10 disasters America will face if Obama is reelected


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
A number of conservative thinkers were asked what they feared most from a second term, and compiled this list of the top ten disasters that would befall America if Obama were re-elected this fall

1. Obamacare will not be repealed.

2. The unprecedented levels of spending in Obama’s first four years will become the new floor, as America sets new records for fiscal profligacy and debt.

3. Job creators will face massive tax increases, and more Americans will come off the tax rolls—resulting in fewer citizens with a stake in keeping taxes low and more with a stake in protecting benefits.

4. Government dependency, already at record levels, will continue to grow.

5. Four lost years in dealing with the entitlement crisis will become eight—digging us into a hole from which we may not be able to emerge.

6. Obama, unworried about the impact of gas and electricity prices on his reelection, will finally wage the regulatory war on fossil fuels the Left demands.

7. He will unleash the Environmental Protection Agency to impose crushing new burdens on U.S. business.

8. His administration’s assault on religious freedom will go on and expand to new areas.

9. The Defense Department will be gutted, with cuts so deep that America will no longer be a superpower.

10. Obama could have the opportunity to appoint more liberal Supreme Court justices, ending the Roberts court in all but name for a generation.

In short, Obama's reelection guarantees a debt-fueled depression; much higher real unemployment (not the propaganda marketed by media); single-payer health care and medical rationing; blackouts and brownouts as his EPA continues shutting down electric generation capacity; and an America in decline as China becomes the world's largest economy.

It's what Derrick Bell and Jeremiah Wright wanted, after all.

Good luck America, your going to need it....

11. Continued illegal use of executive orders to put into effect whatever he wants despite how bad it is.
12. A half-breed will still be the POTUS

13. Necons will be too busy complaining on the internets to keep a job, proceed to blame Obama for being unemployed.

A number of conservative thinkers were asked what they feared most from a second term, and compiled this list of the top ten disasters that would befall America if Obama were re-elected this fall

1. Obamacare will not be repealed.

2. The unprecedented levels of spending in Obama’s first four years will become the new floor, as America sets new records for fiscal profligacy and debt.

3. Job creators will face massive tax increases, and more Americans will come off the tax rolls—resulting in fewer citizens with a stake in keeping taxes low and more with a stake in protecting benefits.

4. Government dependency, already at record levels, will continue to grow.

5. Four lost years in dealing with the entitlement crisis will become eight—digging us into a hole from which we may not be able to emerge.

6. Obama, unworried about the impact of gas and electricity prices on his reelection, will finally wage the regulatory war on fossil fuels the Left demands.

7. He will unleash the Environmental Protection Agency to impose crushing new burdens on U.S. business.

8. His administration’s assault on religious freedom will go on and expand to new areas.

9. The Defense Department will be gutted, with cuts so deep that America will no longer be a superpower.

10. Obama could have the opportunity to appoint more liberal Supreme Court justices, ending the Roberts court in all but name for a generation.

In short, Obama's reelection guarantees a debt-fueled depression; much higher real unemployment (not the propaganda marketed by media); single-payer health care and medical rationing; blackouts and brownouts as his EPA continues shutting down electric generation capacity; and an America in decline as China becomes the world's largest economy.

It's what Derrick Bell and Jeremiah Wright wanted, after all.

Good luck America, your going to need it....

View attachment 21479
A number of conservative thinkers were asked what they feared most from a second term, and compiled this list of the top ten disasters that would befall America if Obama were re-elected this fall

1. Obamacare will not be repealed.

2. The unprecedented levels of spending in Obama’s first four years will become the new floor, as America sets new records for fiscal profligacy and debt.

3. Job creators will face massive tax increases, and more Americans will come off the tax rolls—resulting in fewer citizens with a stake in keeping taxes low and more with a stake in protecting benefits.

4. Government dependency, already at record levels, will continue to grow.

5. Four lost years in dealing with the entitlement crisis will become eight—digging us into a hole from which we may not be able to emerge.

6. Obama, unworried about the impact of gas and electricity prices on his reelection, will finally wage the regulatory war on fossil fuels the Left demands.

7. He will unleash the Environmental Protection Agency to impose crushing new burdens on U.S. business.

8. His administration’s assault on religious freedom will go on and expand to new areas.

9. The Defense Department will be gutted, with cuts so deep that America will no longer be a superpower.

10. Obama could have the opportunity to appoint more liberal Supreme Court justices, ending the Roberts court in all but name for a generation.

In short, Obama's reelection guarantees a debt-fueled depression; much higher real unemployment (not the propaganda marketed by media); single-payer health care and medical rationing; blackouts and brownouts as his EPA continues shutting down electric generation capacity; and an America in decline as China becomes the world's largest economy.

It's what Derrick Bell and Jeremiah Wright wanted, after all.

Good luck America, your going to need it....

View attachment 21479

Conservative thinkers? That's funny.
An Obama re-election may not be so bad if true fiscal conservatives take control of Congress.


Nope. Wanna know why? Here's Obama favorite expression

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peECAPrA_2g]Barack Obama "Bypass Congress" Dictator? YOU DECIDE (Original) - YouTube[/ame]
An Obama re-election may not be so bad if true fiscal conservatives take control of Congress.

That is highly unlikely, most people are lazy and cast a streight party line vote, which means he'll carry down ticket commiecrats with him. The senate would stay majority dems, and with Reid in charge, he will continue to block conservative bills.

The outlook for a government shut down in that senario would be greatly increased as a deadlock insues. What we've seen up to now will be childs play if Maobama is reelected and the commiecrats keep the senate.
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An Obama re-election may not be so bad if true fiscal conservatives take control of Congress.


Nope. Wanna know why? Here's Obama favorite expression

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peECAPrA_2g]Barack Obama "Bypass Congress" Dictator? YOU DECIDE (Original) - YouTube[/ame]

You are correct. Obama is like a two-bit dictator you'd find in Cuba or Venezuela. Unfortunately the GOP hasn't done a very good job countering Obamacrap.
Got no one to blame but yourselves conservatives...ya have had plenty of chances to elect real conservatives to president and house and senate but ya keep dropping the ball..it HAS to come to this so the country can collapse and we can begin anew.I suggest stocking up on the ammo and the food supplies.

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