Zone1 #1: Story of Creation: What does it mean?

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
The passage "God Created heavens and earth" means:
  • There is meaning and purpose to the universe. Atheists naturally believe it has become by random chance.
  • God “created out of nothing” or “bara” in hebrew means nothing pre-existed, the term is only used with God. Men only “make”, but God creates.
  • God created everything, thus created time, precedes time, and will outlive time.
  • Universe is ordered, nature is disorderd and chaotic.
The Christian God accounted for many firsts in the history of religion:
  • For the first time creation story has one creator. Monotheism. All other religions have many gods.
  • For the first time God's creation didn’t involve sex or violence, all other gods have that .
  • For the first time, there is complete silence on birth of deity. God is not born, but is completely separate from nature, because God created nature. All other gods have story of how they came to be within space/time/nature.
  • For the first time, God arises from and creates complete goodness, and wants to share his own blessed life and image with his subjects. Humans are elevated, and God values/loves us and desires us. Other gods treat humans as slaves, being to be toyed with or sexually exploited. They are uncaring and hold no dignity for humans.
  • God is good, but also works/sacrifices for 6 days in creation, and provides in future bible passages. Other gods are ultimately lazy and don’t act outside of their immediate needs/desires.

The Christian God is completely un-related to previous power-hungry, devious, sexual, corrupt gods of previous religions. It's important to realize this when considering what the Christian God is, how He is unique, and when modernists create knee-jerk, surface-level attacks on the faith.
Humans are elevated, and God values/loves us and desires us.

that's not what jesus taught ...

Then they said, “Let us make life in our image, in our likeness, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky the livestock and all the wild animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground.”

the 1st century repudiation of judaism was partly in response to this single subject. all being created equally in both shape and spirit and equally responsible for the garden they were given to live in.
How did Jesus not teach that He/His father Doesn’t love and desire us?

jesus taught liberation theology, self determination - for all beings ...

as the path to the everlasting. the request made by a&e to live their own lives than servitude to the unknown, the heavenly price that would be required to do so - the culmination of life on planet earth. both individually and for all participants to be judged accordingly.
jesus taught liberation theology, self determination - for all beings ...
God desires and loves the humans he created. That’s a basic concept in the faith.

You think God is passive and could take us or leave us?
God desires and loves the humans he created. That’s a basic concept in the faith.

You think God is passive and could take us or leave us?

the liar moses for their own benefit associated claimed heavenly personifications - as being that of their own - the 1st century events are the refutation of judaism. what was taught then is no where found in the 4th century christian bible.

Then they said, “Let us make life in our image, in our likeness, the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky the livestock and all the wild animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground.”

the heavens created life - all living beings are similar and equal for admission to the everlasting per judgement for those that make the attempt during their lifetime.
the liar moses for their own benefit associated claimed heavenly personifications - as being that of their own - the 1st century events are the refutation of judaism. what was taught then is no where found in the 4th century christian bible.

the heavens created life - all living beings are similar and equal for admission to the everlasting per judgement for those that make the attempt during their lifetime.
You’re not answering my question, and not making any sense
The passage "God Created heavens and earth" means:
  • There is meaning and purpose to the universe. Atheists naturally believe it has become by random chance.
  • God “created out of nothing” or “bara” in hebrew means nothing pre-existed, the term is only used with God. Men only “make”, but God creates.
  • God created everything, thus created time, precedes time, and will outlive time.
  • Universe is ordered, nature is disorderd and chaotic.
The Christian God accounted for many firsts in the history of religion:
  • For the first time creation story has one creator. Monotheism. All other religions have many gods.
  • For the first time God's creation didn’t involve sex or violence, all other gods have that .
  • For the first time, there is complete silence on birth of deity. God is not born, but is completely separate from nature, because God created nature. All other gods have story of how they came to be within space/time/nature.
  • For the first time, God arises from and creates complete goodness, and wants to share his own blessed life and image with his subjects. Humans are elevated, and God values/loves us and desires us. Other gods treat humans as slaves, being to be toyed with or sexually exploited. They are uncaring and hold no dignity for humans.
  • God is good, but also works/sacrifices for 6 days in creation, and provides in future bible passages. Other gods are ultimately lazy and don’t act outside of their immediate needs/desires.

The Christian God is completely un-related to previous power-hungry, devious, sexual, corrupt gods of previous religions. It's important to realize this when considering what the Christian God is, how He is unique, and when modernists create knee-jerk, surface-level attacks on the faith.

It's an explanation of where we come from for Bronze Age people.

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