10 states with least affordable housing... all of them are liberal states

Dem taxes and fees and inspections alone are over $100k of the cost of building a new house in California. Now you know why their housing is sky high.
In Texas the high prices are driven by house flippers all making multiple bids on any house they can; who doesn't want to get rich in real estate with no money down??? Most morons haven't figured out demand is endless, but ability of customers to pay is far more important. I get at least three offers a week, and I ain't in the market. I tell them sure, I'll sell, just pay me double what I have in the place and find me another just as good at the price mine is worth. Otherwise why should I move??? Duh.
what? getting rid of poor people so the rich can live well?

That's why Bill Clinton set up an office there; cheap prices and free security to run the rats out of the neighborhood, making the loal real estate more valuable and taxing the rest out of their homes via higher appraisals. It also helps when your fellow Democrats spend a lot of urban renewal bux in the area.

Another resident, who refused to give his name, hoped the rent for businesses would go down now that Clinton is packing up and leaving Harlem.

"Maybe now that he's leaving, the rent will go down," he said. "Him being in the community doesn't affect us. All it did was raise the rent.

Wonder what the price he paid for it was and what it sold for.

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California's population fell by more than 182,000 last year, the first yearly loss ever recorded for the nation's most populous state that halted a growth streak dating to its founding in 1850 on the heels of a gold rush that prompted a flood of people to seek their fortune in the West.

The cost of California and "blue" has swung into other western States, leftism is like a disease that spreads. Areas like Nevada are less respectful than once before as well, primarily because of former Californians as opposed to say immigrants south of the border.

Generally speaking immigrants from the South are more polite than California shitheads, That said, if your car is wrecked by an immigrant you'll be lucky they're insured.
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That's because everyone wants to live there.

Supply and demand.

From what I've read, people are getting the hell out of there along with businesses. Just ask Nancy where she bought her new retirement home at.

My cousin met some guy, got married, and moved to CA back in the 80's. They both made good money. They divorced and she was able to keep the house with the help of his child support. The kids became adults and she rented part of her house (mother-in-law suite) for about $1,200 a month; nothing more than a small kitchenette, living room and bathroom.

Now she's looking for houses back here in Cleveland. She said even with a good job, it's almost unaffordable. Besides the high taxes, fuel prices are out of this world and the cost of living of everything makes it impossible to live in comfort.
That's because everyone wants to live there.

Supply and demand.

That's part of the it, but not the whole reason. Zoning and regulation rules have caused properties to be a lot more expensive than they need to be.

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