10 Reasons to legalise all drugs

That we supposedly can’t legislate morality is, in itself, a moral statement. We legislate morality all of the time. Every law is a statement about what we think that we should allow and what we should not allow. Laws against murder are moral laws.

You are right.

OK another angle to look at it... They are victimless crimes. If they are hurting no one but themselves, should we have laws governing it?
What will the feds do when the first state legalizes Marijuana? It's going to happen.

It almost happened in Alaska in 2004:

Measure 2 falls short, but garners record support

On November 2, 2004, Alaska voters defeated Measure 2 -- a grassroots initiative that would have taken marijuana off of the criminal market -- 44% to 56%. While the initiative lost, this was the largest statewide vote to end marijuana prohibition in the nation's history.
We could get Howie Mandel to host a gameshow where anyone can champion any particular substance and can compete against other champions representing other drugs in a winner takes all half hour of family fun. Each contestant will be given copius amounts of their chosen drug and be placed in an environment that requires the consumption of said drug including IV drips, smoke filled chambers and all the pariphenalia necessary. whoever lives while maintaining a reasonable level of health gets their drug decriminalized for a year.

my money is on pot.

What's so good about pot ? I would hope that if our society decide to make something legal it will be of some benefit to society.
oh, you mean besides the fact that you cannot overdose on it?

or, perhaps you meant the gazillion industrial uses for its plant components?

which illicit drug do you find more benevolent?
i'm sure legal meth would usher in a new decade of breakthroughs in capitolism and all..
oh, you mean besides the fact that you cannot overdose on it?

or, perhaps you meant the gazillion industrial uses for its plant components?

which illicit drug do you find more benevolent?
i'm sure legal meth would usher in a new decade of breakthroughs in capitolism and all..

No---I didnt mean any of that stuff. I mean what I said.
Read the Constitution, Federal and State. They provide specific powers granted BY the people to the Governments in question.

What is legit about outlawing prostitution, drugs, and gamboling? What are the limited legitimate powers and responsibilities of our government? Please list them.

On the one hand, you say that Republicans support legitimate powers. On the other hand, aren’t Republicans opposed to allowing people to engage in prostitution and gamboling? How do you synthesize such things?
Reduced taxes. The drug war is costing all of us billions upon billions.

Prisons would be full of people who actually hurt other people.

Those are two that come to mind.
What's so good about pot ? I would hope that if our society decide to make something legal it will be of some benefit to society.

I answered your question with two examples regarding "what's so good about pot". Would you care to elaborate on how, exactly, you think pot would lack some benefits to society compared to every other illicit or abused drug?
Reduced taxes. The drug war is costing all of us billions upon billions.

Prisons would be full of people who actually hurt other people.

Those are two that come to mind.

Pot will reduce our taxes ?? Promise ??? :rofl:

Actually I want to know what is good about the substance--you know, THC ?
roll yourself a fat hogleg and find out.

then, as you drift off into sleep after pouncing on that bag of cheetos try not to be too suprised when you can't manage to smoke enough to overdose. Too bad most medicines, from cough syrup to toothpaste, are not similarly benign, eh?
roll yourself a fat hogleg and find out.

then, as you drift off into sleep after pouncing on that bag of cheetos try not to be too suprised when you can't manage to smoke enough to overdose.

But we already have millions of things in America that you can't overdose on.
yea.. for some reason I just don't see purified water on par with marijuana. Talk about an obvious strawman.
Cocain makes me feel good too, however, I wouldn't try to place coke on the same level as marijuana because only a fool would pretend that they produce the same effect. Likewise, only a fool would blindly ignore the potential benefits of legalized pot by using transparent strawman rhetoric.

Like I said.. I answered your question with two specific examples. Is there anything interesting you'd like to add or is iit time to dive into the rhetoric pond?
Cocain makes me feel good too, however, I wouldn't try to place coke on the same level as marijuana because only a fool would pretend that they produce the same effect. Likewise, only a fool would blindly ignore the potential benefits of legalized pot by using transparent strawman rhetoric.

Like I said.. I answered your question with two specific examples. Is there anything interesting you'd like to add or is iit time to dive into the rhetoric pond?

Yo pot head--there's nothing rhetorical about my question. Saying pot is good because it will not kill you is somewhat bizarre tho. Doesn't make me wanna run right out and buy some.
funny, I feel the same way about prothletizing christians yet....

I see that you had to run strait for the name calling since the strawman didn't seem to work for ya. I guess I didn't really expect anything different though. Of course, we all know what it means when someone needs to start name calling instead of defending a position...

after all.. there are plenty of things that don't make a person overdose so why not bring up tap water in a thread about drugs?


But we already have millions of things in America that you can't overdose on.

funny, I feel the same way about prothletizing christians yet....

I see that you had to run strait for the name calling since the strawman didn't seem to work for ya. I guess I didn't really expect anything different though. Of course, we all know what it means when someone needs to start name calling instead of defending a position...

after all.. there are plenty of things that don't make a person overdose so why not bring up tap water in a thread about drugs?


LMAO--you brought up tap water.
If you want to use a substance that will make you feel good and won't kill you, why don't you jsut admit it.
LMAO--you brought up tap water.
If you want to use a substance that will make you feel good and won't kill you, why don't you jsut admit it.

indeed, I mentioned tap water after the following profound statement:

But we already have millions of things in America that you can't overdose on.

Praytell, what exactly does "millions of other things that you can't overdose on" have to do with a thread about drugs?

please be specific. After all, this hasn't been reduced to wookie-like rhetoric yet, right?

My two specific examples to your original question certainly fall outside the realm of rhetoric so, by all means, play ball or go back to the dugout, son.

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