10 Years Ago Dems Had the WH and Super Majority in Congress

Funny how there was no discussion of the Electoral College, small States having equal representation or stacking the courts back then.

I recall some Hispanics weren't pleased that immigration reform was being ignored because the Democrats during that time were spending all their effort single-handedly coming up with Obamacare.
And of course Republicans were involved with Obamacare until McConnell told them to end it. It was all a stalling technique by the GOP, the lockstep assholes.
they only care when they aren't able to shove their radical agenda down our throats

bonus, there was also zero talk about bipartisanship or reaching across the aisle as they took over 1/5 of the economy with the abortion of a program called Obamacare...
I had a problem with ,read my lips, on the fact that he was a closet liberal. His son W was just not very bright but easy on the border jumpers. We really did not have a honest President until we got Trump. I voted for him because I did not think this country could stand another Clinton. I hoped he would stir the Government up and push them intto doing their jobs. He has and I am happy with the job he is going to do. I will vote for him again if someone does not shoot him. This better not happen, I don't know what will happen but it will not be pretty.
Funny how there was no discussion of the Electoral College, small States having equal representation or stacking the courts back then.

I recall some Hispanics weren't pleased that immigration reform was being ignored because the Democrats during that time were spending all their effort single-handedly coming up with Obamacare.
Democrats did not expect Scott Brown to be elected by Massachusetts idiots.
The middle of another corrupt GOP World depression is no time for doing much of anything that happens immediately. Obamacare was designed to be three years away...
We weren't at war, we were just trying to change their leadership without waiting for their normal process. Ergo, what I said.
Actually, the USA bombed the hell out of Libyan forces that were defending the country against armed Al Qaeda forces that had attacked the police stations and government offices in eastern Libya with Al Qaeda sleeper cells.

To put it bluntly, the USA went to war allied on Al Qaeda's side of the war. Obama/Clinton/Rice helped Al Qaeda affiliates ISIL, and AQIM oust the legitimate democratically elected government of Libya.

When one country's military forces are in a protracted battle against another country's military forces, that is, by definition, a war. Rightwinger and francoHFW remain oblivious to that fact.
Al Qaeda my ass militias of all kinds who didn't like Gaddafi. They had plenty of good reason. We had no casualties and no Army on the ground. We had about three or four days of Air Force action over 6 months. It was a great success. You are totally brainwashed.
You are simply lying again.
Read something
Besides a few days of Air Force work, we mainly Supplied the rebels with arms.

Yea and democrats committed treason to try to stop the warhawk Hillary

If it was bush jr you guys would still have been crying about it.

Even critics understate how catastrophically bad the Hillary Clinto...

How Obama Ignored Congress, and Misled America, on War in Libya - The Atlantic

Liberal Dems in uproar over Libya
Actually, the USA bombed the hell out of Libyan forces that were defending the country against armed Al Qaeda forces that had attacked the police stations and government offices in eastern Libya with Al Qaeda sleeper cells.

To put it bluntly, the USA went to war allied on Al Qaeda's side of the war. Obama/Clinton/Rice helped Al Qaeda affiliates ISIL, and AQIM oust the legitimate democratically elected government of Libya.

When one country's military forces are in a protracted battle against another country's military forces, that is, by definition, a war. Rightwinger and francoHFW remain oblivious to that fact.
Al Qaeda my ass militias of all kinds who didn't like Gaddafi. They had plenty of good reason. We had no casualties and no Army on the ground. We had about three or four days of Air Force action over 6 months. It was a great success. You are totally brainwashed.
You are simply lying again.
Read something
Besides a few days of Air Force work, we mainly Supplied the rebels with arms.

Yea and democrats committed treason to try to stop the warhawk Hillary

If it was bush jr you guys would still have been crying about it.

Even critics understate how catastrophically bad the Hillary Clinto...

How Obama Ignored Congress, and Misled America, on War in Libya - The Atlantic

Liberal Dems in uproar over Libya
Screw them and screw the terrorist dictator Gaddafi. LOL. it was a great success.
Al Qaeda my ass militias of all kinds who didn't like Gaddafi. They had plenty of good reason. We had no casualties and no Army on the ground. We had about three or four days of Air Force action over 6 months. It was a great success. You are totally brainwashed.
You are simply lying again.
Read something
Besides a few days of Air Force work, we mainly Supplied the rebels with arms.

Yea and democrats committed treason to try to stop the warhawk Hillary

If it was bush jr you guys would still have been crying about it.

Even critics understate how catastrophically bad the Hillary Clinto...

How Obama Ignored Congress, and Misled America, on War in Libya - The Atlantic

Liberal Dems in uproar over Libya
Screw them and screw the terrorist dictator Gaddafi. LOL. it was a great success.
Obama said the follow-up was his biggest regret.
Funny how there was no discussion of the Electoral College, small States having equal representation or stacking the courts back then.


Can't tell what rock you've been selectively hiding under but discussion of the Electrical College has been going on over TWO HUNDRED YEARS Dumbass. And the makeup of Congress has never had jack shit to do with that discussion.
There is no link to something that isn’t there, Dufus.

Sooooooooooooooooo you can't prove your negative claim that "there was no discussion of the Electoral College".

No shit.
/——/ Provide a link when the democRAT leadership called for and end to the EC when they were in firm control of Congress. TIA

Ummm... no. I didn't make such a claim, nor is the EC a political party issue anyway. That's stupid.
Funny how there was no discussion of the Electoral College, small States having equal representation or stacking the courts back then.
or cries of incivility by republicans while they controlled all of it.

No statement that civility will return when the republicans win. Nope none of that. hmmm MAC. still nothing that supports your two parties are the same excuse.
once you have them down

crush them

that is the art of winning
Al Qaeda my ass militias of all kinds who didn't like Gaddafi. They had plenty of good reason. We had no casualties and no Army on the ground. We had about three or four days of Air Force action over 6 months. It was a great success. You are totally brainwashed.
You are simply lying again.
Read something
Besides a few days of Air Force work, we mainly Supplied the rebels with arms.

Yea and democrats committed treason to try to stop the warhawk Hillary

If it was bush jr you guys would still have been crying about it.

Even critics understate how catastrophically bad the Hillary Clinto...

How Obama Ignored Congress, and Misled America, on War in Libya - The Atlantic

Liberal Dems in uproar over Libya
Screw them and screw the terrorist dictator Gaddafi. LOL. it was a great success.

Seriously and your a retired teacher?
Yep, 10 years ago Democrats had unlimited power. Did they fix illegal immigration? Did they fix Medicare? Did they fix Social Security? Nope. Democrats don't solve problems. They exploit them by blaming the opposition. If they actually worked with the opposition to fix problems, they wouldn't have any reason to exist.
Funny how there was no discussion of the Electoral College, small States having equal representation or stacking the courts back then.

I recall some Hispanics weren't pleased that immigration reform was being ignored because the Democrats during that time were spending all their effort single-handedly coming up with Obamacare.
And of course Republicans were involved with Obamacare until McConnell told them to end it. It was all a stalling technique by the GOP, the lockstep assholes.
Pathetic liar
Funny how there was no discussion of the Electoral College, small States having equal representation or stacking the courts back then.

I recall some Hispanics weren't pleased that immigration reform was being ignored because the Democrats during that time were spending all their effort single-handedly coming up with Obamacare.
And of course Republicans were involved with Obamacare until McConnell told them to end it. It was all a stalling technique by the GOP, the lockstep assholes.
Pathetic liar
Brainwashed functional moron. USA today says exactly what I do.
Funny how there was no discussion of the Electoral College, small States having equal representation or stacking the courts back then.

I recall some Hispanics weren't pleased that immigration reform was being ignored because the Democrats during that time were spending all their effort single-handedly coming up with Obamacare.
And of course Republicans were involved with Obamacare until McConnell told them to end it. It was all a stalling technique by the GOP, the lockstep assholes.
Pathetic liar
Brainwashed functional moron. USA today says exactly what I do.
And every other real journalist in the world.
Plus that was the way it was reported on Fox Rush Etc... The more the dupes listen, the less they know...
I don't have fox dipshit.
It's all the same crap, super duper Rush Savage Heritage The Examiner Etc etc.
so your view is if any news comes from a conservative news outlet it is pure bullshit right? guess what? anything from the left is fake and demoloser talking points. K?
So why do none of your phony scandals against Hillary Obama holder Sanders etc etc etc ever make it to real journalism or a courtroom? Because all any of it is is garbage propaganda duh... Every respected media in the world thinks you are insane. And no there is no conspiracy of law enforcement against your crap.
we have facts, and we know what the law says. Now you can act as if they didn't happen, but that is just naive. I'm all for a civil discussion on it. BTW, Comey claimed Hitlery was in violation of law, he released her because of intent. so, Not sure how he'd know that without a trial. It isn't his place, right? It's the DOJ's job to do that right? I'm not in the holder thing, I'll let others fight that battle, but I will stay with Hitlery's crimes. And they are crimes.

Hillary was guilty of nothing. Your own party investigate her so what is your excuse that they found nothing.

They questioned her for 11 hours & she didn't yell, scream, foam at the mouth, lie or say she liked beer.
Something is seriously wrong with your brain, super duper.

Just working with what you give me. Kinda hard to make a silk purse...
The question is, how does Saddam being Reagan's pal lead to your ridiculous question? And that is how this whole Iraq mess started duh...
reagan set him up?
Reagan helped him with biological weapons that he used against the Kurds which we didn't mind, and along with bush and April what's her name gave Saddam the impression that he could attack Kuwait. How did that work out? Read something for crying out loud...
so question, did obammy give arms to that part of the world?
You asshole, why did Bush . We shipped all kinds of crap into Iraq & Afghanistan. .
Yeah, if you didn't support Obama you were called a racist. Think that might have something to do with it?
Lying fuck. If you were called a racist it was because something you said.
Nope anyone that disagreed with him, was called a racist. Obama was a God to you dumbasses.
L I A R.

I think you are confused because your racism is so inbred into your very being, you don't even comprehend how big a racist you really are.
Lol, okay why specifically is Trump racist? Not talking points.

Wait....you don't really expect RealDumb to be able to respond beyond the bumper-sticker they stuck on his forehead.....

...do you?????
I have debunked every post you ever made.
NY and California equates to voter fraud?

So now you pretend voter fraud doesn't exist by deflecting? Gotcha.
Show me some actual voter fraud where illegals are voting in any significant number
/——/ Remember the good old days when democRATs insisted there were NO illegals voting? Now the say “not in any significant number.”
Show me...give it your best shot

I’ll wait

Jerry Brown Signs Bill Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Vote

O my.
Jesus fuck you are an idiot.

First: Bretbart? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Second: Breitbart? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Third. See the word "Could":. Look it up

Forth: It is a voter registration process for legal voters.

Firth: Breitbaert hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Turn off breitbart, it is making you really really stupid
Obamas one and only legacy is leaving a crappy portrait of himself in the WH.
To be fair, since Hillary didn't win, Michelle's ass will have been the bigggest ever to reside in the White House. Hillary's wasn't that big 20 years ago.

Donald Trump IS the biggest ass ever to live in the White House.
you have all of the measurements? when did you get near his ass?
I said he is an ass, dumbfuck.
well what are those measurements? what makes him an ass?
His past, his views on women, his lying. his stupid ignorant base.

Everything about Trump paints him as an ass.
Nope anyone that disagreed with him, was called a racist. Obama was a God to you dumbasses.
L I A R.

I think you are confused because your racism is so inbred into your very being, you don't even comprehend how big a racist you really are.
Plus that was the way it was reported on Fox Rush Etc... The more the dupes listen, the less they know...
I don't have fox dipshit.
It's all the same crap, super duper Rush Savage Heritage The Examiner Etc etc.
so your view is if any news comes from a conservative news outlet it is pure bullshit right? guess what? anything from the left is fake and demoloser talking points. K?
The idea you call Rush Limbaugh a news outlet prooves just how fucking stupid you are. That fst assed college dropout makes millions duping dumbasses like you.
Yeah, if you didn't support Obama you were called a racist. Think that might have something to do with it?
Lying fuck. If you were called a racist it was because something you said.
Nope anyone that disagreed with him, was called a racist. Obama was a God to you dumbasses.
L I A R.

I think you are confused because your racism is so inbred into your very being, you don't even comprehend how big a racist you really are.
Lol, okay why specifically is Trump racist? Not talking points.
WE could go back to that housing thing where he tried to get rod of black tenants. Maybe to his "Shithole" statement where we don't want people from Africa ( black people) but welcome those from Norway (white people).

He calls black people stupid & lazy.
You rely on them to be stupid & lazy. Lol, i suspect your one of them.

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