10 BIG LIES About Donald Trump....Attn. ABNORMALS!

President Bone Spur has DOUBLED our federal deficit in just two years. He made his fortune from bilking investors in his bankrupt casinos, and from a fraudulent university where he robbed the elderly of their retirement nest eggs. He has married three times, cheating on all three wives, including with a porn star who he had to bribe to keep silent. He then lied about bribing her. He regularly tweets misspellings and false "facts" on a prodigious scale. He can't speak one hundred words without lying.

So, yeah. I can see how one would perceive Donald Trump as an intelligent, truthful, brave, Christian conservative.
So much more accomplishments than the mulatto!....Fools ignore them, fool!

Donald J. Trump's Accomplishment's List | MAGA PILL

Come on. Come on out and say the word.

You know you want to.

Don't be a pu$$y.

Be yourself.

Go ahead.

Use the word you want.

Don't be chicken.

Bwak bwak bwak
  1. a person of mixed white and black ancestry, especially a person with one white and one black parent.
You said it yourself, "OFFENSIVE".

You think being "OFFENSIVE" is normal.

For your kind, it is.

Finally, something we can both agree on.
OBNOXIOUS is Normal for an ABNORMAL...You prove that with each new post!
Truth hurts. You are what you are. And being what you are I’m amazed you can even function.
He's not doing a "tremendous job", as shown by the thorough drubbing Republicans received in the mid-terms. This is now just about the worst mid-terms defeat in history. Over 300 seats nationwide, turned from red to blue.

The trade imbalance is higher than ever. The deficit is at the highest level in history. Job creation is slowing despite the double goosing of tax cuts and increases in government spending. The stock market is stalled and nervous. And then there's the boycotts of American products all around the world in protest to Trump's attacks on NATO and your trading partners.

Prices are rising due to tariffs, but imports are increasing, not decreasing. I thought Dumb Donald said "Trade wars are easy to win.". The tax cuts did nothing for the American workers at all. Increased prices of health insurance and consumer goods have more than wiped out any income gains made during this Administration.

And then there's the level of violence in the country. Public shootings reached record levels since Trump was elected. As have hate crimes which are up 500%. Mass shootings have increased, hate crimes have increased, and shootings of unarmed civilians by police are also up.

There isn't one single indicator that Trump has done ANYTHING right since he was elected, and much which shows that every decision taken by this clown, has been the wrong one.

Put down the pipe Dragon Lady. You're too far gone to recognize voters are often simple minds who only know what the media tells them. Nor do you understand history and historical trends. Did you know the public didn't support Abe Lincoln on many issues? Of course not, but according to you, PROGRESSIVES have the mental capacity to distinguish between right and wrong, and between good information and propaganda.

Ah shucks, the stock market is stalled and nervous. That's a lie, but even if you were right, you'd do yourself a favor to educate yourself on the relationship between interest rates and the market. You know, rates that were historically low during Obama's tenure.

And stick your hate crimes where a dragon's butt is displayed. It's the left who features hate speech all day everyday. To deny that is to deny you have a mother. It's also the result of the chaos that comes with mass immigration and a divisive chaotic culture.

You're a fucking fool Dragon Lady. Trump has done nothing right? Again, progressives don't care about the objective, what's important is the shit that spews from their mouths. Here you go dummy, choke on this but educate yourself: Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping

The Washington Examiner??? You must be joking.

“Trump’s successes in reducing the cost of taxes and regulations, rebuilding our military, avoiding wars of choice and changing the courts rival those of all previous Republican presidents,” said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform."

Those regulations Trump got rid of will cost thousands of lives due to a degradation of the quality of the air we breathe and the water that is essential to life on earth. And despite the tax cuts, the de-regulation, and massive injections of governement spending, job creation is declining. It was lower in 2017 than in was in 2016, and it shows every indication of being still lower this year.

The NAFTA tweaking contained nothing that wasn't previously agreed to the TPP negotiations. Otherwise Trump got NOTHING in NAFTA 2.0. The dispute resolution Tribunal that the US desperately wanted scrapped is still there. The softwood lumber dispute was settled in favour of Canada - again. So while this is listed as a HUGE accomplishment by an Administration desperate for wins, it's not much of one.

As for the all of the claims of lowered unemployment and lowered unemployment claims, those are Obama's accomplisments more than Trumps'. Trump piggybacked on top of Obama's unprecedented record of job creation, which is the greatest job creation record since the end of WWII. To claim these are solely Trump's accomplishments is a total joke. The same with his claims of increasing wages.

There are 5 accomplishments listed under increasing optimism. What bullshit! Whether people feel more optimistic than in the past isn't an "accomplishment". America feels better about the future. That an $2 will by you a large coffee. Talk about making a big to-do about absolutely nothing.

His "accomplishments" under health care have seen millions cut off from coverage and premiums skyrocket. In fact, his destruction of Obamacare is the single biggest factor leading to the loss of the House in the mid-terms.

His accomplishment under "opiods" are non-existent. More and more people are dying from opiod abuse than when he became President, and Trump has done little except make announcements of programs. He has done NOTHING to curb the production and dispensing of opiod-based pain killers by the medical industrial complex, or to restrict their use. In fact, Trump hasn't even mentioned the pharmaceutical industry's role in the opiod crisis. He keeps blaming the problem on drugs coming from Mexico.

His border protections and immigration work are all a disaster. Illegal border crossings are at an all-time low, but you'd never know it listening to Trump. His policy of separating families is not only illegal and wrong. It's not working. And now these children are being cared for by the State at what cost to the taxpayers? $200 million for tax payer dollars are going to the for-profit prison companies for the "tent cities" to hold migrants. What a useless waste of taxpayer dollars.

This list of "accomplisments" is just the Moony Times pretending that everything Trump has done is wonderful and achieved its stated goals, instead of being honest and saying that we\re going to put a LOT of lipstick on the pig that is the Trump administration, and tell people this is the greatest president who ever lived, instead of the worst, and the one that has done the least of any president in my memory.

That wouldn't be so terrible, if the things Trump has done had not be so destructive and for the nation, and its standing in the world. It will take a generation or more just to undo the damage caused in your trading relationships and military alliances.

Notice how the Dragon Lady rejects FACTS because she doesn't agree with the source. At least your'e not a total loss, you could have played the race card. I didn't read the rest, Dragon. Not worth it.

TheProgressivePatriot is another. Difference between Trump and Obama/Clinton is he didn't have to become POTUS to become wealthy. I could give a shit if he does line his pockets Trump is doing us a bang-up job.
Disarming the Unabombers

I feel the same way about Scott Pruitt. After saving businesses and their employees billions by cutting the legs out of Anti-Growth Green restrictions, he deserved his luxurious lifestyle.

To show how much Populists should hate both the Right and Left anti-democratic ideologies, I believe the same thing about union leaders, who deserve extra perqs because they are the only ones standing between corporate Scrooges paying sweatshop wages and blue-collar workers having a well-deserved middle-class lifestyle.

So basically you favour of a system of government run by graft and corruption. Where those who work against the best interests of the people are rewarded.

All the right wingers in Ontario cheered when Mike Harris gutted the Ministry of the Environment, cut their budget by 2/3 got rid of a lot of environmental protections, and stopped prosecuting polluters. Then 7 people died in one small town from tainted water. The most hated man in Canada and the reason why it took nearly 20 years to elect another Conservative government in Ontario.

Trump is in many ways very much like Mike Harris. .
Ontario Imitates Its Neighbor, Liberal Detroit

Yes, those who work against the best interests of you people deserve bonuses.
Daddy's money got him in and he was described as the worst student ever to attend

Never heard that before. Not saying you're wrong. Just had not heard it from a reliable source.
The late William T. Kelley, who taught Trump at the University of Pennsylvania, said, “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had.” Tony Schwartz, the ghostwriter of “The Art of the Deal,” says Trump had “a stunning level of superficial knowledge and plain ignorance.”

From the link from the previous post.
Damn, a pronouncements from a leftist teacher....WOW!....ROTFLMFAO!!!!!
So much more accomplishments than the mulatto!....Fools ignore them, fool!

Donald J. Trump's Accomplishment's List | MAGA PILL

Come on. Come on out and say the word.

You know you want to.

Don't be a pu$$y.

Be yourself.

Go ahead.

Use the word you want.

Don't be chicken.

Bwak bwak bwak
  1. a person of mixed white and black ancestry, especially a person with one white and one black parent.
You said it yourself, "OFFENSIVE".

You think being "OFFENSIVE" is normal.

For your kind, it is.

Finally, something we can both agree on.
OBNOXIOUS is Normal for an ABNORMAL...You prove that with each new post!
Truth hurts. You are what you are. And being what you are I’m amazed you can even function.
We wonder how you are able to breathe...let alone function!
Let's remember that this is the President who said

"I have good words"


"I answered the questions all by myself"


"We need to sweep forest "floors"

And declares himself a "stable genius"

Jesus people....
Let's remember that this is the President who said

"I have good words"


"I answered the questions all by myself"


"We need to sweep forest "floors"

And declares himself a "stable genius"

Jesus people....
57 states, Hawaii is in Asia, If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor....from the 2 digit IQ'd mulatto!.....Jesus people... so fucking easy!!!
Let's remember that this is the President who said

"I have good words"


"I answered the questions all by myself"


"We need to sweep forest "floors"

And declares himself a "stable genius"

Jesus people....
57 states, Hawaii is in Asia, If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor....from the 2 digit IQ'd mulatto!.....Jesus people... so fucking easy!!!

There is a vast difference between an occasional misstatement by a candidate who’s been on the road for months and the calculated and deliberate lies of a man who will say and do anything to seize and retain power and enrich the billionaire class.
Let's remember that this is the President who said

"I have good words"


"I answered the questions all by myself"


"We need to sweep forest "floors"

And declares himself a "stable genius"

Jesus people....
57 states, Hawaii is in Asia, If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor....from the 2 digit IQ'd mulatto!.....Jesus people... so fucking easy!!!

There is a vast difference between an occasional misstatement by a candidate who’s been on the road for months and the calculated and deliberate lies of a man who will say and do anything to seize and retain power and enrich the billionaire class.
Come on, do I have to post the OBOZOCARE videos again with Gruber telling us all how stupid we were to believe the Obomanation when he said it would save us $2500 a year and we can keep our policies....Did anything Trump say effect us as much?....waiting!
What you ought to post are the approval ratings of Obamacare and the number of people who now have healthcare insurance that didn't before...
Let's remember that this is the President who said

"I have good words"


"I answered the questions all by myself"


"We need to sweep forest "floors"

And declares himself a "stable genius"

Jesus people....
These ain't "lies". They don't rise to that level.

They're examples of the Orange Stupidity that inhabits the Oval Office
Let's remember that this is the President who said

"I have good words"


"I answered the questions all by myself"


"We need to sweep forest "floors"

And declares himself a "stable genius"

Jesus people....
57 states, Hawaii is in Asia, If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor....from the 2 digit IQ'd mulatto!.....Jesus people... so fucking easy!!!

There is a vast difference between an occasional misstatement by a candidate who’s been on the road for months and the calculated and deliberate lies of a man who will say and do anything to seize and retain power and enrich the billionaire class.
Come on, do I have to post the OBOZOCARE videos again with Gruber telling us all how stupid we were to believe the Obomanation when he said it would save us $2500 a year and we can keep our policies....Did anything Trump say effect us as much?....waiting!

Obamacare impacted Americans in a POSITIVE way. 25 million people got access to health care. Millions more received coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Everything that Trump has said and done has affected Americans far more in a negative way, than anything Obama ever did. It is estimated that 1,400 Americans will die every year as a result of increase use of coal. Obama's policies and regulations saved lives. Trump's policies are shortening peoples lives.

Then there's the synagogue shootings as a result of his immigration rhetoric. The 500% hike in hate crimes. A huge increase in the number of public shootings and the numnber of lives lost in this terrorism.

Last but not least, the farmers losing their markets, the separation of families at the border, and the tax cuts which were promised to the middle class but that all went to corporations and the wealthy.

I could go on and on.
What you ought to post are the approval ratings of Obamacare and the number of people who now have healthcare insurance that didn't before...
Which is NOTHING compared to the number of people it hurt financially & others FORCED TO LOSE HEALTHCARE because of the mandate which kept getting larger each year!
Let's remember that this is the President who said

"I have good words"


"I answered the questions all by myself"


"We need to sweep forest "floors"

And declares himself a "stable genius"

Jesus people....
57 states, Hawaii is in Asia, If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor....from the 2 digit IQ'd mulatto!.....Jesus people... so fucking easy!!!

There is a vast difference between an occasional misstatement by a candidate who’s been on the road for months and the calculated and deliberate lies of a man who will say and do anything to seize and retain power and enrich the billionaire class.
Come on, do I have to post the OBOZOCARE videos again with Gruber telling us all how stupid we were to believe the Obomanation when he said it would save us $2500 a year and we can keep our policies....Did anything Trump say effect us as much?....waiting!

Obamacare impacted Americans in a POSITIVE way. 25 million people got access to health care. Millions more received coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Everything that Trump has said and done has affected Americans far more in a negative way, than anything Obama ever did. It is estimated that 1,400 Americans will die every year as a result of increase use of coal. Obama's policies and regulations saved lives. Trump's policies are shortening peoples lives.

Then there's the synagogue shootings as a result of his immigration rhetoric. The 500% hike in hate crimes. A huge increase in the number of public shootings and the numnber of lives lost in this terrorism.

Last but not least, the farmers losing their markets, the separation of families at the border, and the tax cuts which were promised to the middle class but that all went to corporations and the wealthy.

I could go on and on.


The Top Ten Worst Things in Obamacare
National Review

Jun 28, 2012 · It's important to note that the Court did not “uphold Obamacare.” Two specific provisions were being challenged before the Court
Let's remember that this is the President who said

"I have good words"


"I answered the questions all by myself"


"We need to sweep forest "floors"

And declares himself a "stable genius"

Jesus people....
57 states, Hawaii is in Asia, If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor....from the 2 digit IQ'd mulatto!.....Jesus people... so fucking easy!!!

There is a vast difference between an occasional misstatement by a candidate who’s been on the road for months and the calculated and deliberate lies of a man who will say and do anything to seize and retain power and enrich the billionaire class.
Come on, do I have to post the OBOZOCARE videos again with Gruber telling us all how stupid we were to believe the Obomanation when he said it would save us $2500 a year and we can keep our policies....Did anything Trump say effect us as much?....waiting!

Obamacare impacted Americans in a POSITIVE way. 25 million people got access to health care. Millions more received coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Everything that Trump has said and done has affected Americans far more in a negative way, than anything Obama ever did. It is estimated that 1,400 Americans will die every year as a result of increase use of coal. Obama's policies and regulations saved lives. Trump's policies are shortening peoples lives.

Then there's the synagogue shootings as a result of his immigration rhetoric. The 500% hike in hate crimes. A huge increase in the number of public shootings and the numnber of lives lost in this terrorism.

Last but not least, the farmers losing their markets, the separation of families at the border, and the tax cuts which were promised to the middle class but that all went to corporations and the wealthy.

I could go on and on.


The Top Ten Worst Things in Obamacare
National Review

Jun 28, 2012 · It's important to note that the Court did not “uphold Obamacare.” Two specific provisions were being challenged before the Court

The National Review has become an alt-right bastion of alternative facts. One leading Republican recently opinioned that William F. Buckley is rolling in his grave over what has become of his proud conservative publication.
57 states, Hawaii is in Asia, If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor....from the 2 digit IQ'd mulatto!.....Jesus people... so fucking easy!!!

There is a vast difference between an occasional misstatement by a candidate who’s been on the road for months and the calculated and deliberate lies of a man who will say and do anything to seize and retain power and enrich the billionaire class.
Come on, do I have to post the OBOZOCARE videos again with Gruber telling us all how stupid we were to believe the Obomanation when he said it would save us $2500 a year and we can keep our policies....Did anything Trump say effect us as much?....waiting!

Obamacare impacted Americans in a POSITIVE way. 25 million people got access to health care. Millions more received coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Everything that Trump has said and done has affected Americans far more in a negative way, than anything Obama ever did. It is estimated that 1,400 Americans will die every year as a result of increase use of coal. Obama's policies and regulations saved lives. Trump's policies are shortening peoples lives.

Then there's the synagogue shootings as a result of his immigration rhetoric. The 500% hike in hate crimes. A huge increase in the number of public shootings and the numnber of lives lost in this terrorism.

Last but not least, the farmers losing their markets, the separation of families at the border, and the tax cuts which were promised to the middle class but that all went to corporations and the wealthy.

I could go on and on.


The Top Ten Worst Things in Obamacare
National Review

Jun 28, 2012 · It's important to note that the Court did not “uphold Obamacare.” Two specific provisions were being challenged before the Court

The National Review has become an alt-right bastion of alternative facts. One leading Republican recently opinioned that William F. Buckley is rolling in his grave over what has become of his proud conservative publication.
I wouldn't call John Kasick (sp) a leading Republican...perhaps the best friend of a DemonRAT since McLane expired from Ted Kennedy's disease! But YOU knew that!
What you ought to post are the approval ratings of Obamacare and the number of people who now have healthcare insurance that didn't before...
The Constitution Is a Clogged-Up Sewer

it just another welfare extortion by feral moochers, paid for by everyone who is not too lazy to work. Since we never should have allowed the republican government to go over our heads and give civil rights to the genetically uncivilized, it logically follows that the plutocrats who own "our" anti-democratic form of government would give the same taxpayer-sucking benefits to illegal aliens.
Let's remember that this is the President who said

"I have good words"


"I answered the questions all by myself"


"We need to sweep forest "floors"

And declares himself a "stable genius"

Jesus people....
57 states, Hawaii is in Asia, If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor....from the 2 digit IQ'd mulatto!.....Jesus people... so fucking easy!!!

There is a vast difference between an occasional misstatement by a candidate who’s been on the road for months and the calculated and deliberate lies of a man who will say and do anything to seize and retain power and enrich the billionaire class.
Come on, do I have to post the OBOZOCARE videos again with Gruber telling us all how stupid we were to believe the Obomanation when he said it would save us $2500 a year and we can keep our policies....Did anything Trump say effect us as much?....waiting!

Everything that Trump has said and done has affected Americans far more in a negative way, than anything Obama ever did.

I could go on and on.

Go On, Goon
Let's remember that this is the President who said

"I have good words"


"I answered the questions all by myself"


"We need to sweep forest "floors"

And declares himself a "stable genius"

Jesus people....
57 states, Hawaii is in Asia, If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor....from the 2 digit IQ'd mulatto!.....Jesus people... so fucking easy!!!

There is a vast difference between an occasional misstatement by a candidate who’s been on the road for months and the calculated and deliberate lies of a man who will say and do anything to seize and retain power and enrich the billionaire class.
Come on, do I have to post the OBOZOCARE videos again with Gruber telling us all how stupid we were to believe the Obomanation when he said it would save us $2500 a year and we can keep our policies....Did anything Trump say effect us as much?....waiting!

Everything that Trump has said and done has affected Americans far more in a negative way, than anything Obama ever did.

I could go on and on.

Go On, Goon

When you have nothing, you fling insults. The insults you fling say far more about you than they do me. Thanks for showing who you really are.
Ideas are taken as truth until they’re questioned.

A list of 10 BIG LIES About Donald Trump, in countdown style:...I expect THIS will keep our ABNORMALS all greased up!

#10: He became President to enrich himself and his family!

#9: He’s not intelligent!

#8: …But he didn’t do it on his own—daddy’s $$$. And he’s a lousy businessman!

#7: He’s not a Christian!

#6: He’s not a conservative!

#5: He colluded with Russia!

#4: He’s too divisive, and responsible for violence!

#3: He hates Jews!

#2: He hates blacks, and Hispanics, and Muslims

#1: He lies! (of course this one had to make it to the top!)

Enjoy the lefts DERANGEMENT!

Oh, and ONE MORE for extra credit... He was a Draft Dodger!......lololol!


Now where are your links to unbiased sources that refutes all of these 'lies'?
Ideas are taken as truth until they’re questioned.

A list of 10 BIG LIES About Donald Trump, in countdown style:...I expect THIS will keep our ABNORMALS all greased up!

#10: He became President to enrich himself and his family!

#9: He’s not intelligent!

#8: …But he didn’t do it on his own—daddy’s $$$. And he’s a lousy businessman!

#7: He’s not a Christian!

#6: He’s not a conservative!

#5: He colluded with Russia!

#4: He’s too divisive, and responsible for violence!

#3: He hates Jews!

#2: He hates blacks, and Hispanics, and Muslims

#1: He lies! (of course this one had to make it to the top!)

Enjoy the lefts DERANGEMENT!

Oh, and ONE MORE for extra credit... He was a Draft Dodger!......lololol!


Now where are your links to unbiased sources that refutes all of these 'lies'?
Look them up. I don't do work for ABNORMALS!

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