While the wording on the 14th is clear..................it was written SPECIFICALLY for the Slaves...........to ensure they were given citizenship and could not be sent back to their countries of origins.

Could he win it.......maybe........doubtful....

Would the left start impeachment again........probably..........LOL..........which might be why he hasn't done it yet.

I wonder if he can force a decision on it without the E.O.........
Its clear that liberals like pknopp have mentally dug in their heels and are incapable of responding to logic or facts
It is clear they have an Agenda............a Narrative they want to push...........It's about the number of Reps in a Census..........and assisting the illegals to get official picture id's to go to work by Forgery on the I-9 forms.

That's the benefit they get along the way. Their real goal is to make whites a minority for the first time in our history. Once they accomplish that, they have the clearing to make this a single-party country forever.
In a decade...........if it continues the way it is now..........they will win every Presidential Election from then on and they know it........

The time to act is now..........and it needs to be with ramped up targeting of Employers and the 1986 law........
I-9 Audits and Investigations of Employers Have Nearly Quadrupled in 2018

Government enforcement activities at businesses have significantly increased this year. The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) division of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has already conducted 5,200 audits this year compared to 1,360 audits in all of 2017. This is consistent with the Trump administration’s focus on immigration enforcement.
Another Supreme Court battle..............

Illegals using the loop whole that they can't be tried by the State for IDENTITY THEFT........OMFG.

Preemption Issues High Court is Considering in I-9 Fraud Case

Do you see how they thwart our legal system with loop holes.................\They use FAKE IDS........get caught........and then go........WE ARE ILLEGALS.........so they don't go to prison for IDENTITY THEFT...........

Found by the State and prosecuted by the State........but since they are illegals........the States have NO AUTHORITY to try them because it's a Federal matter.

LOL.............This shit is unreal.
The chamber of commerce is very pro illegal alien

they represent many but not all businesses

small business is often not affiliated with the Chamber and is more loyal to the rule of law

Small business has no say in what the government does. Trump is very pro-big business. Hence, nothing is going to be done.
Big business has a lot of influence

but so do voters

trump is not the problem

its the swamp rats in congress who are holding up progress

Trump has full control to bring the entire weight of the government down on employers. Trump and Trump only. Quit being dishonest.

Employers are only part of the problem. Many come here just to drop kids so they can be considered Americans.

It's estimated by some we have 20 million illegals in this country. I find it hard to believe all 20 million found employment and working here illegally.

There is no reason to come here if you can't get a job. All 20 million did not. Some are being supported by those who found a job. The problem will only get bigger though as long as we completely ignore this aspect of the problem.

Whatever. If that's what you want.

We are not ignoring the problem. As I posted earlier, American employers are subject to innocent status until proven guilty. Again, very difficult to do when you have to prove they knew they were hiring illegals in the first place. It makes no sense to arrest them when the prosecutor can't make a case. They simply let them go.

Like I said, get Congress to make being here illegally a felony, punishable by a minimum of five years in prison. You won't have to worry about them getting jobs anymore, how to deport 20 million illegals, Visa overstays. It's all solved in the creation of a new law that will only be a few sentences long.

Explains what I've been saying forever...............They set up a network of Fake Ids..........go to work with Fake Ids............and SSN's............When caught the employer goes........WE DIDN'T KNOW........they had id.........Then the illegals GO............WE ARE ILLEGAL........you cannot charge us with IDENTITY THEFT..........get deported........then come back under a different name with new Forged Documents...

Wash, Rinse, Spin, Dry and repeat.
It's all a set up, and these folks are begging to be put in a cage. . . .

This is about way more than elections at this point. . ..

And isn't it quaint that our king just signed congress's legislation empowering them to put the electorate in those cages without charge nor trail?

Beale, were surrounded by downright morons. I was gonna say I can't believe they cheer for these tyrants. But then again....you know....nothing is really surprising anymore.

Did you hear about that memo Bar sent out to police advising them on rounding up people they deem 'anti-government' and placing them into state run reeducation via involuntary commitment? I haven't seen anything mentioned about it on here, but then again they likely don't talk about that kinda thing on Watters' World, so. lol. Watters is the one on FOX with the haircut that looks like a toilet brush, you know who Im talking about? For some reason he's popular among Republican statists.

Anyway. Apparently they're gonna use government computer algorithms. He's asking tech companies for a backdoor to monitor all encrypted socal media, etc. The FBI memo mentioned that a belief in 'conspracy theories' is a sign that someone could be a domestic terrorist. Of course, that's an all-purpose smear that's usually used against anyone who questions the government's narrative on issues or events. This is really just an effort in criminalize opposing thought on things like climate policy, gun control, foreign policy, the federal reserve, etc. Of course, history has shown that people use political beliefs as a basis to classify people as mentally disturbed. History has also shown the FBI's history of harrassing civil rights and anti-war activists.

What I fail to understand is why so few folks can see what is so obvious?

There is one book that I read once that posits a hypothesis, which for me, can be the only explanation. I loath the school of thinkers it came from, but it is the only thing that makes sense.

Most folks that study threats to classical liberalism understand that Critical Theory, the Frankfurt School and cultural Marxism are death incarnate, but there was one author that posited that anthropologically speaking, since we evolved from primates, which are tribal, we have a need for a strong central authority, a "tribal leader, and that freedom, REAL FREEDOM, is inherently very frightening. They sought to explain Hitler, Mussolini and fascism.

This is why the behavior of Obamabots and Trumpkins, even when faced with empirical evidence which cannot be refuted, which will cause cognitive dissonance, and a complete clash with the propaganda they have been fed, necessitates elaborate stories to maintain their illusions.

The more things change. . . .etc.

Escaping freedom
As 'freedom from' is not an experience we enjoy in itself, Fromm suggests that many people, rather than using it successfully, attempt to minimise its negative effects by developing thoughts and behaviours that provide some form of security. These are as follows:

  1. Authoritarianism: Fromm characterises the authoritarian personality as containing both sadistic and masochistic elements. The authoritarian wishes to gain control over other people in a bid to impose some kind of order on the world, but also wishes to submit to the control of some superior force which may come in the guise of a person or an abstract idea.
  2. Destructiveness: Although this bears a similarity to sadism, Fromm argues that the sadist wishes to gain control over something. A destructive personality wishes to destroy something it cannot bring under its control.
  3. Conformity: This process is seen when people unconsciously incorporate the normative beliefs and thought processes of their society and experience them as their own. This allows them to avoid genuine free thinking, which is likely to provoke anxiety.
Escape from Freedom - Wikipedia
Chamber of Commerce of the United States v. Whiting (09-115)

This case is similar to the one in post 224..........And in this case Arizona WON against the chamber of Commerce.........and were allowed to prosecute employers under State Law....

I'm sure this case will be used in the Supreme Court battle........where the illegal and go ......WELL YOU GOT ME........but you can't prosecute me State.......na na na na na........because I'm not legal..........Then off to Deportation they go............and a month later...........JOSE is now named JULIO......
It’s also illegal to give an illegal alien a driver’s license. These kind of policies like Sanctuary Cities need challenges in court.

Cities can not determine who is here legally and who is not. Only the Federal government can. But you know that but won't let that stop you.
And when the feds identify an illegal alien sitting in a city jail liberals refuse to turn him over for deportation

They are unable to do that. You are once again making crap up. They will not hold them beyond their sentence as that is illegal.
‘This Will Protect Criminals’: Homeland Security Blasts New York Law Allowing Illegal Aliens to Get Driver’s Licenses

This Will Protect Criminals’: Homeland Security Blasts New York Law Allowing Illegal Aliens to Get Driver’s Licenses

New York is unable to determine who is here legally and who is not. They want to make sure those driving on their roads are capable of doing so.

The problem is they get the illegals to drive on their roads, and then they drive to ours in other states when we don't want them driving here.
New York is unable to determine who is here legally and who is not.

They're not.......huh?

First you tell us it's a simple process for employers to figure out legal status of employees, and then tell us government has no way of knowing if they are illegal of not. You are talking out of both sides of your mouth, and making crap up as you think of it.

"The best thing about telling the truth is you never have to remember what you said."
Author unknown
Cities can not determine who is here legally and who is not. Only the Federal government can. But you know that but won't let that stop you.
And when the feds identify an illegal alien sitting in a city jail liberals refuse to turn him over for deportation

They are unable to do that. You are once again making crap up. They will not hold them beyond their sentence as that is illegal.
‘This Will Protect Criminals’: Homeland Security Blasts New York Law Allowing Illegal Aliens to Get Driver’s Licenses

This Will Protect Criminals’: Homeland Security Blasts New York Law Allowing Illegal Aliens to Get Driver’s Licenses

New York is unable to determine who is here legally and who is not. They want to make sure those driving on their roads are capable of doing so.

The problem is they get the illegals to drive on their roads, and then they drive to ours in other states when we don't want them driving here.
That isn't the main problem.........it's now an official State id.........the laws don't make them show sufficient evidence of being here legal or not...........takes any name they give for the Drivers license..........and then they use that id for employment here under a Fake name and ssn.........violate the I-9 form..........and go to work as a FELON under our laws.............

Identity theft is a FELONY..........PERIOD......but it is being done by the millions here........has been for decades.

Then the left goes..........ILLEGALS CAN'T VOTE...........LOL.......even though they have a fake I-9 employment record..........Fake SSN.............Fake name..........OH BUT THEY CAN'T REGISTER TO VOTE.........\

If Democrats in California actually loved and cared for America as we know it, then they would cooperate with Federal Law Enforcement when crimes are committed against The United States and it's Citizens.
They don't care............they only WANT POWER...........they will violate......obstruct.......use Judicial Activism to get this power............

Their purpose is to change the Demographics of this country for votes and POWER........They know what we say here is true..........They DON'T CARE..........Once they get the POWER......they will use the Judiciary to stack the courts...........and then reinterpret the Constitution to their Narratives........

Trump stopped the living hell out of that..........and their strategy has been stomped on by Trump's election......The Supreme Court is now more Constitutional for Decades to come.
This is why The UN had to change their Agenda 21 to Agenda 2030. Trump totally shit canned Obama and Hillary's Plans to put us under Global Governance.

And if you don't believe that The Democrat Party isn't The UN's water boy, just go read up on Agenda 21, Agenda 2030. The Democrat Platform is word for word, Agenda 21.

It is also why these leftists tell us that we only have 11 years to save the planet, soon to be 10 years, because 10 years from January 1, 2020 is..........2030.
New York is unable to determine who is here legally and who is not. They want to make sure those driving on their roads are capable of doing so.
That is a complete lie. Why then when they passed their Illegal Law to grant Illegals Drivers Licenses were there thousands lined up at New York DMV offices, and they were processing Drivers Licenses at 3,000-5,000 people a day at each office every day since they allowed it, and had to hire interpreters to help illegals get their drivers licenses, which is also a violation of Immigration Law to help an Illegal obtain Official State or US Identification Documents.

It is Illegal to give an Illegal Alien a Drivers License or even to transport them anywhere within The United States.

You have to show identification to get a Driver's License, and that means things like Birth Certificates. They know EXACTLY what they are doing.

They are trying to ROB America of Federal Tax Dollars, and their Fair Representation in Congress.

The are engaged in an act of Rebellion and Usurpation of our Democracy.

States can NOT enforce immigration laws. Why? Because immigration is Constitutionally allotted to the federal government.
States cannot try illegal aliens but they can assist federal law enforcement

but in liberal states they work against the feds

Why should the states do what the Federal government will not do? They should do the job of the federal government because they will not do it?
Is that how you describe a city police dept ignoring requests fir a hold from ICE?

or the mayor of oakland warning illegals that ICE was planning a raid ?

Nobody ignores a hold order. It is illegal to hold someone beyond their sentence. ICE is free to pick them up at any time.........to release them.
The Justice department is funded.
ICE is what needs to be funded. It takes a lot of agents, courts, judges and detainment space to deport one million, let alone 20 million, and the Dims in Congress have refused to approve the funding.

When are you going to quit lying?

Maybe Trump shouldn't have agreed to waste billions more overseas. All the same when the business were raided in Mississippi it wasn't going to cost more to also arrest the employer.
The penalty doesn't include jail time for the first offense, moron.

So what? There isn't a second time until there is a first time.
Trump is probably spending less overseas than Obama. At least he isn't helping ISIS to take over Libya by bombing the crap out of the government, as Obama did. He got rid of ISIS, and brought a lot of our boys home. He got rid of Obama's idiotic and murderous rules of engagement in Afghanistan, and save a lot of America lives.

Trump Signs Bipartisan Budget to Increase Defense Spending into Law
Note: We are talking about spending "overseas."

Which is where that is still going because Trump doesn't have the balls to back up his words.

The Republicans quit defending him if he even tries.
Small business has no say in what the government does. Trump is very pro-big business. Hence, nothing is going to be done.
Big business has a lot of influence

but so do voters

trump is not the problem

its the swamp rats in congress who are holding up progress

Trump has full control to bring the entire weight of the government down on employers. Trump and Trump only. Quit being dishonest.

Employers are only part of the problem. Many come here just to drop kids so they can be considered Americans.

It's estimated by some we have 20 million illegals in this country. I find it hard to believe all 20 million found employment and working here illegally.

There is no reason to come here if you can't get a job. All 20 million did not. Some are being supported by those who found a job. The problem will only get bigger though as long as we completely ignore this aspect of the problem.

Whatever. If that's what you want.

We are not ignoring the problem. As I posted earlier, American employers are subject to innocent status until proven guilty. Again, very difficult to do when you have to prove they knew they were hiring illegals in the first place. It makes no sense to arrest them when the prosecutor can't make a case. They simply let them go.

Like I said, get Congress to make being here illegally a felony, punishable by a minimum of five years in prison. You won't have to worry about them getting jobs anymore, how to deport 20 million illegals, Visa overstays. It's all solved in the creation of a new law that will only be a few sentences long.

Where are you going to put 20 million people in prison at?
That is a complete lie. Why then when they passed their Illegal Law to grant Illegals Drivers Licenses were there thousands lined up at New York DMV offices, and they were processing Drivers Licenses at 3,000-5,000 people a day at each office every day since they allowed it, and had to hire interpreters to help illegals get their drivers licenses, which is also a violation of Immigration Law to help an Illegal obtain Official State or US Identification Documents.

It is Illegal to give an Illegal Alien a Drivers License or even to transport them anywhere within The United States.

You have to show identification to get a Driver's License, and that means things like Birth Certificates. They know EXACTLY what they are doing.

They are trying to ROB America of Federal Tax Dollars, and their Fair Representation in Congress.

The are engaged in an act of Rebellion and Usurpation of our Democracy.

States can NOT enforce immigration laws. Why? Because immigration is Constitutionally allotted to the federal government.
States cannot try illegal aliens but they can assist federal law enforcement

but in liberal states they work against the feds

Why should the states do what the Federal government will not do? They should do the job of the federal government because they will not do it?
Is that how you describe a city police dept ignoring requests fir a hold from ICE?

or the mayor of oakland warning illegals that ICE was planning a raid ?

Nobody ignores a hold order. It is illegal to hold someone beyond their sentence. ICE is free to pick them up at any time.........to release them.
It is not illegal to hold them 48 hours if they have a detain order by ICE. They are wanted by ICE for a violation.........They need the 48 hour notice.....earlier if possible to get the Warrant and take them into custody.
Cities can not determine who is here legally and who is not. Only the Federal government can. But you know that but won't let that stop you.
And when the feds identify an illegal alien sitting in a city jail liberals refuse to turn him over for deportation

They are unable to do that. You are once again making crap up. They will not hold them beyond their sentence as that is illegal.
‘This Will Protect Criminals’: Homeland Security Blasts New York Law Allowing Illegal Aliens to Get Driver’s Licenses

This Will Protect Criminals’: Homeland Security Blasts New York Law Allowing Illegal Aliens to Get Driver’s Licenses

New York is unable to determine who is here legally and who is not. They want to make sure those driving on their roads are capable of doing so.

The problem is they get the illegals to drive on their roads, and then they drive to ours in other states when we don't want them driving here.

That's the way it goes when you decide short term gain is more important than addressing things long term.
Big business has a lot of influence

but so do voters

trump is not the problem

its the swamp rats in congress who are holding up progress

Trump has full control to bring the entire weight of the government down on employers. Trump and Trump only. Quit being dishonest.

Employers are only part of the problem. Many come here just to drop kids so they can be considered Americans.

It's estimated by some we have 20 million illegals in this country. I find it hard to believe all 20 million found employment and working here illegally.

There is no reason to come here if you can't get a job. All 20 million did not. Some are being supported by those who found a job. The problem will only get bigger though as long as we completely ignore this aspect of the problem.

Whatever. If that's what you want.

We are not ignoring the problem. As I posted earlier, American employers are subject to innocent status until proven guilty. Again, very difficult to do when you have to prove they knew they were hiring illegals in the first place. It makes no sense to arrest them when the prosecutor can't make a case. They simply let them go.

Like I said, get Congress to make being here illegally a felony, punishable by a minimum of five years in prison. You won't have to worry about them getting jobs anymore, how to deport 20 million illegals, Visa overstays. It's all solved in the creation of a new law that will only be a few sentences long.

Where are you going to put 20 million people in prison at?
So are you now admitting there are that many in this country illegally .......using fake names and stolen ssns


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