10 Things Trump Should Do in His Second Term


Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2022
Despite all the hype and rhetoric otherwise, it looks pretty likely Trump will coast to a second term (barring another steal). Frankly I would like the election to be over so we can get on with overhauling all the crap going on. Political writer Liz Peek lays out the first ten things Trump should do in his second term. Sounds great to me.

  1. Restoring order at the border comes first, as Trump has already indicated. Illegal immigration is a top concern for voters, and rightly so; allowing more than 10 million unvetted people to enter our nation has become a nightmare for towns and cities across the U.S.

    In towns like Aurora, Colo., Venezuelan gangs attracted to next-door Denver’s sanctuary city status have caused mayhem, forcing locals to cough up millions of dollars to beef up law enforcement. In New York City, residents are paying $5 billion to house and feed tens of thousands of migrants who reportedly account for some 75 percent of arrests for violent crimes. It is not fair and it must end.

  2. Trump must also reduce incentives for people to come illegally by eliminating Sanctuary City laws. After all, what are sanctuary cities protecting illegal immigrants from? From our own laws! The idea that illegal residents who commit serious crimes are not always turned over for deportation is a scandal.

    Along the same lines, Trump should call on Congress to eliminate birthright citizenship, which automatically makes any child born on U.S. soil a citizen. This principle is widely abused and is a serious magnet attracting illegal entrants and birth tourism. Nearly every other developed country except Canada has abandoned birthright citizenship; we should too.

  3. Trump should also change the Census so that it does not count illegal immigrants. Democrats in charge of states that are losing population due to high taxes, rampant crime, poor schools and a deteriorating quality of life, like California and New York, face little penalty for their ideological excesses and mismanagement. As legal residents move elsewhere, the states should lose seats in Congress, Electoral College votes and financial handouts. But because they have welcomed large numbers of illegal immigrants, the impact is muted and they aren’t held politically accountable.

  4. Trump must also “drill, baby, drill,” rescinding the many Biden-Harris regulations that have made it harder and more expensive to drill for oil and gas. Most important is putting back in play the millions of acres in Alaska’s Arctic Natural Wildlife Refuge, which industry experts say could eventually boost U.S. production by some 1 million barrels per day.

    U.S. oil output is at record levels today, but studies show we could be producing much more. On balance, more production means lower prices, and consequently less income for adversaries such as Russia and Iran.

  5. Another priority should be to enforce the tough sanctions that Trump levied on Iran during his presidency. The Biden-Harris White House has allowed Iran’s oil output to surge, along with their income. This foolhardy empowering of the Middle East’s most aggressive sponsor of terror has put the region on the brink of all-out war.

  6. The Government Efficiency Commission proposed by Trump and Elon Musk has been enthusiastically endorsed by many, including JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon, who called it a “very good idea.” Given the ever-growing bloated federal bureaucracy, he is right.

  7. Canceling Biden’s executive order mobilizing all federal agencies to register voters fits with the efficiency drive. This is not the role of government. It is also ripe for abuse, as it lets Democrats target districts rich with their own unregistered potential voters.

  8. Trump should revoke the security clearances of the 51 former intelligence officials who lied to interfere with the 2020 election. Trading on the perception that they knew something, they falsely accused the New York Post of falling for Russian disinformation and “smearing” Hunter Biden with its election-eve story about the “laptop from Hell.” Not only was the Post story vindicated, the laptop was also used as evidence against the younger Biden in his trial on federal gun violations.

  9. Trump should cancel all Department of Defense initiatives regarding DEI, or Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. These cost taxpayers $114 million this year.

10. Last, and most importantly, the former president should move heaven and earth to make our elections secure and transparent. Nothing could be more important to our country than re-establishing confidence that the vote is fair. Some 81 percent of Americans approve of requiring a government-issued photo ID to vote; that should be the law.

I would add there should be an effort to get the right fetal personhood cases before the Supreme Court. I think we have the court to put it through. Just need the right case. That would end the abortion debate once and for all.
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Despite all the hype and rhetoric otherwise, it looks pretty likely Trump will coast to a second term (barring another steal). Frankly I would like the election to be over so we can get on with overhauling all the crap going on. Political writer Liz Peek lays out the first ten things Trump should do in his second term. Sounds great to me.

  1. Restoring order at the border comes first, as Trump has already indicated. Illegal immigration is a top concern for voters, and rightly so; allowing more than 10 million unvetted people to enter our nation has become a nightmare for towns and cities across the U.S.

    In towns like Aurora, Colo., Venezuelan gangs attracted to next-door Denver’s sanctuary city status have caused mayhem, forcing locals to cough up millions of dollars to beef up law enforcement. In New York City, residents are paying $5 billion to house and feed tens of thousands of migrants who reportedly account for some 75 percent of arrests for violent crimes. It is not fair and it must end.

  2. Trump must also reduce incentives for people to come illegally by eliminating Sanctuary City laws. After all, what are sanctuary cities protecting illegal immigrants from? From our own laws! The idea that illegal residents who commit serious crimes are not always turned over for deportation is a scandal.

    Along the same lines, Trump should call on Congress to eliminate birthright citizenship, which automatically makes any child born on U.S. soil a citizen. This principle is widely abused and is a serious magnet attracting illegal entrants and birth tourism. Nearly every other developed country except Canada has abandoned birthright citizenship; we should too.

  3. Trump should also change the Census so that it does not count illegal immigrants. Democrats in charge of states that are losing population due to high taxes, rampant crime, poor schools and a deteriorating quality of life, like California and New York, face little penalty for their ideological excesses and mismanagement. As legal residents move elsewhere, the states should lose seats in Congress, Electoral College votes and financial handouts. But because they have welcomed large numbers of illegal immigrants, the impact is muted and they aren’t held politically accountable.

  4. Trump must also “drill, baby, drill,” rescinding the many Biden-Harris regulations that have made it harder and more expensive to drill for oil and gas. Most important is putting back in play the millions of acres in Alaska’s Arctic Natural Wildlife Refuge, which industry experts say could eventually boost U.S. production by some 1 million barrels per day.

    U.S. oil output is at record levels today, but studies show we could be producing much more. On balance, more production means lower prices, and consequently less income for adversaries such as Russia and Iran.

  5. Another priority should be to enforce the tough sanctions that Trump levied on Iran during his presidency. The Biden-Harris White House has allowed Iran’s oil output to surge, along with their income. This foolhardy empowering of the Middle East’s most aggressive sponsor of terror has put the region on the brink of all-out war.

  6. The Government Efficiency Commission proposed by Trump and Elon Musk has been enthusiastically endorsed by many, including JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon, who called it a “very good idea.” Given the ever-growing bloated federal bureaucracy, he is right.

  7. Canceling Biden’s executive order mobilizing all federal agencies to register voters fits with the efficiency drive. This is not the role of government. It is also ripe for abuse, as it lets Democrats target districts rich with their own unregistered potential voters.

  8. Trump should revoke the security clearances of the 51 former intelligence officials who lied to interfere with the 2020 election. Trading on the perception that they knew something, they falsely accused the New York Post of falling for Russian disinformation and “smearing” Hunter Biden with its election-eve story about the “laptop from Hell.” Not only was the Post story vindicated, the laptop was also used as evidence against the younger Biden in his trial on federal gun violations.

  9. Trump should cancel all Department of Defense initiatives regarding DEI, or Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. These cost taxpayers $114 million this year.

10. Last, and most importantly, the former president should move heaven and earth to make our elections secure and transparent. Nothing could be more important to our country than re-establishing confidence that the vote is fair. Some 81 percent of Americans approve of requiring a government-issued photo ID to vote; that should be the law.

I would add there should be an effort to get the right fetal personhood cases before the Supreme Court. I think we have the court to put it through. Just need the right case. That would end the abortion debate once and for all.
All cancel this, revoke that

What is Trump going to do to improve the lives of Americans?
Despite all the hype and rhetoric otherwise, it looks pretty likely Trump will coast to a second term (barring another steal). Frankly I would like the election to be over so we can get on with overhauling all the crap going on. Political writer Liz Peek lays out the first ten things Trump should do in his second term. Sounds great to me.

  1. Restoring order at the border comes first, as Trump has already indicated. Illegal immigration is a top concern for voters, and rightly so; allowing more than 10 million unvetted people to enter our nation has become a nightmare for towns and cities across the U.S.

    In towns like Aurora, Colo., Venezuelan gangs attracted to next-door Denver’s sanctuary city status have caused mayhem, forcing locals to cough up millions of dollars to beef up law enforcement. In New York City, residents are paying $5 billion to house and feed tens of thousands of migrants who reportedly account for some 75 percent of arrests for violent crimes. It is not fair and it must end.

  2. Trump must also reduce incentives for people to come illegally by eliminating Sanctuary City laws. After all, what are sanctuary cities protecting illegal immigrants from? From our own laws! The idea that illegal residents who commit serious crimes are not always turned over for deportation is a scandal.

    Along the same lines, Trump should call on Congress to eliminate birthright citizenship, which automatically makes any child born on U.S. soil a citizen. This principle is widely abused and is a serious magnet attracting illegal entrants and birth tourism. Nearly every other developed country except Canada has abandoned birthright citizenship; we should too.

  3. Trump should also change the Census so that it does not count illegal immigrants. Democrats in charge of states that are losing population due to high taxes, rampant crime, poor schools and a deteriorating quality of life, like California and New York, face little penalty for their ideological excesses and mismanagement. As legal residents move elsewhere, the states should lose seats in Congress, Electoral College votes and financial handouts. But because they have welcomed large numbers of illegal immigrants, the impact is muted and they aren’t held politically accountable.

  4. Trump must also “drill, baby, drill,” rescinding the many Biden-Harris regulations that have made it harder and more expensive to drill for oil and gas. Most important is putting back in play the millions of acres in Alaska’s Arctic Natural Wildlife Refuge, which industry experts say could eventually boost U.S. production by some 1 million barrels per day.

    U.S. oil output is at record levels today, but studies show we could be producing much more. On balance, more production means lower prices, and consequently less income for adversaries such as Russia and Iran.

  5. Another priority should be to enforce the tough sanctions that Trump levied on Iran during his presidency. The Biden-Harris White House has allowed Iran’s oil output to surge, along with their income. This foolhardy empowering of the Middle East’s most aggressive sponsor of terror has put the region on the brink of all-out war.

  6. The Government Efficiency Commission proposed by Trump and Elon Musk has been enthusiastically endorsed by many, including JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon, who called it a “very good idea.” Given the ever-growing bloated federal bureaucracy, he is right.

  7. Canceling Biden’s executive order mobilizing all federal agencies to register voters fits with the efficiency drive. This is not the role of government. It is also ripe for abuse, as it lets Democrats target districts rich with their own unregistered potential voters.

  8. Trump should revoke the security clearances of the 51 former intelligence officials who lied to interfere with the 2020 election. Trading on the perception that they knew something, they falsely accused the New York Post of falling for Russian disinformation and “smearing” Hunter Biden with its election-eve story about the “laptop from Hell.” Not only was the Post story vindicated, the laptop was also used as evidence against the younger Biden in his trial on federal gun violations.

  9. Trump should cancel all Department of Defense initiatives regarding DEI, or Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. These cost taxpayers $114 million this year.

10. Last, and most importantly, the former president should move heaven and earth to make our elections secure and transparent. Nothing could be more important to our country than re-establishing confidence that the vote is fair. Some 81 percent of Americans approve of requiring a government-issued photo ID to vote; that should be the law.

I would add there should be an effort to get the right fetal personhood cases before the Supreme Court. I think we have the court to put it through. Just need the right case. That would end the abortion debate once and for all.
Trump isn't gonna get a second term.
All cancel this, revoke that

What is Trump going to do to improve the lives of Americans?
Cancel the bad stuff like illegals pouring in, corrupt election practices, DEI crap, and excessive business regulation. That ushers in prosperity which helps everyone. Then add in drilling and other positive actions, and America returns to greatness.
So the entire rest of the world can sell to anyone they like, including Americans?

But oil.drilled here has to go to Americans?

They will just produce less. Prices would spike.
Yes, just like they spiked in Trump's first term. Oh, wait.
Cancel the bad stuff like illegals pouring in, corrupt election practices, DEI crap, and excessive business regulation. That ushers in prosperity which helps everyone. Then add in drilling and other positive actions, and America returns to greatness.
But seriously

Doesn’t Trump have any plans that help Americans?
That doesn't make sense. That measure wasn't in place then. Are you even following?

Doing drugs makes baby Jesus cry, mashmont.
Domestic drilling wasn't moving forward in Trump's first term? Really?
I guess those low prices got there by accident.
Speaking of drugs.
Cancelling crap and revoking bullshit that harms Americans.

All fear mongering and protecting against things that don’t need protecting

Can’t Republicans do anything to help struggling Americans?

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