11 Democrat states have formed a pact to sabotage the Electoral College

Democrats just don't want to admit they lost, and face the fact that the Liberal/Progressive, divisive policies DON'T WORK. We are better than that.

Once AGAIN: (a) this is an initiative by states, not political parties, and (b) it's at least twelve years old, so has nothing to do with anyone having "lost". Nor does it have to do with any kind of "policies" outside of how the Electrical College works.

It's a bad idea for blue states to latch on to this policy, it does nothing to help their cause. Dumb idea unless every state jumps onto the idea. I live in a deep blue state, no matter the turnout in Presidential elections the Democrat has won since Reagan, so it might bring out more Republicans to vote because the 11 states that work off the popular vote.

The proposal apparently only goes into effect if enough states join to win an election with their electoral votes. It isn't actually in effect yet so far as I've read.
Democrats just don't want to admit they lost, and face the fact that the Liberal/Progressive, divisive policies DON'T WORK. We are better than that.

Once AGAIN: (a) this is an initiative by states, not political parties, and (b) it's at least twelve years old, so has nothing to do with anyone having "lost". Nor does it have to do with any kind of "policies" outside of how the Electrical College works.

It's a bad idea for blue states to latch on to this policy, it does nothing to help their cause. Dumb idea unless every state jumps onto the idea. I live in a deep blue state, no matter the turnout in Presidential elections the Democrat has won since Reagan, so it might bring out more Republicans to vote because the 11 states that work off the popular vote.

The proposal apparently only goes into effect if enough states join to win an election with their electoral votes. It isn't actually in effect yet so far as I've read.

That makes sense, I believe it is a bad idea and I don't see states jumping on to this.
Democrats just don't want to admit they lost, and face the fact that the Liberal/Progressive, divisive policies DON'T WORK. We are better than that.

Once AGAIN: (a) this is an initiative by states, not political parties, and (b) it's at least twelve years old, so has nothing to do with anyone having "lost". Nor does it have to do with any kind of "policies" outside of how the Electrical College works.

It's a bad idea for blue states to latch on to this policy, it does nothing to help their cause. Dumb idea unless every state jumps onto the idea. I live in a deep blue state, no matter the turnout in Presidential elections the Democrat has won since Reagan, so it might bring out more Republicans to vote because the 11 states that work off the popular vote.

The proposal apparently only goes into effect if enough states join to win an election with their electoral votes. It isn't actually in effect yet so far as I've read.

That makes sense, I believe it is a bad idea and I don't see states jumping on to this.

I could see it happening, but just as it's taken more than a decade to get to the point it's at now, it may take that much time or longer for it to get enough states to put it into effect. And that's far from certain, of course.
By that logic any vote for the loser in an election doesn't count.

Try again.

Sorry, that doesn't work. It would work if voters were voting for President of the State. But they're not. If a state has an apportionment of, say, 13 EVs, and let's say the pop vote is close (so-called "battleground state") but in the end Clinton prevails, then by legitimate representative standards Clinton should get 7 and Rump 6. But the way it actually works Clinton got 13 and Rump got (Rudy Giuliani voice) ZEEERO. What then was the point of anyone going out to vote for Rump? It was a complete waste of time. Suppose you went out for groceries, paid for your purchases --- and then left the bags in the store. What was the point?

And one of the detriments of this corrupt system is that many of us can see how this works and the futility thereof, and don't bother to vote at all, which is why we have one of the worst election day participation rates in the world. Because what's the point?

The reason to go out is get those 13 votes for Trump.

Again, the real "fair" way to do it and still keep the flavor of the EC is to give each state's 2 Senate based EV's based on statewide vote, and the others based on Congressional districts.

NY and CA will never go for that because it means Republicans can win a share of their EV total, which they cannot do now!

Except they already did.

I think he was talking about having the House electors given out based on district voting, and only the Senate electors going by the winner-take-all state vote. In other words a proportional allocation of electoral votes, not the popular vote plan from the OP. :dunno:

Ahh. This is what happens when I'm doing three things at once. I have many talents in life, but multitasking really isn't one of them.
Democrats just don't want to admit they lost, and face the fact that the Liberal/Progressive, divisive policies DON'T WORK. We are better than that.

Once AGAIN: (a) this is an initiative by states, not political parties, and (b) it's at least twelve years old, so has nothing to do with anyone having "lost". Nor does it have to do with any kind of "policies" outside of how the Electrical College works.

Actually, if it's 12 years old, I'm gonna say a big part of it is a reaction to Al Gore having lost, despite his blatant attempts to steal the election.
The Electoral College is the only place where illegals are counted as votes

I don't understand what you mean with this statement.

Electoral votes are assigned to states by population. Not by citizenship. Hauling in a huge number of foreigners is a tactic California has used to raise its influence in national elections. For every so many illegals who the census counts the state gets an extra electoral vote even though those illegals cant actually vote (in theory).
California is never going to give up that edge.

Nope! The population is based on citizens, not illegals. Unfortunately, the Dems want to rig the Census to make it impossible to sort the illegals from the the legal US citizens.

Don’t know how to put thiscexcept to say “no...it isn’t”.

Davidson Introduces Amendment to Apportion Representation by Citizen Population Excluding Illegal Immigrants
SO busy trying to game the system they forget about presenting a reason for anyone to vote for em to begin with......and remember......gerrymandering is baaaaad....very badddd......except when they do it
The Demorats ran a Commie and a Progressive the last time that should tell you what they stand for and the people in those state are responsible for what their leader vote for.
SO busy trying to game the system they forget about presenting a reason for anyone to vote for em to begin with......and remember......gerrymandering is baaaaad....very badddd......except when they do it
The Demorats ran a Commie and a Progressive the last time that should tell you what they stand for and the people in those state are responsible for what their leader vote for.

No Progressive has run for POTUS since Robert LaFollette. That was 1924. And I doubt anyone but the Communisst Party has ever run "commies".
Democrats just don't want to admit they lost, and face the fact that the Liberal/Progressive, divisive policies DON'T WORK. We are better than that.

Once AGAIN: (a) this is an initiative by states, not political parties, and (b) it's at least twelve years old, so has nothing to do with anyone having "lost". Nor does it have to do with any kind of "policies" outside of how the Electrical College works.

Actually, if it's 12 years old, I'm gonna say a big part of it is a reaction to Al Gore having lost, despite his blatant attempts to steal the election.

Uh.... I'm gonna say twelve years back from now would be 2006.

And again for the umpteenth time this is a state initiative, not a political party one.
Democrats just don't want to admit they lost, and face the fact that the Liberal/Progressive, divisive policies DON'T WORK. We are better than that.

Once AGAIN: (a) this is an initiative by states, not political parties, and (b) it's at least twelve years old, so has nothing to do with anyone having "lost". Nor does it have to do with any kind of "policies" outside of how the Electrical College works.

Actually, if it's 12 years old, I'm gonna say a big part of it is a reaction to Al Gore having lost, despite his blatant attempts to steal the election.

Uh.... I'm gonna say twelve years back from now would be 2006.

And again for the umpteenth time this is a state initiative, not a political party one.

Uh huh. And you're differentiating this how?
Connecticut To Give Its Electoral College Votes To National Popular Vote Victor

Connecticut voted to give its Electoral College Votes to the national popular vote victor. The state Senate voted 21-14 on Saturday to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which includes 10 states and the District of Columbia. The state House passed the measure last week, 77 to 73. California, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia have already signed the accord.

This might give the Corrupt Democratic Party permanent control.
With permanent control the Corrupt Democrats will be able ignore the laws and the constitution and nobody could stop them. What do you think will happen to America if the Democrats are undefeatable?
This is not unusual why is it such a big deal with you?
Some states vote have the electoral college members vote a reflection of the popular votes when casting EC votes. Some states it's party line with the majority political power and some states let the EC member vote as they wish. It's really not that complicated if you know yer history..But many of you(64 frickin' pages worth) don't...
We don't live in a pure democracy because a pure democracy is not possible. That doesn't mean that we should not try to get as close to a pure Democracy as is possible.

So, you think that it's a good idea to 'retard' that power of the majority and have rule by the minority? That's called a 'dictatorship'.

We do have popular representation at the state level. The states are acting to make the electoral college obsolete.

No, it's called a Republic. A system where everything goes to the will of the majority is Mob rule.

They are doing it in a way that is probably Unconstitutional via Article 4, Section 4, Clause 1.

The court system is the mechanism for preventing a dictatorship of the majority. Not the electoral college.

The electoral college was created to prevent someone who was absolutely unfit to become President from becoming President. This past election the electoral college proved to be an absolute failure in that regard.

The electoral college was not created for the purpose of stopping majority rule.

So according to your idea of republicanism, the federal government has failed to adhere to Article 4, Section 4, Clause 1 since they've allowed states to elect officails according to the popular majority. Is that correct?

Article 4, Section 4, Clause 1 does not apply at all to federal elections.

Just because you hate a person the Electoral College failed? That is pretty elitist lefty BS.

That's what this guy was doing when the candy he hated won the election........


"Elitist"? Definitely. "Lefty"? Eh, not so much.

Not sure what the "candy" is, nor is it relevant to me. Never said Trump wasn't an elitist, however Trump is a lefty, that is one reason I wouldn't vote for him. He had been a lefty for awhile and did a miracle conversion for the campaign.

A "candy" is short for "candidate". The context should make that obvious.

Rump is in no way a "lefty". In order to be either a "lefty" or a "righty" one would first have to have principles and some kind of coherent "thought". If he had any actual policies, then he wouldn't have got to where he is based on cheap emotional hot-button con artistry. "Conversion"? Poster please. Rump made no 'conversion' or changes at all -- he simply ran as what he's always been ----- a self-absorbed asshole.

And an uninformed one at that -- the twits above were sent when he was under the impression that Romney had won the EC but lost the election. Which is ironic, since four years later that's exactly what Rump did, but his reaction to the idea ---- THERE is your 'conversion'. Also known as naked hypocrisy.

As I said --- a self-absorbed asshole. With double standards.
Once AGAIN: (a) this is an initiative by states, not political parties, and (b) it's at least twelve years old, so has nothing to do with anyone having "lost". Nor does it have to do with any kind of "policies" outside of how the Electrical College works.

Agree, but it seems that CT is jumping on the anti Trump bandwagon. The Electoral College exists for a good reason.

Oh it exists for a couple of reasons, which have already been pointed out. But none of those reasons exist any more. One of them (the big one) was Slave Power. And the main reason it was preferred over the idea of direct popular election as Madison favoured was that different states had different laws as to who could vote. None of that is true today; both Slavery and the requirement to be white, and/or be male and/or own property, no longer exist.

Nor, for that matter, does any reason to hold the election on a Tuesday.

And once again ----- I guess we'll just keep running this out there until it sinks in even though it was sitting right there in the post you quoted --- the initiative has nothing to do with Rump --- that ship sailed already in 2016. It cannot work retroactively. And even if it could it would make zero difference, since it would require Connecticut to cast its EVs for Hillary Clinton ---- which is already what it did in 2016. And AGAIN -- this proposal is at least twelve years old, dating back to the time Rump was chasing Stormy Daniels around a room in his tighty-whities.

I know you're determined to find a way to make this about "Rump" or about "political parties" but there's just no way to make that work.
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Once AGAIN: (a) this is an initiative by states, not political parties, and (b) it's at least twelve years old, so has nothing to do with anyone having "lost". Nor does it have to do with any kind of "policies" outside of how the Electrical College works.

Agree, but it seems that CT is jumping on the anti Trump bandwagon. The Electoral College exists for a good reason.

Oh it exists for a couple of reasons, which have already been pointed out. But none of those reasons exist any more. One of them (the big one) was Slave Power. And the main reason it was preferred over the idea of direct popular election as Madison favoured was that different states had different laws as to who could vote. None of that is true today; both Slavery and the requirement to be white, and/or be male and/or own property, no longer exist.

Nor, for that matter, does any reason to hold the election on a Tuesday.

Slave Power? Christ sake, do you give any thought to these things or do they just fall out of your mouth?
The Reason for the Electoral College - FactCheck.org
Some states vote have the electoral college members vote a reflection of the popular votes when casting EC votes.

Actually no state does that. If they did they'd have a lot less flak right now.

Madison wanted it to be done by District.
Some states vote have the electoral college members vote a reflection of the popular votes when casting EC votes.

Actually no state does that. If they did they'd have a lot less flak right now.

Madison wanted it to be done by District.
In every state except two, the party that wins the popular vote gets to send all of its electors to the state capital in December.

In the nonconforming Maine and Nebraska, two electoral votes are apportioned to the winner of the popular vote, and the rest of the votes are given to the winner of the popular votes in each of the states’ congressional districts. (Maine has two congressional districts and Nebraska has three.)
How Does the Electoral College Work?
Once AGAIN: (a) this is an initiative by states, not political parties, and (b) it's at least twelve years old, so has nothing to do with anyone having "lost". Nor does it have to do with any kind of "policies" outside of how the Electrical College works.

Agree, but it seems that CT is jumping on the anti Trump bandwagon. The Electoral College exists for a good reason.

Oh it exists for a couple of reasons, which have already been pointed out. But none of those reasons exist any more. One of them (the big one) was Slave Power. And the main reason it was preferred over the idea of direct popular election as Madison favoured was that different states had different laws as to who could vote. None of that is true today; both Slavery and the requirement to be white, and/or be male and/or own property, no longer exist.

Nor, for that matter, does any reason to hold the election on a Tuesday.

Slave Power? Christ sake, do you give any thought to these things or do they just fall out of your mouth?
The Reason for the Electoral College - FactCheck.org

Yes, Slave Power. See post 587 where this was all laid out in detail already. There, to your eternal consternation, you'll find I not only researched all this but spelled it out. With links. This morning. And not for the first time one might add.

Four of the first five POTUSes, five of the first seven, and in fact every pre-Civil War President with the exceptions of Buchanan, Pierce, Fillmore, van Buren and the Adamses, were slave owners from the South, and most of them (7 of 9) from Virginia -- the largest EV state that derived the most benefit from the EC.

Slave Power was a sore point of contention in the first half of the 18th Century, and the EC ensured it would be considerable. It was in fact one of the first and most direct target of that newfangled political party, the Republicans.
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Some states vote have the electoral college members vote a reflection of the popular votes when casting EC votes.

Actually no state does that. If they did they'd have a lot less flak right now.

Madison wanted it to be done by District.
In every state except two, the party that wins the popular vote gets to send all of its electors to the state capital in December.

In the nonconforming Maine and Nebraska, two electoral votes are apportioned to the winner of the popular vote, and the rest of the votes are given to the winner of the popular votes in each of the states’ congressional districts. (Maine has two congressional districts and Nebraska has three.)
How Does the Electoral College Work?

We already covered this --- Maine and Nebraska only divide up their votes by district, but within those districts it's still WTA. Of course they only have a couple of districts each, so it's a drop in the bucket. If larger states with many districts were to follow this, it would be more equitable and more in line with Madison's compromise idea.
Once AGAIN: (a) this is an initiative by states, not political parties, and (b) it's at least twelve years old, so has nothing to do with anyone having "lost". Nor does it have to do with any kind of "policies" outside of how the Electrical College works.

Agree, but it seems that CT is jumping on the anti Trump bandwagon. The Electoral College exists for a good reason.

Oh it exists for a couple of reasons, which have already been pointed out. But none of those reasons exist any more. One of them (the big one) was Slave Power. And the main reason it was preferred over the idea of direct popular election as Madison favoured was that different states had different laws as to who could vote. None of that is true today; both Slavery and the requirement to be white, and/or be male and/or own property, no longer exist.

Nor, for that matter, does any reason to hold the election on a Tuesday.

And once again ----- I guess we'll just keep running this out there until it sinks in even though it was sitting right there in the post you quoted --- the initiative has nothing to do with Rump --- that ship sailed already in 2016. It cannot work retroactively. And even if it could it would make zero difference, since it would require Connecticut to cast its EVs for Hillary Clinton ---- which is already what it did in 2016. And AGAIN -- this proposal is at least twelve years old, dating back to the time Rump was chasing Stormy Daniels around a room in his tighty-whities.

I know you're determined to find a way to make this about "Rump" or about "political parties" but there's just no way to make that work.

For the third or fourth time, slavery had NOTHING to do with the Electoral College. I realize that there are some people who are always going to believe slavery/racism is at the heart of everything in the universe, but it isn't actually true.

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