11 Facts About Obamacare That No Conservative Knows About, Cares About, Or Will Read

What happens when you regulate the profit out of an industry? How long will they keep their doors open. Do you really want the government making all decisions for you from cradle to grave? What am I saying, of course you do. You're too weak to stand on your own, too weak to make something for yourself and want protection from life. Enjoy hiding under the government's skirt. Moron.

Well, for starters, the Government won't make all the decisions for you, cradle to the grave, and certainly that won't happen under the ACA. That's another scare-tactic bullshit meme that's completely false. Would you be opposed to the type of system they have in England where you can have the NHS AND private insurance if you choose? I know many Britons that go this route and they LOVE it.

Educate before you pontificate, Mrs. SaggyTeets.

England? Hell they have long waiting list for services there. In fact the waiting limit for getting an abortion is nine months.

Oh, so you didn't read the part where I said that they have both private and public insurance right? Also, that's complete and total bullshit according to the dozen or so friends I have living in the UK right now.
How exactly is hand-delivering millions of new customers to the insurance companies making them turn less profit, exactly?

You really don't understand how businesses work do you. Part of those millions of customers being handed to them include people with pre-existing conditions. Add in no caps in payout and you have a money lending proposition. Think of it this way. If you run an all you eat buffet, it is limited to the time you come in and pay and when you leave or closing time, whichever comes first. If the government said that you had to allow that person to return everyday and eat as much as they want, you're eventually going to go out of business when everyone in town learns they only have to pay you once for unlimited product. Sure, the insurance company gets more customers......but they aren't necessarily customers that help the bottom line.
You are assuming the cost of insurance will stay the same. To meet the higher costing customers, insurance companies will just increase their prices. Because customers are guaranteed (mandated to patronize insurance companies by Obamacare) there is very little incentive to cut costs. Businesses cut costs to attract new customers. But when everyone is forced to be a customer...

So you're not good at reading then either. Again, the whole reason we want a very large pool of insured is that the insurance companies won't be able to claim they've just taken on nothing but high-risk patients and therefore have to raise rates. And again, with minimum threshhold requirements, 85% of every single dollar they add to your premium, they have to add to actual medical care.

Reading is your friend.
You really don't understand how businesses work do you. Part of those millions of customers being handed to them include people with pre-existing conditions. Add in no caps in payout and you have a money lending proposition. Think of it this way. If you run an all you eat buffet, it is limited to the time you come in and pay and when you leave or closing time, whichever comes first. If the government said that you had to allow that person to return everyday and eat as much as they want, you're eventually going to go out of business when everyone in town learns they only have to pay you once for unlimited product. Sure, the insurance company gets more customers......but they aren't necessarily customers that help the bottom line.
You are assuming the cost of insurance will stay the same. To meet the higher costing customers, insurance companies will just increase their prices. Because customers are guaranteed (mandated to patronize insurance companies by Obamacare) there is very little incentive to cut costs. Businesses cut costs to attract new customers. But when everyone is forced to be a customer...

So you're not good at reading then either. Again, the whole reason we want a very large pool of insured is that the insurance companies won't be able to claim they've just taken on nothing but high-risk patients and therefore have to raise rates. And again, with minimum threshhold requirements, 85% of every single dollar they add to your premium, they have to add to actual medical care.

Reading is your friend.
Reading lies does not make them truth.

No doubt they will be spending more on medical care. The core reasons for the massive healthcare costs in this country were not addressed at all. Health insurance is not even really insurance in this country...insurance is meant to cover uncertainty, yet mandates and regulations have it covering hair implants and routine doctor visits. In 2009, the average profit margins of insurance companies was around 3%. Even with the minimum threshold requirements they still have room to increase profits.
You are assuming the cost of insurance will stay the same. To meet the higher costing customers, insurance companies will just increase their prices. Because customers are guaranteed (mandated to patronize insurance companies by Obamacare) there is very little incentive to cut costs. Businesses cut costs to attract new customers. But when everyone is forced to be a customer...

So you're not good at reading then either. Again, the whole reason we want a very large pool of insured is that the insurance companies won't be able to claim they've just taken on nothing but high-risk patients and therefore have to raise rates. And again, with minimum threshhold requirements, 85% of every single dollar they add to your premium, they have to add to actual medical care.

Reading is your friend.
Reading lies does not make them truth.

No doubt they will be spending more on medical care. The core reasons for the massive healthcare costs in this country were not addressed at all. Health insurance is not even really insurance in this country...insurance is meant to cover uncertainty, yet mandates and regulations have it covering hair implants and routine doctor visits. In 2009, the average profit margins of insurance companies was around 3%. Even with the minimum threshold requirements they still have room to increase profits.

What lies are you fucking talking about? I'm starting to think that Conservatives don't even know what lies are anymore. Are you saying the ACA is a giant lie? That Congress passed a lie?

Of course you are.
What lies are you fucking talking about? I'm starting to think that Conservatives don't even know what lies are anymore. Are you saying the ACA is a giant lie? That Congress passed a lie?

Of course you are.

How is it anything but?

Or, to put it another way - is it a tax, or isn't it


Also HINT: ShackledNation isn't conservative.
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What lies are you fucking talking about? I'm starting to think that Conservatives don't even know what lies are anymore. Are you saying the ACA is a giant lie? That Congress passed a lie?

Of course you are.

How is it anything but?

Or, to put it another way - is it a tax, or isn't it


Also HINT: ShackledNation isn't conservative.

Oops! If he's not, then that's my fault for assuming he was for using Right Wing talking points.

How is it anything but a lie? Well, there aren't any lies within it, right? It's not like the bill says anywhere in its language "P.S. THIS IS DEFINITELY NOT A TAX!" right? It's okay, I hope the Right does try to use this as their wedge issue because the rising popularity of Obamacare will start to put them at odds with the American people.
What lies are you fucking talking about? I'm starting to think that Conservatives don't even know what lies are anymore. Are you saying the ACA is a giant lie? That Congress passed a lie?

Of course you are.

How is it anything but?

Or, to put it another way - is it a tax, or isn't it


Also HINT: ShackledNation isn't conservative.

Oops! If he's not, then that's my fault for assuming he was for using Right Wing talking points.

You have it backwards. The right wing pretends to care about libertarian values and limited government - until they are in power.

How is it anything but a lie? Well, there aren't any lies within it, right?

It's a lie in that it pretends to address the fucked up health care market and doesn't. It's just another corporatist giveaway.
So you're not good at reading then either. Again, the whole reason we want a very large pool of insured is that the insurance companies won't be able to claim they've just taken on nothing but high-risk patients and therefore have to raise rates. And again, with minimum threshhold requirements, 85% of every single dollar they add to your premium, they have to add to actual medical care.

Reading is your friend.
Reading lies does not make them truth.

No doubt they will be spending more on medical care. The core reasons for the massive healthcare costs in this country were not addressed at all. Health insurance is not even really insurance in this country...insurance is meant to cover uncertainty, yet mandates and regulations have it covering hair implants and routine doctor visits. In 2009, the average profit margins of insurance companies was around 3%. Even with the minimum threshold requirements they still have room to increase profits.

What lies are you fucking talking about? I'm starting to think that Conservatives don't even know what lies are anymore. Are you saying the ACA is a giant lie? That Congress passed a lie?

Of course you are.
Oh the irony. You criticize my lack of reading comprehension, and then fail to read the word "Libertarian" below my username.

I'm not a conservative. On top of that, I reject the entire notion of left vs right, so your later comment calling my arguments "right-wing talking points" is equally absurd. But that is completely irrelevant to this discussion.

As for the lies, just read the bill yourself. The first line of text in Title 1 is a lie.

It reads: "This Act puts individuals, families and small business owners in control of their health care."

Now instead of resulting to fallacious ad hominem, would you like to respond to the actual arguments put forth in my previous posts or just continue your rambling?
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Reading lies does not make them truth.

No doubt they will be spending more on medical care. The core reasons for the massive healthcare costs in this country were not addressed at all. Health insurance is not even really insurance in this country...insurance is meant to cover uncertainty, yet mandates and regulations have it covering hair implants and routine doctor visits. In 2009, the average profit margins of insurance companies was around 3%. Even with the minimum threshold requirements they still have room to increase profits.

What lies are you fucking talking about? I'm starting to think that Conservatives don't even know what lies are anymore. Are you saying the ACA is a giant lie? That Congress passed a lie?

Of course you are.
Oh the irony. You criticize my lack of reading comprehension, and then fail to read the word "Libertarian" below my username.

I'm not a conservative. On top of that, I reject the entire notion of left vs right, so your later comment calling my arguments "right-wing talking points" is equally absurd. But that is completely irrelevant to this discussion.

As for the lies, just read the bill yourself. The first line of text in Title 1 is a lie.

It reads: "This Act puts individuals, families and small business owners in control of their health care."

Now instead of resulting to fallacious ad hominem, would you like to respond to the actual arguments put forth in my previous posts or just continue your rambling?

Oh, you read the "title" underneath every single poster you respond to huh? Okay. I don't.

And just because you don't believe in left vs. right doesn't mean you're not using Right Wing talking points. It's not a lie, at all. It's a step in the right direction, maybe a small step, but a step nonetheless.
It's not a lie, at all. It's a step in the right direction, maybe a small step, but a step nonetheless.

Ok, first of all, you're assuming that making our health care a government responsibility is 'the right direction'. The fact that that is NOT a widely held consensus is the one of the main reasons PPACA is such a load of crap. If single payer was popular, the Democrats - who had a clear majority - could have passed a bill to implement it. But it's not.

Second, PPACA isn't a step toward single payer. It's a stop-gap to preserve corporate insurance. The only way that makes any sense as a transition to single payer, is the notion that is by enslaving us all to a corrupt collusion between government and the insurance industry we'd all become so angry and desperate for anything else that we'd accept dependency on government as an alternative. That's some sick twisted shit. It's blackmail essentially and it's disgusting that Democrats can so brazenly claim it as a 'step' in any direction other than fucking us all into submission.
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It's not a lie, at all. It's a step in the right direction, maybe a small step, but a step nonetheless.

Ok, first of all, you're assuming that making our health care a government responsibility is 'the right direction'. The fact that that is NOT a widely held consensus is the one of the main reasons PPACA is such a load of crap. If single payer was popular, the Democrats - who had a clear majority - could have passed a bill to implement it. But it's not.

Second, PPACA isn't a step toward single payer. It's a stop-gap to preserve corporate insurance. The only way that makes any sense as a transition to single payer, is the notion that is by enslaving us all to a corrupt collusion between government and the insurance industry we'd all become so angry and desperate for anything else that we'd accept dependency on government as an alternative. That's some sick twisted shit. It's blackmail essentially and it's disgusting that Democrats can so brazenly claim it as a 'step' in any direction other than fucking us all into submission.

The popularity of the ACA and single payer is higher than you're giving credit for. And yes, I am assuming that government subsidized health care is the way to go. I'm a Progressive; it's what I do. I'm not gong to apologize for it.

I think the ACA is a step towards single payer because it's the first step towards having any real government role in health care to begin with. You can disagree, that's fine. But I have every reason to think that over time the ACA will be the doorway to Universal Health Care. You don't have to agree; that's fine.
The popularity of the ACA and single payer is higher than you're giving credit for.

Then why didn't Democrats pass a bill reflecting that?

I think the ACA is a step towards single payer because it's the first step towards having any real government role in health care to begin with. You can disagree, that's fine. But I have every reason to think that over time the ACA will be the doorway to Universal Health Care. You don't have to agree; that's fine.

Don't equivocate. Do you mean government run health care, or corporate controlled health care? They're not the same thing.
What's "FULLY FUNDED"? The CBO just gave us a new estimate on the cost of ObamaCare and increased the cost by almost 50%. So tell me how those additional costs are going to be paid for?

You really don't know what Fully Funded means? It means that as of right now they have the funding completely figured out without any budget shortfalls for the first 10 years. That CBO report of cost increase is a misnomer.

PolitiFact | Ted Cruz says health reform

You pulled that 97% figure out of your "nether regions" and now can't back it up. It's what progressives have been doing with ObamaCare from the beginning. Now you hide behind the SIZE of the legislation as the reason you can't find how it's going to be paid for? That's too funny...

Hold on. Hide behind the size of the legislation? It's the Conservatives that decided to call it the LARGEST TAX INCREASE IN THE HISTORY OF THE KNOWN WORLD, dummy. If you all hadn't opened your mouths up about that, we wouldn't have had to actually tell the truth, which is that it's nowhere NEAR the largest tax increase in our country's history, and actually ranks below THREE Reagan increases.

I didn't pull the number out of my ass, I just need to track the link down. I read dozens of stories a day on this shit, and I just need to find the link. Settle down, Beavis.

How's that "search" for your link coming, Conserva? It's ten hours later and still not a peep out of you.

Why don't you just admit that you made the number up... I know you did...and you know you did...and anyone who's watched you shuck and jive since you got challenged on it knows you did.

Which brings us back to the same old question...which is...if ObamaCare really IS so wonderful...why do you Progressives have to keep lying about the numbers to sell it?

As for your definition of "fully funded"? How is it they've got it totally paid for when they underestimated the cost by almost 50%? Or did they build a 50% cost overage into their plans? (Eye-roll)
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What's "FULLY FUNDED"? The CBO just gave us a new estimate on the cost of ObamaCare and increased the cost by almost 50%. So tell me how those additional costs are going to be paid for?

You really don't know what Fully Funded means? It means that as of right now they have the funding completely figured out without any budget shortfalls for the first 10 years. That CBO report of cost increase is a misnomer.

PolitiFact | Ted Cruz says health reform

You pulled that 97% figure out of your "nether regions" and now can't back it up. It's what progressives have been doing with ObamaCare from the beginning. Now you hide behind the SIZE of the legislation as the reason you can't find how it's going to be paid for? That's too funny...

Hold on. Hide behind the size of the legislation? It's the Conservatives that decided to call it the LARGEST TAX INCREASE IN THE HISTORY OF THE KNOWN WORLD, dummy. If you all hadn't opened your mouths up about that, we wouldn't have had to actually tell the truth, which is that it's nowhere NEAR the largest tax increase in our country's history, and actually ranks below THREE Reagan increases.

I didn't pull the number out of my ass, I just need to track the link down. I read dozens of stories a day on this shit, and I just need to find the link. Settle down, Beavis.

How's that "search" for your link coming, Conserva? It's ten hours later and still not a peep out of you.

Why don't you just admit that you made the number up... I know you did...and you know you did...and anyone who's watched you shuck and jive since you got challenged on it knows you did.

Which brings us back to the same old question...which is...if ObamaCare really IS so wonderful...why do you Progressives have to keep lying about the numbers to sell it?

As for your definition of "fully funded"? How is it they've got it totally paid for when they underestimated the cost by almost 50%? Or did they build a 50% cost overage into their plans? (Eye-roll)

I didn't make up shit, mah-facka. I just have a life and a job and shit. The ACA is actually going to work out as a tax cut for the Middle Class. Indeed it will.

I'll find the link to the 97% or I won't, and the awesome part is I won't give a fuck whether you like it or not. You're also grossly distorting the CBO's revision of the cost of the ACA. Read the politifact link I posted.
What's "FULLY FUNDED"? The CBO just gave us a new estimate on the cost of ObamaCare and increased the cost by almost 50%. So tell me how those additional costs are going to be paid for?

You really don't know what Fully Funded means? It means that as of right now they have the funding completely figured out without any budget shortfalls for the first 10 years. That CBO report of cost increase is a misnomer.

PolitiFact | Ted Cruz says health reform

You pulled that 97% figure out of your "nether regions" and now can't back it up. It's what progressives have been doing with ObamaCare from the beginning. Now you hide behind the SIZE of the legislation as the reason you can't find how it's going to be paid for? That's too funny...

Hold on. Hide behind the size of the legislation? It's the Conservatives that decided to call it the LARGEST TAX INCREASE IN THE HISTORY OF THE KNOWN WORLD, dummy. If you all hadn't opened your mouths up about that, we wouldn't have had to actually tell the truth, which is that it's nowhere NEAR the largest tax increase in our country's history, and actually ranks below THREE Reagan increases.

I didn't pull the number out of my ass, I just need to track the link down. I read dozens of stories a day on this shit, and I just need to find the link. Settle down, Beavis.

How's that "search" for your link coming, Conserva? It's ten hours later and still not a peep out of you.

Why don't you just admit that you made the number up... I know you did...and you know you did...and anyone who's watched you shuck and jive since you got challenged on it knows you did.

Which brings us back to the same old question...which is...if ObamaCare really IS so wonderful...why do you Progressives have to keep lying about the numbers to sell it?

As for your definition of "fully funded"? How is it they've got it totally paid for when they underestimated the cost by almost 50%? Or did they build a 50% cost overage into their plans? (Eye-roll)

Either read this or shut the fuck up about the CBO estimate. You are the one distorting facts, fucko.
PolitiFact | Ted Cruz says health reform

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