100% of US Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants"


Active Member
Jul 14, 2014
I thought about this while debating in another thread and I had to share. Quite frankly I'm fed up with people saying "illegal immigrants do the jobs Americans don't want to". That's the dumbest, most generalized, naive assumption anyone could make that anyone could make. What they should say is "they do the jobs that the upper middle class refuse to do, but who cares about the struggling lower class". Hiring illegal immigrants and paying them under minimum wage and/or under the table is just way for companies to profit on cheap labor without having to send their jobs overseas. I've lived in neighborhoods where people had to go to churches and eat donated food everyday, where there were no jobs, and had there have been ANY whatsoever, they would have took them. Even if it had been scrubbing toilets, cleaning up feces, working in fields, factory's, construction, junk yards etc. I think some people forget how many citizens still out of work, struggling to support their families. Some living in abandoned houses with no running water in towns where almost all the steel factories have closed down causing all the other company's to slowly go bankrupt as well. The lower class keeps growing as the upper and middle class dwindle. But for some reason pro-immigration activists assume we can afford to let in thousands of immigrants in a day to either live off our tax money through welfare or take jobs that citizens could and would have worked.

100% of U.S. Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants | Financial Markets

Domestic workers being replaced by foreign workers...

Record 92,269,000 Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Matches 36-Year Low
September 5, 2014 -- A record 92,269,000 Americans 16 and older did not participate in the labor force in August, as the labor force participation rate matched a 36-year low of 62.8 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The labor force participation rate has been as low as 62.8 percent in six of the last twelve months, but prior to last October had not fallen that low since 1978. BLS employment statistics are based on the civilian noninstitutional population, which consists of all people 16 or older who were not in the military or an institution such as a prison, mental hospital or nursing home.


In August, the civilian noninstitutional population was 248,229,000 according to BLS. Of that 248,229,000, 155,959,000—or 62.8 percent--participated in the labor force, meaning they either had or job or had actively sought one in the last four weeks. The 92,269,000 who did not participate in the labor force are those in the civilian noninstitutional population who did not have a job and did not actively seek one in the last four weeks. Because they did not seek a job, they did not count as “unemployed.”

Of the 155,959,000 who did participate in the labor force, 146,368,000 had a job and 9,591,000 did not have a job but actively sought one. The 9,591,000 are the unemployed. They equaled 6.1 percent of the labor force—or an unemployment rate of 6.1 percent (which was down slightly from the 6.2 percent unemployment rate in July). The 146,368,000 people employed in the United States in August was up 16,000 from the 146,352,000 who were employed in July.

Record 92 269 000 Not in Labor Force Participation Rate Matches 36-Year Low CNS News

See also:

24,639,000: Record Number of Foreign-Born Hold Jobs in U.S.
September 5, 2014 -- The number of foreign-born individuals holding jobs in the United States hit a recorded high of 24,639,000 in August, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The BLS has been tracking the number of foreign-born workers annually since 2005 and monthly since 2007.
The BLS does not distinguish between foreign-born individuals who are in the United States legally and those who are here illegally. “The foreign born are those who reside in the United States but who were born outside the country or one of its outlying areas to parents who were not U.S. citizens,” the BLS explains. “The foreign born include legally-admitted immigrants, refugees, temporary residents such as students and temporary workers, and undocumented immigrants. The survey data, however, do not separately identify the numbers of persons in these categories.”


The 24,639,000 foreign-born workers who held jobs in the United States in August was up 557,000 from July, when 24,082,000 foreign-born workers held jobs. These are non-seasonally adjusted numbers. In the year from August 2013 to August 2014, the number of foreign-born workers holding jobs in the United States climbed by 806,000, from 23,833,000 to 24,639,000. During the same August-to-August period, the number of native-born Americans holding jobs increased from 120,676,000 to 122,008,000, a climb of 1,332,000.

Of the 146,647,000 people with jobs in the United States in August (in the BLS’s non-seasonally adjusted data), the 24,639,000 foreign-born workers equaled 16.8 percent of the jobholders. But of the 2,138,000 increase in jobholders from August 2013 to August 2014, the 806,000 increase in foreign-born jobholders equaled 37.7 percent of the total.

24 639 000 Record Number of Foreign-Born Hold Jobs in U.S. CNS News
That's funny. I thought 100% of job growth in the entirety of America's history had ALWAYS gone to immigrants :dunno:
Anyone who takes the OP study seriously should seek mental help. The statistical analysis is absolutely horrible and completely unsound. For example, the study says the number of working age natives holding a job decreased by about 127,000 from 2000 to 2014. That decrease could be caused equally by the size of the native-born force decreasing, or many in the native-born labor force not working due to pursuing a college education.

And that is EXACTLY what has happened over the past decade. The U.S. labor force has been shrinking, so of course the number of people in the labor force with jobs will be less--the labor force is smaller to begin with! If not for young immigrants, there would be even fewer people in the labor force, the median age in the U.S. would be higher, and we would be facing an aging crisis more similar to Japan.

Likewise, more native-born Americans are attending college than ever before, thus being a working age native-born but deciding not to be employed. They shouldn't be working--they are getting an education that will allow them to get better paying jobs that most immigrants are either under or overqualified for.

The disparity you see in the study means that (1) native born Americans are retiring, leaving the labor force, whereas immigrants are younger and thus entering it, filling the massive gap in productivity we would otherwise face with the Baby Boomers all retiring. It also demonstrates that (2) more native-born individuals are pursuing higher education, thus not entering the work force.

Let's look at actual unemployment data comparing native-borns with immigrants:


Would you look at that. The Unemployment rate for native-borns has also decreased. They all essentially follow the same trend. The study warps the data in order to create a picture of reality that is not so.
This is just crazy.
Everyone knows that illegal aliens pose NO problems to the country. Illegal aliens do not:
work cheaper and drive wages down.
work long hours and drive work hours up for others, Ive seen them working on
Thanksgiving and all holidays.
work without benefits thus causing employers to no longer offer them,
weaken unions,
worsen working conditions,
Take jobs from citizens.
receive benefits from government programs.
So don't be ridicules.
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That's funny. I thought 100% of job growth in the entirety of America's history had ALWAYS gone to immigrants :dunno:

Are you serious? So, everybody living here are first generation immigrant? Really?? LMAO

Ah fudging the topic there way to go man :thup:

No. Telling the truth.
What are you talking about? You don't know do you?
You say what you said with no follow up?
Ive been a citizen here since 1956. I was born here. Explain to me how that makes me an immigrant.
That's funny. I thought 100% of job growth in the entirety of America's history had ALWAYS gone to immigrants :dunno:

Are you serious? So, everybody living here are first generation immigrant? Really?? LMAO

Ah fudging the topic there way to go man :thup:

No. Telling the truth.
What are you talking about? You don't know do you?
You say what you said with no follow up?
Ive been a citizen here since 1956. I was born here. Explain to me how that makes me an immigrant.

Oh so Mexican babies who are born here should not count as immigrants either and get to stay. Great point man :thup:
That's funny. I thought 100% of job growth in the entirety of America's history had ALWAYS gone to immigrants :dunno:

Are you serious? So, everybody living here are first generation immigrant? Really?? LMAO

Ah fudging the topic there way to go man :thup:

No. Telling the truth.
What are you talking about? You don't know do you?
You say what you said with no follow up?
Ive been a citizen here since 1956. I was born here. Explain to me how that makes me an immigrant.

Oh so Mexican babies who are born here should not count as immigrants either and get to stay. Great point man :thup:

Moron...listen, ok?
Get it??
And no they should not be able to stay.
That's funny. I thought 100% of job growth in the entirety of America's history had ALWAYS gone to immigrants :dunno:

Are you serious? So, everybody living here are first generation immigrant? Really?? LMAO

Ah fudging the topic there way to go man :thup:

No. Telling the truth.
What are you talking about? You don't know do you?
You say what you said with no follow up?
Ive been a citizen here since 1956. I was born here. Explain to me how that makes me an immigrant.

Oh so Mexican babies who are born here should not count as immigrants either and get to stay. Great point man :thup:

Moron...listen, ok?
Get it??
And no they should not be able to stay.

Illegal immigrants today are obeying as many immigration laws as your grandparents did :thup:
That's funny. I thought 100% of job growth in the entirety of America's history had ALWAYS gone to immigrants :dunno:

Are you serious? So, everybody living here are first generation immigrant? Really?? LMAO

Ah fudging the topic there way to go man :thup:

No. Telling the truth.
What are you talking about? You don't know do you?
You say what you said with no follow up?
Ive been a citizen here since 1956. I was born here. Explain to me how that makes me an immigrant.

Oh so Mexican babies who are born here should not count as immigrants either and get to stay. Great point man :thup:

Any kids born from illegal alien parents should not be granted birthright citizenship and they certainly aren't immigrants.
That's funny. I thought 100% of job growth in the entirety of America's history had ALWAYS gone to immigrants :dunno:

Are you serious? So, everybody living here are first generation immigrant? Really?? LMAO

Ah fudging the topic there way to go man :thup:

No. Telling the truth.
What are you talking about? You don't know do you?
You say what you said with no follow up?
Ive been a citizen here since 1956. I was born here. Explain to me how that makes me an immigrant.

Oh so Mexican babies who are born here should not count as immigrants either and get to stay. Great point man :thup:

Moron...listen, ok?
Get it??
And no they should not be able to stay.

Illegal immigrants today are obeying as many immigration laws as your grandparents did :thup:

lmao. Your what...16...19yrs old and from south of the border?. Im not going to waste my time with you. You...not a clue.
That's funny. I thought 100% of job growth in the entirety of America's history had ALWAYS gone to immigrants :dunno:

Are you serious? So, everybody living here are first generation immigrant? Really?? LMAO

Ah fudging the topic there way to go man :thup:

No. Telling the truth.
What are you talking about? You don't know do you?
You say what you said with no follow up?
Ive been a citizen here since 1956. I was born here. Explain to me how that makes me an immigrant.

Oh so Mexican babies who are born here should not count as immigrants either and get to stay. Great point man :thup:

Moron...listen, ok?
Get it??
And no they should not be able to stay.

Illegal immigrants today are obeying as many immigration laws as your grandparents did :thup:

lmao. Your what...16...19yrs old and from south of the border?. Im not going to waste my time with you. You...not a clue.

Gotcha there didn't I :badgrin:

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