Licenses

New York is unable to determine who is here legally and who is not. They want to make sure those driving on their roads are capable of doing so.
That is a complete lie. Why then when they passed their Illegal Law to grant Illegals Drivers Licenses were there thousands lined up at New York DMV offices, and they were processing Drivers Licenses at 3,000-5,000 people a day at each office every day since they allowed it, and had to hire interpreters to help illegals get their drivers licenses, which is also a violation of Immigration Law to help an Illegal obtain Official State or US Identification Documents.

It is Illegal to give an Illegal Alien a Drivers License or even to transport them anywhere within The United States.

You have to show identification to get a Driver's License, and that means things like Birth Certificates. They know EXACTLY what they are doing.

They are trying to ROB America of Federal Tax Dollars, and their Fair Representation in Congress.

The are engaged in an act of Rebellion and Usurpation of our Democracy.

States can NOT enforce immigration laws. Why? Because immigration is Constitutionally allotted to the federal government.
States cannot try illegal aliens but they can assist federal law enforcement

but in liberal states they work against the feds

Why should the states do what the Federal government will not do? They should do the job of the federal government because they will not do it?
Is that how you describe a city police dept ignoring requests fir a hold from ICE?

or the mayor of oakland warning illegals that ICE was planning a raid ?
Wrong, Congress and leftwing judges are stopping him. For one thing, Congress refuses to provided the needed funding.

The Justice department is funded.
ICE is what needs to be funded. It takes a lot of agents, courts, judges and detainment space to deport one million, let alone 20 million, and the Dims in Congress have refused to approve the funding.

When are you going to quit lying?

Maybe Trump shouldn't have agreed to waste billions more overseas. All the same when the business were raided in Mississippi it wasn't going to cost more to also arrest the employer.
The penalty doesn't include jail time for the first offense, moron.

So what? There isn't a second time until there is a first time.
Trump is probably spending less overseas than Obama. At least he isn't helping ISIS to take over Libya by bombing the crap out of the government, as Obama did. He got rid of ISIS, and brought a lot of our boys home. He got rid of Obama's idiotic and murderous rules of engagement in Afghanistan, and save a lot of America lives.

Trump Signs Bipartisan Budget to Increase Defense Spending into Law
Note: We are talking about spending "overseas."
New York is unable to determine who is here legally and who is not. They want to make sure those driving on their roads are capable of doing so.
That is a complete lie. Why then when they passed their Illegal Law to grant Illegals Drivers Licenses were there thousands lined up at New York DMV offices, and they were processing Drivers Licenses at 3,000-5,000 people a day at each office every day since they allowed it, and had to hire interpreters to help illegals get their drivers licenses, which is also a violation of Immigration Law to help an Illegal obtain Official State or US Identification Documents.

It is Illegal to give an Illegal Alien a Drivers License or even to transport them anywhere within The United States.

You have to show identification to get a Driver's License, and that means things like Birth Certificates. They know EXACTLY what they are doing.

They are trying to ROB America of Federal Tax Dollars, and their Fair Representation in Congress.

The are engaged in an act of Rebellion and Usurpation of our Democracy.

States can NOT enforce immigration laws. Why? Because immigration is Constitutionally allotted to the federal government.
States cannot try illegal aliens but they can assist federal law enforcement

but in liberal states they work against the feds

Why should the states do what the Federal government will not do? They should do the job of the federal government because they will not do it?
Is that how you describe a city police dept ignoring requests fir a hold from ICE?

or the mayor of oakland warning illegals that ICE was planning a raid ?

The state’s top cop issued a warning to California employers Thursday that businesses face legal repercussions, including fines up to $10,000, if they assist federal immigration authorities with a potential widespread immigration crackdown.

“It’s important, given these rumors that are out there, to let people know – more specifically today, employers – that if they voluntarily start giving up information about their employees or access to their employees in ways that contradict our new California laws, they subject themselves to actions by my office,” state Attorney General Xavier Becerra said at a news conference. “We will prosecute those who violate the law.”

Becerra’s warning comes as fears spread of mass workplace raids following reports that immigration agents plan to target Northern California communities for deportations due in part to the state’s “sanctuary” law, which seeks to restrict local law enforcement agencies’ ability to cooperate with immigration authorities.
Its clear that liberals like pknopp have mentally dug in their heels and are incapable of responding to logic or facts
If an employer turns in a illegal............if they find out........or doesn't tell them about a ICE Raid, or ICE Audit...........the State of California will prosecute them.........

Yet...........It is against the law to hire them in the first place.........and if they are here illegally it's a turning in a criminal is NOW A STATE CRIME....

Upheld by the 9th Mickey Mouse Club Circus Court..............and now goes to the Supreme Court within the next 9 months along with 2 more California laws that will be overturned.
That is a complete lie. Why then when they passed their Illegal Law to grant Illegals Drivers Licenses were there thousands lined up at New York DMV offices, and they were processing Drivers Licenses at 3,000-5,000 people a day at each office every day since they allowed it, and had to hire interpreters to help illegals get their drivers licenses, which is also a violation of Immigration Law to help an Illegal obtain Official State or US Identification Documents.

It is Illegal to give an Illegal Alien a Drivers License or even to transport them anywhere within The United States.

You have to show identification to get a Driver's License, and that means things like Birth Certificates. They know EXACTLY what they are doing.

They are trying to ROB America of Federal Tax Dollars, and their Fair Representation in Congress.

The are engaged in an act of Rebellion and Usurpation of our Democracy.

States can NOT enforce immigration laws. Why? Because immigration is Constitutionally allotted to the federal government.
States cannot try illegal aliens but they can assist federal law enforcement

but in liberal states they work against the feds

Why should the states do what the Federal government will not do? They should do the job of the federal government because they will not do it?
Is that how you describe a city police dept ignoring requests fir a hold from ICE?

or the mayor of oakland warning illegals that ICE was planning a raid ?

The state’s top cop issued a warning to California employers Thursday that businesses face legal repercussions, including fines up to $10,000, if they assist federal immigration authorities with a potential widespread immigration crackdown.

“It’s important, given these rumors that are out there, to let people know – more specifically today, employers – that if they voluntarily start giving up information about their employees or access to their employees in ways that contradict our new California laws, they subject themselves to actions by my office,” state Attorney General Xavier Becerra said at a news conference. “We will prosecute those who violate the law.”

Becerra’s warning comes as fears spread of mass workplace raids following reports that immigration agents plan to target Northern California communities for deportations due in part to the state’s “sanctuary” law, which seeks to restrict local law enforcement agencies’ ability to cooperate with immigration authorities.
That Law is Illegal, and as I said, We Need to start challenging all of these Illegal Laws associated with Sanctuary City status (No Such Thing in US LAW) in SCOTUS.
That is a complete lie. Why then when they passed their Illegal Law to grant Illegals Drivers Licenses were there thousands lined up at New York DMV offices, and they were processing Drivers Licenses at 3,000-5,000 people a day at each office every day since they allowed it, and had to hire interpreters to help illegals get their drivers licenses, which is also a violation of Immigration Law to help an Illegal obtain Official State or US Identification Documents.

It is Illegal to give an Illegal Alien a Drivers License or even to transport them anywhere within The United States.

You have to show identification to get a Driver's License, and that means things like Birth Certificates. They know EXACTLY what they are doing.

They are trying to ROB America of Federal Tax Dollars, and their Fair Representation in Congress.

The are engaged in an act of Rebellion and Usurpation of our Democracy.

States can NOT enforce immigration laws. Why? Because immigration is Constitutionally allotted to the federal government.
States cannot try illegal aliens but they can assist federal law enforcement

but in liberal states they work against the feds

Why should the states do what the Federal government will not do? They should do the job of the federal government because they will not do it?
Is that how you describe a city police dept ignoring requests fir a hold from ICE?

or the mayor of oakland warning illegals that ICE was planning a raid ?

The state’s top cop issued a warning to California employers Thursday that businesses face legal repercussions, including fines up to $10,000, if they assist federal immigration authorities with a potential widespread immigration crackdown.

“It’s important, given these rumors that are out there, to let people know – more specifically today, employers – that if they voluntarily start giving up information about their employees or access to their employees in ways that contradict our new California laws, they subject themselves to actions by my office,” state Attorney General Xavier Becerra said at a news conference. “We will prosecute those who violate the law.”

Becerra’s warning comes as fears spread of mass workplace raids following reports that immigration agents plan to target Northern California communities for deportations due in part to the state’s “sanctuary” law, which seeks to restrict local law enforcement agencies’ ability to cooperate with immigration authorities.
That is shocking and indefensible
Its clear that liberals like pknopp have mentally dug in their heels and are incapable of responding to logic or facts
It is clear they have an Agenda............a Narrative they want to push...........It's about the number of Reps in a Census..........and assisting the illegals to get official picture id's to go to work by Forgery on the I-9 forms.
Its clear that liberals like pknopp have mentally dug in their heels and are incapable of responding to logic or facts
It is clear they have an Agenda............a Narrative they want to push...........It's about the number of Reps in a Census..........and assisting the illegals to get official picture id's to go to work by Forgery on the I-9 forms.
That is their strategy. To continue to import illegals, have them counted in The Census, register them to vote in motor voter registrations, so that they steal Representatives in The House of Reps from other states based on a numbers game. They also are stealing Federal Dollars from other states in the same manner.

It's a Felony to give an Illegal a Drivers License and a Felony to use that document to Illegally obtain a job in THE UNITED STATES.
States can NOT enforce immigration laws. Why? Because immigration is Constitutionally allotted to the federal government.
States cannot try illegal aliens but they can assist federal law enforcement

but in liberal states they work against the feds

Why should the states do what the Federal government will not do? They should do the job of the federal government because they will not do it?
Is that how you describe a city police dept ignoring requests fir a hold from ICE?

or the mayor of oakland warning illegals that ICE was planning a raid ?

The state’s top cop issued a warning to California employers Thursday that businesses face legal repercussions, including fines up to $10,000, if they assist federal immigration authorities with a potential widespread immigration crackdown.

“It’s important, given these rumors that are out there, to let people know – more specifically today, employers – that if they voluntarily start giving up information about their employees or access to their employees in ways that contradict our new California laws, they subject themselves to actions by my office,” state Attorney General Xavier Becerra said at a news conference. “We will prosecute those who violate the law.”

Becerra’s warning comes as fears spread of mass workplace raids following reports that immigration agents plan to target Northern California communities for deportations due in part to the state’s “sanctuary” law, which seeks to restrict local law enforcement agencies’ ability to cooperate with immigration authorities.
That Law is Illegal, and as I said, We Need to start challenging all of these Illegal Laws associated with Sanctuary City status (No Such Thing in US LAW) in SCOTUS.
All 3 laws are being challenged...........All 3 laws will be overturned.............

Then they will just pass another law doing the same with different wording..........and the 9th will obstruct and cause delays again..............while it waits to be overturned in SCOTUS.........

Wash, Rinse, Spin,'s what they do
ICE under Trump is going after businesses using the Reagan Law on I-9 audits.............and they are going after none data bases of Fake Ids via the IRS and Social Security Administration data base........

Our gov't know of MILLIONS of Fake ids here............At least 4 million.........but they have to schedule audits per law..........and not do surprise audits the illegals will haul ass before they get there............and the business will probably tiddy up the data before they arrive..........

What they can't cover the known Fake id's working a matter of record to the IRS and Social Security Administration
If Democrats in California actually loved and cared for America as we know it, then they would cooperate with Federal Law Enforcement when crimes are committed against The United States and it's Citizens.
Donald Trump wants to remove "ridiculous" birthright citizenship, but can he do it without Congress?

Whether you like it or not............the 14th Amendment can be challenged........

Birth right citizenship was done for the sole purposes of Slaves.........There are no slaves anymore.......and old rulings CAN BE's intended purpose was for the slaves and slave ONLY.

Trump is a lot sharper than many give him credit for.............An E.O would force a SCOTUS battle..........and force a new ruling on this issue.

He has also ordered the I-9 crackdown.........

Reagan was ridiculed for the 1986 LAW...........but it is now being used as the main stay ICE tactic to stop businesses from hiring illegals.........And EXACTLY where we need to go to deal with the MILLIONS of illegals here with Fake and Forged Ids........

No wonder the left HATES TRUMP...........and Reagan is smiling from his grave.
If Democrats in California actually loved and cared for America as we know it, then they would cooperate with Federal Law Enforcement when crimes are committed against The United States and it's Citizens.
They don't care............they only WANT POWER...........they will violate......obstruct.......use Judicial Activism to get this power............

Their purpose is to change the Demographics of this country for votes and POWER........They know what we say here is true..........They DON'T CARE..........Once they get the POWER......they will use the Judiciary to stack the courts...........and then reinterpret the Constitution to their Narratives........

Trump stopped the living hell out of that..........and their strategy has been stomped on by Trump's election......The Supreme Court is now more Constitutional for Decades to come.
Its clear that liberals like pknopp have mentally dug in their heels and are incapable of responding to logic or facts
It is clear they have an Agenda............a Narrative they want to push...........It's about the number of Reps in a Census..........and assisting the illegals to get official picture id's to go to work by Forgery on the I-9 forms.

That's the benefit they get along the way. Their real goal is to make whites a minority for the first time in our history. Once they accomplish that, they have the clearing to make this a single-party country forever.

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