100% Of US Warming Is Due To NOAA Data Tampering...

Mentioning the NOAA brings to mind a true story from a few years ago regarding a Republican Rep whose name, I'm sad to say, I can't recall.

In referring to the NOAA, this Rep said that we (meaning the taxpayers) didn't need the NOAA for weather forecasting (among other things) and that their budget should be seriously scaled back because....

Are you ready for this?

...because we could get our weather forecasts from TV. Well, there's just one very serious problem with that idea! It's the fact that TV news, in actuality, gets THEIR weather forecasts FROM the NOAA. That's just one example of the poorly informed Republicans who think they know what they're talking about when, in reality, they don't have a clue.
Pretty convenient, that you can't remember his name. Without a source, I really can't take you seriously, and I'm stunned that you posted this unsubstantiated crap. You'll have to do better, if you expect to be taken seriously. And even if what you say is true, that's just one person. And if you want stupid quotes, I'll match you 5 to 1, for every Republican example you can come with, of really stupid things said by liberals. I don't recommend taking that bet. You'll lose.
It's snowing in Colorado.
Two poops on yer global warming
If you really believe we shouldn't have a database and study climate,

Nice try.

Your side fudges data and then destroys/hides the raw data and claims the fudge is the data.

The solution is to post the raw data online in real time. You and your fudgebaking heroes do not want that, because you love fraud that bilks the US taxpayer.
We don't need no stinkin' science

Fraud and fudging data = not science.

If you care about science, answer the question

WHY does one Earth polar circle have 9 times the ice of the other?

Since you don't have the intellectual capacity or courage to answer that, that proves you don't care about science at all, you just care about... your government check,.
Notice none of the left wingers will answer why the Marshall Islands are "sinking..."

Start the Jeopardy! music....

Are the Marshall Islands sinking because of "ocean rise" or because they are right on the lip of the Pacific Ring of Fire on the subduction side??


FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD = what gets Democrats excited
Matthew won't answer the real science questions here because Matthew doesn't have a brain capable of handling science. Matthew is a sub human birdbrained science invalid who parrots because he cannot think on his own...
It's snowing in Colorado.
Two poops on yer global warming

What a dumb line of reasoning..Damn.

See Mathew, the difference between us and you is------>we don't have a horse in this race like you people do. If the proverbial whistle is blown on your side, questions for which you have no answers will arise, such as; "what else are they lying about!"

What your side won't even investigate is, (meaning people like YOU)that this whole clown show was created so as the government can acquire more tax money, and world organizations can then easily transfer wealth more readily. Nobody says climate doesn't change there Ole Matt, we are just laughing at the idea that it is us doing it. Not to mention, nobody can tell anyone what the proper temperature of mother earth should be!

Anyway, chew on this for awhile. It is all over the internet. The damn climate change NAZI's got busted again, or should I say, as usual; and wouldn't you know, this time it was Obama and friends trying to cook the books!
Former Obama Official: Bureaucrats Manipulate Climate Stats To Influence Policy

By the way, if you don't like that source and want to call it fake news, then maybe you should go to another. Most of them have the same story, or are you going to claim EVERYONE is fake news now, when the Climate phony-baloneys are busted, lol!
The Dems want people put in prison for questioning Algore's FRAUD.

Truly "liberal" in 2017....

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