10 States Where Obama Wipes Out Existing Health Care Plans

I don't care how good an idea it is, it should be freely chosen not forced by majority rule or party politics to justify it going through against the will of people dissenting.

The people have chosen their representatives and polls are simply polls. That being said, the highlighted portion IS US Politics.
From this side, it looks like gullible wingnuts taking misleading op-eds at face value as God's Honest Truth.

There's very good reason to dismiss the OP - unsurprisingly, it's almost completely a lie.

In all but a few cases, what they claim are "reasons" that will prevent people from keeping their insurance are companies opting not to offer plans in the exchanges.

Since no one (other than members of Congress and their staffs) is forced to purchase their insurance on the exchanges, there is no reason that Aetna choosing not to offer plans in an exchange will cause anyone who already is insured by Aetna to lose their plans.

The exchanges are for people who currently are NOT insured, not people who already have insurance.

Many of the other examples given are equally misleading. The fact that 54% of Californians think that they will have to change their insurance isn't evidence that they're right - in fact, your article even says that under their "prediction", only 54,000 Californians could lose their insurance, which is 0.14%.

The foot is in the door and they're already showing how plan offerings will show losses of previous insurances in certain instances.

Those instances show occurrences already and will trend upward, not downward imho.

Dear Ropey and Sallow, Doctor and Boedicca:
You can nitpick and disagree all you want.
That doesn't change the fact that people should not be forced under mandates
who believe federal govt has no Constitutional authority to impose them.

Whether or not X Y Z works or fails
people have an inherent right to "no taxation without representation."
Perception of tyranny goes against our human nature and conscience.

Whatever works can be FREELY CHOSEN and not mandated in ways
that violate Constitutional beliefs and principles.

If you consent to give fed govt that authority, then you fund that yourself.
but don't impose that on people who dissent and claim Constitutional authority.

That offense will get nothing but rejection and rebellion,
right or wrong, solutions or not. By the mere fact you are
going against the free choice or free will of fellow citizens
and human beings who have inherent "free exercise of religion"
that is not being recognized or respected here, but treated as nonexistent.

Of course you will get arguments back.
I don't want anyone signing my name to contracts without
my consent, especially if I'm expected to pay taxes or face fines for not complying.

I don't care how good an idea it is, it should be freely chosen not forced by majority rule or party politics to justify it going through against the will of people dissenting.

If you or other leaders don't understand human nature and democratic process
then you shouldn't be deciding public policy. Go make and fund your own
with other people who agree to your policies and way of making them by coercion.
I don't believe in that, and defend the free choice to fund and support other policies!

There's no freedom of choice when every dollar you make is spent on daily living.
The foot is in the door and they're already showing how plan offerings will show losses of previous insurances in certain instances.

Those instances show occurrences already and will trend upward, not downward imho.

Dear Ropey and Sallow, Doctor and Boedicca:
You can nitpick and disagree all you want.
That doesn't change the fact that people should not be forced under mandates
who believe federal govt has no Constitutional authority to impose them.

Whether or not X Y Z works or fails
people have an inherent right to "no taxation without representation."
Perception of tyranny goes against our human nature and conscience.

Whatever works can be FREELY CHOSEN and not mandated in ways
that violate Constitutional beliefs and principles.

If you consent to give fed govt that authority, then you fund that yourself.
but don't impose that on people who dissent and claim Constitutional authority.

That offense will get nothing but rejection and rebellion,
right or wrong, solutions or not. By the mere fact you are
going against the free choice or free will of fellow citizens
and human beings who have inherent "free exercise of religion"
that is not being recognized or respected here, but treated as nonexistent.

Of course you will get arguments back.
I don't want anyone signing my name to contracts without
my consent, especially if I'm expected to pay taxes or face fines for not complying.

I don't care how good an idea it is, it should be freely chosen not forced by majority rule or party politics to justify it going through against the will of people dissenting.

If you or other leaders don't understand human nature and democratic process
then you shouldn't be deciding public policy. Go make and fund your own
with other people who agree to your policies and way of making them by coercion.
I don't believe in that, and defend the free choice to fund and support other policies!

There's no freedom of choice when every dollar you make is spent on daily living.

It's about control of the people and the entitlements are simply the greasing of the path to citizens having greater controls placed upon them.

Europe fell to that twice.

I'm hoping America doesn't fall even once.
Dear Ropey and Sallow, Doctor and Boedicca:
You can nitpick and disagree all you want.
That doesn't change the fact that people should not be forced under mandates
who believe federal govt has no Constitutional authority to impose them.

Whether or not X Y Z works or fails
people have an inherent right to "no taxation without representation."
Perception of tyranny goes against our human nature and conscience.

Whatever works can be FREELY CHOSEN and not mandated in ways
that violate Constitutional beliefs and principles.

If you consent to give fed govt that authority, then you fund that yourself.
but don't impose that on people who dissent and claim Constitutional authority.

That offense will get nothing but rejection and rebellion,
right or wrong, solutions or not. By the mere fact you are
going against the free choice or free will of fellow citizens
and human beings who have inherent "free exercise of religion"
that is not being recognized or respected here, but treated as nonexistent.

Of course you will get arguments back.
I don't want anyone signing my name to contracts without
my consent, especially if I'm expected to pay taxes or face fines for not complying.

I don't care how good an idea it is, it should be freely chosen not forced by majority rule or party politics to justify it going through against the will of people dissenting.

If you or other leaders don't understand human nature and democratic process
then you shouldn't be deciding public policy. Go make and fund your own
with other people who agree to your policies and way of making them by coercion.
I don't believe in that, and defend the free choice to fund and support other policies!

There's no freedom of choice when every dollar you make is spent on daily living.

It's about control of the people and the entitlements are simply the greasing of the path to citizens having greater controls placed upon them.

Europe fell to that twice.

I'm hoping America doesn't fall even once.

Control of the people?
Maybe it's just about helping people that need help...you know, fellow Americans?

What are the European falls that you talk of...was it something to do with healthcare?
There's no freedom of choice when every dollar you make is spent on daily living.

It's about control of the people and the entitlements are simply the greasing of the path to citizens having greater controls placed upon them.

Europe fell to that twice.

I'm hoping America doesn't fall even once.

Control of the people?

Maybe it's just about helping people that need help...you know, fellow Americans?

What are the European falls that you talk of...was it something to do with healthcare?

Maybe it's not.

WWI and WWII. Socialist thrusts ending with dictatorship intentions of world domination.
It's about control of the people and the entitlements are simply the greasing of the path to citizens having greater controls placed upon them.

Europe fell to that twice.

I'm hoping America doesn't fall even once.

Control of the people?

Maybe it's just about helping people that need help...you know, fellow Americans?

What are the European falls that you talk of...was it something to do with healthcare?

Maybe it's not.

WWI and WWII. Socialist thrusts ending with dictatorship intentions of world domination.

WW1 and WW2 were instigated by socialists?
I haven't read that book...it sounds like a real page-turner!
Control of the people?

Maybe it's just about helping people that need help...you know, fellow Americans?

What are the European falls that you talk of...was it something to do with healthcare?

Maybe it's not.

WWI and WWII. Socialist thrusts ending with dictatorship intentions of world domination.

WW1 and WW2 were instigated by socialists?
I haven't read that book...it sounds like a real page-turner!

Then read your history.

The contribution of economic factors to the outcome of the war.

Economic Causes:

1st century of globalization with rise of world trade and capital markets and one aberration – the great powers competing for colonial empires.
Classical liberalism gave way to nationalism that viewed colonization as a zero sum game.

From the following sources:
The Economics of WWII: An Overview by Mark Harrison a chapter in The Economics of WWII, ed. by Mark Harrison
The Economics of WWI: An Overview by Stephen Broadberry and Mark Harrison a chapter in The Economics of WWI, ed. by Stephen Broadberry and Mark Harrison

PowerPoint Link (Right Click and Save As)
I live in Missouri and nothing has changed for my healthcare. I have already received my letter stating as such.
Control of the people?

Maybe it's just about helping people that need help...you know, fellow Americans?

What are the European falls that you talk of...was it something to do with healthcare?

Maybe it's not.

WWI and WWII. Socialist thrusts ending with dictatorship intentions of world domination.

WW1 and WW2 were instigated by socialists?
I haven't read that book...it sounds like a real page-turner!

Don't tell them about the right winged thugs that worked their magic on the Juden oppression and communist street battles.
Maybe it's not.

WWI and WWII. Socialist thrusts ending with dictatorship intentions of world domination.

WW1 and WW2 were instigated by socialists?
I haven't read that book...it sounds like a real page-turner!

Then read your history.

The contribution of economic factors to the outcome of the war.

Economic Causes:

1st century of globalization with rise of world trade and capital markets and one aberration – the great powers competing for colonial empires.
Classical liberalism gave way to nationalism that viewed colonization as a zero sum game.

From the following sources:
The Economics of WWII: An Overview by Mark Harrison a chapter in The Economics of WWII, ed. by Mark Harrison
The Economics of WWI: An Overview by Stephen Broadberry and Mark Harrison a chapter in The Economics of WWI, ed. by Stephen Broadberry and Mark Harrison

PowerPoint Link (Right Click and Save As)

Oooohhh...because the passage has the word 'liberalism' in it then you think it means socialist...
If only you knew how much you've just embarrassed yourself.
Maybe it's not.

WWI and WWII. Socialist thrusts ending with dictatorship intentions of world domination.

WW1 and WW2 were instigated by socialists?
I haven't read that book...it sounds like a real page-turner!

Don't tell them about the right winged thugs that worked their magic on the Juden oppression and communist street battles.

It's funnier than that - apparently the wars were started by Classical Liberals.....in other words Socialists!!!
WW1 and WW2 were instigated by socialists?
I haven't read that book...it sounds like a real page-turner!

Don't tell them about the right winged thugs that worked their magic on the Juden oppression and communist street battles.

It's funnier than that - apparently the wars were started by Classical Liberals.....in other words Socialists!!!

It's called greasing the path. In pre WWII Germany the path was greased to Krystalnacht so we know the end result of the leftist putsch. The fall of the USSR?

Another failure of Classic liberalism turned to oppression. China?

Yeah, there's enough proof out there. What there is not yet proof of is the failure of Capitalism. There's a lot of talk about it, but so far, it stands.
Don't tell them about the right winged thugs that worked their magic on the Juden oppression and communist street battles.

It's funnier than that - apparently the wars were started by Classical Liberals.....in other words Socialists!!!

It's called greasing the path. In pre WWII Germany the path was greased to Krystalnacht so we know the end result of the leftist putsch. The fall of the USSR?

Another failure of Classic liberalism turned to oppression. China?

Yeah, there's enough proof out there. What there is not yet proof of is the failure of Capitalism. There's a lot of talk about it, but so far, it stands.

Yes, it is the best imperfect economic system yet to be devised. Why does the rest of the world want to come here? Well since Obama, they may not know much of, and how he is trying to make America just like the Third World and Asian countries they are trying to leave for what used-to-be called, The American Dream....:eusa_pray:
Oooohhh...because the passage has the word 'liberalism' in it then you think it means socialist...
If only you knew how much you've just embarrassed yourself.

^ "Classical Liberalism"

The Pledge of Allegiance (& the military salute) was the origin of Adolf Hitler's "Nazi" salute under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis).


During World War II, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics formed an alliance with the National Socialist German Workers' Party to invade Poland and divide up Europe. The National Socialist German Workers’ Party invaded Poland first (Sept. 1, 1939), followed shortly thereafter (Sept. 17) by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. In that partnership, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics slaughtered more people in Poland than did the National Socialist German Workers' Party.
Don't tell them about the right winged thugs that worked their magic on the Juden oppression and communist street battles.

It's funnier than that - apparently the wars were started by Classical Liberals.....in other words Socialists!!!

It's called greasing the path. In pre WWII Germany the path was greased to Krystalnacht so we know the end result of the leftist putsch. The fall of the USSR?

Another failure of Classic liberalism turned to oppression. China?

Yeah, there's enough proof out there. What there is not yet proof of is the failure of Capitalism. There's a lot of talk about it, but so far, it stands.

The Papacy, a religious empire building right winged establishment that killed in the name of God.
The religious wars of Europe also were run by conservatives, oh happy day when Protestants and Catholics could kill and die for god.
Shall I go on?
The Czars of Russia, mighty good killing conservatives to also include centuries of conservative monarchies.
Native American tribes massacred by a so called Christian nation.
and it goes on and on.
Oooohhh...because the passage has the word 'liberalism' in it then you think it means socialist...
If only you knew how much you've just embarrassed yourself.

^ "Classical Liberalism"

The Pledge of Allegiance (& the military salute) was the origin of Adolf Hitler's "Nazi" salute under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis).


During World War II, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics formed an alliance with the National Socialist German Workers' Party to invade Poland and divide up Europe. The National Socialist German Workers’ Party invaded Poland first (Sept. 1, 1939), followed shortly thereafter (Sept. 17) by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. In that partnership, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics slaughtered more people in Poland than did the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

You are so well educated and a delight to read, Ropey....thanks for all your input in this thread, this fine day. :)
Oooohhh...because the passage has the word 'liberalism' in it then you think it means socialist...
If only you knew how much you've just embarrassed yourself.

^ "Classical Liberalism"

The Pledge of Allegiance (& the military salute) was the origin of Adolf Hitler's "Nazi" salute under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis).


During World War II, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics formed an alliance with the National Socialist German Workers' Party to invade Poland and divide up Europe. The National Socialist German Workers’ Party invaded Poland first (Sept. 1, 1939), followed shortly thereafter (Sept. 17) by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. In that partnership, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics slaughtered more people in Poland than did the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

Classical liberalism is a philosophy committed to the ideal of limited government and liberty of individuals including freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets.
Classical liberalism

And...you're saying that because of their name the Nazis were Socialist?
Is the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea really democratic?

^If you say so idb.

Oooohhh...because the passage has the word 'liberalism' in it then you think it means socialist...
If only you knew how much you've just embarrassed yourself.

^ "Classical Liberalism"

The Pledge of Allegiance (& the military salute) was the origin of Adolf Hitler's "Nazi" salute under the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis).


During World War II, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics formed an alliance with the National Socialist German Workers' Party to invade Poland and divide up Europe. The National Socialist German Workers’ Party invaded Poland first (Sept. 1, 1939), followed shortly thereafter (Sept. 17) by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. In that partnership, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics slaughtered more people in Poland than did the National Socialist German Workers' Party.

You are so well educated and a delight to read, Ropey....thanks for all your input in this thread, this fine day. :)

There is a reason to fear the US Leftist greasing of the path. Canada can't protect itself and it's not the only one.

The US has more Naval warships than the rest of the world combined.

This is for a reason and the young have not forgotten. I now know why history repeats itself. I had to get old to find this out.

It's because the young believe that they can change history and they repeat it... just as President Obama is attempting to do with his government control of the finances of the entire countries Health Care. It's a Leftist grease of the path and many of the people only see the entitlements.

Some will protest what I've posted.

Let them. I've put enough out here and it's history not me that's said it.

Goodnight AA.
Is your state one of them?

President Barack Obama famously promised, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” He later got even more specific

“If you are among the hundreds of millions of Americans who already have health insurance through your job, or Medicare, or Medicaid, or the VA, nothing in this plan will require you or your employer to change the coverage or the doctor you have,” Obama said. :lmao:

California, Missouri, Connecticut, Maryland, South Carolina, New York, New Jersey, Iowa, Wisconsin and Georgia.

Read here to see why and how they are affected and is your state next? Hint: The insurers who are dropping out.

Ten states where Obamacare wipes out health care plans | The Daily Caller

So some companies do not want to be competitive with other companies and have chosen to drop out. I thought that is how capitalism works. If you can't compete, you go out of business.

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