10 Reasons to legalise all drugs

Are you sure you didn't light up already? I haven't once said that pot was bad for you. I DONT CARE !!!!!! I wanna know why YOU like it !
Now let's hear about the elephants. :eusa_dance:

That wasn't at all your original question. Shall I quote you?
Again, YOU asked "what is so good about pot".

I assume no responsibility for your inability to cope with the answers provided. You can try to guess the motivation of people you will never meet to your hearts content. This is why it might help you to avoid the rhetoric and focus on the facts..

you know..

like how you've never heard of, or will find, a case of marijuana overdose.

too bad the same can't be said for toothpaste, eh?

LMAO--stop--your killing me--I'm gonna have an overdose of someone defending the safety of pot !!!! :rofl:

there you go.. a little something that you can use to compare with all those marijuana overdoses happening all the time. I'm sure both of those websites will have a plethora of info on what to do after OD'ing on pot too.

It's just like any other thing we allow ourselves to do that may not be as healthy as a rice cake and a bottle of water. Sure, it would be less risky to ban alcohol too. look how that turned out. Tobacco? Sugar? Caffiene?

facts.. neat, aren't they?
More people have died eating spinach than smoking pot.

More people have died eating lettuce than smoking pot.

More people have died drinking water than smoking pot. (There was some radio contest recently where a woman died from water poisoning.)

Just saying. :D

Of course I don't know the statistics surrounding auto accidents and pot, I usually smoked and stayed home. Safer that way.

there you go.. a little something that you can use to compare with all those marijuana overdoses happening all the time. I'm sure both of those websites will have a plethora of info on what to do after OD'ing on pot too.

It's just like any other thing we allow ourselves to do that may not be as healthy as a rice cake and a bottle of water. Sure, it would be less risky to ban alcohol too. look how that turned out. Tobacco? Sugar? Caffiene?

facts.. neat, aren't they?

you asked what was so good about pot and I've been having fun letting you know, exactly, what that is.

Now, what have you learned today?

LMAO--stop--your killing me--I'm gonna have an overdose of someone defending the safety of pot !!!!

Have a good evening, Dilloduck.
you asked what was so good about pot and I've been having fun letting you know, exactly, what that is.

Now, what have you learned today?

LMAO--stop--your killing me--I'm gonna have an overdose of someone defending the safety of pot !!!!

That pot smoking causes people to say the same shit --over and over and over. :rofl:
What's so good about pot ? I would hope that if our society decide to make something legal it will be of some benefit to society.


The standard of whether something is legal is that it is a benefit to society? So we make everything illegal unless it benefits society? This is the crappiest standard ever.
The standard in a free society should not be why to make something legal, but why to make something illegal. Legality should be the default, unless society has a compelling interest in making it illegal.
Indeed, marijuana could be the new cash crop to aid failing tobacco farmers and a source for new sin taxes. It's about as natural as a commodity can get. It would stimulate a brand new market which should give capitolists a raging hardon. Legalization would relieve crowded prisons and save tax dollars spent on government agencies whose purpose seems to be perpetuating it's own income by ignoring the reality of pot compared to drugs you'll see advertised on TV tonight. I could go on but it seems we are about to talk about zoos and elephants or something.

It's the number one crop in 12. In the top 3 of 30 states.

Contrasting government figures for traditional crops -- like corn and wheat -- against the study's projections for marijuana production, the report cites marijuana as the top cash crop in 12 states and among the top three cash crops in 30.

The cost it will save us in taxes:

A 2005 analysis by Harvard visiting professor Jeffrey Miron estimates that if the United States legalized marijuana, the country would save $7.7 billion in law enforcement costs and could generated as much as $6.2 billion annually if marijuana were taxed like alcohol or tobacco.

So instead of costing us $7.7 Billion a year it would be putting $6.2 into the tax base.

If it's the number one cash crop why in the hell is it illegal?
In other words, You want to use pot legally because it's your right to use what you want to feel good ?

That's good enough for me. Why shouldn't that be enough?

What good is alcohol for society? What benefits does it provide to our society? With your reasoning, it should be legal. I doesn't provide anything good to society. Oh wait... We already been there done that with drinking.... Prohibition didn't work with drinking and it's not working with marijuana.
Not at all. I was merely pointing out that pharmaceutical companies have a very high stake in keeping certain illicit drugs from being legalized. That and, as Shogun said, there are fewer side effects with marijuana than a lot, if not all, psych meds. My limited knowledge of the effects of anti-depressants (my wife takes 2 or 3 different types) compared to my vast knowledge of the effects of pot (my recreational use and some reading) makes me think that very few people who suffer from depression would find it useful.

Just for the record, I would like to see it legalized for the medicinal reasons we've all read and heard about (doesn't Montel Williams smoke it for the pain he suffers? MS, I think) and because I just really enjoy smoking the stuff.

They are major sponsor of the drug free movement. Hypocrites.

At one time the alcohol and cigarette makers where sponsoring it as well. The drug free groups cut them out in 1997 due to the hypocrisy of it.
It's the number one crop in 12. In the top 3 of 30 states.


The cost it will save us in taxes:

So instead of costing us $7.7 Billion a year it would be putting $6.2 into the tax base.

If it's the number one cash crop why in the hell is it illegal?

Don't be an idiot--any "savings" seen by government would be immediately swallowed up by some other silly ass expenditure. Just admit it. You want to use what appears to be a relatively safe substance to alter your state of mind.
Don't be an idiot--any "savings" seen by government would be immediately swallowed up by some other silly ass expenditure. Just admit it. You want to use what appears to be a relatively safe substance to alter your state of mind.

And what costs we save by having liquor legal vs how much it would cost if it was outlawed.

Oh wait... We've already done that. DIDN'T work!!!

Oh and those numbers are just marijuana not the other drugs figured into them.
And what costs we save by having liquor legal vs how much it would cost if it was outlawed.

Oh wait... We've already done that. DIDN'T work!!!

Oh and those numbers are just marijuana not the other drugs figured into them.

I don't recall saying that I thought alcohol was any better of an idea than pot. I merely asked what was good about pot. I was probably out of line because this thread is about the LAW--not the drug. I mean no one here touches the stuff right? :lol: But if they did they would be safe because you can't overdose on it.
I don't recall saying that I thought alcohol was any better of an idea than pot. I merely asked what was good about pot. I was probably out of line because this thread is about the LAW--not the drug. I mean no one here touches the stuff right? :lol: But if they did they would be safe because you can't overdose on it.

If we only make things legal that are good for you and make everything else illegal then...

No junk food. No soda. No potato chips. No sugar. No processed foods. No couch potato lifestyle (daily required exercise). No staying up past set bed times (good sleep is VERY healthy)..No alcohol, no cigarettes, no cigars, no caffiene....

We have many laws to enact, there are many unhealthy habits that are quite legal and that we view as a persons choice and as part of an ideal of "personal freedom" that we hold dear. According to you however, only things that are GOOD for you should be legal and all else should be ILLEGAL. Forget freedom of personal choice to decide for ourselves right?

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