10 Reasons to legalise all drugs

I already pointed out this idea of making crimes legal with a "tax" will solve all kind of problems. Of course when it starts happening I wouldn't want to live in this country anymore.

Smoking marijuana is a little bit different than most other crimes. No wait, its a lot different.
Smoking marijuana is a little bit different than most other crimes. No wait, its a lot different.

You have willfully ignored that this thread is not just about MJ. REREAD the title and then reread the posts made, then get back to me.
You have willfully ignored that this thread is not just about MJ. REREAD the title and then reread the posts made, then get back to me.

No, but it includes Marijuana which is a MAJOR contributing factor to those in jail on drug convictions.

Now I've already said that some harder drugs should stay illegal. YOU have not, preferring to class all "crimes" together...marijuana with rape and murder. They are very different things, and if you look at them equally you are making a major mistake.
No, but it includes Marijuana which is a MAJOR contributing factor to those in jail on drug convictions.

Now I've already said that some harder drugs should stay illegal. YOU have not, preferring to class all "crimes" together...marijuana with rape and murder. They are very different things, and if you look at them equally you are making a major mistake.

The reality is that almost everywhere you only go to jail for MJ if your dealing growing or distributing it. It is now a misdomeaner almost everywhere if all your doing is smoking it.

THIS thread and your word games do not change the fact that we are TALKING about hard drugs and the fact that the people in favor of legalizing them are wrong.

BUT do continue to pretend I am just talking about pot.
Ok then... Just marijuana, where do you stand. Even the growers shouldn't be in prisoned. The laws are based on lies and misconceptions. Ones that their own studies have proven wrong.
The reality is that almost everywhere you only go to jail for MJ if your dealing growing or distributing it. It is now a misdomeaner almost everywhere if all your doing is smoking it.

Incorrect. That is true of some states, but not others. Texas has 180 days in jail for anything less than 2 oz. Kansas has 1 year in jail for any amount. Same for Arkansas. Wyoming has 3 month jail time for being under the influence of marijuana...not even posessing any. Nevada if you are under 21 and posess any amount of marijuana it is a class E felony and is 1-4 years in jail. This is not true of everywhere...but it is hardly the fact that "almost everwhere" smoking MJ does not get you thrown into prison.

THIS thread and your word games do not change the fact that we are TALKING about hard drugs and the fact that the people in favor of legalizing them are wrong.

Since when were we only talking about hard drugs? You seem to have redefined the debate without telling anyone else.

BUT do continue to pretend I am just talking about pot.

...be smarter. Please.
I believe Oregon is the only state where it's legal to be under the influence of it. Unless you're behind the wheel. It's also only a ticket if found with anything less than an ounce.
Incorrect. That is true of some states, but not others. Texas has 180 days in jail for anything less than 2 oz. Kansas has 1 year in jail for any amount. Same for Arkansas. Wyoming has 3 month jail time for being under the influence of marijuana...not even posessing any. Nevada if you are under 21 and posess any amount of marijuana it is a class E felony and is 1-4 years in jail. This is not true of everywhere...but it is hardly the fact that "almost everwhere" smoking MJ does not get you thrown into prison.

Since when were we only talking about hard drugs? You seem to have redefined the debate without telling anyone else.

...be smarter. Please.

Are you actually this dense? READ the TITLE of the THREAD. READ the majority of the posts. You need to BE SMARTER.
Are you actually this dense? READ the TITLE of the THREAD. READ the majority of the posts. You need to BE SMARTER.

I'm the one that started this thread. So, let's now talk about just the one drug. Marijuana. The thread doesn't have to be just about all drugs. How about we deal with one at a time.

Let's tackle the one that is clearly the stupidest to keep illegal... MARIJUANA

Should it be legal? Should we tax it? Should we get it out being the main focus of the DEA? How about the fact that up until the last few years they have ignored the meth issue and remained focused on weed? What about the fact that the issues with weed have been created by the group enforcing the laws around it? Should we do what our own studies have said to do about it? Or should we continue to through the huge amounts we are? How the fact that the amount of users have gone up not down under the laws?

I can go on and on... All questions you seem to want to avoid directly replying to.
Some data behind the current marijuana arrests:

According to the most recent figures available from the FBI, police arrested an estimated 786,545 people on marijuana charges in 2005 -- more than twice the number of Americans arrested just 12 years ago. Among those arrested, about 88 percent -- some 696,074 Americans -- were charged with possession only. The remaining 90,471 individuals were charged with "sale/manufacture," a category that includes all cultivation offenses, even those where the marijuana was being grown for personal or medical use.

These totals are the highest ever recorded by the FBI, and make up 42.6 percent of all drug arrests in the United States. Nevertheless, self-reported pot use by adults, as well as the ready availability of marijuana on the black market, remains virtually unchanged.

Marijuana isn't a harmless substance, and those who argue for a change in the drug's legal status do not claim it to be. However, pot's relative risks to the user and society are arguably fewer than those of alcohol and tobacco, and they do not warrant the expenses associated with targeting, arresting and prosecuting hundreds of thousands of Americans every year.

According to federal statistics, about 94 million Americans -- that's 40 percent of the U.S. population age 12 or older -- self-identify as having used cannabis at some point in their lives, and relatively few acknowledge having suffered significant deleterious health effects due to their use. America's public policies should reflect this reality, not deny it. It makes no sense to continue to treat nearly half of all Americans as criminals.
The title of the thread says ALL DRUGS. Now, anwser me, is Marijuana a drug? Yes? Then we are talking about it.

More word games by the word game expert. YOU have attempt to change the subject and course of the conversation to JUST about pot. Then cried foul when it is pointed out THAT is not all we are talking about. YOU have tried to twist what I have said into JUST about pot, when I have repeatedly reminded you that this thread is NOT just about pot. And then your defense is, " well gee, golly darn, pot is a drug too"

You do not win debate points here with your tired little games.
The argument that if only we would change the law less people would be criminals applies to EVERY law. Anti gun nuts have a fit when someone points out that if we make guns illegal only criminals will have guns.

I do NOT think a problem will go away if we just legalize it and tax it for our benefit. Alcohol is legal , has that made it safe? Has it made crimes committed by drunks any less real? Has it prevented teenagers from drinking? Has it prevented what some think is a national disgrace, Teenage alcoholic levels at unheard of levels?

Remind me again how legalizing pot will make it less used? How it will make it less attractive to teenagers? How it will stop illegal sales? How it will become less used because of the lack of a "thrill" at breaking a law?

Shall we make it legal at all ages? Allow it to be grown in anyones backyard? Will that then remove the dangerous of its use? Will it solve any problems it causes? Shall we make it illegal for employers to fire people for using it? Allow military members to use it? The excuses given for legalizing it are foolish at best.

Just like the claim by black groups that the reason a higher percent of black males are in prison can be fixed if we just didn't convict them of the crimes they commit. Why we don't need prisons at all. we can just tax all crime and solve all our problems.
The title of the thread says ALL DRUGS. Now, anwser me, is Marijuana a drug? Yes? Then we are talking about it.

You lectured me on context in another thread... Now this. Word games may help you win points in a debating society but all they do here is piss people off at your sophomoric attempts to change your ignorant rants to meaning something.

Why bother discussing anything with us if all your gonna do when caught by your own "brilliance" in a mistake you try to redefine words and meanings of sentences? Have you such a fragile ego that you can not just accept your wrong and move on? SO fragile you can not admit you misunderstood something?

Well actually I think it has more to do with your "higher" brain functioning and your belief that we are all retards and rejects and you can just baffle us with bullshit when ever you please.
most deaths from drugs are a direct result of them being illegal. for example if I were to buy some heroin it would probably be laced with sand and other unwanted substances. these substances cause most of the symptoms you see in heroin users. there is no evidence that pure heroin is detrimental to the body, if you can afford pure you have no problem.
ecstacy is the same, any deaths come from being inpure, or misinformation.
Then there are the indirect deaths from drugs, which is probably a higher number, from gangs fighting drug barrens and cartels, which aids terrorisum, civil war, genocide.

just look at prohibition,and all the gangsters i gave power to, and still to this day do.
This is the same as prohibition times, but global, which means you don't notice the gangsters as they're in different country's. the conservatives need to bite the bullett on this one. i suppose they are far too selfish for that.
More word games by the word game expert.

Dude, you force me to be specific in my words because you continually misinterpret me. Words are important, they are the only means on communication we have on here. So its not "games" its reading critically to attempt to find out what the author means. Considering you never seem to do that and instead just make up some tired old bullshit about what me and all libs believe, over and over and over again, I guess you just don't have the ability to critically read.

YOU have attempt to change the subject and course of the conversation to JUST about pot. Then cried foul when it is pointed out THAT is not all we are talking about.

If you want to mention other drugs, go for it. I am uninterested in discussing harder drugs, because as I already said I think they should be illegal , as do you. I know you usually have circle jerks of agreements with people, but I am uninterested in that kind of foolishness. However, you said that we were not talking about Pot...which we obviously are. You are correct in your new attempt to describe what we are talking about in saying we are not JUST talking about pot. However, that does not mean in every fucking post I make I have to talk about the entire issue. I can narrow it down to point out how ridiculous the laws are about marijuana, because they are.

YOU have tried to twist what I have said into JUST about pot, when I have repeatedly reminded you that this thread is NOT just about pot. And then your defense is, " well gee, golly darn, pot is a drug too"

Umm no, I've "twisted" what you said about all drugs and applied it to pot...since pot is a drug. You said a statement about the generalized thing (drugs) and I applied it to the specific (pot)...perfectly valid.

You do not win debate points here with your tired little games.

Actually someone repped me for that "tired little game". But regardless, you are not the one to be telling me about debate points, son.

The argument that if only we would change the law less people would be criminals applies to EVERY law. Anti gun nuts have a fit when someone points out that if we make guns illegal only criminals will have guns.

Yes, however, its NOT the case that most laws fill our prisons with nonviolent offendors and cause us to have the highest imprisonment rate in the world. As I pointed out, laws against pot (and since you insist on being such a douche...othe drugs as well) are very very different than say laws against murder.

I do NOT think a problem will go away if we just legalize it and tax it for our benefit. Alcohol is legal , has that made it safe? Has it made crimes committed by drunks any less real? Has it prevented teenagers from drinking? Has it prevented what some think is a national disgrace, Teenage alcoholic levels at unheard of levels?

And it was any better when it was illegal?

Remind me again how legalizing pot will make it less used? How it will make it less attractive to teenagers? How it will stop illegal sales? How it will become less used because of the lack of a "thrill" at breaking a law?

Err...again, people use it, in part, because its illegal. And it will stop illegal sales if its legal by allowing companies to produce it.

Shall we make it legal at all ages? Allow it to be grown in anyones backyard? Will that then remove the dangerous of its use? Will it solve any problems it causes? Shall we make it illegal for employers to fire people for using it? Allow military members to use it? The excuses given for legalizing it are foolish at best.

No, 18+. Yes, allow it to be grown in anyones backyard. No it won't remove the dangerous of its use. No, it won't solve any problems it causes. The employer question is irrelevant. Sure allow military to use it. You haven't addressed the reasons given for legalizing it.

Again...why are you so much in favor of the government having control over what you do with your body RGS?

You lectured me on context in another thread... Now this. Word games may help you win points in a debating society but all they do here is piss people off at your sophomoric attempts to change your ignorant rants to meaning something.

Actually most people understand that its defining the debate. You and Gunny seem to be the only people who don't understand the power of words.

Why bother discussing anything with us if all your gonna do when caught by your own "brilliance" in a mistake you try to redefine words and meanings of sentences? Have you such a fragile ego that you can not just accept your wrong and move on? SO fragile you can not admit you misunderstood something?

Dude...have you ever admitted that you were wrong? I've caught you in numerous lies/mistruths, and you have NEVER admitted you were wrong. You lecturing me on this is hilarious.

Well actually I think it has more to do with your "higher" brain functioning and your belief that we are all retards and rejects and you can just baffle us with bullshit when ever you please.

No...actually it has to do with me explaining (or attempting to) explain things to you which you are obviously too stupid to understand. But I guess my eternal optimism just won't let it go.
You can't legislate morality. If an adult chooses to fry their brain... It's their choice. Bust them when they brake laws that effect others. I have yet to met a tweaker who isn't braking other laws.

That we supposedly can’t legislate morality is, in itself, a moral statement. We legislate morality all of the time. Every law is a statement about what we think that we should allow and what we should not allow. Laws against murder are moral laws.
Absolute Hogwash. Republicans support "LEGIT" powers and responsibilities of our Government and oppose the ones that have no basis in law or the Constitution. That Maineman would make this ignorant claim is simply laughable. He is the Hypocrite.

What is legit about outlawing prostitution, drugs, and gamboling? What are the limited legitimate powers and responsibilities of our government? Please list them.

On the one hand, you say that Republicans support legitimate powers. On the other hand, aren’t Republicans opposed to allowing people to engage in prostitution and gamboling? How do you synthesize such things?
What is legit about outlawing prostitution, drugs, and gamboling? What are the limited legitimate powers and responsibilities of our government? Please list them.

Read the Constitution, Federal and State. They provide specific powers granted BY the people to the Governments in question.
the constitution provides clear guidance on prohibiting and criminalizing marijuana while simultaneously promoting and advertising nicotine?

I was unaware of that.

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