Small business has no say in what the government does. Trump is very pro-big business. Hence, nothing is going to be done.
Big business has a lot of influence

but so do voters

trump is not the problem

its the swamp rats in congress who are holding up progress

Trump has full control to bring the entire weight of the government down on employers. Trump and Trump only. Quit being dishonest.
Thats simply not true

employers do not deserve to be punished for the failure of congress to stop the illegal alien invasion

LOL, yeah, Congress is forcing them to break the law. What ever happened to personal responsibility?
Small business has no say in what the government does. Trump is very pro-big business. Hence, nothing is going to be done.
Big business has a lot of influence

but so do voters

trump is not the problem

its the swamp rats in congress who are holding up progress

Trump has full control to bring the entire weight of the government down on employers. Trump and Trump only. Quit being dishonest.
Thats simply not true

employers do not deserve to be punished for the failure of congress to stop the illegal alien invasion

LOL, yeah, Congress is forcing them to break the law. What ever happened to personal responsibility?
In a way yes

by leaving the border wide open to illegal alien invasion the job market is flooded with desperate people willing to work for slave wages

Our borders will always be open. It's impossible to completely shut off the country. Those who argue for a wall know that it can only cover a portion of the border at that and people already get around that.
The chamber of commerce is very pro illegal alien

they represent many but not all businesses

small business is often not affiliated with the Chamber and is more loyal to the rule of law

Small business has no say in what the government does. Trump is very pro-big business. Hence, nothing is going to be done.
Big business has a lot of influence

but so do voters

trump is not the problem

its the swamp rats in congress who are holding up progress

Trump has full control to bring the entire weight of the government down on employers. Trump and Trump only. Quit being dishonest.
Thats simply not true

employers do not deserve to be punished for the failure of congress to stop the illegal alien invasion
They should be punished if they knowingly hire an illegal alien.
I agree

but many illegals have phony ID
Dims are obstructing everything Trump tries to do.

I'm going to quit replying to those who intentionally reply in a dishonest manner.

Dems can't stop Trump from having the justice Dept go after the businesses hiring illegals .......and you know that.
Every time he does that call him Adolph Hitler.

Speaking of dishonesty, when are you going to quit pretending that you actually want to control illegal immigration?

I factually state what I want every time I reply on this subject.
You demand the wrong fix

Your way has not worked since 40 years ago

My way is not being done. Never has been but you know that. Trump has not charged a single employer.
How do you propose to make politicians enforce these laws? So far, no one has proposed a method.
Big business has a lot of influence

but so do voters

trump is not the problem

its the swamp rats in congress who are holding up progress

Trump has full control to bring the entire weight of the government down on employers. Trump and Trump only. Quit being dishonest.

Employers are only part of the problem. Many come here just to drop kids so they can be considered Americans.

It's estimated by some we have 20 million illegals in this country. I find it hard to believe all 20 million found employment and working here illegally.

There is no reason to come here if you can't get a job. All 20 million did not. Some are being supported by those who found a job. The problem will only get bigger though as long as we completely ignore this aspect of the problem.

Whatever. If that's what you want.
That "aspect" is solved by sending them back to Mexico.

Impossible to send 20-30 million people back.
Wrong. See, you really don't want to enforce our immigration laws.
Small business has no say in what the government does. Trump is very pro-big business. Hence, nothing is going to be done.
Big business has a lot of influence

but so do voters

trump is not the problem

its the swamp rats in congress who are holding up progress

Trump has full control to bring the entire weight of the government down on employers. Trump and Trump only. Quit being dishonest.

Employers are only part of the problem. Many come here just to drop kids so they can be considered Americans.

It's estimated by some we have 20 million illegals in this country. I find it hard to believe all 20 million found employment and working here illegally.

There is no reason to come here if you can't get a job. All 20 million did not. Some are being supported by those who found a job. The problem will only get bigger though as long as we completely ignore this aspect of the problem.

Whatever. If that's what you want.
And if they have a child but refuse to leave?

will liberals deport them?

of course not

It's not up to Liberals is it? It's up to Trump and his administration. He promised you that he was going to round up and deport a million. Instead he went and played another round of golf. It doesn't bother you that he once again lied to you?
Big business has a lot of influence

but so do voters

trump is not the problem

its the swamp rats in congress who are holding up progress

Trump has full control to bring the entire weight of the government down on employers. Trump and Trump only. Quit being dishonest.
Thats simply not true

employers do not deserve to be punished for the failure of congress to stop the illegal alien invasion

LOL, yeah, Congress is forcing them to break the law. What ever happened to personal responsibility?
Big business has a lot of influence

but so do voters

trump is not the problem

its the swamp rats in congress who are holding up progress

Trump has full control to bring the entire weight of the government down on employers. Trump and Trump only. Quit being dishonest.
Thats simply not true

employers do not deserve to be punished for the failure of congress to stop the illegal alien invasion

LOL, yeah, Congress is forcing them to break the law. What ever happened to personal responsibility?
In a way yes

by leaving the border wide open to illegal alien invasion the job market is flooded with desperate people willing to work for slave wages

Our borders will always be open. It's impossible to completely shut off the country. Those who argue for a wall know that it can only cover a portion of the border at that and people already get around that.
All wrong. The only thing stopping us from sealing the border is douchebags like you.
I'm going to quit replying to those who intentionally reply in a dishonest manner.

Dems can't stop Trump from having the justice Dept go after the businesses hiring illegals .......and you know that.
Every time he does that call him Adolph Hitler.

Speaking of dishonesty, when are you going to quit pretending that you actually want to control illegal immigration?

I factually state what I want every time I reply on this subject.
You demand the wrong fix

Your way has not worked since 40 years ago

My way is not being done. Never has been but you know that. Trump has not charged a single employer.
How do you propose to make politicians enforce these laws? So far, no one has proposed a method.

Fine with me. There is an easy way though. Quit voting for those who lie to you.
It’s also illegal to give an illegal alien a driver’s license. These kind of policies like Sanctuary Cities need challenges in court.

the left is supporting illegal aliens who are here and those who want to come here

Federal Law actually addresses people who encourage others to come here illegally and give them safe harbor. Those are crimes too. Every Democrat could rightfully be in jail right now
8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien
This is for that group that helped organize that giant migration recently:
(d)Immigration-related entrepreneurship fraud
Any individual who knowingly establishes a commercial enterprise for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, fined in accordance with title 18, or both.

8 U.S. Code § 1327 - Aiding or assisting certain aliens to enter
This is for Democrats
Any person who knowingly aids or assists any alien inadmissible under section 1182(a)(2) (insofar as an alien inadmissible under such section has been convicted of an aggravated felony) or 1182(a)(3) (other than subparagraph (E) thereof) of this title to enter the United States, or who connives or conspires with any person or persons to allow, procure, or permit any such alien to enter the United States, shall be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.

8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien
This is for the illegals themselves:

8 U.S. Code § 1325.Improper entry by alien

Cities can not determine who is here legally and who is not. Only the Federal government can. But you know that but won't let that stop you.
And when the feds identify an illegal alien sitting in a city jail liberals refuse to turn him over for deportation

They are unable to do that. You are once again making crap up. They will not hold them beyond their sentence as that is illegal.
‘This Will Protect Criminals’: Homeland Security Blasts New York Law Allowing Illegal Aliens to Get Driver’s Licenses

This Will Protect Criminals’: Homeland Security Blasts New York Law Allowing Illegal Aliens to Get Driver’s Licenses
It’s also illegal to give an illegal alien a driver’s license. These kind of policies like Sanctuary Cities need challenges in court.

Federal Law actually addresses people who encourage others to come here illegally and give them safe harbor. Those are crimes too. Every Democrat could rightfully be in jail right now
8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien
This is for that group that helped organize that giant migration recently:
(d)Immigration-related entrepreneurship fraud
Any individual who knowingly establishes a commercial enterprise for the purpose of evading any provision of the immigration laws shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years, fined in accordance with title 18, or both.

8 U.S. Code § 1327 - Aiding or assisting certain aliens to enter
This is for Democrats
Any person who knowingly aids or assists any alien inadmissible under section 1182(a)(2) (insofar as an alien inadmissible under such section has been convicted of an aggravated felony) or 1182(a)(3) (other than subparagraph (E) thereof) of this title to enter the United States, or who connives or conspires with any person or persons to allow, procure, or permit any such alien to enter the United States, shall be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.

8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien
This is for the illegals themselves:

8 U.S. Code § 1325.Improper entry by alien

Cities can not determine who is here legally and who is not. Only the Federal government can. But you know that but won't let that stop you.
And when the feds identify an illegal alien sitting in a city jail liberals refuse to turn him over for deportation

They are unable to do that. You are once again making crap up. They will not hold them beyond their sentence as that is illegal.
‘This Will Protect Criminals’: Homeland Security Blasts New York Law Allowing Illegal Aliens to Get Driver’s Licenses

This Will Protect Criminals’: Homeland Security Blasts New York Law Allowing Illegal Aliens to Get Driver’s Licenses

New York is unable to determine who is here legally and who is not. They want to make sure those driving on their roads are capable of doing so.
Big business has a lot of influence

but so do voters

trump is not the problem

its the swamp rats in congress who are holding up progress

Trump has full control to bring the entire weight of the government down on employers. Trump and Trump only. Quit being dishonest.

Employers are only part of the problem. Many come here just to drop kids so they can be considered Americans.

It's estimated by some we have 20 million illegals in this country. I find it hard to believe all 20 million found employment and working here illegally.

There is no reason to come here if you can't get a job. All 20 million did not. Some are being supported by those who found a job. The problem will only get bigger though as long as we completely ignore this aspect of the problem.

Whatever. If that's what you want.
And if they have a child but refuse to leave?

will liberals deport them?

of course not

It's not up to Liberals is it? It's up to Trump and his administration. He promised you that he was going to round up and deport a million. Instead he went and played another round of golf. It doesn't bother you that he once again lied to you?
Trump could only round up 1 million and deport them over 1 million bleeding heart liberals dead bodies
And with the border wide open the deported illegals will just sneak back next week
Trump has full control to bring the entire weight of the government down on employers. Trump and Trump only. Quit being dishonest.

Employers are only part of the problem. Many come here just to drop kids so they can be considered Americans.

It's estimated by some we have 20 million illegals in this country. I find it hard to believe all 20 million found employment and working here illegally.

There is no reason to come here if you can't get a job. All 20 million did not. Some are being supported by those who found a job. The problem will only get bigger though as long as we completely ignore this aspect of the problem.

Whatever. If that's what you want.
And if they have a child but refuse to leave?

will liberals deport them?

of course not

It's not up to Liberals is it? It's up to Trump and his administration. He promised you that he was going to round up and deport a million. Instead he went and played another round of golf. It doesn't bother you that he once again lied to you?
Trump could only round up 1 million and deport them over 1 million bleeding heart liberals dead bodies

Nothing was stopping him. All the same, he lied to you.
Big business has a lot of influence

but so do voters

trump is not the problem

its the swamp rats in congress who are holding up progress

Trump has full control to bring the entire weight of the government down on employers. Trump and Trump only. Quit being dishonest.

Employers are only part of the problem. Many come here just to drop kids so they can be considered Americans.

It's estimated by some we have 20 million illegals in this country. I find it hard to believe all 20 million found employment and working here illegally.

There is no reason to come here if you can't get a job. All 20 million did not. Some are being supported by those who found a job. The problem will only get bigger though as long as we completely ignore this aspect of the problem.

Whatever. If that's what you want.
And if they have a child but refuse to leave?

will liberals deport them?

of course not

It's not up to Liberals is it? It's up to Trump and his administration. He promised you that he was going to round up and deport a million. Instead he went and played another round of golf. It doesn't bother you that he once again lied to you?
Spare us. We have all seen how leftwing judges obstruct Trump's policies at every turn.
Employers are only part of the problem. Many come here just to drop kids so they can be considered Americans.

It's estimated by some we have 20 million illegals in this country. I find it hard to believe all 20 million found employment and working here illegally.

There is no reason to come here if you can't get a job. All 20 million did not. Some are being supported by those who found a job. The problem will only get bigger though as long as we completely ignore this aspect of the problem.

Whatever. If that's what you want.
And if they have a child but refuse to leave?

will liberals deport them?

of course not

It's not up to Liberals is it? It's up to Trump and his administration. He promised you that he was going to round up and deport a million. Instead he went and played another round of golf. It doesn't bother you that he once again lied to you?
Trump could only round up 1 million and deport them over 1 million bleeding heart liberals dead bodies

Nothing was stopping him. All the same, he lied to you.
Wrong, Congress and leftwing judges are stopping him. For one thing, Congress refuses to provided the needed funding.
Employers are only part of the problem. Many come here just to drop kids so they can be considered Americans.

It's estimated by some we have 20 million illegals in this country. I find it hard to believe all 20 million found employment and working here illegally.

There is no reason to come here if you can't get a job. All 20 million did not. Some are being supported by those who found a job. The problem will only get bigger though as long as we completely ignore this aspect of the problem.

Whatever. If that's what you want.
And if they have a child but refuse to leave?

will liberals deport them?

of course not

It's not up to Liberals is it? It's up to Trump and his administration. He promised you that he was going to round up and deport a million. Instead he went and played another round of golf. It doesn't bother you that he once again lied to you?
Trump could only round up 1 million and deport them over 1 million bleeding heart liberals dead bodies

Nothing was stopping him. All the same, he lied to you.

you are lying to yourself
And with the border wide open the deported illegals will just sneak back next week

Even if we built the wall it would take decades. Different administrations with different goals. All the while millions will come because business is free to offer them jobs.
Trump has full control to bring the entire weight of the government down on employers. Trump and Trump only. Quit being dishonest.

Employers are only part of the problem. Many come here just to drop kids so they can be considered Americans.

It's estimated by some we have 20 million illegals in this country. I find it hard to believe all 20 million found employment and working here illegally.

There is no reason to come here if you can't get a job. All 20 million did not. Some are being supported by those who found a job. The problem will only get bigger though as long as we completely ignore this aspect of the problem.

Whatever. If that's what you want.
And if they have a child but refuse to leave?

will liberals deport them?

of course not

It's not up to Liberals is it? It's up to Trump and his administration. He promised you that he was going to round up and deport a million. Instead he went and played another round of golf. It doesn't bother you that he once again lied to you?
Trump could only round up 1 million and deport them over 1 million bleeding heart liberals dead bodies
It would make more sense to round up 1 million liberals and deport them to Mexico.
There is no reason to come here if you can't get a job. All 20 million did not. Some are being supported by those who found a job. The problem will only get bigger though as long as we completely ignore this aspect of the problem.

Whatever. If that's what you want.
And if they have a child but refuse to leave?

will liberals deport them?

of course not

It's not up to Liberals is it? It's up to Trump and his administration. He promised you that he was going to round up and deport a million. Instead he went and played another round of golf. It doesn't bother you that he once again lied to you?
Trump could only round up 1 million and deport them over 1 million bleeding heart liberals dead bodies

Nothing was stopping him. All the same, he lied to you.
Wrong, Congress and leftwing judges are stopping him. For one thing, Congress refuses to provided the needed funding.
And then liberals will find an obama judge to get an injunction against trump

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