10 Years Ago Dems Had the WH and Super Majority in Congress

Funny how there was no discussion of the Electoral College, small States having equal representation or stacking the courts back then.

I recall some Hispanics weren't pleased that immigration reform was being ignored because the Democrats during that time were spending all their effort single-handedly coming up with Obamacare.
And of course Republicans were involved with Obamacare until McConnell told them to end it. It was all a stalling technique by the GOP, the lockstep assholes.
Pathetic liar
Psrthetic dumbasss.

McConnell punished any Republican seen as helping in formulsating the ACCA.,

I wish you assholes would either get educated or realize that you are dumber than shit & just STFU.
Lying fuck. If you were called a racist it was because something you said.
Nope anyone that disagreed with him, was called a racist. Obama was a God to you dumbasses.
L I A R.

I think you are confused because your racism is so inbred into your very being, you don't even comprehend how big a racist you really are.
Lol, okay why specifically is Trump racist? Not talking points.
WE could go back to that housing thing where he tried to get rod of black tenants. Maybe to his "Shithole" statement where we don't want people from Africa ( black people) but welcome those from Norway (white people).

He calls black people stupid & lazy.
You rely on them to be stupid & lazy. Lol, i suspect your one of them.
This is why you are a racist. Don;t bother truing to deny it. You have a history of racist posts.
Lying fuck. If you were called a racist it was because something you said.
Nope anyone that disagreed with him, was called a racist. Obama was a God to you dumbasses.
L I A R.

I think you are confused because your racism is so inbred into your very being, you don't even comprehend how big a racist you really are.
Lol, okay why specifically is Trump racist? Not talking points.
WE could go back to that housing thing where he tried to get rod of black tenants. Maybe to his "Shithole" statement where we don't want people from Africa ( black people) but welcome those from Norway (white people).

He calls black people stupid & lazy.
You rely on them to be stupid & lazy. Lol, i suspect your one of them.
Actually we try and get them into college and good jobs as much as possible it's, something Republicans will never worry about, they make life as difficult and expensive as possible... The problem is the Democrats can't get power to pass Anything. The GOP only need 51 votes for their tax cuts for the rich.
So now you pretend voter fraud doesn't exist by deflecting? Gotcha.
Show me some actual voter fraud where illegals are voting in any significant number
/——/ Remember the good old days when democRATs insisted there were NO illegals voting? Now the say “not in any significant number.”
Show me...give it your best shot

I’ll wait

Jerry Brown Signs Bill Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Vote

O my.
Jesus fuck you are an idiot.

First: Bretbart? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Second: Breitbart? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Third. See the word "Could":. Look it up

Forth: It is a voter registration process for legal voters.

Firth: Breitbaert hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Turn off breitbart, it is making you really really stupid
/——/ Cant refute the message then attack the messenger
So now you pretend voter fraud doesn't exist by deflecting? Gotcha.
Show me some actual voter fraud where illegals are voting in any significant number
/——/ Remember the good old days when democRATs insisted there were NO illegals voting? Now the say “not in any significant number.”
Show me...give it your best shot

I’ll wait

Jerry Brown Signs Bill Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Vote

O my.
Jesus fuck you are an idiot.

First: Bretbart? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Second: Breitbart? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Third. See the word "Could":. Look it up

Forth: It is a voter registration process for legal voters.

Firth: Breitbaert hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Turn off breitbart, it is making you really really stupid
/——/ Does the Orange County Register pass your smell test? Non-citizens will start voting soon in San Francisco – Orange County Register
Lying fuck. If you were called a racist it was because something you said.
Nope anyone that disagreed with him, was called a racist. Obama was a God to you dumbasses.
L I A R.

I think you are confused because your racism is so inbred into your very being, you don't even comprehend how big a racist you really are.
Lol, okay why specifically is Trump racist? Not talking points.

Wait....you don't really expect RealDumb to be able to respond beyond the bumper-sticker they stuck on his forehead.....

...do you?????
I have debunked every post you ever made.

False, RealDumb....

You are a kite that thought it ruled the wind.
I don't have fox dipshit.
It's all the same crap, super duper Rush Savage Heritage The Examiner Etc etc.
so your view is if any news comes from a conservative news outlet it is pure bullshit right? guess what? anything from the left is fake and demoloser talking points. K?
So why do none of your phony scandals against Hillary Obama holder Sanders etc etc etc ever make it to real journalism or a courtroom? Because all any of it is is garbage propaganda duh... Every respected media in the world thinks you are insane. And no there is no conspiracy of law enforcement against your crap.
we have facts, and we know what the law says. Now you can act as if they didn't happen, but that is just naive. I'm all for a civil discussion on it. BTW, Comey claimed Hitlery was in violation of law, he released her because of intent. so, Not sure how he'd know that without a trial. It isn't his place, right? It's the DOJ's job to do that right? I'm not in the holder thing, I'll let others fight that battle, but I will stay with Hitlery's crimes. And they are crimes.

Hillary was guilty of nothing. Your own party investigate her so what is your excuse that they found nothing.

They questioned her for 11 hours & she didn't yell, scream, foam at the mouth, lie or say she liked beer.

1.Even Hillary’s traditional allies at the Washington Post couldn’t swallow this:

“Everything I did was permitted. There was no law. There was no regulation. There was nothing that did not give me the full authority to decide how I was going to communicate. Previous secretaries of state have said they did the same thing…. Everything I did was permitted by law and regulation. I had one device. When I mailed anybody in the government, it would go into the government system.”
— Former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton, interview with CNN, July 7, 2015

Three Pinocchio’s from their fact-checker.
Hillary Clinton’s claim that ‘everything I did [on e-mails] was permitted’

2. But the WaPo couldn’t indict her…..the FBI could….if it followed the law without that pro-Hillary bias.
Comey outright lied in inserting some imaginary ‘intent’ in the law….He said:

“Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”


3. “…nowhere in 18 U.S.C. 793 (f) of the Espionage Act which governs the ‘grossly negligent ‘ handling of classified information does it state that a defendant must have intended to break the law in order to be charged of found guilty.”
Jarrett, “The Russia Hoax,” p.28

4. “Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody” has committed a felony. 18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

Do you find the word ‘willingly’ or ‘intentionally’?

Outside of a biased or corrupt intent….why is Hillary not charged?????

Soooo…..let Hillary skate?

You must be a Liberal, huh?
To be fair, since Hillary didn't win, Michelle's ass will have been the bigggest ever to reside in the White House. Hillary's wasn't that big 20 years ago.

Donald Trump IS the biggest ass ever to live in the White House.
you have all of the measurements? when did you get near his ass?
I said he is an ass, dumbfuck.
well what are those measurements? what makes him an ass?
His past, his views on women, his lying. his stupid ignorant base.

Everything about Trump paints him as an ass.

Let's check.

Trump is fighting against Obama's signature foreign policy move....perhaps you can explain or defend it:
What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

Or, perhaps you're simply Real Dumb.
Nope anyone that disagreed with him, was called a racist. Obama was a God to you dumbasses.
L I A R.

I think you are confused because your racism is so inbred into your very being, you don't even comprehend how big a racist you really are.
Lol, okay why specifically is Trump racist? Not talking points.
WE could go back to that housing thing where he tried to get rod of black tenants. Maybe to his "Shithole" statement where we don't want people from Africa ( black people) but welcome those from Norway (white people).

He calls black people stupid & lazy.
You rely on them to be stupid & lazy. Lol, i suspect your one of them.
Actually we try and get them into college and good jobs as much as possible it's, something Republicans will never worry about, they make life as difficult and expensive as possible... The problem is the Democrats can't get power to pass Anything. The GOP only need 51 votes for their tax cuts for the rich.

Did you go to college?

You did?

Doesn't seem to be a good argument in favor of a college 'education.'
Funny how there was no discussion of the Electoral College, small States having equal representation or stacking the courts back then.

I recall some Hispanics weren't pleased that immigration reform was being ignored because the Democrats during that time were spending all their effort single-handedly coming up with Obamacare.
And of course Republicans were involved with Obamacare until McConnell told them to end it. It was all a stalling technique by the GOP, the lockstep assholes.
Pathetic liar
Psrthetic dumbasss.

McConnell punished any Republican seen as helping in formulsating the ACCA.,

I wish you assholes would either get educated or realize that you are dumber than shit & just STFU.
All you have are lies.
So now you pretend voter fraud doesn't exist by deflecting? Gotcha.
Show me some actual voter fraud where illegals are voting in any significant number
/——/ Remember the good old days when democRATs insisted there were NO illegals voting? Now the say “not in any significant number.”
Show me...give it your best shot

I’ll wait

Jerry Brown Signs Bill Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Vote

O my.
Jesus fuck you are an idiot.

First: Bretbart? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Second: Breitbart? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Third. See the word "Could":. Look it up

Forth: It is a voter registration process for legal voters.

Firth: Breitbaert hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Turn off breitbart, it is making you really really stupid
Shitforbrains doesn’t even know California is letting illegals vote.
Funny how there was no discussion of the Electoral College, small States having equal representation or stacking the courts back then.

I recall some Hispanics weren't pleased that immigration reform was being ignored because the Democrats during that time were spending all their effort single-handedly coming up with Obamacare.
And of course Republicans were involved with Obamacare until McConnell told them to end it. It was all a stalling technique by the GOP, the lockstep assholes.
Pathetic liar
Psrthetic dumbasss.

McConnell punished any Republican seen as helping in formulsating the ACCA.,

I wish you assholes would either get educated or realize that you are dumber than shit & just STFU.
All you have are lies.

"All you have are lies."

....and a boatload of stupid.
RealDave is a super-moron if this thread is any evidence. Francodupe is Super- Stupid
Your usual brilliant argument LOL. Why don't you call me a faget or a Niger?

Because you're simply a Super -Euro-Dupe/moron.
An example of where my facts are wrong, as opposed to every time you try one of your brainwashed idiotic garbage lies...
so you're aren't an American either? WTF? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Another nativist brainwashed functional moron. I am an American who is not totally duped by GOP propaganda. My mother was English and we visited a lot. I also speak French and Spanish and have a masters in history. You people on the other hand are brainwashed ignoramuses LOL. In the whole world, only your tiny in World terms GOP propaganda machine spreads your garbage, super duper. Breaking... Hillary Obama holder the FBI are honest. And all the other Democrats you character assassinate. You are a disgrace.
so you ;can't tell me what was not a fact. see, you are dishonest. I give two shits how many fking languages you can speak. not sure what that has to do with criminal activity in DC. funny though. I'll wait for you to tell what wasn't factual in what I wrote. k?
Funny how there was no discussion of the Electoral College, small States having equal representation or stacking the courts back then.
Hypocrisy perfectly explains progressives

…They are all fucked in the head
I don't have fox dipshit.
It's all the same crap, super duper Rush Savage Heritage The Examiner Etc etc.
so your view is if any news comes from a conservative news outlet it is pure bullshit right? guess what? anything from the left is fake and demoloser talking points. K?
So why do none of your phony scandals against Hillary Obama holder Sanders etc etc etc ever make it to real journalism or a courtroom? Because all any of it is is garbage propaganda duh... Every respected media in the world thinks you are insane. And no there is no conspiracy of law enforcement against your crap.
we have facts, and we know what the law says. Now you can act as if they didn't happen, but that is just naive. I'm all for a civil discussion on it. BTW, Comey claimed Hitlery was in violation of law, he released her because of intent. so, Not sure how he'd know that without a trial. It isn't his place, right? It's the DOJ's job to do that right? I'm not in the holder thing, I'll let others fight that battle, but I will stay with Hitlery's crimes. And they are crimes.

Hillary was guilty of nothing. Your own party investigate her so what is your excuse that they found nothing.

They questioned her for 11 hours & she didn't yell, scream, foam at the mouth, lie or say she liked beer.
and they found she destroyed evidence, committed perjury, illegally held confidential and classified material off of a government facility. Obstruction of justice. She killed four americans in Benghazi. not sure what you think isn't factual here. tell me what isn't factual.
It's all the same crap, super duper Rush Savage Heritage The Examiner Etc etc.
so your view is if any news comes from a conservative news outlet it is pure bullshit right? guess what? anything from the left is fake and demoloser talking points. K?
So why do none of your phony scandals against Hillary Obama holder Sanders etc etc etc ever make it to real journalism or a courtroom? Because all any of it is is garbage propaganda duh... Every respected media in the world thinks you are insane. And no there is no conspiracy of law enforcement against your crap.
we have facts, and we know what the law says. Now you can act as if they didn't happen, but that is just naive. I'm all for a civil discussion on it. BTW, Comey claimed Hitlery was in violation of law, he released her because of intent. so, Not sure how he'd know that without a trial. It isn't his place, right? It's the DOJ's job to do that right? I'm not in the holder thing, I'll let others fight that battle, but I will stay with Hitlery's crimes. And they are crimes.

Hillary was guilty of nothing. Your own party investigate her so what is your excuse that they found nothing.

They questioned her for 11 hours & she didn't yell, scream, foam at the mouth, lie or say she liked beer.
and they found she destroyed evidence, committed perjury, illegally held confidential and classified material off of a government facility. Obstruction of justice. She killed four americans in Benghazi. not sure what you think isn't factual here. tell me what isn't factual.
Everything you just said LOL... Only in dupe world. Everything you know is wrong... It almost undoubtedly was the video as the Rush Limbaugh of Cairo called for protests and attacks on US embassies like all the others earlier that day, brainwashed functional moron. The mission was helped Within a half hour. The Foundation is a great charity itself, dumbass. Everything has been investigated and there is nothing but BS GOP propaganda everywhere.
Funny how there was no discussion of the Electoral College, small States having equal representation or stacking the courts back then.
Hypocrisy perfectly explains progressives

…They are all fucked in the head
People have been calling for the end of the Electoral College forever. It is an unfair Aid to Republican swine, silly dupe.
L I A R.

I think you are confused because your racism is so inbred into your very being, you don't even comprehend how big a racist you really are.
Lol, okay why specifically is Trump racist? Not talking points.
WE could go back to that housing thing where he tried to get rod of black tenants. Maybe to his "Shithole" statement where we don't want people from Africa ( black people) but welcome those from Norway (white people).

He calls black people stupid & lazy.
You rely on them to be stupid & lazy. Lol, i suspect your one of them.
Actually we try and get them into college and good jobs as much as possible it's, something Republicans will never worry about, they make life as difficult and expensive as possible... The problem is the Democrats can't get power to pass Anything. The GOP only need 51 votes for their tax cuts for the rich.

Did you go to college?

You did?

Doesn't seem to be a good argument in favor of a college 'education.'
Only in silly dupe world... Everything you know is garbage propaganda.
Funny how there was no discussion of the Electoral College, small States having equal representation or stacking the courts back then.

I recall some Hispanics weren't pleased that immigration reform was being ignored because the Democrats during that time were spending all their effort single-handedly coming up with Obamacare.
And of course Republicans were involved with Obamacare until McConnell told them to end it. It was all a stalling technique by the GOP, the lockstep assholes.
Pathetic liar
Psrthetic dumbasss.

McConnell punished any Republican seen as helping in formulsating the ACCA.,

I wish you assholes would either get educated or realize that you are dumber than shit & just STFU.
All you have are lies.
Turns out for 95% of the media in the world and law enforcement, all the lies are on your side, ignoramus super dupe.
Funny how there was no discussion of the Electoral College, small States having equal representation or stacking the courts back then.
Hypocrisy perfectly explains progressives

…They are all fucked in the head
People have been calling for the end of the Electoral College forever. It is an unfair Aid to Republican swine, silly dupe.
Na, not really
This is supposed to be a republic not a shit eating democracy

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