10,000-year-old Antarctic ice shelf will disappear by 2020

And when you compare those findings with what it going on today, "model simulations of peak carbon addition to the ocean–atmosphere system during the PETM give a probable range of 0.3–1.7 Pg C yr−1, which is much slower than the currently observed rate of carbon emissions."

Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The models have been proven wrong 97% of the time, so that prediction means nothing.
The models have been proven wrong 97% of the time, so that prediction means nothing.

No, the models have been spot on.

Can the deniers please stop deflecting from the topic with their big stinky packs o' cult lies? The topic is Antarctica. Please stick to it.

Explain why the Antarctic glaciers and ice sheets are melting fast now, when they've never melted like this before. How can that happen without global warming?

And no, you're not allowed to invoke magical mystery volcanoes, unless you can show the evidence that new volcanoes suddenly started erupting under the glaciers and ice sheets.
The models have been proven wrong 97% of the time, so that prediction means nothing.

No, the models have been spot on.

Can the deniers please stop deflecting from the topic with their big stinky packs o' cult lies? The topic is Antarctica. Please stick to it.

Explain why the Antarctic glaciers and ice sheets are melting fast now, when they've never melted like this before. How can that happen without global warming?

And no, you're not allowed to invoke magical mystery volcanoes, unless you can show the evidence that new volcanoes suddenly started erupting under the glaciers and ice sheets.

You're just a fucking numskull in denial. Here's a graph of model predictions against reality:

"Warm waters from the deep sea may be driving the changes, the UK-based team says."

Right, because of underwater volcanoes, numskull.

Rignot, also the lead author of a study out last month that documented widespread retreat of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, said geothermal heating contributes to a few millimeters of melting annually, compared to rising sea temperatures which can trigger rates of up to 100 meters each year.
World of Change Collapse of the Larsen-B Ice Shelf Feature Articles
Well, according to nasa, in 2002, 1250 square miles disintegrated, yet no considerable sea rise has been seen, but the remainder of 625 square miles suddenly is doom and gloom?
Oh and a volcano was found-
In 2004, Domack began a 3-year study of the causes of the Larsen B ice shelf's collapse, seeking to determine whether it was a unique event or part of a cycle that goes back thousands of years. The research team set off in April 2004 aboard the research vessel Laurence M. Gould. Although thick ice prevented the crew from accessing the area of the ice shelf's collapse, the team made an exciting finding. After examining data gathered from mapping, sampling and underwater video, they announced the discovery of an active underwater volcano in the Antarctic Sound.

Changes are coming fast, less them 5 years. What warming?:eusa_whistle:

One of the last remaining sections of Antarctica's Larsen B Ice Shelf is dramatically weakening, according to a new NASA study.

The study predicts that what remains of the once-prominent ice shelf, a thick floating platform of ice, most likely will "disintegrate completely" before the end of this decade

NASA Antarctica s Larsen B Ice Shelf to disappear - CNN.com
East Antarctic Ice Sheet - AntarcticGlaciers.org

Although there has been rapid ice sheet thinning observed in West Antarctica and on the Antarctic Peninsula, so far, this has not been observed around East Antarctica 9. In fact, parts of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet are thickening, especially deep in the interior, which contrasts strongly with the observed rapid thinning of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet 10. Shepherd et al. indicate that the East Antarctic Ice Sheet gained 14 ± 43 gigatonnes between 1992 and 2011 11. This is because precipitation in the interior increases under a generally warmer global climate 7.

Although most of the glaciers in this region are close to mass balance (input = output), some of the glaciers of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet are thinning and receding. These glaciers include Totten Glacier, the largest discharger of ice within the ice sheet 7. Moscow University Ice Shelf and most glaciers in Wilkes Land are also thinning. These glaciers are grounded well below sea level.

Some models predict that continued climate change will actually result in increased snowfall around East Antarctica. A recent numerical ice sheet model projected climate change and snow fall in East Antarctica until AD2500 14. However, this increased snowfall increased ice discharge around the continent, meaning that it had little effect in mitigating global sea level rise caused by the melting of other glaciers and ice caps, and global ocean thermal expansion. Generally, dynamically driven ice loss as a result of increased snowfall was around 30-60% of the mass gain. Indeed, the authors reported a 1.25 m global sea level contribution from the East Antarctic Ice Sheet by 2500 under the strongest warming scenarios 14.
One side is losing LAND ICE and one side is gaining LAND ICE............

Nature has a way of taking care of itself.............according to this site the worst case scenario is enough water will melt to cause a 4 foot rise in sea levels by the YEAR 2500

That being said...........it doesn't take into account population increases and man's use of water.........desalination of ocean water consumed by the people of this planet...........or how much is NATURALLY CAUSED and how much climate change is caused by man.

The alarmist have been saying for decades that all the ice will disappear and the world will go under water...........yet have continually been wrong on sea level increases from their DOOM AND GLOOM propaganda........................

Most of the world's CLIMATE CHANGE is via NATURAL ELEMENTS ON THE EARTH..............and only a small fraction can be attributed to CHANGING THE NATURAL BALANCE via MAN.

You see them saying LOOKY HERE............WESTERN ANTARCTIC ICE IS DYING..........we are ALL GOING TO DROWN.....................LOL.................and say NOTHING to the ICE GAINS on LAND in the Eastern portion of the Antarctic. Nothing to the increased SEA ICE via the climate shift there either......................

They say man is causing it all..............because the GREEN MONEY MAKING MACHINE WANTS their products to sell...................while INNOVATION and NEW TECH is NOT A BAD thing...............please be honest on the over all equation...............

Riddle me this...................how much ice has to melt for the world's sea levels to rise 1 inch........
We re Pumping So Much Groundwater That It s Causing the Oceans to Rise Mother Jones

So much water is being pumped out of the ground worldwide that it is contributing to global sea level rise, a phenomenon tied largely to warming temperatures and climate change.

It happens when water is hoisted out of the earth to irrigate crops and supply towns and cities, then finds its way via rivers and other pathways into the world's oceans. Since 1900, some 4,500 cubic kilometers of groundwater around the world—enough to fill Lake Tahoe 30 times—have done just that.

Konikow also has reported that 1,000 cubic kilometers—twice the volume of Lake Erie—were depleted from aquifers in the US from 1900 to 2008, and the pace of the pumping is increasing.

As the world's population increases............so does the need for water................so does the need for crops...........................to feed the planet.................

California is depleting underground aquifers for irrigation..........and much of this ground water goes back into the ocean....................

It only makes sense to get the water back out of the ocean and use it...........yet for decades enviro nuts have thwarted attempts to increase production of Desalination Plants................and would rather use federal money to build trains......................which is BS priorities when your most important problem is water supplies...............

Then they cry for more infrastructure money from the Gov't.................after basically wasting Federal Dollars already to line political cronies pockets for pet projects..................instead of prioritizing money to NEEDS VERSUS WANTS.
Desalination by the Numbers IDA

Desalination by the Numbers

The total number of desalination plants worldwide (as of 2013)

More than 80 million cubic meters per day
The global capacity of commissioned desalination plants (as of 2013)

21.1 billion US gallons
The equivalent of 66.5 million cubic meters per day

The number of countries where desalination is practiced

More than 300 million
The number of people around the world who rely on desalinated water for some or all their daily needs
Here's the AGW cult member's Propaganda without any words.............

Everyone in Miami needs a boat....................LOL

How much water to raise the sea levels......................HOW MUCH? And how much of that is Natural versus MAN MADE.............................
Pacific islands growing not sinking as sea levels rise News The Week UK

Pacific islands previously thought to be on the verge of disappearing under the waves because of climate change are actually getting larger, according to scientists.

Kiribati (above), Tuvalu and the Federated States of Micronesia are among the countries whose islands have grown, according to the study, which appears in Global and Planetary Change.

Paul Kench at the University of Auckland in New Zealand and Arthur Webb at the South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission in Fiji conducted their study using historical aerial photography and satellite images of 27 coral atoll islands in the central Pacific to observe changes over the last 19 to 61 years. During that time, sea levels have actually risen by 2mm per year.

They found that 23 of the islands either maintained the same land area or increased in size, while only four suffered a net loss to the sea. Kench told the New Scientist: "It has been thought that as the sea level goes up, islands will sit there and drown. But they won't. The sea level will go up and the island will start responding."

Why are the islands growing – and where does the extra material come from? Coral atoll islands are surrounded by coral reefs, which themselves continually grow, because they are formed by sea creatures. Reefs are eroded by waves crashing against them; the resulting coral debris is washed up on the islands – a process often helped by the presence of manmade structures such as causeways between islands.

And one effect of rising global temperatures – an increase in the frequency of hurricanes – could actually go some way to helping low-lying islands. When Tuvalu was hit by Hurricane Bebe in 1972, for instance, 140 hectares of debris washed up on a reef – and increased the area of the main island by 10 per cent.

Some Atoll Islands are growing, some aren't.............but the AGW cult says they will drown..........Again, Nature takes care of itself...................Land grows and adapts................but let us ignore that...............

According to the article the sea level rise their is 2mm a year..............or over the 61 years a 122mm increase if this article is correct.................which would be a rise of 4.8 inches at Atoll................
"Warm waters from the deep sea may be driving the changes, the UK-based team says."

Right, because of underwater volcanoes, numskull.
Are you sure? Which volcano? Which area are you referring to?

You do understand that all waters draining into the sea are pushed by gravity and the Coriolis effect. Thus any system of volcanoes and sea floor tears which warm sea water will be pushed around Antarctica and that nice little peninsula will be most affected. Or are you too stupid to understand simple physics? The author of the story at the BBC is totally clueless, is an alarmist shill, despite record ice growth of all glaciers on Antarctica. The region was cherry picked for the melt but they are to stupid to understand simple physics or it is intentional fraud and deception. I betting on the latter as CAGW has always been about deception and theft of Freedoms. 99.5% of Antarctica is growing at a massive rates yet you focus on a very small region to claim your alarm.. How stupid do you think we are? You dam alarmist deniers of science and observation are a clear and present danger to humanity.
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The models have been proven wrong 97% of the time, so that prediction means nothing.

No, the models have been spot on.

Can the deniers please stop deflecting from the topic with their big stinky packs o' cult lies? The topic is Antarctica. Please stick to it.

Explain why the Antarctic glaciers and ice sheets are melting fast now, when they've never melted like this before. How can that happen without global warming?

And no, you're not allowed to invoke magical mystery volcanoes, unless you can show the evidence that new volcanoes suddenly started erupting under the glaciers and ice sheets.

You are a liar! plain and simple. You cant even show what is natural variation which, would have to be shown for the models to be even remotely accurate. And dont post up that SKS propaganda piece that has been shown fraudulent again.

How about real science that shows you a fake and a fraud.
cmip5-73-models-vs-obs-20n-20s-mt-5-yr-means11 Dr Roy Spencer.png

Reality shows you a fraud and a liar..
You do understand that all waters draining into the sea are pushed by gravity and the Coriolis effect. Thus any system of volcanoes and sea floor tears which warm sea water will be pushed around Antarctica and that nice little peninsula will be most affected.

Then show us the measurements. Show us the heat plumes from the volcanoes.

Oh wait, you can't. Because you proudly made it all up. Just like you make up everything. You're a fraud machine.

And your political party justifies it. You have no principles other than "the ends justify the means for my side". If any big lie gains you power, you love that big lie.

There's an easy way to prove that wrong. Document your volcanoes. If you won't, the classification stands.

Real scientists don't invoke magic to defend their theories. Deniers always do.

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