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10 disasters America will face if Obama gets a second term

But on the plus side, we get to laugh at four more years of whining and hysterical rantings from the right.

5 Trillion more in debt.
Food Stamps, AFDC and unemployment compensation are all exponentially higher than at any time after the depression, and has never been extended for this long also since the depression.
Underemployment is at all time high.
The Stock Market is actually more bloated now than it was in 2007.

Yeah - these are all hysterical rantings.
[flip] here's a nickel kid...go vote for your favorite American Idol.

He voted for his favorite American Idol in 2008 and plans on voting for the same idol in 2012,
Good post and pretty good exhaustive list. The most vecing thing is the $15,455,800,000,0000+ debt and counting. No matter what we are, Obama is, the next Pres, it does not matter as $20,000,000,000,000 is the final cut off.

It is mathematically impossible at that point to pay off our incurring debt. The reason is at that amount, even if government were to cease all operations and concentrate all taxes on paydown of that amount of money, it is self perpetuating.....

And that is only $4.6 trillion dollars away.......

Number 13 of the 13 points of the end of civilizations, without exception, over the last 5000 years.---Insurmountable debt.


Nice post. Kind of segways into Obama sending the Russian president a message on open mic...'being more flexable' to work with the Russians to further lower our guard and defenses (as he CUTS the military to the bone).

Nice observation.

Aw, shucks, you took my contribution: Obama sells out our allies in Western Europe to what remains of the former Soviet Union.

Is what it is my friend. Great to have you onboard.

NOT to worry. Plenty of room :)
That's some good brainwashing when you hear citizens complaining that industrial processes are not allowed to pollute ENOUGH to keep up with the earth raping Chinese. Republicans need to quit trying to personally play the victim on behalf of mega corporations.
Rioting gun nuts killing fellow citizens for disagreeing with them politically. Maybe. They just keep ramping up the paranoia.

When have 2nd Amendment supporters ever rioted? The Democrat constituency riots, not Republicans.
Nice post. Kind of segways into Obama sending the Russian president a message on open mic...'being more flexable' to work with the Russians to further lower our guard and defenses (as he CUTS the military to the bone).

Nice observation.

Aw, shucks, you took my contribution: Obama sells out our allies in Western Europe to what remains of the former Soviet Union.

Is what it is my friend. Great to have you onboard.

NOT to worry. Plenty of room :)

Backatcha! It is always refreshing to know that one is not as alone as the liberals would have one think!
But on the plus side, we get to laugh at four more years of whining and hysterical rantings from the right.

5 Trillion more in debt.
Food Stamps, AFDC and unemployment compensation are all exponentially higher than at any time after the depression, and has never been extended for this long also since the depression.
Underemployment is at all time high.
The Stock Market is actually more bloated now than it was in 2007.

Yeah - these are all hysterical rantings.
[flip] here's a nickel kid...go vote for your favorite American Idol.

Mr. Clean is the kind of moron who thought the invasion of Poland was hysterical.
Obama will still be a ******.

And YOU will STILL be a race-baiting ASSHOLE as most of us remain aghast that ASSHOLES as you still inhabit this Republic.


Get lost SaltPeter.
I like Coke slightly better. Pepsi is just a little too sweet.

It's important.
Let's break down this list piece by piece.

1. Obamacare will not be repealed.

That's not up to Obama right now, it's in the Supreme Court's hands. And even if the Supreme Court does nothing and Romney is elected, I have serious doubts he would do a damned thing about it. Romney does support the individual mandate after all.

2. The unprecedented levels of spending in Obama’s first four years will become the new floor, as America sets new records for fiscal profligacy and debt.

Right, because the last "conservative" president did a fantastic job of lowering spending. Come on, you know as well as I do that Romney won't reduce spending at all.

3. Job creators will face massive tax increases, and more Americans will come off the tax rolls—resulting in fewer citizens with a stake in keeping taxes low and more with a stake in protecting benefits.

Unless Romney is going to repeal free trade agreements, reverse our tax policy on outsourcing, and strengthen the US dollar, then our job situation won't get any better. Too bad Romney will only make those things worse. But then again, so will Obama.

4. Government dependency, already at record levels, will continue to grow.

You're right, it will. No matter who is elected to office.

5. Four lost years in dealing with the entitlement crisis will become eight—digging us into a hole from which we may not be able to emerge.

Entitlements are a third rail, no politician touches them no matter how close to insolvency they are. Romney is no different.

6. Obama, unworried about the impact of gas and electricity prices on his reelection, will finally wage the regulatory war on fossil fuels the Left demands.

Yeah, that probably will happen.

7. He will unleash the Environmental Protection Agency to impose crushing new burdens on U.S. business.

Kinda the same thing as #6. -1 for the list.

8. His administration’s assault on religious freedom will go on and expand to new areas.

One incident occurred in his first term. Hardly an assault. However, the incident with Fluke and Georgetown did set a bad tone with the administration towards religion. Eh, I'd say I'm indifferent on that one.

9. The Defense Department will be gutted, with cuts so deep that America will no longer be a superpower.

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!! Oh darn, you mean we won't be able to level a country in one week, it might take a week and a half? Our super-power status is not so weak as to be lost by a few budget cuts.

10. Obama could have the opportunity to appoint more liberal Supreme Court justices, ending the Roberts court in all but name for a generation.

So instead of getting the justices the right wants, we get justices the left wants. Blah, blah, blah. How about just getting good justices? When did that get put on the back burner in place of getting ideologically skewed justices?
Wacky Quacky shh your making sense the people in this thread don't want to hear that the want to live their fantasy world that Romney will part the seas and raise the dead
Wacky Quacky shh your making sense the people in this thread don't want to hear that the want to live their fantasy world that Romney will part the seas and raise the dead

Haven't you heard? He's hardcore conservative!
1. Obamacare will not be repealed.
I see so according to you it would be a disaster if America created 250,00 more jobs per year in 2020, provided health care to 35million people saved 35,000 life's a year, had 40% lower premiums, healthier people and better quality heath care.
2. The unprecedented levels of spending in Obama’s first four years will become the new floor, as America sets new records for fiscal profligacy and debt.
Better the the Depression occurring in Europe(which has less debt/deficits) because they follow your ignorant policies
3. Job creators will face massive tax increases, and more Americans will come off the tax rolls—resulting in fewer citizens with a stake in keeping taxes low and more with a stake in protecting benefits.
God you still believe in trickle down economics? Do you also still believe the Earth is flat? It is amazing how Republicans are such tools that they refuse to help the middle class and the poor because we must help milliioners and it will some how trickle down in help the rest of us despite not happening ever in reality. Its also ridiculously stupid that republicans think it is ideal for poor people to pay more taxes then the rich.
4. Government dependency, already at record levels, will continue to grow.
5. Four lost years in dealing with the entitlement crisis will become eight—digging us into a hole from which we may not be able to emerge.
I see so according to you extending Medicare solvency for like 5 years doesn't help solve Medicares solvency problems. Furthermore it is ridiculous and beyond stupid that republicanism propose we eliminate Medicare because it might not have enough money; I mean seriously you propose making health care for senors 50% more expensive as a solution to high health costs.
6. Obama, unworried about the impact of gas and electricity prices on his reelection, will finally wage the regulatory war on fossil fuels the Left demands.
Hm so unworried that he did all this?
^Rejected XL pipeline which would of increase gas prices in the Midwest by as much as .30$ per gallon
^Mandated that all government buildings reduce energy use by 30% by 2015
^Added trucks and other transportation vehicles to be subject to MGP standards.
^Increased car and trucks fuel economy standards to 55 MPG by 2025 which will save consumers 1.7 trillion dollars.
^Obama’s energy secretary has released 30 million barrels from the strategic reserve in order to lower inflated oil prices caused by unrest in oil producing countries. Empirical evidence from the early 90’s showed that releasing 30 million barrels caused oil costs to decrease by 1/3 or by $11 per barrel. The day of announcing this plan oil prices dropped 5%.
^Increased energy research by 125% once, and 5% a year
^A 10% tax cut for homeowners whom increase the energy efficiency of their home, and deductibles for energy efficient appliances.
^Obama’s DOE has mandated certain consumer items be more efficient saving the nation a net of 275 billion dollars over a period of 20 years (this will exponentially increase as time goes on).
The list goes on but I think that is sufficent
7. He will unleash the Environmental Protection Agency to impose crushing new burdens on U.S. business.
8. His administration’s assault on religious freedom will go on and expand to new areas.
Only ignorant tools think allowing women to have preventative health care and birth control is an assault on freedom
9. The Defense Department will be gutted, with cuts so deep that America will no longer be a superpower.
I see so according to you if America only spends 2.5times the amount on military then China, Iran, Russia, North Korea, and Cuba spend we will no longer be a world superpower.. So basically you must think that Americans armed services are so shitty compared to China that you think we need to spend 7 times more then them just to compete
10. Obama could have the opportunity to appoint more liberal Supreme Court justices, ending the Roberts court in all but name for a generation.
Yes because gays getting equal rights, women being in control of their bodies corporations not having more rights then people would be so damn bad
From Marc Theissen in the Washington Post with answers from Conservative's he's talked to feared the most...


I'd say these are pretty good issues...many I've seen argued here...

The List:

1. Obamacare will not be repealed.

2. The unprecedented levels of spending in Obama’s first four years will become the new floor, as America sets new records for fiscal profligacy and debt.

3. Job creators will face massive tax increases, and more Americans will come off the tax rolls—resulting in fewer citizens with a stake in keeping taxes low and more with a stake in protecting benefits.
4. Government dependency, already at record levels, will continue to grow.

5. Four lost years in dealing with the entitlement crisis will become eight—digging us into a hole from which we may not be able to emerge.

6. Obama, unworried about the impact of gas and electricity prices on his reelection, will finally wage the regulatory war on fossil fuels the Left demands.

7. He will unleash the Environmental Protection Agency to impose crushing new burdens on U.S. business.

8. His administration’s assault on religious freedom will go on and expand to new areas.

9. The Defense Department will be gutted, with cuts so deep that America will no longer be a superpower.

10. Obama could have the opportunity to appoint more liberal Supreme Court justices, ending the Roberts court in all but name for a generation.

Are there others?​


Is that you??

This is a pretty stupid list and ALL based on rw lies.

Get a grip, kid.
From Marc Theissen in the Washington Post with answers from Conservative's he's talked to feared the most...


I'd say these are pretty good issues...many I've seen argued here...

The List:

1. Obamacare will not be repealed.

2. The unprecedented levels of spending in Obama’s first four years will become the new floor, as America sets new records for fiscal profligacy and debt.

3. Job creators will face massive tax increases, and more Americans will come off the tax rolls—resulting in fewer citizens with a stake in keeping taxes low and more with a stake in protecting benefits.
4. Government dependency, already at record levels, will continue to grow.

5. Four lost years in dealing with the entitlement crisis will become eight—digging us into a hole from which we may not be able to emerge.

6. Obama, unworried about the impact of gas and electricity prices on his reelection, will finally wage the regulatory war on fossil fuels the Left demands.

7. He will unleash the Environmental Protection Agency to impose crushing new burdens on U.S. business.

8. His administration’s assault on religious freedom will go on and expand to new areas.

9. The Defense Department will be gutted, with cuts so deep that America will no longer be a superpower.

10. Obama could have the opportunity to appoint more liberal Supreme Court justices, ending the Roberts court in all but name for a generation.

Are there others?​

I'm curious. What did Obama spend the money on?
What he is doing now: slowing our progress to a halt . why? because he feels the other less fortunate countries can catch up .
That's what many of the coal people are saying. The whole global warming thing is a sham. why? Well look at the word GLOBAL. it is what it is....G L O B A L. if China won't comply it will mean nothing for us to do wind farms, electric cars (ha. that's an oxymoron, without electricity there will be no electric cars)
solar power.
It won't mean dck if THIS isn't DONE GLOBALLY.

it's embarrassing that we are the one out of a very few that have people believing in the ice caps melting. I mean to a point where the sea rises and we lose half the world(ya right)

Obama doesn't want us to succeed. It makes him, sad, to see us flourish while Zimbabwe isn't. :eek:((((

I don't know about the rest here, but I am very sick of being held up by these robbers in DC. I make my money, mind my own business, pay taxes...and that's not good enough for the whore in cheif.
what a bloodsucking organism Obama is. sheesh
Nothing is going to change for the good in the next 6-7 months to help Obama.

Romney is already pulling ahead.

This will be a freaking landslide.

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