10 States Where Obama Wipes Out Existing Health Care Plans

The Daily Caller?

Isn't that the outfit that bribed a prostitute to lie about Senator Menedez?

Conservative website accused of paying prostitutes to lie about sex with senator - CBS News

Dunno why anyone sources an outfit that lies..

Typical moonbat response. You can't handle the truth, so you try to attack the messenger.

From this side, it looks like gullible wingnuts taking misleading op-eds at face value as God's Honest Truth.

There's very good reason to dismiss the OP - unsurprisingly, it's almost completely a lie.

In all but a few cases, what they claim are "reasons" that will prevent people from keeping their insurance are companies opting not to offer plans in the exchanges.

Since no one (other than members of Congress and their staffs) is forced to purchase their insurance on the exchanges, there is no reason that Aetna choosing not to offer plans in an exchange will cause anyone who already is insured by Aetna to lose their plans.

The exchanges are for people who currently are NOT insured, not people who already have insurance.

Many of the other examples given are equally misleading. The fact that 54% of Californians think that they will have to change their insurance isn't evidence that they're right - in fact, your article even says that under their "prediction", only 54,000 Californians could lose their insurance, which is 0.14%.

Seems like some people are against capitalism. I always thought companies that can't compete went belly up. Now we are learning Republicans are against real competition for your healthcare business. Frickin amazing.
Typical moonbat response. You can't handle the truth, so you try to attack the messenger.

From this side, it looks like gullible wingnuts taking misleading op-eds at face value as God's Honest Truth.

There's very good reason to dismiss the OP - unsurprisingly, it's almost completely a lie.

In all but a few cases, what they claim are "reasons" that will prevent people from keeping their insurance are companies opting not to offer plans in the exchanges.

Since no one (other than members of Congress and their staffs) is forced to purchase their insurance on the exchanges, there is no reason that Aetna choosing not to offer plans in an exchange will cause anyone who already is insured by Aetna to lose their plans.

The exchanges are for people who currently are NOT insured, not people who already have insurance.

Many of the other examples given are equally misleading. The fact that 54% of Californians think that they will have to change their insurance isn't evidence that they're right - in fact, your article even says that under their "prediction", only 54,000 Californians could lose their insurance, which is 0.14%.

Seems like some people are against capitalism. I always thought companies that can't compete went belly up. Now we are learning Republicans are against real competition for your healthcare business. Frickin amazing.

There have always been websites to compare shop for insurance, so you wait for the government to get involved before you bother? Some people seem parallelized without big daddy government..... What a joke
The Daily Caller?

Isn't that the outfit that bribed a prostitute to lie about Senator Menedez?

Conservative website accused of paying prostitutes to lie about sex with senator - CBS News

Dunno why anyone sources an outfit that lies..

Typical moonbat response. You can't handle the truth, so you try to attack the messenger.


They got caught in a big fucking lie.

There's no try. The Daily Caller is essentially done.

No one sources them any more, but loons.
The Daily Caller?

Isn't that the outfit that bribed a prostitute to lie about Senator Menedez?

Conservative website accused of paying prostitutes to lie about sex with senator - CBS News

Dunno why anyone sources an outfit that lies..

Typical moonbat response. You can't handle the truth, so you try to attack the messenger.


They got caught in a big fucking lie.

There's no try. The Daily Caller is essentially done.

No one sources them any more, but loons.

How's it feel defending a child molester?
Is your state one of them?

President Barack Obama famously promised, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” He later got even more specific

“If you are among the hundreds of millions of Americans who already have health insurance through your job, or Medicare, or Medicaid, or the VA, nothing in this plan will require you or your employer to change the coverage or the doctor you have,” Obama said. :lmao:

California, Missouri, Connecticut, Maryland, South Carolina, New York, New Jersey, Iowa, Wisconsin and Georgia.

Read here to see why and how they are affected and is your state next? Hint: The insurers who are dropping out.

Ten states where Obamacare wipes out health care plans | The Daily Caller

So some companies do not want to be competitive with other companies and have chosen to drop out. I thought that is how capitalism works. If you can't compete, you go out of business.

The government's business is to facilitate the way for the people to grow business.

It's not the government's job to take away that private (read privacy) capital and use it nefariously for political purposes.
There's no freedom of choice when every dollar you make is spent on daily living.

Yes, 1. who are you giving your money and labor to
when you live day to day?
2. in what spirit are you living, the abundance mentality where
you are investing or buying time to learn develop and grow to a better place?
or the scarcity mentality where you live in fear of oppression?
3. what about voting with your words thoughts and actions?
Are you using your time to uplift and influence those around you?
or staying stuck as a victim?

We have a choice to forgive and work forward.
So all our labor, efforts, energy and time go into something greater than we were handed.
From this side, it looks like gullible wingnuts taking misleading op-eds at face value as God's Honest Truth.

There's very good reason to dismiss the OP - unsurprisingly, it's almost completely a lie.

In all but a few cases, what they claim are "reasons" that will prevent people from keeping their insurance are companies opting not to offer plans in the exchanges.

Since no one (other than members of Congress and their staffs) is forced to purchase their insurance on the exchanges, there is no reason that Aetna choosing not to offer plans in an exchange will cause anyone who already is insured by Aetna to lose their plans.

The exchanges are for people who currently are NOT insured, not people who already have insurance.

Many of the other examples given are equally misleading. The fact that 54% of Californians think that they will have to change their insurance isn't evidence that they're right - in fact, your article even says that under their "prediction", only 54,000 Californians could lose their insurance, which is 0.14%.

Seems like some people are against capitalism. I always thought companies that can't compete went belly up. Now we are learning Republicans are against real competition for your healthcare business. Frickin amazing.

There have always been websites to compare shop for insurance, so you wait for the government to get involved before you bother? Some people seem parallelized without big daddy government..... What a joke

I always comparison shopped for my health insurance, until my insurance company dumped me due to a condition I developed and decided they no longer wanted to insure me.
Seems like some people are against capitalism. I always thought companies that can't compete went belly up. Now we are learning Republicans are against real competition for your healthcare business. Frickin amazing.

There have always been websites to compare shop for insurance, so you wait for the government to get involved before you bother? Some people seem parallelized without big daddy government..... What a joke

I always comparison shopped for my health insurance, until my insurance company dumped me due to a condition I developed and decided they no longer wanted to insure me.

Me too, and that would have been a simple fix, but the Government wants to run the thing, big mistake prices are higher then ever.
The Daily Caller?

Isn't that the outfit that bribed a prostitute to lie about Senator Menedez?

Conservative website accused of paying prostitutes to lie about sex with senator - CBS News

Dunno why anyone sources an outfit that lies..

so prove it wrong Sallow....i havent been hearing encouraging things about this on quite a few news outlets out here......many others have been saying we will just have to wait and see.....others think its going to be great....but there is a lot of unsureness about this thing out here....
There have always been websites to compare shop for insurance, so you wait for the government to get involved before you bother? Some people seem parallelized without big daddy government..... What a joke

I always comparison shopped for my health insurance, until my insurance company dumped me due to a condition I developed and decided they no longer wanted to insure me.

Me too, and that would have been a simple fix, but the Government wants to run the thing, big mistake prices are higher then ever.

And a shortage of doctors, coming up, especially those who are specialists. If your GP can't get you into see a specialist for treatment, for months or years, then he or she too, loses. What is his purpose of their practice, when patients need referrals? If they can't make a living, then their doors close.
The Daily Caller?

Isn't that the outfit that bribed a prostitute to lie about Senator Menedez?

Conservative website accused of paying prostitutes to lie about sex with senator - CBS News

Dunno why anyone sources an outfit that lies..

so prove it wrong Sallow....i havent been hearing encouraging things about this on quite a few news outlets out here......many others have been saying we will just have to wait and see.....others think its going to be great....but there is a lot of unsureness about this thing out here....

I pointed out exactly how the article in the OP is very misleading, if not an outright lie, back on the first page of this thread.

No one really seemed that interested.
The Daily Caller?

Isn't that the outfit that bribed a prostitute to lie about Senator Menedez?

Conservative website accused of paying prostitutes to lie about sex with senator - CBS News

Dunno why anyone sources an outfit that lies..

so prove it wrong Sallow....i havent been hearing encouraging things about this on quite a few news outlets out here......many others have been saying we will just have to wait and see.....others think its going to be great....but there is a lot of unsureness about this thing out here....

I pointed out exactly how the article in the OP is very misleading, if not an outright lie, back on the first page of this thread.

No one really seemed that interested.

that doesnt change the fact that i have seen more than one news item on TV or elsewhere that did not exactly make you feel confident about this thing....
so prove it wrong Sallow....i havent been hearing encouraging things about this on quite a few news outlets out here......many others have been saying we will just have to wait and see.....others think its going to be great....but there is a lot of unsureness about this thing out here....

I pointed out exactly how the article in the OP is very misleading, if not an outright lie, back on the first page of this thread.

No one really seemed that interested.

that doesnt change the fact that i have seen more than one news item on TV or elsewhere that did not exactly make you feel confident about this thing....

Sure. But vague claims about "other stories" don't make this one any less misleading.

I'm not trying claim that Obamacare is all sunshine and puppies, but it's a dangerous game to believe everything you read about it.
Typical moonbat response. You can't handle the truth, so you try to attack the messenger.

From this side, it looks like gullible wingnuts taking misleading op-eds at face value as God's Honest Truth.

There's very good reason to dismiss the OP - unsurprisingly, it's almost completely a lie.

In all but a few cases, what they claim are "reasons" that will prevent people from keeping their insurance are companies opting not to offer plans in the exchanges.

Since no one (other than members of Congress and their staffs) is forced to purchase their insurance on the exchanges, there is no reason that Aetna choosing not to offer plans in an exchange will cause anyone who already is insured by Aetna to lose their plans.

The exchanges are for people who currently are NOT insured, not people who already have insurance.

Many of the other examples given are equally misleading. The fact that 54% of Californians think that they will have to change their insurance isn't evidence that they're right - in fact, your article even says that under their "prediction", only 54,000 Californians could lose their insurance, which is 0.14%.

The foot is in the door and they're already showing how plan offerings will show losses of previous insurances in certain instances.

Those instances show occurrences already and will trend upward, not downward imho.

The definitive word is currently.

It sounds as though you believe the path of losses to individual choice will trend downward? There will be more choice, not less?
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From this side, it looks like gullible wingnuts taking misleading op-eds at face value as God's Honest Truth.

There's very good reason to dismiss the OP - unsurprisingly, it's almost completely a lie.

In all but a few cases, what they claim are "reasons" that will prevent people from keeping their insurance are companies opting not to offer plans in the exchanges.

Since no one (other than members of Congress and their staffs) is forced to purchase their insurance on the exchanges, there is no reason that Aetna choosing not to offer plans in an exchange will cause anyone who already is insured by Aetna to lose their plans.

The exchanges are for people who currently are NOT insured, not people who already have insurance.

Many of the other examples given are equally misleading. The fact that 54% of Californians think that they will have to change their insurance isn't evidence that they're right - in fact, your article even says that under their "prediction", only 54,000 Californians could lose their insurance, which is 0.14%.

The foot is in the door and they're already showing how plan offerings will show losses of previous insurances in certain instances.

Those instances show occurrences already and will trend upward, not downward imho.

The definitive word is currently.

It sounds as though you believe the path of losses to individual choice will trend downward? There will be more choice, not less?

Nothing I've said implies anything like that, nor is that the slightest bit relevant to anything I've said.

What you or I think will happen at some hypothetical point in the future has very little to do with the fallacies of the OP.
The foot is in the door and they're already showing how plan offerings will show losses of previous insurances in certain instances.

Those instances show occurrences already and will trend upward, not downward imho.

The definitive word is currently.

It sounds as though you believe the path of losses to individual choice will trend downward? There will be more choice, not less?

Nothing I've said implies anything like that, nor is that the slightest bit relevant to anything I've said.

What you or I think will happen at some hypothetical point in the future has very little to do with the fallacies of the OP.

The trending is currently occurring. It's just begun and the idea that there's not going to be any trending or that trending doesn't matter is telling and the OP addresses this.

You don't. Imho, you are in stasis and see no trending. Time will tell. :)

You won't.
President Obama’s health care law will push 7 million people out of their job-based insurance coverage — nearly twice the previous estimate, according to the latest estimates from the Congressional Budget Office released Tuesday.

During the health care debate Mr. Obama had said individuals would be able to keep their plans.

Seven million will lose insurance under Obama health law - Washington Times
The definitive word is currently.

It sounds as though you believe the path of losses to individual choice will trend downward? There will be more choice, not less?

Nothing I've said implies anything like that, nor is that the slightest bit relevant to anything I've said.

What you or I think will happen at some hypothetical point in the future has very little to do with the fallacies of the OP.

The trending is currently occurring. It's just begun and the idea that there's not going to be any trending or that trending doesn't matter is telling and the OP addresses this.

You don't. Imho, you are in stasis and see no trending. Time will tell. :)

You won't.
President Obama’s health care law will push 7 million people out of their job-based insurance coverage — nearly twice the previous estimate, according to the latest estimates from the Congressional Budget Office released Tuesday.

During the health care debate Mr. Obama had said individuals would be able to keep their plans.

Seven million will lose insurance under Obama health law - Washington Times

Slippery-Slope fallacies, no matter how many times you repeat them, don't make the OP any less bullshit.
Is your state one of them?

President Barack Obama famously promised, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” He later got even more specific

“If you are among the hundreds of millions of Americans who already have health insurance through your job, or Medicare, or Medicaid, or the VA, nothing in this plan will require you or your employer to change the coverage or the doctor you have,” Obama said. :lmao:

California, Missouri, Connecticut, Maryland, South Carolina, New York, New Jersey, Iowa, Wisconsin and Georgia.

Read here to see why and how they are affected and is your state next? Hint: The insurers who are dropping out.

Ten states where Obamacare wipes out health care plans | The Daily Caller

I used to have United Health indy plan...not anymore.

"Some prominent health insurers, including industry giant UnitedHealth Group Inc., are not participating in California's new state-run health insurance market, possibly limiting the number of choices for millions of consumers."

UnitedHealth, Aetna and Cigna opt out of California insurance exchange - Los Angeles Times

Oh and there's this:

California's health insurance rates for a new state-run marketplace came in lower than expected this week, but one downside for many consumers will be far fewer doctors and hospitals to choose from.

People who want UCLA Medical Center and its doctors in their health plan network next year, for instance, may have only one choice in California's exchange: Anthem Blue Cross. Another major insurer in the state-run market, Blue Shield of California, said its exchange customers will be restricted to 36% of its regular physician network statewide.

Insurers limit doctors, hospitals in state-run exchange plans - Los Angeles Times

I'd link to the CMS site, but it won't load up! :lol:
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Nothing I've said implies anything like that, nor is that the slightest bit relevant to anything I've said.

What you or I think will happen at some hypothetical point in the future has very little to do with the fallacies of the OP.

The trending is currently occurring. It's just begun and the idea that there's not going to be any trending or that trending doesn't matter is telling and the OP addresses this.

You don't. Imho, you are in stasis and see no trending. Time will tell. :)

You won't.

During the health care debate Mr. Obama had said individuals would be able to keep their plans.

Seven million will lose insurance under Obama health law - Washington Times

Slippery-Slope fallacies, no matter how many times you repeat them, don't make the OP any less bullshit.

So, the slope of a trend is unimportant to you. So much so that you call them fallacies and say that they don't belong in the OP.


It's not a fallacy, there are plans being lost. I just posted some. Individuals losing their plans and having to restructure when they have no choice.

You can't see them for the hiding from them. Polls are trends and most Liberals like them...

...when they trend the Liberal way.

So, I understand. You're just going to discount current (your chosen word) inclines.

No one will lose their plans. The OP is about President Obama saying no one will lose their plans.

They are already.

I will revisit this avenue when more trending data becomes available.
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