10 Commandments for Atheists

God, as the author of life itself, has authority that you and I do not have. God is the ONLY one in all of existence who has the right to take ANY life as He sees fit.

For you to try to put God on our level, as if God is just another finite little mortal like us just shows your lack of understanding.

As for the flood, that meme also shows complete ignorance. The world at that time was extremely evil and violent, and btw I posted a thread about the Book of Enoch, which goes into detail about WHY the world was that way at that time. If you actually cared about truth, you would seek it sincerely and wholeheartedly, instead of quickly pointing the finger at God based on your total lack of knowledge and wisdom.
God must lead by example

Killing babies, puppies and kittens does not set a good example
As for the flood, that meme also shows complete ignorance. The world at that time was extremely evil and violent, and btw I posted a thread about the Book of Enoch,

You believe babies, puppies and kittens are extremely evil and violent?
You believe babies, puppies and kittens are extremely evil and violent?

Obvious troll is obvious.

Again, if you actually cared about the truth, you would look into it. I'm not going to do your seeking for you or spell it all out for you. But I will say this.... the reason the world was so evil and violent at that time had to do with something called the Nephilim. Again, you can look into it yourself if you want. I won't hold my breath though, you seem to enjoy remaining in your ignorance and blaming God for everything. The same God who gave His life for YOU, to pay the price for your transgressions, if you just put your trust in Him.
Obvious troll is obvious.

Again, if you actually cared about the truth, you would look into it. I'm not going to do your seeking for you or spell it all out for you. But I will say this.... the reason the world was so evil and violent at that time had to do with something called the Nephilim. Again, you can look into it yourself if you want. I won't hold my breath though, you seem to enjoy remaining in your ignorance and blaming God for everything. The same God who gave His life for YOU, to pay the price for your transgressions, if you just put your trust in Him.
You can dish it out, but you can’t take it
This thread is about atheists

The Bible is supposed to be the book of God. Yet, it paints God in a very bad light.
A fragile God subject to tantrums and vindictive punishments when crossed. I would portray a loving God if I wrote the Bible

Any rational human being would acknowledge that killing babies for the sins of the father is wrong
You can dish it out, but you can’t take it
This thread is about atheists

The Bible is supposed to be the book of God. Yet, it paints God in a very bad light.
A fragile God subject to tantrums and vindictive punishments when crossed. I would portray a loving God if I wrote the Bible

Any rational human being would acknowledge that killing babies for the sins of the father is wrong

No, it doesn't paint God in a bad light to people who actually take the time to understand what was going on. If you knew what was actually going on, you would see that it made perfect sense what God did.

Again, I'm not going to do your homework for you or spell everything out for you. If you actually cared about truth, you would do it yourself. As of now, I don't think you do.

And your state of mind goes along with what the Bible says about unbelievers:

They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart.

- Ephesians 4:18
Did God punish Egyptian children for being Egyptian?

But it is worse for the child

Do you advocate killing children for the sins of their parents?
God does
Both of you are a hoot. Are you are picturing a daily journal being kept with historical and scientific accuracy? Are imagining God doing some major dictating?

There are people of great faith who take every word in the Bible literally. I don't happen to be one of them, but they are on a straighter track than the two of you atheists who are not only being totally ridiculous, but have ventured beyond that into chucklehead territory.

When someone sits down to right a story, they have an objective. What was the objective to writing out the story of Noah? What was the objective of writing out the story of the plagues and the first Passover? Authors, upon identifying their objective, then began gathering facts that support their thesis. What were/are these facts? Then add characters. What are their traits, what are their purposes? What are the backstories they use in their plots and settings?

I could not care less that you hold no belief in God. That you cannot identify the elements in good stories tells me that you held no belief in paying attention in your middle school English arts classes either. That's the shame--that a person of today hasn't the education or the ability of an ancient man when it comes to laying out a story thesis.
Both of you are a hoot. Are you are picturing a daily journal being kept with historical and scientific accuracy? Are imagining God doing some major dictating?

There are people of great faith who take every word in the Bible literally. I don't happen to be one of them, but they are on a straighter track than the two of you atheists who are not only being totally ridiculous, but have ventured beyond that into chucklehead territory.

When someone sits down to right a story, they have an objective. What was the objective to writing out the story of Noah? What was the objective of writing out the story of the plagues and the first Passover? Authors, upon identifying their objective, then began gathering facts that support their thesis. What were/are these facts? Then add characters. What are their traits, what are their purposes? What are the backstories they use in their plots and settings?

I could not care less that you hold no belief in God. That you cannot identify the elements in good stories tells me that you held no belief in paying attention in your middle school English arts classes either. That's the shame--that a person of today hasn't the education or the ability of an ancient man when it comes to laying out a story thesis.

The Bible was written by men as a series of morality tales. Some are good, some are ridiculously bad.
Frankly, the God of the Bible is not a good guy. He is childish and vengeful. Not someone to be emulated and definitely not someone to be worshipped
Now Jesus was a cool guy, preached love rather than fear. He is someone worth emulating

As an Atheist, I have no problems with someone emulating the values of Jesus. But I have to laugh at those who take the Bible seriously and believe it was written by God instead of man.
The Bible was written by men as a series of morality tales. Some are good, some are ridiculously bad.
Frankly, the God of the Bible is not a good guy. He is childish and vengeful. Not someone to be emulated and definitely not someone to be worshipped
Now Jesus was a cool guy, preached love rather than fear. He is someone worth emulating

As an Atheist, I have no problems with someone emulating the values of Jesus. But I have to laugh at those who take the Bible seriously and believe it was written by God instead of man.
Jesus knew the same Old Testament stories and saw a God of love. So did the men who wrote the stories of the Old Testament.

In the story of Noah they saw the difference between God's goodness/ways and their own. It is readily--and immediately apparent--they were not measuring up to God (or what they believed about God). That culture saw their own evil as bringing down the disaster that occurred. Goodness would not put up with their evils.

The story of Passover/Exodus: First, it was written in hindsight. Yes, most Jews absolutely believe Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. I can respect that while holding a very different view.

Delving into Egyptian history, culture, archaeology, etc. a more likely possibility emerges. The nation, at various times, was known for plagues--ten of them, and they worshiped ten Gods to protect them against these plagues. The point of Exodus was to teach the Israelites that these ten gods/goddesses failed in stopping plagues that periodically afflicted Egypt. One plague caused many deaths among the first born. The reason? It is thought a mold or parasite of some kind in the grain. The first born, because of their position, was given a heaping helping of grain, whereas others received less. It caused illness and death.

Recall the ram was considered sacred in Egypt. Painting their lintels with blood of male lambs was a message Khnemu (depicted by a ram, which is why rams were sacred in Egypt, was the god of fertility and procreation. The Hebrews were wishing death to the future of Egypt. Something to be considered: Were the first born already falling ill, when the Hebrews painted their lintels? That is definitely an "In your face!" taunt, that not only had their other ten gods/goddesses failed to protect them from plagues, Khnemu himself was failing to protect Egyptian fertility and procreation. Idols, all of them, while the Israelites were showing/proving they had the protection of the one God of all.

It is also thought the Jews that were in Egypt were only of one tribe, the priestly class. This tribe is the only one where Egyptian names (or a close variant) are seen. Their story, told over time, became the story of all of Judaism.

Basically, both you and I are in the same tub of hot water with those who take the Bible literally. I understand why those who read the Bible literally do not include known history in considering the story. It is harder for me to understand why you only see the modern English and Western culture view that has atheists jumping to the conclusion of God as villain. Atheists would seem more intelligent by discussing the stories as if God was not involved--that people in Biblical times just imagined He was.
Jesus knew the same Old Testament stories and saw a God of love. So did the men who wrote the stories of the Old Testament.

In the story of Noah they saw the difference between God's goodness/ways and their own. It is readily--and immediately apparent--they were not measuring up to God (or what they believed about God). That culture saw their own evil as bringing down the disaster that occurred. Goodness would not put up with their evils.

The story of Passover/Exodus: First, it was written in hindsight. Yes, most Jews absolutely believe Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. I can respect that while holding a very different view.

Delving into Egyptian history, culture, archaeology, etc. a more likely possibility emerges. The nation, at various times, was known for plagues--ten of them, and they worshiped ten Gods to protect them against these plagues. The point of Exodus was to teach the Israelites that these ten gods/goddesses failed in stopping plagues that periodically afflicted Egypt. One plague caused many deaths among the first born. The reason? It is thought a mold or parasite of some kind in the grain. The first born, because of their position, was given a heaping helping of grain, whereas others received less. It caused illness and death.

Recall the ram was considered sacred in Egypt. Painting their lintels with blood of male lambs was a message Khnemu (depicted by a ram, which is why rams were sacred in Egypt, was the god of fertility and procreation. The Hebrews were wishing death to the future of Egypt. Something to be considered: Were the first born already falling ill, when the Hebrews painted their lintels? That is definitely an "In your face!" taunt, that not only had their other ten gods/goddesses failed to protect them from plagues, Khnemu himself was failing to protect Egyptian fertility and procreation. Idols, all of them, while the Israelites were showing/proving they had the protection of the one God of all.

It is also thought the Jews that were in Egypt were only of one tribe, the priestly class. This tribe is the only one where Egyptian names (or a close variant) are seen. Their story, told over time, became the story of all of Judaism.

Basically, both you and I are in the same tub of hot water with those who take the Bible literally. I understand why those who read the Bible literally do not include known history in considering the story. It is harder for me to understand why you only see the modern English and Western culture view that has atheists jumping to the conclusion of God as villain. Atheists would seem more intelligent by discussing the stories as if God was not involved--that people in Biblical times just imagined He was.
Well said
Well said
Jesus knew the same Old Testament stories and saw a God of love. So did the men who wrote the stories of the Old Testament.

jesus and those that believed as he did, the events of the 1st century liberation theology, self determination - were a repudiation of judaism and was meant as the reintroduction of the prescribed religion of antiquity as set forth by a&e and their journey.

nothing to do with 4th century christianity or any of the desert religion documents of - servitude and denial.
Just curious... did the atheistic nations of the 20th century believe in these commandments?
So... only some human life is important?

no different than for all other beings on planet earth - the garden is all that is important and those that are polluters, bing should have no say is any of the proceedings conducted for the betterment of humanity.

scrambled eggs and abortion are one in the same ...

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