10 New Oil Pipelines and you're still screwed ..

Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .
I really don't care if Keystone has or has not an effect on gas prices.
I DO care though 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the worst piece of stormy ocean in a tanker when in one mile less then 700 barrels travels
through a pipeline ON DRY LAND!
The absolute idiocy of anti-Keystone people is they oppose because of the "environment"?
What is their problem in comprehending the simple fact that 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the ocean has
1) not only a GREATER risk of an accident
2) but when the accident occurs a GREATER area of being DAMAGED
3) by a GREATER amount of oil
then 700 barrels traveling one mile on dry land in a pipeline that joins already 185,000 miles of oil pipelines traversing the USA?
Are you anti-Keystone environmentalists that totally ignorant of real numbers..i.e. 1 million is a BIGGER number then 700 !

Are you trying to say that diluted bitumen (it's not oil) transported in that pipeline will not be refined and immediately put on transport ships for delivery around the world? Are you saying the diluted bitumen will be used exclusively in the U.S.? It's bound for ocean transport anyway, but the XL line routs it across a critical aquifer first before it eventually is put on a ship where the potential for disaster you describe is not reduced at all.

but the XL line routs it across a critical aquifer first

Sounds scary!! How deep is this aquifer?

it's not so much the Asphalt being passed off as oil, but the solvents the Asphalt use to dilute the Asphalt and MAKE it oil ... those solvents can't be cleaned up and the Asphalt WILL NOT flow through a pipeline without the solvents.

That wasn't my question.
How deep is the aquifer?

those solvents can't be cleaned up

Which solvents are they using and why do you feel they can't be cleaned up?
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .

I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

I want clean air, clean water and unpolluted soil. Tell me how oil sands are clean, coal is clean and solar and renewable sources are bad.

Are you still driving your car and heating your home? Until you stop doing those things, you're just another liberal fucking hypocrite.
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .
I really don't care if Keystone has or has not an effect on gas prices.
I DO care though 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the worst piece of stormy ocean in a tanker when in one mile less then 700 barrels travels
through a pipeline ON DRY LAND!
The absolute idiocy of anti-Keystone people is they oppose because of the "environment"?
What is their problem in comprehending the simple fact that 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the ocean has
1) not only a GREATER risk of an accident
2) but when the accident occurs a GREATER area of being DAMAGED
3) by a GREATER amount of oil
then 700 barrels traveling one mile on dry land in a pipeline that joins already 185,000 miles of oil pipelines traversing the USA?
Are you anti-Keystone environmentalists that totally ignorant of real numbers..i.e. 1 million is a BIGGER number then 700 !

Are you trying to say that diluted bitumen (it's not oil) transported in that pipeline will not be refined and immediately put on transport ships for delivery around the world? Are you saying the diluted bitumen will be used exclusively in the U.S.? It's bound for ocean transport anyway, but the XL line routs it across a critical aquifer first before it eventually is put on a ship where the potential for disaster you describe is not reduced at all.

but the XL line routs it across a critical aquifer first

Sounds scary!! How deep is this aquifer?

it's not so much the Asphalt being passed off as oil, but the solvents the Asphalt use to dilute the Asphalt and MAKE it oil ... those solvents can't be cleaned up and the Asphalt WILL NOT flow through a pipeline without the solvents.

That wasn't my question.
How deep is the aquifer?

those solvents can't be cleaned up

Which solvents are they using and why do you feel they can't be cleaned up?

the point is if spilled those solvents will make it to the aquifer, regardless of depth.

pour a 10 gallon barrel of naptha in your backyard and clean it up .. I'll wait.
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .
I really don't care if Keystone has or has not an effect on gas prices.
I DO care though 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the worst piece of stormy ocean in a tanker when in one mile less then 700 barrels travels
through a pipeline ON DRY LAND!
The absolute idiocy of anti-Keystone people is they oppose because of the "environment"?
What is their problem in comprehending the simple fact that 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the ocean has
1) not only a GREATER risk of an accident
2) but when the accident occurs a GREATER area of being DAMAGED
3) by a GREATER amount of oil
then 700 barrels traveling one mile on dry land in a pipeline that joins already 185,000 miles of oil pipelines traversing the USA?
Are you anti-Keystone environmentalists that totally ignorant of real numbers..i.e. 1 million is a BIGGER number then 700 !

Are you trying to say that diluted bitumen (it's not oil) transported in that pipeline will not be refined and immediately put on transport ships for delivery around the world? Are you saying the diluted bitumen will be used exclusively in the U.S.? It's bound for ocean transport anyway, but the XL line routs it across a critical aquifer first before it eventually is put on a ship where the potential for disaster you describe is not reduced at all.

but the XL line routs it across a critical aquifer first

Sounds scary!! How deep is this aquifer?

I'm not sure of the depth, but it is replenished by rain water and snow melt, so I'm not sure how it could be immune to pipeline leaks.
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .
I really don't care if Keystone has or has not an effect on gas prices.
I DO care though 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the worst piece of stormy ocean in a tanker when in one mile less then 700 barrels travels
through a pipeline ON DRY LAND!
The absolute idiocy of anti-Keystone people is they oppose because of the "environment"?
What is their problem in comprehending the simple fact that 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the ocean has
1) not only a GREATER risk of an accident
2) but when the accident occurs a GREATER area of being DAMAGED
3) by a GREATER amount of oil
then 700 barrels traveling one mile on dry land in a pipeline that joins already 185,000 miles of oil pipelines traversing the USA?
Are you anti-Keystone environmentalists that totally ignorant of real numbers..i.e. 1 million is a BIGGER number then 700 !

Are you trying to say that diluted bitumen (it's not oil) transported in that pipeline will not be refined and immediately put on transport ships for delivery around the world? Are you saying the diluted bitumen will be used exclusively in the U.S.? It's bound for ocean transport anyway, but the XL line routs it across a critical aquifer first before it eventually is put on a ship where the potential for disaster you describe is not reduced at all.

but the XL line routs it across a critical aquifer first

Sounds scary!! How deep is this aquifer?
How about an EXPERT Hydrologist with 40 years studying Ogallala opinion one I far more respect then any laymen's opinion!

"Hydrology is the study of the movement, distribution, and quality of water on Earth and other planets, including the hydrologic cycle, water resources and environmental watershed sustainability."
James Goeke an expert i.e. HYDROLOGIST who LIVES in the Ogallala Aquifer area.
Mr. Goeke said...“A lot of people in the debate about the pipeline talk about how leakage would foul the water and ruin the entire water supply in the state of Nebraska and that’s just a false,” he said.
His explanation is simple. Seventy-five to 80 percent of the aquifer lies west of the proposed pipeline route.
This was 1970 and James Goeke had just joined the team at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Conservation and Survey Division where he still works as a hydrologist. He never would have guessed it, but someday he would own a chunk of western Nebraska and cherish it as much as any person could. Scattered around the state are close to 6,000 holes each about 5 inches in diameter drilled to the base of the Ogallala Aquifer. During the 1970s, Goeke drilled about 1,000 of those holes in the deepest part of the aquifer.
He said TransCanada could answer every question and was honest and forthcoming. That didn’t immediately quiet all his reluctance, so he continued his research until he came to a conclusion: The Keystone XL pipeline is not a serious threat to the Ogallala Aquifer.
I've shown experts on the Ogallala Aquifer that says even though 20,000 miles of pipe cross Ogallala now, Keystone will be in less then 20% of the aquifer.
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .
I really don't care if Keystone has or has not an effect on gas prices.
I DO care though 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the worst piece of stormy ocean in a tanker when in one mile less then 700 barrels travels
through a pipeline ON DRY LAND!
The absolute idiocy of anti-Keystone people is they oppose because of the "environment"?
What is their problem in comprehending the simple fact that 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the ocean has
1) not only a GREATER risk of an accident
2) but when the accident occurs a GREATER area of being DAMAGED
3) by a GREATER amount of oil
then 700 barrels traveling one mile on dry land in a pipeline that joins already 185,000 miles of oil pipelines traversing the USA?
Are you anti-Keystone environmentalists that totally ignorant of real numbers..i.e. 1 million is a BIGGER number then 700 !

Are you trying to say that diluted bitumen (it's not oil) transported in that pipeline will not be refined and immediately put on transport ships for delivery around the world? Are you saying the diluted bitumen will be used exclusively in the U.S.? It's bound for ocean transport anyway, but the XL line routs it across a critical aquifer first before it eventually is put on a ship where the potential for disaster you describe is not reduced at all.

but the XL line routs it across a critical aquifer first

Sounds scary!! How deep is this aquifer?

it's not so much the Asphalt being passed off as oil, but the solvents the Asphalt use to dilute the Asphalt and MAKE it oil ... those solvents can't be cleaned up and the Asphalt WILL NOT flow through a pipeline without the solvents.

That wasn't my question.
How deep is the aquifer?

those solvents can't be cleaned up

Which solvents are they using and why do you feel they can't be cleaned up?
Dilbit - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .

I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

I want clean air, clean water and unpolluted soil. Tell me how oil sands are clean, coal is clean and solar and renewable sources are bad.
I want cheap energy that boost economies and create jobs.

Your clean air, clean water, and unpolluted soil is in greater jeopardy from moving oil by rail car than by pipeline. Another 2k miles of pipeline compared to the 10's of thousands miles of existing pipeline is no environmental threat at all.

Yet, again. You lose.
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .
I really don't care if Keystone has or has not an effect on gas prices.
I DO care though 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the worst piece of stormy ocean in a tanker when in one mile less then 700 barrels travels
through a pipeline ON DRY LAND!
The absolute idiocy of anti-Keystone people is they oppose because of the "environment"?
What is their problem in comprehending the simple fact that 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the ocean has
1) not only a GREATER risk of an accident
2) but when the accident occurs a GREATER area of being DAMAGED
3) by a GREATER amount of oil
then 700 barrels traveling one mile on dry land in a pipeline that joins already 185,000 miles of oil pipelines traversing the USA?
Are you anti-Keystone environmentalists that totally ignorant of real numbers..i.e. 1 million is a BIGGER number then 700 !

Are you trying to say that diluted bitumen (it's not oil) transported in that pipeline will not be refined and immediately put on transport ships for delivery around the world? Are you saying the diluted bitumen will be used exclusively in the U.S.? It's bound for ocean transport anyway, but the XL line routs it across a critical aquifer first before it eventually is put on a ship where the potential for disaster you describe is not reduced at all.

but the XL line routs it across a critical aquifer first

Sounds scary!! How deep is this aquifer?

I'm not sure of the depth, but it is replenished by rain water and snow melt, so I'm not sure how it could be immune to pipeline leaks.

benzene, toluene, xylenes, and ethylbenzene

if Asphalt oil is spilled they make it to the groundwater supply.
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .
I really don't care if Keystone has or has not an effect on gas prices.
I DO care though 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the worst piece of stormy ocean in a tanker when in one mile less then 700 barrels travels
through a pipeline ON DRY LAND!
The absolute idiocy of anti-Keystone people is they oppose because of the "environment"?
What is their problem in comprehending the simple fact that 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the ocean has
1) not only a GREATER risk of an accident
2) but when the accident occurs a GREATER area of being DAMAGED
3) by a GREATER amount of oil
then 700 barrels traveling one mile on dry land in a pipeline that joins already 185,000 miles of oil pipelines traversing the USA?
Are you anti-Keystone environmentalists that totally ignorant of real numbers..i.e. 1 million is a BIGGER number then 700 !

Are you trying to say that diluted bitumen (it's not oil) transported in that pipeline will not be refined and immediately put on transport ships for delivery around the world? Are you saying the diluted bitumen will be used exclusively in the U.S.? It's bound for ocean transport anyway, but the XL line routs it across a critical aquifer first before it eventually is put on a ship where the potential for disaster you describe is not reduced at all.

but the XL line routs it across a critical aquifer first

Sounds scary!! How deep is this aquifer?
How about an EXPERT Hydrologist with 40 years studying Ogallala opinion one I far more respect then any laymen's opinion!

"Hydrology is the study of the movement, distribution, and quality of water on Earth and other planets, including the hydrologic cycle, water resources and environmental watershed sustainability."
James Goeke an expert i.e. HYDROLOGIST who LIVES in the Ogallala Aquifer area.
Mr. Goeke said...“A lot of people in the debate about the pipeline talk about how leakage would foul the water and ruin the entire water supply in the state of Nebraska and that’s just a false,” he said.
His explanation is simple. Seventy-five to 80 percent of the aquifer lies west of the proposed pipeline route.
This was 1970 and James Goeke had just joined the team at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Conservation and Survey Division where he still works as a hydrologist. He never would have guessed it, but someday he would own a chunk of western Nebraska and cherish it as much as any person could. Scattered around the state are close to 6,000 holes each about 5 inches in diameter drilled to the base of the Ogallala Aquifer. During the 1970s, Goeke drilled about 1,000 of those holes in the deepest part of the aquifer.
He said TransCanada could answer every question and was honest and forthcoming. That didn’t immediately quiet all his reluctance, so he continued his research until he came to a conclusion: The Keystone XL pipeline is not a serious threat to the Ogallala Aquifer.
I've shown experts on the Ogallala Aquifer that says even though 20,000 miles of pipe cross Ogallala now, Keystone will be in less then 20% of the aquifer.

I have no doubt that this hydrologist is an expert who well respected in his field. However, he is far from the only expert who has extensively looked at this particular situation. As is the nature of all science, there will be reasonable people who disagree with others, so the best we as laymen can do is go with the judgment of the vast majority of experts in that field. He does not represent the vast majority of experts in that field.
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .

I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

I want clean air, clean water and unpolluted soil. Tell me how oil sands are clean, coal is clean and solar and renewable sources are bad.
I want cheap energy that boost economies and create jobs.

Your clean air, clean water, and unpolluted soil is in greater jeopardy from moving oil by rail car than by pipeline. Another 2k miles of pipeline compared to the 10's of thousands miles of existing pipeline is no environmental threat at all.

Yet, again. You lose.

I only lose if you don't look at all the facts. The US, in the last few years has opened up massive oil and gas reserves that most experts agree will be the highest reserve level in the world. Higher than Saudi Arabia. Looks like energy sufficiency is no longer the problem that it was just a few years ago. No, I won't give you a link to that because it is too easy for you to find yourself. Bakken oil can easily be transported with it's own pipeline that won't have nearly the ecological or political problems that bitumen has. Why don't we use our own, especially when we get no additional energy security or any other benefit from Canadian bitumen anyway?
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .

I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

I want clean air, clean water and unpolluted soil. Tell me how oil sands are clean, coal is clean and solar and renewable sources are bad.
I want cheap energy that boost economies and create jobs.

Your clean air, clean water, and unpolluted soil is in greater jeopardy from moving oil by rail car than by pipeline. Another 2k miles of pipeline compared to the 10's of thousands miles of existing pipeline is no environmental threat at all.

Yet, again. You lose.

I only lose if you don't look at all the facts. The US, in the last few years has opened up massive oil and gas reserves that most experts agree will be the highest reserve level in the world. Higher than Saudi Arabia. Looks like energy sufficiency is no longer the problem that it was just a few years ago. No, I won't give you a link to that because it is too easy for you to find yourself. Bakken oil can easily be transported with it's own pipeline that won't have nearly the ecological or political problems that bitumen has. Why don't we use our own, especially when we get no additional energy security or any other benefit from Canadian bitumen anyway?
I have two relatives who work in the Bakken Oil fields... One of them was there when the oil car on a train went off the tracks and burned a town to the ground. Or did you forget that?
North Dakota town evacuates after train derails explodes and burns - The Denver Post
Canadian Oil Train Derails Destroys Center of Town
oil train derails burns town - Bing Videos

These are not imagined environmental problems. These are actual environmental disasters.

Your statement, in no way, gives good cause why the pipeline cannot be built.
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .

I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

I want clean air, clean water and unpolluted soil. Tell me how oil sands are clean, coal is clean and solar and renewable sources are bad.
I want cheap energy that boost economies and create jobs.

Your clean air, clean water, and unpolluted soil is in greater jeopardy from moving oil by rail car than by pipeline. Another 2k miles of pipeline compared to the 10's of thousands miles of existing pipeline is no environmental threat at all.

Yet, again. You lose.

I only lose if you don't look at all the facts. The US, in the last few years has opened up massive oil and gas reserves that most experts agree will be the highest reserve level in the world. Higher than Saudi Arabia. Looks like energy sufficiency is no longer the problem that it was just a few years ago. No, I won't give you a link to that because it is too easy for you to find yourself. Bakken oil can easily be transported with it's own pipeline that won't have nearly the ecological or political problems that bitumen has. Why don't we use our own, especially when we get no additional energy security or any other benefit from Canadian bitumen anyway?
I have two relatives who work in the Bakken Oil fields... One of them was there when the oil car on a train went off the tracks and burned a town to the ground. Or did you forget that?
North Dakota town evacuates after train derails explodes and burns - The Denver Post
Canadian Oil Train Derails Destroys Center of Town
oil train derails burns town - Bing Videos

These are not imagined environmental problems. These are actual environmental disasters.

Your statement, in no way, gives good cause why the pipeline cannot be built.

Of course the train wreck was a tragedy. I never said there shouldn't be a line for the Bakken oil, which is real oil, and not bitumen. In fact I encourage them to build one. I'm just against Canadian bitumen which we don't need anyway.
I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

I want clean air, clean water and unpolluted soil. Tell me how oil sands are clean, coal is clean and solar and renewable sources are bad.
I want cheap energy that boost economies and create jobs.

Your clean air, clean water, and unpolluted soil is in greater jeopardy from moving oil by rail car than by pipeline. Another 2k miles of pipeline compared to the 10's of thousands miles of existing pipeline is no environmental threat at all.

Yet, again. You lose.

I only lose if you don't look at all the facts. The US, in the last few years has opened up massive oil and gas reserves that most experts agree will be the highest reserve level in the world. Higher than Saudi Arabia. Looks like energy sufficiency is no longer the problem that it was just a few years ago. No, I won't give you a link to that because it is too easy for you to find yourself. Bakken oil can easily be transported with it's own pipeline that won't have nearly the ecological or political problems that bitumen has. Why don't we use our own, especially when we get no additional energy security or any other benefit from Canadian bitumen anyway?
I have two relatives who work in the Bakken Oil fields... One of them was there when the oil car on a train went off the tracks and burned a town to the ground. Or did you forget that?
North Dakota town evacuates after train derails explodes and burns - The Denver Post
Canadian Oil Train Derails Destroys Center of Town
oil train derails burns town - Bing Videos

These are not imagined environmental problems. These are actual environmental disasters.

Your statement, in no way, gives good cause why the pipeline cannot be built.

Of course the train wreck was a tragedy. I never said there shouldn't be a line for the Bakken oil, which is real oil, and not bitumen. In fact I encourage them to build one. I'm just against Canadian bitumen which we don't need anyway.
Its not a matter of need in that regard. It creates jobs short and long term, and provides good international relations with our neighbor.

There simply is NO good reason not to build it.

Turkey time.......I'm out.
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .
I really don't care if Keystone has or has not an effect on gas prices.
I DO care though 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the worst piece of stormy ocean in a tanker when in one mile less then 700 barrels travels
through a pipeline ON DRY LAND!
The absolute idiocy of anti-Keystone people is they oppose because of the "environment"?
What is their problem in comprehending the simple fact that 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the ocean has
1) not only a GREATER risk of an accident
2) but when the accident occurs a GREATER area of being DAMAGED
3) by a GREATER amount of oil
then 700 barrels traveling one mile on dry land in a pipeline that joins already 185,000 miles of oil pipelines traversing the USA?
Are you anti-Keystone environmentalists that totally ignorant of real numbers..i.e. 1 million is a BIGGER number then 700 !

Are you trying to say that diluted bitumen (it's not oil) transported in that pipeline will not be refined and immediately put on transport ships for delivery around the world? Are you saying the diluted bitumen will be used exclusively in the U.S.? It's bound for ocean transport anyway, but the XL line routs it across a critical aquifer first before it eventually is put on a ship where the potential for disaster you describe is not reduced at all.

but the XL line routs it across a critical aquifer first

Sounds scary!! How deep is this aquifer?

it's not so much the Asphalt being passed off as oil, but the solvents the Asphalt use to dilute the Asphalt and MAKE it oil ... those solvents can't be cleaned up and the Asphalt WILL NOT flow through a pipeline without the solvents.

That wasn't my question.
How deep is the aquifer?

those solvents can't be cleaned up

Which solvents are they using and why do you feel they can't be cleaned up?

Gee I love it when they start to blather on about caring about the Ogallala aquifer.


Bloody freaking hypocrites. All the left wing whackos do is regurgitate lying talking points. This is all political theater.

Here you go Toddster. Here is a map of the pipelines that already cross the Ogallala.

Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .

I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

I want clean air, clean water and unpolluted soil. Tell me how oil sands are clean, coal is clean and solar and renewable sources are bad.
I want cheap energy that boost economies and create jobs.

Your clean air, clean water, and unpolluted soil is in greater jeopardy from moving oil by rail car than by pipeline. Another 2k miles of pipeline compared to the 10's of thousands miles of existing pipeline is no environmental threat at all.

Yet, again. You lose.

I only lose if you don't look at all the facts. The US, in the last few years has opened up massive oil and gas reserves that most experts agree will be the highest reserve level in the world. Higher than Saudi Arabia. Looks like energy sufficiency is no longer the problem that it was just a few years ago. No, I won't give you a link to that because it is too easy for you to find yourself. Bakken oil can easily be transported with it's own pipeline that won't have nearly the ecological or political problems that bitumen has. Why don't we use our own, especially when we get no additional energy security or any other benefit from Canadian bitumen anyway?
I have two relatives who work in the Bakken Oil fields... One of them was there when the oil car on a train went off the tracks and burned a town to the ground. Or did you forget that?
North Dakota town evacuates after train derails explodes and burns - The Denver Post
Canadian Oil Train Derails Destroys Center of Town
oil train derails burns town - Bing Videos

These are not imagined environmental problems. These are actual environmental disasters.

Your statement, in no way, gives good cause why the pipeline cannot be built.

Yuppers it was Bakken crude that burnt 47 people alive in Lac Megantic.

If people really took the time to consider where their rail lines that are carrying oil go thru urban centers they'd freak.

"It was Bakken oil that exploded in Lac Megantic, Quebec, last summer, incinerating much of the downtown and killing 47 people.

Again, Keystone’s opponents can’t place the blame on inferior standards or an uncaring foreign government, as the disaster involved a U.S. rail line carrying Bakken oil.

And similar accidents have taken place in the U.S. — in addition to the Casselton accident in December, a 90-car Genesee and Wyoming train carrying 2.7 million gallons of crude oil derailed and caught fire in rural Alabama in November, sending flames 300 feet into the air."

Kelly McParland The surge in rail accidents shifts Keystone debate from Canadian oil to U.S. safety National Post
I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

I want clean air, clean water and unpolluted soil. Tell me how oil sands are clean, coal is clean and solar and renewable sources are bad.
I want cheap energy that boost economies and create jobs.

Your clean air, clean water, and unpolluted soil is in greater jeopardy from moving oil by rail car than by pipeline. Another 2k miles of pipeline compared to the 10's of thousands miles of existing pipeline is no environmental threat at all.

Yet, again. You lose.

I only lose if you don't look at all the facts. The US, in the last few years has opened up massive oil and gas reserves that most experts agree will be the highest reserve level in the world. Higher than Saudi Arabia. Looks like energy sufficiency is no longer the problem that it was just a few years ago. No, I won't give you a link to that because it is too easy for you to find yourself. Bakken oil can easily be transported with it's own pipeline that won't have nearly the ecological or political problems that bitumen has. Why don't we use our own, especially when we get no additional energy security or any other benefit from Canadian bitumen anyway?
I have two relatives who work in the Bakken Oil fields... One of them was there when the oil car on a train went off the tracks and burned a town to the ground. Or did you forget that?
North Dakota town evacuates after train derails explodes and burns - The Denver Post
Canadian Oil Train Derails Destroys Center of Town
oil train derails burns town - Bing Videos

These are not imagined environmental problems. These are actual environmental disasters.

Your statement, in no way, gives good cause why the pipeline cannot be built.

Of course the train wreck was a tragedy. I never said there shouldn't be a line for the Bakken oil, which is real oil, and not bitumen. In fact I encourage them to build one. I'm just against Canadian bitumen which we don't need anyway.

*sigh* You really need to get up to speed. You import heavy crude from Venezuela and Nigeria as well.

Canada has been your number one supplier since 2004. Yes. From those oil sands.

You produce only 9 million barrels a day max. But America on the whole uses up to 18 million barrels of oil a day.

Do the math. Your EIA has stated that your imports will be necessary for many decades to come.

Now you have a choice. Buy a wood stove; get off the net; pump your water by hand; learn to ride a horse and get all your neighbors to do the same.


Import oil from people who only riot when they lose the Stanley Cup and don't want to behead you.

Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .

I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

I want clean air, clean water and unpolluted soil. Tell me how oil sands are clean, coal is clean and solar and renewable sources are bad.

Well it doesn't matter if the Keystone is built or not. Canuck crude is coming your way big time via rail and truck.

Not my way, but I do have empathy (look it up, as a Callous Conservative it's a new concept to you) for the farmers of Nebraska who fear a leak will destroy the in ground water supply and their life style.
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .

I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

I want clean air, clean water and unpolluted soil. Tell me how oil sands are clean, coal is clean and solar and renewable sources are bad.

Are you still driving your car and heating your home? Until you stop doing those things, you're just another liberal fucking hypocrite.

We have a Prius and our heat - when we need it - is natural gas. We recycle and do what we can to make the earth as we found it. Assholes and morons, of which you are a representative of both, are too stupid and too callous to give a shit.
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .

I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

I want clean air, clean water and unpolluted soil. Tell me how oil sands are clean, coal is clean and solar and renewable sources are bad.

Well it doesn't matter if the Keystone is built or not. Canuck crude is coming your way big time via rail and truck.

So let it be and stay the fuck out of our internal, national business.
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .

I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

I want clean air, clean water and unpolluted soil. Tell me how oil sands are clean, coal is clean and solar and renewable sources are bad.
I want cheap energy that boost economies and create jobs.

Your clean air, clean water, and unpolluted soil is in greater jeopardy from moving oil by rail car than by pipeline. Another 2k miles of pipeline compared to the 10's of thousands miles of existing pipeline is no environmental threat at all.

Yet, again. You lose.

I only lose if you don't look at all the facts. The US, in the last few years has opened up massive oil and gas reserves that most experts agree will be the highest reserve level in the world. Higher than Saudi Arabia. Looks like energy sufficiency is no longer the problem that it was just a few years ago. No, I won't give you a link to that because it is too easy for you to find yourself. Bakken oil can easily be transported with it's own pipeline that won't have nearly the ecological or political problems that bitumen has. Why don't we use our own, especially when we get no additional energy security or any other benefit from Canadian bitumen anyway?
I have two relatives who work in the Bakken Oil fields... One of them was there when the oil car on a train went off the tracks and burned a town to the ground. Or did you forget that?
North Dakota town evacuates after train derails explodes and burns - The Denver Post
Canadian Oil Train Derails Destroys Center of Town
oil train derails burns town - Bing Videos

These are not imagined environmental problems. These are actual environmental disasters.

Your statement, in no way, gives good cause why the pipeline cannot be built.

Your post strongly suggests that Canada needs to ship it's oil to it's ports and refine it in Canada. We don't need it to travel on our rails, roads or in a pipeline. If we need jobs, build a pipeline to move water from flood prone zones to our Western Desserts and make them into farms.

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