10 Questions That Will Make You Think….

Smashing a custard pie in your kisser is so simple, because, as is true of so many of your ilk, bovineLiberal, you are unaware of the reasoning and of the biblical basis thereof.

In short, you're a moron.

"Churches are tax exempt under the principle that there is no surer way to destroy the free exercise of religion than to tax it. ... I agree with the Supreme Court that anexemption for churches from taxes tends to reinforce a very healthy separation between church and state.Sep 23, 2008"
Why don't churches pay taxes? - LA Times

Tax exemption for churches came from Ezra 7:24

Now...let's give you, what...the fifth...sixth....opportunity to come up with an answer:
Pastors are restricted in their free speech on pain of losing their churches:
What possible compelling government interest could this represent????

As they are often, the Supreme Court is wrong. Giving tax exempt status to churches then requires the church's to follow the rules for being tax exempt, which puts the government in control of the churches.

We do not base our laws off of bronze age legal codes, or we would be stoning people for adultery.

If a church cannot survive while paying taxes, then they do not deserve to exist.

Why are you Nazis so wedded to depriving Americans of their birthright.....freedom of speech?

I suspect this is the reason: in the marketplace of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.


Damn, she is hot. Who is she?

Here name is on the cover, you moron.

And Powers is a legitimate Liberals, not the Nazi-sort most of you have become.

By the way.....that is called a 'book.'

Because her name is on the book I am supposed to know who she is? I have never heard of her, but she is hot.

I do not read political propaganda, I leave that for the party zealots like yourself.
Smashing a custard pie in your kisser is so simple, because, as is true of so many of your ilk, bovineLiberal, you are unaware of the reasoning and of the biblical basis thereof.

In short, you're a moron.

"Churches are tax exempt under the principle that there is no surer way to destroy the free exercise of religion than to tax it. ... I agree with the Supreme Court that anexemption for churches from taxes tends to reinforce a very healthy separation between church and state.Sep 23, 2008"
Why don't churches pay taxes? - LA Times

Tax exemption for churches came from Ezra 7:24

Now...let's give you, what...the fifth...sixth....opportunity to come up with an answer:
Pastors are restricted in their free speech on pain of losing their churches:
What possible compelling government interest could this represent????

As they are often, the Supreme Court is wrong. Giving tax exempt status to churches then requires the church's to follow the rules for being tax exempt, which puts the government in control of the churches.

We do not base our laws off of bronze age legal codes, or we would be stoning people for adultery.

If a church cannot survive while paying taxes, then they do not deserve to exist.

Why are you Nazis so wedded to depriving Americans of their birthright.....freedom of speech?

I suspect this is the reason: in the marketplace of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.


Damn, she is hot. Who is she?

Here name is on the cover, you moron.

And Powers is a legitimate Liberals, not the Nazi-sort most of you have become.

By the way.....that is called a 'book.'

Because her name is on the book I am supposed to know who she is? I have never heard of her, but she is hot.

I do not read political propaganda, I leave that for the party zealots like yourself.


Three who stand for the same restrictions on free speech

The Nazis and Bolsheviks pictured.....

.....and you.
So the solution is to continue the "War on Poverty" give the poor just enough to remain poor and keep the children of the poor, the next generation of poor, to continue voting for those that keep them poor?
I don't know anyone who wants to keep poor people poor. I also don't know anyone, USMB excluded, that wants to allow poor children to suffer.

Personally -
  • I don't have a lot of sympathy for adults that have made bad life choices and end up in poverty.
  • I don't want to live in a country where we tell people who can have kids.
  • I think that in the majority of cases parents or family will do a better job of raising the children than the government will.
  • I think all children should have the opportunity to be as successful as their talents will allow.
Anyone who has a plan that addresses these values will have my support.
As they are often, the Supreme Court is wrong. Giving tax exempt status to churches then requires the church's to follow the rules for being tax exempt, which puts the government in control of the churches.

We do not base our laws off of bronze age legal codes, or we would be stoning people for adultery.

If a church cannot survive while paying taxes, then they do not deserve to exist.

Why are you Nazis so wedded to depriving Americans of their birthright.....freedom of speech?

I suspect this is the reason: in the marketplace of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.


Damn, she is hot. Who is she?

Here name is on the cover, you moron.

And Powers is a legitimate Liberals, not the Nazi-sort most of you have become.

By the way.....that is called a 'book.'

Because her name is on the book I am supposed to know who she is? I have never heard of her, but she is hot.

I do not read political propaganda, I leave that for the party zealots like yourself.

View attachment 169779

Three who stand for the same restrictions on free speech

The Nazis and Bolsheviks pictured.....

.....and you.

You are so cute when you try so hard. Are you as hot as the chick on the book?
Why are you Nazis so wedded to depriving Americans of their birthright.....freedom of speech?

I suspect this is the reason: in the marketplace of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.


Damn, she is hot. Who is she?

Here name is on the cover, you moron.

And Powers is a legitimate Liberals, not the Nazi-sort most of you have become.

By the way.....that is called a 'book.'

Because her name is on the book I am supposed to know who she is? I have never heard of her, but she is hot.

I do not read political propaganda, I leave that for the party zealots like yourself.

View attachment 169779

Three who stand for the same restrictions on free speech

The Nazis and Bolsheviks pictured.....

.....and you.

You are so cute when you try so hard. Are you as hot as the chick on the book?
The liberal is resorting to the Rules for Radicals playbook again, I see.
The purpose of these 10 questions was to document that Liberals/Democrats are actually clueless as to what they stand for.
They cannot put together cogent responses, defenses for Democrat policies.

And, considering how poorly those contestants have done in supporting/answering/defending their positions, that premise has been proven.

Like trained seals, Liberals/Democrats will attempt to defend the indefensible, and support what they clearly don't understand.

And this conclusion takes us well on our way to understanding the problems America faces today.
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Time to re-visit a term we scarcely hear....yet covers the majority of those who vote Democrat.

"Yellow dog Democrat
Yellow Dog Democrats was a political term applied to voters in the Southern United States who voted solely for candidates who represented the Democratic Party.

The term originated in the late 19th century.
These voters would allegedly "vote for a yellow dog before they would vote for any Republican".[1][2]

The term is now more generally applied to refer to any Democrat who will vote a straight party ticket under any circumstances. "

Yellow dog Democrat - Wikipedia

Obviously I don't coin that term.....but I've proven that it applies to seemingly every Liberals poster on this board.

None were able to justify the desire or doctrines in the 10 questions.
1. What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by awarding nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

2. Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.
What possible compelling government interest could this represent????

3. Since the inception of LBJ's 'War on Poverty,' $22 trillion has been spent to end poverty…yet the poverty rate is worryingly similar to the rate when LBJ began….why are we still following this failed plan?

4. Why is it that the Candidate Obama, who was going to be President of all of the people, has advanced, praised, shielded from blame, has stood up for, only one 'religion' throughout his 8 years in office?

5. Why would the President, Hussein Obama, sworn to defend the Constitution, have instructed illegal aliens to vote in the presidential election???

6. If the Democrats, from Franklin Roosevelt, to Carter and Clinton, had not substituted social justice for fiscal responsibility in the area of home ownership, would there have been a mortgage meltdown?

7. The three factors that are working to injure the middle class, the working folks, are globalization, immigration, and technology.
If the Democrat Party is concerned about the middle class, why is the Democrat Party foursquare in favor of all three?

8. To prove that everything Democrats do is designed to increase their power, a rightwing pundit offered this suggestion:

Give amnesty to all the immigrants, as Democrats wish, but stipulate that they will not be allowed to vote for 25 years.

Why are no Democrats interested in this proposal?

9. "The law that applies to situations where state and federal laws disagree is called the supremacy clause, which is part of article VI of the Constitution. The supremacy clause contains what's known as the doctrine of pre-emption, which says that the federal government wins in the case of conflicting legislation." State vs. Federal Law: Who Really Holds the Trump Card? | HuffPost

Why, then, are Democrat State officials championing 'Sanctuary State/city statutes, contrary to federal law?

10. While I recognize that Democrat officials are copacetic with legalizing marijuana, is that why they are silent about Hussein Obama giving Hezbollah free rein in bringing $ billion a year into our country to placate Iran?

QED.....all Democrats are Yellow dog Democrats.

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