100 Senators, 99 of whom do not care at all about the US


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
We have 99 Senators who want to turn the US into Greece, and Rand Paul, who doesn't.

While Dems can always be expected to support more kleptocratic spending, the GOP used to defend America from such idiotic disaster.

Now, the GOP is actually worse than the Dems.

What happened?

A: the GOP went ZIONIST in 1998, and perhaps more than half of the GOP Senators are not who they say they are...

Lindsay Graham and Bob Corker are two great examples.

Both are big spenders
Both lie
Both don't care about the US at all
Both are 100% committed to making the US serve ISRAEL
Both are JDAACs, Jews disguised as Christians

If you care that the US debt is now over $20 trillion, up from $5 trillion when W took office....

do us all a favor.

Vote AGAINST who THE MEDIA wants you to....

The GOP Zionized because too many GOP voters are hyper stupid and vote the way their preacher tells them.

Hint - your preacher is the same as Corker and Graham.... and the MEDIA

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