101 Million Americans...


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
...receiving government food aid. More than the number of Americans working.

You would think this would be reported by ALL media outlets, but you would be wrong. Is it any wonder most Americans and most liberals/dems have no understanding of what is occurring.

But hey...the Obama recovery is moving along nicely.:cuckoo:

101M Get Food Aid from Federal Gov’t; Outnumber Full-Time Private Sector Workers - See more at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/101...e-private-sector-workers#sthash.FSHo4GCj.dpuf
...receiving government food aid. More than the number of Americans working.

You would think this would be reported by ALL media outlets, but you would be wrong. Is it any wonder most Americans and most liberals/dems have no understanding of what is occurring.

But hey...the Obama recovery is moving along nicely.:cuckoo:

101M Get Food Aid from Federal Gov’t; Outnumber Full-Time Private Sector Workers - See more at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/101...e-private-sector-workers#sthash.FSHo4GCj.dpuf

wat r hungry ppl suposed to do? there no good jobs and less everyday
That's Transformation

That's Obama's change

That's what Progressive have been progressing toward
...receiving government food aid. More than the number of Americans working.

You would think this would be reported by ALL media outlets, but you would be wrong. Is it any wonder most Americans and most liberals/dems have no understanding of what is occurring.

But hey...the Obama recovery is moving along nicely.:cuckoo:

101M Get Food Aid from Federal Gov’t; Outnumber Full-Time Private Sector Workers - See more at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/101...e-private-sector-workers#sthash.FSHo4GCj.dpuf

wat r hungry ppl suposed to do? there no good jobs and less everyday

Less every day because companies are cutting their work forces to survive the ACA. Brilliant!!!
No, assholes, that is the result of the eight years under the GOP. It has taken us five years to dig out of the hole that Bush left us in. Now we are finally turning things around, you people are doing your best to sabatoge the economy yet again.
No, assholes, that is the result of the eight years under the GOP. It has taken us five years to dig out of the hole that Bush left us in. Now we are finally turning things around, you people are doing your best to sabatoge the economy yet again.

i dont rememer the economy ever being good an is it rly the fallt of the pres if the economy is bad??? what can he do about it??
No, assholes, that is the result of the eight years under the GOP. It has taken us five years to dig out of the hole that Bush left us in. Now we are finally turning things around, you people are doing your best to sabatoge the economy yet again.

Typical...absurd leftist non-thinking response. Much the same response ignorant people gave for FDR's multiple failures resulting in prolonging the Great Depression for many years...FDR blamed Hoover...just like Big Ears and his media blames Bush. You bought the big lie like so many citizens have.

Problem is Bush was a big government progressive just like Big Ears. There is little difference between the two, but at least under W the media did it's job unlike their cheer leading for BO.

Our nation has never experienced the kind of prolonged economic weakness like these past few years, with the exception of the Great Depression. This is all entirely the fault of BO and our political class. Constant government intervention in the economy, while spending at levels only seen in WWII, results in the disaster we have today.

The welfare state the left so loves and has imposed on America, will collapse from it's own weight...soon.
No, assholes, that is the result of the eight years under the GOP. It has taken us five years to dig out of the hole that Bush left us in. Now we are finally turning things around, you people are doing your best to sabatoge the economy yet again.

Yes the GOP, all alone, managed to ruin the economy completely. That’s the ticket.

You do realize that your version of this is not more insane than blaming the democrats, right? This last recession was not the creation of a single party or even a single system. It was far more than that.
No, assholes, that is the result of the eight years under the GOP. It has taken us five years to dig out of the hole that Bush left us in. Now we are finally turning things around, you people are doing your best to sabatoge the economy yet again.

Yes the GOP, all alone, managed to ruin the economy completely. That’s the ticket.

You do realize that your version of this is not more insane than blaming the democrats, right? This last recession was not the creation of a single party or even a single system. It was far more than that.

You're right of course.
The world economy was brought to it's knees by stupid, greedy, grasping Americans.
They economy is improving?

WHOSE economy is improving?

I ask because clearly we do NOT all live in the same macroeconomy.
No, assholes, that is the result of the eight years under the GOP. It has taken us five years to dig out of the hole that Bush left us in. Now we are finally turning things around, you people are doing your best to sabatoge the economy yet again.

Yes the GOP, all alone, managed to ruin the economy completely. That’s the ticket.

You do realize that your version of this is not more insane than blaming the democrats, right? This last recession was not the creation of a single party or even a single system. It was far more than that.

You're right of course.
The world economy was brought to it's knees by stupid, greedy, grasping Americans.


That is pretty damn accurate even though it is pretty funny.

I’ll venture a guess disagree somewhat on who that constitutes though.
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Yes the GOP, all alone, managed to ruin the economy completely. That’s the ticket.

You do realize that your version of this is not more insane than blaming the democrats, right? This last recession was not the creation of a single party or even a single system. It was far more than that.

You're right of course.
The world economy was brought to it's knees by stupid, greedy, grasping Americans.


That is pretty damn accurate even though it is pretty funny.

I’ll venture a guess disagree somewhat on who that constitutes though.
I'll leave you guys to argue that point.
You all look the same from the outside.
...receiving government food aid. More than the number of Americans working.

You would think this would be reported by ALL media outlets, but you would be wrong. Is it any wonder most Americans and most liberals/dems have no understanding of what is occurring.

But hey...the Obama recovery is moving along nicely.:cuckoo:

101M Get Food Aid from Federal Gov’t; Outnumber Full-Time Private Sector Workers - See more at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/101...e-private-sector-workers#sthash.FSHo4GCj.dpuf

wat r hungry ppl suposed to do? there no good jobs and less everyday

Can't get a good job?? Work 2 crappy ones until you improve yourself to be in demand to fill a better job vacancy... Live with roommates... Move back with mom and dad... grow a fucking garden.. DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO.. You are not OWED things to take care of your personal wants and needs
Psssssst. OP.........pssssssst.

The American economy is showing improvement.

Shhhhhhhhh. Don't tell anyone. Maybe we can stop it.

And any improvement is ALL because of the Democrats :rolleyes:

The economy is improving more SLOWLY than if there would have been ZERO done by the government

This seems to be something that the dems here cannot address. The simple fact that this rebound has been slower and taken longer than pretty much ever before is completely lost on them all in the need to assign some sort of credit to the current administration.

It is more than that though. It is not just Obama’s bungling that has ruined the possible recovery. The economy has changed fundamentally and we are NOT addressing the new realities that we face. Instead, we apply the same shit and say it worked with outdated models and law that does nothing to address the new realities.
Psssssst. OP.........pssssssst.

The American economy is showing improvement.

Shhhhhhhhh. Don't tell anyone. Maybe we can stop it.

And any improvement is ALL because of the Democrats :rolleyes:

The economy is improving more SLOWLY than if there would have been ZERO done by the government

This seems to be something that the dems here cannot address. The simple fact that this rebound has been slower and taken longer than pretty much ever before is completely lost on them all in the need to assign some sort of credit to the current administration.

It is more than that though. It is not just Obama’s bungling that has ruined the possible recovery. The economy has changed fundamentally and we are NOT addressing the new realities that we face. Instead, we apply the same shit and say it worked with outdated models and law that does nothing to address the new realities.

One would think after the disastrous actions taken by FDR, the Ds would know government intervention in the economy will only make things worse. Or maybe they do know this and don't give a shit. Or maybe that is the plan...to get as many Americans hooked on government welfare so the system craters and then they can impose their beloved Communism. We all know how wonderful Communism is...:cuckoo:
...receiving government food aid. More than the number of Americans working.

You would think this would be reported by ALL media outlets, but you would be wrong. Is it any wonder most Americans and most liberals/dems have no understanding of what is occurring.

But hey...the Obama recovery is moving along nicely.:cuckoo:

101M Get Food Aid from Federal Gov’t; Outnumber Full-Time Private Sector Workers - See more at: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/101...e-private-sector-workers#sthash.FSHo4GCj.dpuf

which also means they will be receiving some type of taxpayer funded healthcare. I think the CBO missed this one by a mile in their predictions

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