10 New Oil Pipelines and you're still screwed ..

Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .
I really don't care if Keystone has or has not an effect on gas prices.
I DO care though 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the worst piece of stormy ocean in a tanker when in one mile less then 700 barrels travels
through a pipeline ON DRY LAND!
The absolute idiocy of anti-Keystone people is they oppose because of the "environment"?
What is their problem in comprehending the simple fact that 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the ocean has
1) not only a GREATER risk of an accident
2) but when the accident occurs a GREATER area of being DAMAGED
3) by a GREATER amount of oil
then 700 barrels traveling one mile on dry land in a pipeline that joins already 185,000 miles of oil pipelines traversing the USA?
Are you anti-Keystone environmentalists that totally ignorant of real numbers..i.e. 1 million is a BIGGER number then 700 !

stormy ocean ... you keep saying that.

How can a tanker make it around the Cape of Africa or South America and not encounter stormy weather?

Like Iv'e told you, get a globe and study, you're an idiot.
I don't CARE!
You idiots against the Keystone don't seem to care either that more damage can be done in Pacific NW!
Pacific Northwest ports are being increasingly used to ship oil and coal to Asia.
Unfortunately,Northwest inland and coastal waters are some of the most dangerous in the world,
with strong winds, powerful currents, rocky shores and river bars.
The Pacific coastal water from south of the Columbia River outfall to the tip of Vancouver Island to the north (see map below), is commonly known as the Graveyard of the Pacific, and for good reason. You start with abruptly rising rocky coasts, add strong winds, and mix in low visibility from incessant fog and rain.

View attachment 34429
The blue region on the map is known as the Graveyard of the Pacific

Strong winds, sometimes reaching hurricane strength, batter the Washington and Oregon coasts in winter and the foggiest location in the continental U.S. is Cape Disappointment on the northern terminus of the Columbia River (with 106 days a year of dense fog!). The interaction of the westward moving flow of the Columbia River and incoming waves produces the dangerous Columbia Bar (see picture), with large waves and threatening shoals. Strong easterly winds exit the Strait of Juan de Fuca, frequently reaching 60-80 mph.
Cliff Mass Weather Blog Are Pacific Northwest Waters Too Risky for Oil And Coal Ships

spoken like a true environmental crazed LIBERAL.
Oh my goodness!
It isn't a Liberal or conservative issue! It is a simple fact of NUMBERS!!!
Is one million barrels floating one mile on the ocean more likely to have an accident and if it does is it more likely to cause greater harm then
700 barrels in a one mile pipe on dry land?
How complicated is that? That's not a liberal/conservative question!

Liberals think math is a right-wing plot.
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .

I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

saftey isn't my concern ... that obstacle belongs to healthdolt.

my BIGGEST problem is CONGRESS giving away American citizens hard earned land to another Country ... anyone who supports Keystone supports giving away another mans hard earned property to a French Oil Company.

Screw that, Screw Keystone. Screw Congress.

How do you figure? The company building the pipeline has to pay for the use of the land, and furthermore, they are only buying the right-of-way. Farmers and ranchers will still be able to farm and ranch on the land after the pipeline is laid and buried.

well, you're an idiot ..

Keystone XL Eminent Domain Map - Keystone Mapping ProjectKeystone Mapping Project
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .

If OPEC controls the price of oil, why is the price going down? Wouldn't a higher price be in OPEC's best interests? Are you telling us that OPEC countries actually prefer to earn less revenue from oil rather than more?

The left is desperate to justify not building the pipeline, so far all their excuses are utterly stupid.
And all I'm asking these environmentally oriented people is which would have the greater CHANCE of an accident and which if an accident occurred would do the more damage? 1 million barrels on the open seas traveling one mile OR 700 barrels traveling one mile on dry land?
I am flabbergasted at the lack of truly common sense here. The environmentalists are just proving how wacky they are if they encourage Canada to
ship the 1 million barrels via tankers.
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .

I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

saftey isn't my concern ... that obstacle belongs to healthdolt.

my BIGGEST problem is CONGRESS giving away American citizens hard earned land to another Country ... anyone who supports Keystone supports giving away another mans hard earned property to a French Oil Company.

Screw that, Screw Keystone. Screw Congress.

How do you figure? The company building the pipeline has to pay for the use of the land, and furthermore, they are only buying the right-of-way. Farmers and ranchers will still be able to farm and ranch on the land after the pipeline is laid and buried.

well, you're an idiot ..

Keystone XL Eminent Domain Map - Keystone Mapping ProjectKeystone Mapping Project

In other words, you just made an ass of yourself. Under Eminent domain, the company still has to pay for any land it takes. Furthermore, it is only obtaining a right-of-way. It's not taking the surface rights to the land.
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .

I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

saftey isn't my concern ... that obstacle belongs to healthdolt.

my BIGGEST problem is CONGRESS giving away American citizens hard earned land to another Country ... anyone who supports Keystone supports giving away another mans hard earned property to a French Oil Company.

Screw that, Screw Keystone. Screw Congress.

How do you figure? The company building the pipeline has to pay for the use of the land, and furthermore, they are only buying the right-of-way. Farmers and ranchers will still be able to farm and ranch on the land after the pipeline is laid and buried.

well, you're an idiot ..

Keystone XL Eminent Domain Map - Keystone Mapping ProjectKeystone Mapping Project
OK? So what?
Don't waste your time folks seven is a moron (probably a computer generated troll to boot). No amount of factual data will convince it of anything except what it's masters have programmed it to spew.
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .

I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

I want clean air, clean water and unpolluted soil. Tell me how oil sands are clean, coal is clean and solar and renewable sources are bad.
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .

I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

saftey isn't my concern ... that obstacle belongs to healthdolt.

my BIGGEST problem is CONGRESS giving away American citizens hard earned land to another Country ... anyone who supports Keystone supports giving away another mans hard earned property to a French Oil Company.

Screw that, Screw Keystone. Screw Congress.

giving away American citizens hard earned land to another Country

Giving away? LOL!
Land owners are paid.

anyone who supports Keystone supports giving away another mans hard earned property to a French Oil Company.

You know that Bakken oil is also going to be shipped using the pipeline, right?
No, you probably don't.
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .

I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

saftey isn't my concern ... that obstacle belongs to healthdolt.

my BIGGEST problem is CONGRESS giving away American citizens hard earned land to another Country ... anyone who supports Keystone supports giving away another mans hard earned property to a French Oil Company.

Screw that, Screw Keystone. Screw Congress.

How do you figure? The company building the pipeline has to pay for the use of the land, and furthermore, they are only buying the right-of-way. Farmers and ranchers will still be able to farm and ranch on the land after the pipeline is laid and buried.

well, you're an idiot ..

Keystone XL Eminent Domain Map - Keystone Mapping ProjectKeystone Mapping Project

In other words, you just made an ass of yourself. Under Eminent domain, the company still has to pay for any land it takes. Furthermore, it is only obtaining a right-of-way. It's not taking the surface rights to the land.

and if I don't want to sell any of my land WTF then?

idiot RW's were laying on bridges pointing assault rifles at federal agents over some asshat rancher who didn't even on the land being taken over by the Feds that wasn't being taken over because the FEDS OWNED THE DAMN LAND..

Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .
I really don't care if Keystone has or has not an effect on gas prices.
I DO care though 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the worst piece of stormy ocean in a tanker when in one mile less then 700 barrels travels
through a pipeline ON DRY LAND!
The absolute idiocy of anti-Keystone people is they oppose because of the "environment"?
What is their problem in comprehending the simple fact that 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the ocean has
1) not only a GREATER risk of an accident
2) but when the accident occurs a GREATER area of being DAMAGED
3) by a GREATER amount of oil
then 700 barrels traveling one mile on dry land in a pipeline that joins already 185,000 miles of oil pipelines traversing the USA?
Are you anti-Keystone environmentalists that totally ignorant of real numbers..i.e. 1 million is a BIGGER number then 700 !

Are you trying to say that diluted bitumen (it's not oil) transported in that pipeline will not be refined and immediately put on transport ships for delivery around the world? Are you saying the diluted bitumen will be used exclusively in the U.S.? It's bound for ocean transport anyway, but the XL line routs it across a critical aquifer first before it eventually is put on a ship where the potential for disaster you describe is not reduced at all.
I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

saftey isn't my concern ... that obstacle belongs to healthdolt.

my BIGGEST problem is CONGRESS giving away American citizens hard earned land to another Country ... anyone who supports Keystone supports giving away another mans hard earned property to a French Oil Company.

Screw that, Screw Keystone. Screw Congress.

How do you figure? The company building the pipeline has to pay for the use of the land, and furthermore, they are only buying the right-of-way. Farmers and ranchers will still be able to farm and ranch on the land after the pipeline is laid and buried.

well, you're an idiot ..

Keystone XL Eminent Domain Map - Keystone Mapping ProjectKeystone Mapping Project

In other words, you just made an ass of yourself. Under Eminent domain, the company still has to pay for any land it takes. Furthermore, it is only obtaining a right-of-way. It's not taking the surface rights to the land.

and if I don't want to sell any of my land WTF then?

idiot RW's were laying on bridges pointing assault rifles at federal agents over some asshat rancher who didn't even on the land being taken over by the Feds that wasn't being taken over because the FEDS OWNED THE DAMN LAND..


Take your Meds 7.
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .

If OPEC controls the price of oil, why is the price going down? Wouldn't a higher price be in OPEC's best interests? Are you telling us that OPEC countries actually prefer to earn less revenue from oil rather than more?

The left is desperate to justify not building the pipeline, so far all their excuses are utterly stupid.
And all I'm asking these environmentally oriented people is which would have the greater CHANCE of an accident and which if an accident occurred would do the more damage? 1 million barrels on the open seas traveling one mile OR 700 barrels traveling one mile on dry land?
I am flabbergasted at the lack of truly common sense here. The environmentalists are just proving how wacky they are if they encourage Canada to
ship the 1 million barrels via tankers.

You are flabbergasted by the seemingly lack of common sense because liberals are lying to you. When a puke liberal opens their lying sewer mouth just assume they are lying to you then ask yourself what is their real agenda. In this case its not about potential environmental damage or global warming or any of the crap excuses they use to not build the pipeline. Those are just an ends to a means. At the root of liberals opposition to fossil fuels is...wait for it...their utter hatred of corporations. They loath the fact that corporations are making billions of dollars on oil, gas, and coal. They feel those resources belong to the people and they should be reaping those profits. Same story when it came to logging, they destroyed much of that industry by using the endangered species act, again and ends to a means.
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .

I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

I want clean air, clean water and unpolluted soil. Tell me how oil sands are clean, coal is clean and solar and renewable sources are bad.

Well it doesn't matter if the Keystone is built or not. Canuck crude is coming your way big time via rail and truck.
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .

I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

saftey isn't my concern ... that obstacle belongs to healthdolt.

my BIGGEST problem is CONGRESS giving away American citizens hard earned land to another Country ... anyone who supports Keystone supports giving away another mans hard earned property to a French Oil Company.

Screw that, Screw Keystone. Screw Congress.

giving away American citizens hard earned land to another Country

Giving away? LOL!
Land owners are paid.

anyone who supports Keystone supports giving away another mans hard earned property to a French Oil Company.

You know that Bakken oil is also going to be shipped using the pipeline, right?
No, you probably don't.

Imminent domain authority has never been granted to a foreign company. It's not designed for that.
Bakken oil is oil, not the tar like diluted bitumen coming from Canada, and can easily receive a permit for a pipeline on it's own merits. Just because it would be more profitable for oil companies to pick up the diluted bitumen from Canada in the same line is not a good reason for us to take the potential liability for disaster associated with the tar like substance from Canada..
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .

I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

saftey isn't my concern ... that obstacle belongs to healthdolt.

my BIGGEST problem is CONGRESS giving away American citizens hard earned land to another Country ... anyone who supports Keystone supports giving away another mans hard earned property to a French Oil Company.

Screw that, Screw Keystone. Screw Congress.

giving away American citizens hard earned land to another Country

Giving away? LOL!
Land owners are paid.

anyone who supports Keystone supports giving away another mans hard earned property to a French Oil Company.

You know that Bakken oil is also going to be shipped using the pipeline, right?
No, you probably don't.

Imminent domain authority has never been granted to a foreign company. It's not designed for that.
Bakken oil is oil, not the tar like diluted bitumen coming from Canada, and can easily receive a permit for a pipeline on it's own merits. Just because it would be more profitable for oil companies to pick up the diluted bitumen from Canada in the same line is not a good reason for us to take the potential liability for disaster associated with the tar like substance from Canada..
So you would like that oil off the coast of Puget Sound traveling in these same waters as the Exxon Valdez?
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .

I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

I want clean air, clean water and unpolluted soil. Tell me how oil sands are clean, coal is clean and solar and renewable sources are bad.

If you want to eliminate coal, support building new nuclear plants.
Solar and wind are expensive, unreliable and require nuclear, coal or natural gas baseline capacity.
Stopping Keystone won't stop tar sand oil production.
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .
I really don't care if Keystone has or has not an effect on gas prices.
I DO care though 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the worst piece of stormy ocean in a tanker when in one mile less then 700 barrels travels
through a pipeline ON DRY LAND!
The absolute idiocy of anti-Keystone people is they oppose because of the "environment"?
What is their problem in comprehending the simple fact that 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the ocean has
1) not only a GREATER risk of an accident
2) but when the accident occurs a GREATER area of being DAMAGED
3) by a GREATER amount of oil
then 700 barrels traveling one mile on dry land in a pipeline that joins already 185,000 miles of oil pipelines traversing the USA?
Are you anti-Keystone environmentalists that totally ignorant of real numbers..i.e. 1 million is a BIGGER number then 700 !

Are you trying to say that diluted bitumen (it's not oil) transported in that pipeline will not be refined and immediately put on transport ships for delivery around the world? Are you saying the diluted bitumen will be used exclusively in the U.S.? It's bound for ocean transport anyway, but the XL line routs it across a critical aquifer first before it eventually is put on a ship where the potential for disaster you describe is not reduced at all.

but the XL line routs it across a critical aquifer first

Sounds scary!! How deep is this aquifer?
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .

I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

I want clean air, clean water and unpolluted soil. Tell me how oil sands are clean, coal is clean and solar and renewable sources are bad.

Well it doesn't matter if the Keystone is built or not. Canuck crude is coming your way big time via rail and truck.

exactly !

Keystone is moot in the global oil picture.
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .
I really don't care if Keystone has or has not an effect on gas prices.
I DO care though 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the worst piece of stormy ocean in a tanker when in one mile less then 700 barrels travels
through a pipeline ON DRY LAND!
The absolute idiocy of anti-Keystone people is they oppose because of the "environment"?
What is their problem in comprehending the simple fact that 1 million barrels traveling one mile on the ocean has
1) not only a GREATER risk of an accident
2) but when the accident occurs a GREATER area of being DAMAGED
3) by a GREATER amount of oil
then 700 barrels traveling one mile on dry land in a pipeline that joins already 185,000 miles of oil pipelines traversing the USA?
Are you anti-Keystone environmentalists that totally ignorant of real numbers..i.e. 1 million is a BIGGER number then 700 !

Are you trying to say that diluted bitumen (it's not oil) transported in that pipeline will not be refined and immediately put on transport ships for delivery around the world? Are you saying the diluted bitumen will be used exclusively in the U.S.? It's bound for ocean transport anyway, but the XL line routs it across a critical aquifer first before it eventually is put on a ship where the potential for disaster you describe is not reduced at all.

but the XL line routs it across a critical aquifer first

Sounds scary!! How deep is this aquifer?

it's not so much the Asphalt being passed off as oil, but the solvents the Asphalt use to dilute the Asphalt and MAKE it oil ... those solvents can't be cleaned up and the Asphalt WILL NOT flow through a pipeline without the solvents.
Still screwed when OPEC decides to control the price of global oil ... it's a fact of life... just keep telling yourself Keystone will have an effect on the global market..

Oil prices plummet as OPEC decides against output cut

Have a good T-day .

I want a safe, secure source of oil.
Canada is better than the Middle East.
Tell me how stopping Keystone helps.

saftey isn't my concern ... that obstacle belongs to healthdolt.

my BIGGEST problem is CONGRESS giving away American citizens hard earned land to another Country ... anyone who supports Keystone supports giving away another mans hard earned property to a French Oil Company.

Screw that, Screw Keystone. Screw Congress.

giving away American citizens hard earned land to another Country

Giving away? LOL!
Land owners are paid.

anyone who supports Keystone supports giving away another mans hard earned property to a French Oil Company.

You know that Bakken oil is also going to be shipped using the pipeline, right?
No, you probably don't.

Imminent domain authority has never been granted to a foreign company. It's not designed for that.
Bakken oil is oil, not the tar like diluted bitumen coming from Canada, and can easily receive a permit for a pipeline on it's own merits. Just because it would be more profitable for oil companies to pick up the diluted bitumen from Canada in the same line is not a good reason for us to take the potential liability for disaster associated with the tar like substance from Canada..
So you would like that oil off the coast of Puget Sound traveling in these same waters as the Exxon Valdez?
View attachment 34430

Make up your mind. Are you specifically worried about Puget sound, or are you worried about transport in ships in general. This is the first I have heard from you about a specific location. You might note that a lot of oil already travels the same rout as the Exxon Valdez on a regular basis.

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