$100,000 Worth of Dimes Stolen!!!

Your post disagrees with Resnics by a factor of about 10. I am too lazy to look it up, who do we believe good sir? :)
I double checked, a dime is actually 2.268g, I missed a 2 out.

Each dime weighs 2.268g, $100,000/.10 cent = 1 million X 2.268 = 2,268,000 grams / 453.5924g in a lb = 5,000 lbs, which is 2.5 ton.
HEYYYYYY...I was right :D
Yup, but just like at school, you only get 1 mark because you didn't show your workings out.

I assume the thief/thieves had slightly more than a little car to drive off with that weight. So the lorry had 37.5 ton of dimes on it :oops:
Is that a roll of dimes in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? :laughing0301:

"Roughly $100,000 worth of dimes were stolen from a truck trailer in northeast Philadelphia early Thursday morning.

Police are hoping someone will now a drop a dime of whoever cut the lock off that truck, which was parked in a Walmart parking lot while its driver went home to rest before taking his load to Florida. The long-hauler reportedly realized his vehicle was broken into at 6 a.m.

The truck was reportedly carrying $750,000 in dimes. The coins were being transported from the Philadelphia Mint.

I know Walmart is a big operation but do they really need $750,000 worth of dimes?
If federal agents aren't too busy digging up dirt on Trump they might try to find out who is trying to offload about 8,000 lbs of dimes. Casinos maybe or other venues that use the denomination? The melt value of he clad junk isn't worth the risk.

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