10 Reasons to legalise all drugs

The thing that some of you arent understanding is this:

We want DRUGS to be legalized, NOT crime. Theres a HUGE difference between the two.

If you are a person who wants to take all the crime away by passing a shitload of laws, then you really *dont* get it!

Lawbreakers = criminals, by the book.

But what is a crime? Is it a crime that some people take razor blades to their arms stomachs and legs? Those people are called "cutters". Thats not illegal, and its not a CRIME. Its bad for them, sure. Most sane people would agree on that. That doesnt mean that we should just go ahead and outlaw the production and sales of razor blades or glass or anything else capable of cutting ones self with, right?

We arent trying to outlaw the production of spray paint, even though we know that some people will actually inhale the shit!

You can NOT pass a law and expect criminals to follow it. Criminals are criminals. They think they are above the law.

Safety- Yeah we get it. Look, its not safe that people are allowed to procreate without the use of condoms and a matrimonial degree, lol... but it still happens, and as a result people get all kinds of nasty STDs and HIV. We arent trying to outlaw sex, are we?

Unsafe does NOT equate to unlawful, nor should it. We are the dictators over our bodies, and we will do with them as we please, whether the govt says we can or not. If caffiene beverages like coffee were unlawful to drink, I WOULD STILL DRINK THEM. I know that caffiene isnt good for me to drink in excess, but I DO IT, DAMNIT, and aint nobody going to stop me!!!!

Do you get it now?

Just because Im all hopped up on Mt Dew doesnt give me a free pass to commit a crime, and it doesnt mean I am going to commit one. Just because someone made Mt Dew illegal (hypothetically) doesnt mean I cant very easily go out on the street and find a fresh clean bottle of the stuff. I may be risking going to jail over possession of caffiene (ridiculous, but hey caffeine is a drug, like it or not) but again, it IS my body, and I will put into it whatever I please.

Now, if I drank 10 bottles of the stuff in the AM, and went looking for some more, and the person was in a foul mood, they hit me, and I ended up defending myself and beating the shit out of someone then THE CRIME that happened was not ME BEING ADDICTED TO CAFFEINE, but the fact that I beat the shit out of someone WHILE being UNDER THE INFLUENCE of that substance, which automatically would make me the guilty party, regardless of how badly I was beaten up, also. The underlying crime, the one that nobody ever looks at, is that there was a LAW preventing me from being able to go to the store and pay $1.25 for a 2 liter, which would have lasted me all day, sometimes 2 days. That, my friends, is the real problem. Making stuff illegal doesnt stop people from using it. It just applies a film over everyones eyes that the reason someone did something was because they were under the influence of a substance, whatever that substance may be. Thats not true. See, I would NEVER assault someone BECAUSE I am hopped up on Dew. Thats absurd!!! But should the laws continue as they have been, in this war on drugs, then the cops could easily give me a blood test, and see that I had a high level of caffeine in my body, and therefore find their assailant. WRONGO!!! Many times, its the opposite, and the person who happened to be the victim gets tossed in the pokey just because they were under the influence..

The war on drugs should be called the war on PEOPLES FREEDOM.
Pot will reduce our taxes ?? Promise ??? :rofl:

Actually I want to know what is good about the substance--you know, THC ?

While I will not promise that legalizing marijuana will reduce taxes, I would like to point out that $40-$50 billion of our tax dollars are spent annually in the losing "War on Drugs," money that could be better spent in our schools, restoring our infrastructure, and numerous other projects. If marijuana were to be legalized, it could be taxed the same way they tax cigarettes and city, state, and federal coffers would have one more source of revenue.

The legalization of drugs is one topic where I split from what many would consider the conservatives. I lean toward the legaliztion of all drugs, I don't feel that it is the job of my government to tell me what to do with my body. While it is a rare occasion these days that I partake of the magical herb, I can say that I much prefer it to alcohol.

One of the biggest roadblocks to the legalization of currently illegal drugs, pot in particular, has got to be the pharmaceutical companies, they don't want the competition. What would they do with the excess Xanax, Wellbutrin, Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Trazodone, Buspar, Celexa, Lexapro, Cymbalta, Luvox, Meridia, Remeron, Effexor, Dutonin, or any of the other SSRI and SSNRI Antidepressants I didn't bother listing.
indeed, I mentioned tap water after the following profound statement:

But we already have millions of things in America that you can't overdose on.

Praytell, what exactly does "millions of other things that you can't overdose on" have to do with a thread about drugs?

please be specific. After all, this hasn't been reduced to wookie-like rhetoric yet, right?

My two specific examples to your original question certainly fall outside the realm of rhetoric so, by all means, play ball or go back to the dugout, son.

Wake up ,dude
I asked what was good about pot.
You said one good thing about it was that you can't overdose on it.
If I asked you what is good about a zoo are you gonna tell me it keeps elephants from stepping on my toes ?
The thing that some of you arent understanding is this:

We want DRUGS to be legalized, NOT crime. Theres a HUGE difference between the two.

If you are a person who wants to take all the crime away by passing a shitload of laws, then you really *dont* get it!

Lawbreakers = criminals, by the book.

But what is a crime? Is it a crime that some people take razor blades to their arms stomachs and legs? Those people are called "cutters". Thats not illegal, and its not a CRIME. Its bad for them, sure. Most sane people would agree on that. That doesnt mean that we should just go ahead and outlaw the production and sales of razor blades or glass or anything else capable of cutting ones self with, right?

We arent trying to outlaw the production of spray paint, even though we know that some people will actually inhale the shit!

You can NOT pass a law and expect criminals to follow it. Criminals are criminals. They think they are above the law.

Safety- Yeah we get it. Look, its not safe that people are allowed to procreate without the use of condoms and a matrimonial degree, lol... but it still happens, and as a result people get all kinds of nasty STDs and HIV. We arent trying to outlaw sex, are we?

Unsafe does NOT equate to unlawful, nor should it. We are the dictators over our bodies, and we will do with them as we please, whether the govt says we can or not. If caffiene beverages like coffee were unlawful to drink, I WOULD STILL DRINK THEM. I know that caffiene isnt good for me to drink in excess, but I DO IT, DAMNIT, and aint nobody going to stop me!!!!

Do you get it now?

Just because Im all hopped up on Mt Dew doesnt give me a free pass to commit a crime, and it doesnt mean I am going to commit one. Just because someone made Mt Dew illegal (hypothetically) doesnt mean I cant very easily go out on the street and find a fresh clean bottle of the stuff. I may be risking going to jail over possession of caffiene (ridiculous, but hey caffeine is a drug, like it or not) but again, it IS my body, and I will put into it whatever I please.

Now, if I drank 10 bottles of the stuff in the AM, and went looking for some more, and the person was in a foul mood, they hit me, and I ended up defending myself and beating the shit out of someone then THE CRIME that happened was not ME BEING ADDICTED TO CAFFEINE, but the fact that I beat the shit out of someone WHILE being UNDER THE INFLUENCE of that substance, which automatically would make me the guilty party, regardless of how badly I was beaten up, also. The underlying crime, the one that nobody ever looks at, is that there was a LAW preventing me from being able to go to the store and pay $1.25 for a 2 liter, which would have lasted me all day, sometimes 2 days. That, my friends, is the real problem. Making stuff illegal doesnt stop people from using it. It just applies a film over everyones eyes that the reason someone did something was because they were under the influence of a substance, whatever that substance may be. Thats not true. See, I would NEVER assault someone BECAUSE I am hopped up on Dew. Thats absurd!!! But should the laws continue as they have been, in this war on drugs, then the cops could easily give me a blood test, and see that I had a high level of caffeine in my body, and therefore find their assailant. WRONGO!!! Many times, its the opposite, and the person who happened to be the victim gets tossed in the pokey just because they were under the influence..

The war on drugs should be called the war on PEOPLES FREEDOM.

In other words, You want to use pot legally because it's your right to use what you want to feel good ?
Wake up ,dude
I asked what was good about pot.
You said one good thing about it was that you can't overdose on it.
If I asked you what is good about a zoo are you gonna tell me it keeps elephants from stepping on my toes ?

and you don't call that RHETORIC? did I say anything about elephants or zoos? You asked a question and I gave you two answers. You replied with a strawman and the wookie defense.

now, is there anything relevant you'd like to add or is it time to RSR up the thread??
What's good about pot, THC?

It alleviates feelings of nausea.

It helps to stimulate the appetite.

These two things are very helpful to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.
What would they do with the excess Xanax, Wellbutrin, Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Trazodone, Buspar, Celexa, Lexapro, Cymbalta, Luvox, Meridia, Remeron, Effexor, Dutonin, or any of the other SSRI and SSNRI Antidepressants I didn't bother listing.

Are you really implying that pot can pharmaceutically recreate all the effects of these medications ?
What's good about pot, THC?
It alleviates feelings of nausea.
It helps to stimulate the appetite.
These two things are very helpful to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Indeed, marijuana could be the new cash crop to aid failing tobacco farmers and a source for new sin taxes. It's about as natural as a commodity can get. It would stimulate a brand new market which should give capitolists a raging hardon. Legalization would relieve crowded prisons and save tax dollars spent on government agencies whose purpose seems to be perpetuating it's own income by ignoring the reality of pot compared to drugs you'll see advertised on TV tonight. I could go on but it seems we are about to talk about zoos and elephants or something.
What's good about pot, THC?

It alleviates feelings of nausea.

It helps to stimulate the appetite.

These two things are very helpful to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Thanks. I think cancer patients outta have access to THC for these reasons.
Are you really implying that pot can pharmaceutically recreate all the effects of these medications ?

looks to me that he was implying that pot is less risky, healthwise, than every one of those drugs that you've seen a commercial for.

it says a lot when you can overdose on toothpaste while braying on about the evil of a plant.
Indeed, marijuana could be the new cash crop to aid failing tobacco farmers and a source for new sin taxes. It's about as natural as a commodity can get. It would stimulate a brand new market which should give capitolists a raging hardon. Legalization would relieve crowded prisons and save tax dollars spent on government agencies whose purpose seems to be perpetuating it's own income by ignoring the reality of pot compared to drugs you'll see advertised on TV tonight. I could go on but it seems we are about to talk about zoos and elephants or something.

Cool--I'm all for industrial hemp! I'm not sure it's really well thought out use of arable land but what the hell.
looks to me that he was implying that pot is less risky, healthwise, than every one of those drugs that you've seen a commercial for.

it says a lot when you can overdose on toothpaste while braying on about the evil of a plant.

Where did I bray about a plant being evil ? I'm getting a kick outta watcha you come up with every reason in the world to legalize pot EXCEPT for the one everyone REALLY wants to use it for. Amazing.
I guess nuclear reactors and oil refineries are a better use of land?

The tobacco market is waning. this doesn't just effect philiip morris. Im sure you can see the economic boost involved with legalizing pot? surely. Let the dept of ATF add M to their title and regulate it just like alcohol. No one advocates abuse just because they see that prohibition hasn't worked any better for pot than it did for alcohol.
looks to me that he was implying that pot is less risky, healthwise, than every one of those drugs that you've seen a commercial for.

it says a lot when you can overdose on toothpaste while braying on about the evil of a plant.

Dude--your all hung up on this "less risky" crap. WHO CARES ?? Using NONE OF THE ABOVE is probably the least risk of all.
Where did I bray about a plant being evil ? I'm getting a kick outta watcha you come up with every reason in the world to legalize pot

you ASSume that people who want pot legal only desire as much because of personal use. As if there are no other reasons that the prohibition of pot is illogical... listed for you conveniently by at least three people, no less.

Again, I answered your question. Do you have anything more to add?
Dude--your all hung up on this "less risky" crap. WHO CARES ?? Using NONE OF THE ABOVE is probably the least risk of all.

riiiight.. because Americans sure don't consider RISK when making choices in their everyday life.. sometimes even, GASP, choosing a riskier path than could have otherwise been taken.. Hell, why on EARTH would 60 year old men risk the side effects of viagra when simply saying no to sex is the least risky of all?

Tell you what.. go find any single account of a death caused by an overdose of pot and then i'll humor you with all the elephant fun zoo talk you want to hear.
Where did I bray about a plant being evil ? I'm getting a kick outta watcha you come up with every reason in the world to legalize pot

you ASSume that people who want pot legal only desire as much because of personal use. As if there are no other reasons that the prohibition of pot is illogical... listed for you conveniently by at least three people, no less.

Again, I answered your question. Do you have anything more to add?

AHHHHH I get it----you want pot legalized to cure the ills of society. That's mighty caring of you. Why don't you light up a hog leg and congratulate yourself for all you efforts.
riiiight.. because Americans sure don't consider RISK when making choices in their everyday life.. sometimes even, GASP, choosing a riskier path than could have otherwise been taken.. Hell, why on EARTH would 60 year old men risk the side effects of viagra when simply saying no to sex is the least risky of all?

Tell you what.. go find any single account of a death caused by an overdose of pot and then i'll humor you with all the elephant fun zoo talk you want to hear.

Are you sure you didn't light up already? I haven't once said that pot was bad for you. I DONT CARE !!!!!! I wanna know why YOU like it !
Now let's hear about the elephants. :eusa_dance:
Are you really implying that pot can pharmaceutically recreate all the effects of these medications ?

Not at all. I was merely pointing out that pharmacuetical companies have a very high stake in keeping certain illicit drugs from being legalized. That and, as Shogun said, there are fewer side effects with marijuana than a lot, if not all, psych meds. My limited knowledge of the effects of anti-depressants (my wife takes 2 or 3 different types) compared to my vast knowledge of the effects of pot (my recreational use and some reading) makes me think that very few people who suffer from depression would find it useful.

Just for the record, I would like to see it legalized for the medicinal reasons we've all read and heard about (doesn't Montel Williams smoke it for the pain he suffers? MS, I think) and because I just really enjoy smoking the stuff.
Again, YOU asked "what is so good about pot".

I assume no responsibility for your inability to cope with the answers provided. You can try to guess the motivation of people you will never meet to your hearts content. This is why it might help you to avoid the rhetoric and focus on the facts..

you know..

like how you've never heard of, or will find, a case of marijuana overdose.

too bad the same can't be said for toothpaste, eh?

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