11 Facts About Obamacare That No Conservative Knows About, Cares About, Or Will Read

No kidding, there is no way that raising taxes on just those making over $250k will cover this new spending. It won't even cover the current deficit.
Where is the money going to come from?

Oh, you mean you want to reduce the deficit? Cool, end the Bush Tax Cuts.

And they're not JUST raising taxes on top earners. They're also taxing the Insurance Companies. You keep skipping over that.

I'm all for ending the tax cuts, if we cut spending, dollar for dollar, but the won't happen and anyone with a brain knows that. It is not the intent of Congress to cut spending.

Obama has had over three years to end the Bush tax cuts and has failed to do so, I really wonder why.

Ending the Bush tax cuts will not reduce the deficit, because government keeps spending more and more. Tax the insurance companies, right that is the answer, they are already capped at earnings over health care, their profit margins are less than 3% as it is, but go on take more and watch premiums go up and health care go up.

It's the number one driver of the deficit, so yes, ending it would drastically reduce the deficit. I'm very unhappy that Obama hasn't ended the BTC yet; it's my biggest criticism of his presidency actually. Would you support cutting Defense by 20%?
Simple stuff, Conserva...show me where it's written that the States portion of the increase in Medicaid spending will be paid for by people making over $250,000 a year.

Look, buddy, I'm not going to digging into that massive piece of legislation to find that information. What I am going to do is repeat to you that this bill is FULLY FUNDED for the first ten years, at least. So you figure out in your own head what that means, okay? Remember: FULLY FUNDED.

What's "FULLY FUNDED"? The CBO just gave us a new estimate on the cost of ObamaCare and increased the cost by almost 50%. So tell me how those additional costs are going to be paid for?

You pulled that 97% figure out of your "nether regions" and now can't back it up. It's what progressives have been doing with ObamaCare from the beginning. Now you hide behind the SIZE of the legislation as the reason you can't find how it's going to be paid for? That's too funny...
I'm still waiting for you to show me the plan that States have in place to pay that additional cost, Conserva. If you're quoting statistics on the percentage of people who will pay it I can only assume that you're doing so with access to that plan? Because if you're NOT...then you're talking out of your ass and you know it.

The first three years, the Federal government is paying for ALL of the costs. That gives every state that participated three years to figure out how to do it. Maybe it will mean tax increases, but maybe it won't. Who knows? I'm not every state's accountant. But you're proving just how much of a Boogey Man Conservatives are trying to make this bill when you have zero actual knowledge of how it's going to work.

So what you're admitting is that you have ZERO idea how the States will pay for that increase in Medicaid spending that they will now be saddled with...yet you're accusing those who ask how that's going to be handled of making the cost into a "Boogey Man"? A Boogey Man is something that is a figment of someone's imagination. The looming cost to the States isn't a figment of my imagination...it's a fact....a fact which you don't have an answer for.
Obamacare has very little to do with healthcare. You idiot liberals should realize it has more to do with CONTROLLING healthcare, increasing government bureaucracy, and adding democratic voters that depend solely on the government.

Obama is hell bent on destroying America and converting it to a socialist nation.

Are you liberals that work for a living really wanting a socialist nation, or are you just too stupid to realize what's going on? Please, I'd like to know.
We purchase health insurance to maintain our bodies, just as we buy warranties to maintain our vehicles.

And how many people die when they can't afford a vehicle warranty?
If a person doesn't want or need either of these things it should be their choice if they want the car or their body to break down.
Its not really conceivable to me that an auto-shop would be faced with the possibility of choosing to either fix a car without being sure whether or not the owner has insurance or a warranty that covers the repair - or allowing someone to die. On the other hand, emergency rooms are faced with this choice all the time.

What do you think happens to you if you have your wallet stolen and are knocked unconscious by the assailant and you show up in the emergency room as a John Doe in need of immediate life saving treatment? As you say, you've got insurance, but the hospital won't know that. Its OK with you if they choose to let you die?

The difference is, you really can't buy an auto warranty that pays for oil changes, new tires, windshield wipers or the rip in the upholstery.

There is really no guarantee that people with a runny nose will go to the doctor before the runny nose comes with a hacking cough too. Then they will go to the ER just like they always did.

Why go to the ER? Simple, they don't want to wait for a doctor's appointment. When my husband was sick, we had to run to the ER all the time. While we were waiting I had a good opportunity to listen to the complaints of those with medicaid waiting to see a doctor. They had headaches, upset stomach, a herpes flare up, most of the complaints didn't even need a doctor at all. Take an aspirin, some pepto, use a condom. But, if they did that, they would have to buy the aspirin or pepto or condoms. If they go to the ER, they can waste the time they would have wasted anyway and get it "FREEEEEEE".
Simple stuff, Conserva...show me where it's written that the States portion of the increase in Medicaid spending will be paid for by people making over $250,000 a year.

Look, buddy, I'm not going to digging into that massive piece of legislation to find that information. What I am going to do is repeat to you that this bill is FULLY FUNDED for the first ten years, at least. So you figure out in your own head what that means, okay? Remember: FULLY FUNDED.

It was fully funded by the first estimates but it wasn't after the CBO did the update and it was before the Supreme Court ruling. That is $500 billion less.

So you really have no clue.
Oh, you mean you want to reduce the deficit? Cool, end the Bush Tax Cuts.

And they're not JUST raising taxes on top earners. They're also taxing the Insurance Companies. You keep skipping over that.

I'm all for ending the tax cuts, if we cut spending, dollar for dollar, but the won't happen and anyone with a brain knows that. It is not the intent of Congress to cut spending.

Obama has had over three years to end the Bush tax cuts and has failed to do so, I really wonder why.

Ending the Bush tax cuts will not reduce the deficit, because government keeps spending more and more. Tax the insurance companies, right that is the answer, they are already capped at earnings over health care, their profit margins are less than 3% as it is, but go on take more and watch premiums go up and health care go up.

It's the number one driver of the deficit, so yes, ending it would drastically reduce the deficit. I'm very unhappy that Obama hasn't ended the BTC yet; it's my biggest criticism of his presidency actually. Would you support cutting Defense by 20%?

No, it has been shown it would not make a dent in the deficit. The 20% cut in defense? Yep, and I'd say a 25% across the board is a better idea. I have taken huge cuts in earnings and the government can afford to streamline, duplicate less and cut paperwork.
Any government program which does not realize its full benefit within 60 seconds of its passage is just wasteful and stupid.

Like you.

Red Herring response. If you are passing a bill to cover all Americans then they shouldn't make bullshit projects 10 years out?

And yes if a program like this doesn't add all the people to the payroll within a year of kicking in it's a failure and it only takes 10 secs to figure out Obaminationcare is wasteful and a failure!

Oh, okay. So you're going to admit that the Iraq war was a failure too, right? And that Bush's part of the Afghan war was an abject failure too, yes?

Goddamn you're a sycophant, ain't ya?

Your very much a mental midget, read my post right above. First, I love how mental midgets like you justify every wasteful spending with but but but we went to war! Iraq bad bad bad, yet they ignore Libya.

But when you point out to them. (1) I wasn't a Bush support back then and I think he sucks now, (2) The Iraq war was a mistake, (3) Bush spend like a fool I think he sucks, (4) the Afghanistan was strategy now and esp during Bush's years was a failure and the (5) Answer to please putting a smiling Bush saying "Do you miss me yet" is absolutely not!

When you point this out to them, they don't like the answer, because it confuses them, so they so try to insult (even though I not sure what a sycophant is :lol:)!
What's "FULLY FUNDED"? The CBO just gave us a new estimate on the cost of ObamaCare and increased the cost by almost 50%. So tell me how those additional costs are going to be paid for?

You really don't know what Fully Funded means? It means that as of right now they have the funding completely figured out without any budget shortfalls for the first 10 years. That CBO report of cost increase is a misnomer.

PolitiFact | Ted Cruz says health reform

You pulled that 97% figure out of your "nether regions" and now can't back it up. It's what progressives have been doing with ObamaCare from the beginning. Now you hide behind the SIZE of the legislation as the reason you can't find how it's going to be paid for? That's too funny...

Hold on. Hide behind the size of the legislation? It's the Conservatives that decided to call it the LARGEST TAX INCREASE IN THE HISTORY OF THE KNOWN WORLD, dummy. If you all hadn't opened your mouths up about that, we wouldn't have had to actually tell the truth, which is that it's nowhere NEAR the largest tax increase in our country's history, and actually ranks below THREE Reagan increases.

I didn't pull the number out of my ass, I just need to track the link down. I read dozens of stories a day on this shit, and I just need to find the link. Settle down, Beavis.
What are your thoughts on endless, unpaid for wars in foreign countries?

Look at the wars we have been in and most have a Democrat leading the charge. My view on wars are some are worth fighting others are not. But since your a liberal by wars you mean Iraq and Afghanistan (you will ignore Libya).

(1) Afghanistan: NOT a war of choice. They attacked us and we needed to respond. I would have faulted our government for doing nothing if they didn't attack. However, I don't like the way are fighting this war. We are trying to nation-build a country that never had any infrastructure whatsoever! Before we went in they were a country stuck in the middle ages, yet we think we could build a country from that? We needed to learn two lessons from Russia: (A) You can't nation build in Afghanistan, because there is no base to build on and (B) If a 3rd world country attacks, you go in hit they hard with everything, leave, let they clean up the mess and warn them never to do that again (aka Georgia isn't messing with the Russian Bear anytime soon).

(2) Iraq: Boneheaded invasion from the beginning. When we finally exit the country entirely it will be a 3 front secular civil war. Like in Libya a worse Islamist will emerge. Sadam was a bad guy in every sense of the word, but at least he stabilized Iraq (the best anyone could) and he was a polarizing force in the ME to Iran. It was a failure in every sense of the word and should be used to taint W's legacy in the history books? Happy!

(3) Libya: The outcome isn't looking that good, since Islamist are replacing Gaddifi. But at least the method can be used as a blueprint to take out other dictators. Without the no fly NATO enforcement, the rebellion would have been brutally put down in a month. With it the revolution was a success. Gaddiffi is not ideal, but again he was better than what is seeming to emerge out of the ashes of the revolution!

Oh, we can count Libya if you want. But call me in about 25 years when we've spent the same amount of money in Libya as we did in Iraq. And what in the holy-living-fuck are you talking about when it comes to "Democrats leading the charge?" We're not talking about WW2 and Korea or even Vietnam. We're talking about the two completely unfunded wars that GW started and that we still HAVE NOT paid for.

Of course you don't want to talk about the Democratic Presidents at the helm in the US wars of the 1900s to the present in WWI (Wilson), WWII (FDR), Korean War (Truman) and Vietnam War (JFK/LBJ)!

And what the fuck do you mean have not paid for? It has been paid for completely. It's the Federal government BUDGET that has not been paid for! But I hope that lie you tell yourself helps you sleep better at night!

On Libya (which I RECOGNIZED as a good BLUEPRINT for any like occupation): So if you spend less money on an operation and the President is a Democrat, then it's not spending and nothing for a libtard like you to cry about?:confused:
Of course you don't want to talk about the Democratic Presidents at the helm in the US wars of the 1900s to the present in WWI (Wilson), WWII (FDR), Korean War (Truman) and Vietnam War (JFK/LBJ)!

Well, since we were discussing the issues of the modern era, I didn't realize you wanted to go back into time and look at every war ever. But do you want to know what the difference between all those wars and the ones started by Bush Jr.?

Those other wars didn't plunge us into deficit city. I don't think the Korean or Vietnam wars were good ideas, at all, but that's not really the point. Also, I notice you cherry-picking the Presidents that were in charge of Vietnam's operations and left out both Eisenhower (whose administration started operations there) and Nixon, who straight up lied about ending hostilities and then ramped them up. So nice try, Hoss.

And what the fuck do you mean have not paid for? It has been paid for completely. It's the Federal government BUDGET that has not been paid for! But I hope that lie you tell yourself helps you sleep better at night!

Hey Dinkus, the wars weren't even on the BOOKS until President Obama put them there. No, they have not been paid for yet. Just what exactly do you think is causing the deficit to be so large, Genius?

On Libya (which I RECOGNIZED as a good BLUEPRINT for any like occupation): So if you spend less money on an operation and the President is a Democrat, then it's not spending and nothing for a libtard like you to cry about?:confused:

Look Dummy, I hate drone strikes. I hate war altogether though. However, I'm also a realist and now it'll never go away. So yes, I'd prefer the cost in both lives and dollars be as low as possible. Werid, huh?
How exactly is hand-delivering millions of new customers to the insurance companies making them turn less profit, exactly?

You really don't understand how businesses work do you. Part of those millions of customers being handed to them include people with pre-existing conditions. Add in no caps in payout and you have a money lending proposition. Think of it this way. If you run an all you eat buffet, it is limited to the time you come in and pay and when you leave or closing time, whichever comes first. If the government said that you had to allow that person to return everyday and eat as much as they want, you're eventually going to go out of business when everyone in town learns they only have to pay you once for unlimited product. Sure, the insurance company gets more customers......but they aren't necessarily customers that help the bottom line.

You really don't understand how insurance works, do you? Yes, there will be millions of people with pre-existing conditions. However, when inserted into the pools with millions of totally healthy people, the rates will remain where they are, if not lower dramatically. This, my dear stupid, is the key to the entire deal. The more people in the pools, the lower they can keep the costs.

Of course those customers help the bottom line. The insurance companies are STOKED about Obamacare. They helped lobby for it. It's actually, as this fucking BREITBART piece points out, something they really need to stick around because at the end of the day, Obamacare is like a Health Care industry stimulus package.

Health Insurance Companies Are Praying ObamaCare Will Stand

Man, did you guys even read up on this shit at ALL before you let Fox News tell you what to think of it?

The only reason the insurance companies like it, is because they can raise rates to cover the costs associated with pre-existing conditions so they can maintain their profit margine. The cost to the insurer will be passed on to the customer.....poor and middle class. Please tell me you DO understand this? Let me give you a real scenario. May 3rd, 1999, the worst tornado in recorded history hits my home city of Oklahoma City. Massive damage. All of those folks with home insurance of course filed claims and had the damage repaired or in the case of a totally destroyed house, had a new house built. Know what came next, astronomical rate increases from the insurance companies to EVERYONE regardless of whether they filed a claim or not. The idea that taking in high risk customers who require expensive medical care is going to somehow lower rates, is a pipe dream that isn't based in reality. Of course, you believed Obama when he said he wasn't going to cum in your mouth, so why would we expect you to get it.
You really don't understand how businesses work do you. Part of those millions of customers being handed to them include people with pre-existing conditions. Add in no caps in payout and you have a money lending proposition. Think of it this way. If you run an all you eat buffet, it is limited to the time you come in and pay and when you leave or closing time, whichever comes first. If the government said that you had to allow that person to return everyday and eat as much as they want, you're eventually going to go out of business when everyone in town learns they only have to pay you once for unlimited product. Sure, the insurance company gets more customers......but they aren't necessarily customers that help the bottom line.

You really don't understand how insurance works, do you? Yes, there will be millions of people with pre-existing conditions. However, when inserted into the pools with millions of totally healthy people, the rates will remain where they are, if not lower dramatically. This, my dear stupid, is the key to the entire deal. The more people in the pools, the lower they can keep the costs.

Of course those customers help the bottom line. The insurance companies are STOKED about Obamacare. They helped lobby for it. It's actually, as this fucking BREITBART piece points out, something they really need to stick around because at the end of the day, Obamacare is like a Health Care industry stimulus package.

Health Insurance Companies Are Praying ObamaCare Will Stand

Man, did you guys even read up on this shit at ALL before you let Fox News tell you what to think of it?

The only reason the insurance companies like it, is because they can raise rates to cover the costs associated with pre-existing conditions so they can maintain their profit margine. The cost to the insurer will be passed on to the customer.....poor and middle class. Please tell me you DO understand this? Let me give you a real scenario. May 3rd, 1999, the worst tornado in recorded history hits my home city of Oklahoma City. Massive damage. All of those folks with home insurance of course filed claims and had the damage repaired or in the case of a totally destroyed house, had a new house built. Know what came next, astronomical rate increases from the insurance companies to EVERYONE regardless of whether they filed a claim or not. The idea that taking in high risk customers who require expensive medical care is going to somehow lower rates, is a pipe dream that isn't based in reality. Of course, you believed Obama when he said he wasn't going to cum in your mouth, so why would we expect you to get it.

More reason why you should support doing away with for profit health insurance as the Swiss did:
Interviews - Pascal Couchepin | Sick Around The World | FRONTLINE | PBS

you publicly allow your partisan political views and your ideology get in the way of your own reason.
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Look at the wars we have been in and most have a Democrat leading the charge. My view on wars are some are worth fighting others are not. But since your a liberal by wars you mean Iraq and Afghanistan (you will ignore Libya).

(1) Afghanistan: NOT a war of choice. They attacked us and we needed to respond. I would have faulted our government for doing nothing if they didn't attack. However, I don't like the way are fighting this war. We are trying to nation-build a country that never had any infrastructure whatsoever! Before we went in they were a country stuck in the middle ages, yet we think we could build a country from that? We needed to learn two lessons from Russia: (A) You can't nation build in Afghanistan, because there is no base to build on and (B) If a 3rd world country attacks, you go in hit they hard with everything, leave, let they clean up the mess and warn them never to do that again (aka Georgia isn't messing with the Russian Bear anytime soon).

(2) Iraq: Boneheaded invasion from the beginning. When we finally exit the country entirely it will be a 3 front secular civil war. Like in Libya a worse Islamist will emerge. Sadam was a bad guy in every sense of the word, but at least he stabilized Iraq (the best anyone could) and he was a polarizing force in the ME to Iran. It was a failure in every sense of the word and should be used to taint W's legacy in the history books? Happy!

(3) Libya: The outcome isn't looking that good, since Islamist are replacing Gaddifi. But at least the method can be used as a blueprint to take out other dictators. Without the no fly NATO enforcement, the rebellion would have been brutally put down in a month. With it the revolution was a success. Gaddiffi is not ideal, but again he was better than what is seeming to emerge out of the ashes of the revolution!

Oh, we can count Libya if you want. But call me in about 25 years when we've spent the same amount of money in Libya as we did in Iraq. And what in the holy-living-fuck are you talking about when it comes to "Democrats leading the charge?" We're not talking about WW2 and Korea or even Vietnam. We're talking about the two completely unfunded wars that GW started and that we still HAVE NOT paid for.

Of course you don't want to talk about the Democratic Presidents at the helm in the US wars of the 1900s to the present in WWI (Wilson), WWII (FDR), Korean War (Truman) and Vietnam War (JFK/LBJ)!

And what the fuck do you mean have not paid for? It has been paid for completely. It's the Federal government BUDGET that has not been paid for! But I hope that lie you tell yourself helps you sleep better at night!

On Libya (which I RECOGNIZED as a good BLUEPRINT for any like occupation): So if you spend less money on an operation and the President is a Democrat, then it's not spending and nothing for a libtard like you to cry about?:confused:

ignorance of the highest order :eusa_whistle:
The only reason the insurance companies like it, is because they can raise rates to cover the costs associated with pre-existing conditions so they can maintain their profit margine.

No, dummy, you obviously missed the point. The reason we need as many people as possible in the pools is to make sure the Insurance companies don't just raise rates for the pre-existing conditions. Jesus Christ you're stupid.

And what's "margine?" Is that a butter substitute for old Grandmas who don't understand how the ACA works?

The cost to the insurer will be passed on to the customer.....poor and middle class. Please tell me you DO understand this?

If the insurance companies do raise rates significantly, they will have to, by law thanks to the ACA show that they are spending at least 85% of that money on direct medical care. So the consumer would be winning in that scenario anyway. But that won't happen specifically because there will be more people in the pool. Also, the insurance companies themselves are going to be taxed as well, so that will defray the cost.

Let me give you a real scenario. May 3rd, 1999, the worst tornado in recorded history hits my home city of Oklahoma City. Massive damage. All of those folks with home insurance of course filed claims and had the damage repaired or in the case of a totally destroyed house, had a new house built. Know what came next, astronomical rate increases from the insurance companies to EVERYONE regardless of whether they filed a claim or not.

Sounds like you just made a very excellent case to have some regulations put in place so that home insurance companies can't do that huh? You know, like the ACA does for medical insurance providers.

The idea that taking in high risk customers who require expensive medical care is going to somehow lower rates, is a pipe dream that isn't based in reality. Of course, you believed Obama when he said he wasn't going to cum in your mouth, so why would we expect you to get it

Obama's my family, you just attacked my family, I'm going to report you.

Also, it's not a pipe dream. It's the reality of how the bill works. You should educate yourself on the bill. Because right now, you're stupid. With a little education, you'd still be stupid, because I mean, c'mon, look at you. But at least you'd more informed.
You really don't understand how insurance works, do you? Yes, there will be millions of people with pre-existing conditions. However, when inserted into the pools with millions of totally healthy people, the rates will remain where they are, if not lower dramatically. This, my dear stupid, is the key to the entire deal. The more people in the pools, the lower they can keep the costs.

Of course those customers help the bottom line. The insurance companies are STOKED about Obamacare. They helped lobby for it. It's actually, as this fucking BREITBART piece points out, something they really need to stick around because at the end of the day, Obamacare is like a Health Care industry stimulus package.

Health Insurance Companies Are Praying ObamaCare Will Stand

Man, did you guys even read up on this shit at ALL before you let Fox News tell you what to think of it?

The only reason the insurance companies like it, is because they can raise rates to cover the costs associated with pre-existing conditions so they can maintain their profit margine. The cost to the insurer will be passed on to the customer.....poor and middle class. Please tell me you DO understand this? Let me give you a real scenario. May 3rd, 1999, the worst tornado in recorded history hits my home city of Oklahoma City. Massive damage. All of those folks with home insurance of course filed claims and had the damage repaired or in the case of a totally destroyed house, had a new house built. Know what came next, astronomical rate increases from the insurance companies to EVERYONE regardless of whether they filed a claim or not. The idea that taking in high risk customers who require expensive medical care is going to somehow lower rates, is a pipe dream that isn't based in reality. Of course, you believed Obama when he said he wasn't going to cum in your mouth, so why would we expect you to get it.

More reason why you should support doing away with for profit health insurance as the Swiss did:
Interviews - Pascal Couchepin | Sick Around The World | FRONTLINE | PBS

you publicly allow your partisan political views and your ideology get in the way of your own reason.

That's rather rich coming from you dainty.

My partisan political views are liberty and free markets. If you'll recall from the old Hansterland days, I was despised as a "liberal" because I didn't support Bush. I considered Bush a bad president. Still do, but he's aces compared to Obama these days. So take your partisan political views and ideology claims and shove them up your liberty surrendering socialist ass.
The only reason the insurance companies like it, is because they can raise rates to cover the costs associated with pre-existing conditions so they can maintain their profit margine.

No, dummy, you obviously missed the point. The reason we need as many people as possible in the pools is to make sure the Insurance companies don't just raise rates for the pre-existing conditions. Jesus Christ you're stupid.

And what's "margine?" Is that a butter substitute for old Grandmas who don't understand how the ACA works?

The cost to the insurer will be passed on to the customer.....poor and middle class. Please tell me you DO understand this?

If the insurance companies do raise rates significantly, they will have to, by law thanks to the ACA show that they are spending at least 85% of that money on direct medical care. So the consumer would be winning in that scenario anyway. But that won't happen specifically because there will be more people in the pool. Also, the insurance companies themselves are going to be taxed as well, so that will defray the cost.

Let me give you a real scenario. May 3rd, 1999, the worst tornado in recorded history hits my home city of Oklahoma City. Massive damage. All of those folks with home insurance of course filed claims and had the damage repaired or in the case of a totally destroyed house, had a new house built. Know what came next, astronomical rate increases from the insurance companies to EVERYONE regardless of whether they filed a claim or not.

Sounds like you just made a very excellent case to have some regulations put in place so that home insurance companies can't do that huh? You know, like the ACA does for medical insurance providers.

The idea that taking in high risk customers who require expensive medical care is going to somehow lower rates, is a pipe dream that isn't based in reality. Of course, you believed Obama when he said he wasn't going to cum in your mouth, so why would we expect you to get it

Obama's my family, you just attacked my family, I'm going to report you.

Also, it's not a pipe dream. It's the reality of how the bill works. You should educate yourself on the bill. Because right now, you're stupid. With a little education, you'd still be stupid, because I mean, c'mon, look at you. But at least you'd more informed.

What happens when you regulate the profit out of an industry? How long will they keep their doors open. Do you really want the government making all decisions for you from cradle to grave? What am I saying, of course you do. You're too weak to stand on your own, too weak to make something for yourself and want protection from life. Enjoy hiding under the government's skirt. Moron.
What happens when you regulate the profit out of an industry? How long will they keep their doors open. Do you really want the government making all decisions for you from cradle to grave? What am I saying, of course you do. You're too weak to stand on your own, too weak to make something for yourself and want protection from life. Enjoy hiding under the government's skirt. Moron.

Well, for starters, the Government won't make all the decisions for you, cradle to the grave, and certainly that won't happen under the ACA. That's another scare-tactic bullshit meme that's completely false. Would you be opposed to the type of system they have in England where you can have the NHS AND private insurance if you choose? I know many Britons that go this route and they LOVE it.

Educate before you pontificate, Mrs. SaggyTeets.
What happens when you regulate the profit out of an industry? How long will they keep their doors open. Do you really want the government making all decisions for you from cradle to grave? What am I saying, of course you do. You're too weak to stand on your own, too weak to make something for yourself and want protection from life. Enjoy hiding under the government's skirt. Moron.

Well, for starters, the Government won't make all the decisions for you, cradle to the grave, and certainly that won't happen under the ACA. That's another scare-tactic bullshit meme that's completely false. Would you be opposed to the type of system they have in England where you can have the NHS AND private insurance if you choose? I know many Britons that go this route and they LOVE it.

Educate before you pontificate, Mrs. SaggyTeets.

England? Hell they have long waiting list for services there. In fact the waiting limit for getting an abortion is nine months.
Why is this so difficult for liberals to understand.

If Obama forces health care insurance companies, drug makers, and medical providers to lose money, they will stop providing the service and products.

Unless they work for the government no company can consistently keep operating at a loss.

That is the point of the free market system.

Heavy handed government interference will create disaster to Americans' health care.

How exactly is hand-delivering millions of new customers to the insurance companies making them turn less profit, exactly?

You really don't understand how businesses work do you. Part of those millions of customers being handed to them include people with pre-existing conditions. Add in no caps in payout and you have a money lending proposition. Think of it this way. If you run an all you eat buffet, it is limited to the time you come in and pay and when you leave or closing time, whichever comes first. If the government said that you had to allow that person to return everyday and eat as much as they want, you're eventually going to go out of business when everyone in town learns they only have to pay you once for unlimited product. Sure, the insurance company gets more customers......but they aren't necessarily customers that help the bottom line.
You are assuming the cost of insurance will stay the same. To meet the higher costing customers, insurance companies will just increase their prices. Because customers are guaranteed (mandated to patronize insurance companies by Obamacare) there is very little incentive to cut costs. Businesses cut costs to attract new customers. But when everyone is forced to be a customer...

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