11 Facts About Obamacare That No Conservative Knows About, Cares About, Or Will Read

The principle noun in the title of your thread......is it a tax?

No then. The ACA is not a tax. The mandate is a tax if you don't buy insurance. But no, the act itself is not a tax.

Uh... so the ACA includes a tax, but is not a tax? Equivocate much?

Equivocate? Nah. Just calling it how I see it. It's a health care bill that has some taxes built into it to pay for it. What's the "Gotcha" you're gunning for here?
No then. The ACA is not a tax. The mandate is a tax if you don't buy insurance. But no, the act itself is not a tax.

Uh... so the ACA includes a tax, but is not a tax? Equivocate much?

Equivocate? Nah. Just calling it how I see it. It's a health care bill that has some taxes built into it to pay for it. What's the "Gotcha" you're gunning for here?

Well, it's the "lie" part that we're pointing out. The Democrats were political cowards and went above and beyond to deny that they were raising taxes. If the bill had been perceived (correctly, according to justice Roberts) as a tax increase, it would have been voted down. The bill was passed as a direct result of a lie. It should have been struck down on that basis alone.
Uh... so the ACA includes a tax, but is not a tax? Equivocate much?

Equivocate? Nah. Just calling it how I see it. It's a health care bill that has some taxes built into it to pay for it. What's the "Gotcha" you're gunning for here?

Well, it's the "lie" part that we're pointing out. The Democrats were political cowards and went above and beyond to deny that they were raising taxes. If the bill had been perceived (correctly, according to justice Roberts) as a tax increase, it would have been voted down. The bill was passed as a direct result of a lie. It should have been struck down on that basis alone.

It's a tax cut for the Middle Class.

And maybe the reason the word tax had to be avoided is because dumbfuck Tea Party assholes like Grover Norquist have poisoned half the population into thinking no one should have to pay any taxes a ever. Blame him for the need to not play up the taxes in the ACA all of which will be paid by the insurance companies and those making 250k+.

And again, it's a tax cut for the middle class.
Equivocate? Nah. Just calling it how I see it. It's a health care bill that has some taxes built into it to pay for it. What's the "Gotcha" you're gunning for here?

Well, it's the "lie" part that we're pointing out. The Democrats were political cowards and went above and beyond to deny that they were raising taxes. If the bill had been perceived (correctly, according to justice Roberts) as a tax increase, it would have been voted down. The bill was passed as a direct result of a lie. It should have been struck down on that basis alone.

It's a tax cut for the Middle Class.

And maybe the reason the word tax had to be avoided is because dumbfuck Tea Party assholes like Grover Norquist have poisoned half the population into thinking no one should have to pay any taxes a ever. Blame him for the need to not play up the taxes in the ACA all of which will be paid by the insurance companies and those making 250k+.

And again, it's a tax cut for the middle class.

Whatever. You're missing the point. The Democrats had the chance to make that case. But instead, they chose to lie their way out of it by calling their targeted tax increase a 'mandate'.

In my view, they did us all a favor by pointing out the corrupt nature of manipulating society through the tax code. It's fundamentally unfair and should be abolished with a constitutional amendment. We obviously can't count on the Court to protect us.
Is what a tax?

The principle noun in the title of your thread......is it a tax?

No then. The ACA is not a tax. The mandate is a tax if you don't buy insurance. But no, the act itself is not a tax.

Then, as a law, it is null and void.

The only thing that got it past the SCOTUS is that it only stands as a tax.
It's enforcement rests with the IRS.

You should read your ThinkProgress e-mails more closely.
Your party needs to get their story straight.

The ACA doesn't fall under the jurisdiction of the Commerce Clause.

It is only allowable because Congress has the right to levy taxes.

I know this word "Tax" scares you in an election year, but you really should PWN it if you're gonna own it.

Good luck with that in November.
Well, it's the "lie" part that we're pointing out. The Democrats were political cowards and went above and beyond to deny that they were raising taxes. If the bill had been perceived (correctly, according to justice Roberts) as a tax increase, it would have been voted down. The bill was passed as a direct result of a lie. It should have been struck down on that basis alone.

It's a tax cut for the Middle Class.

And maybe the reason the word tax had to be avoided is because dumbfuck Tea Party assholes like Grover Norquist have poisoned half the population into thinking no one should have to pay any taxes a ever. Blame him for the need to not play up the taxes in the ACA all of which will be paid by the insurance companies and those making 250k+.

And again, it's a tax cut for the middle class.

Whatever. You're missing the point. The Democrats had the chance to make that case. But instead, they chose to lie their way out of it by calling their targeted tax increase a 'mandate'.

In my view, they did us all a favor by pointing out the corrupt nature of manipulating society through the tax code. It's fundamentally unfair and should be abolished with a constitutional amendment. We obviously can't count on the Court to protect us.

I LOL'd at your indignation.

So is it a tax or a penalty in Romneycare?
Hahaha. Struck down based on a lie. Lozzle.

That's funny to you?

Your insistence that it's a lie is funny to me.

How is it not a lie? You just acknowledged that the penalty for not buying insurance as ordered is a tax. Obama denied that vigorously. The reps who voted for the legislation denied that vigorously. Are you suggesting they're all idiots? Or are you suggesting justice Roberts is wrong in recognizing it as a tax and should have struck down the law after all?
It's a tax cut for the Middle Class.

And maybe the reason the word tax had to be avoided is because dumbfuck Tea Party assholes like Grover Norquist have poisoned half the population into thinking no one should have to pay any taxes a ever. Blame him for the need to not play up the taxes in the ACA all of which will be paid by the insurance companies and those making 250k+.

And again, it's a tax cut for the middle class.

Whatever. You're missing the point. The Democrats had the chance to make that case. But instead, they chose to lie their way out of it by calling their targeted tax increase a 'mandate'.

In my view, they did us all a favor by pointing out the corrupt nature of manipulating society through the tax code. It's fundamentally unfair and should be abolished with a constitutional amendment. We obviously can't count on the Court to protect us.

I LOL'd at your indignation.

So is it a tax or a penalty in Romneycare?

You tell me. It's the same thing either way.
The principle noun in the title of your thread......is it a tax?

No then. The ACA is not a tax. The mandate is a tax if you don't buy insurance. But no, the act itself is not a tax.

Then, as a law, it is null and void.

The only thing that got it past the SCOTUS is that it only stands as a tax.
It's enforcement rests with the IRS.

You should read your ThinkProgress e-mails more closely.
Your party needs to get their story straight.

The ACA doesn't fall under the jurisdiction of the Commerce Clause.

It is only allowable because Congress has the right to levy taxes.

I know this word "Tax" scares you in an election year, but you really should PWN it if you're gonna own it.

Good luck with that in November.

No dummy, you need to learn what the actual opinion that SCOTUS came down with actually was. The rules the MANDATE was constitutional as a tax, not the entire bill. The entire bill is not the mandate. You get thr right? That there's much, much more to it then that?

And more to the point, the mandate is constitutional under the taxing powers of Congress. You really do need to educate yourself.
11 Facts? Where did the left come up with 11 facts in the law that runs as long as a novel? The former democrat speaker of the house couldn't name a single fact when she was asked about the 3,000 page mess. She actually said "we will have to pass it to find out what is in it" but we still don't know what is in the often contradictory bill that mentions the word "penalty" on every other page. The supremes complicated things even more when they eliminated some penalties that democrats depended on. Claiming to know "11 facts" about a 3,000 page law is laughable.
11 Facts? Where did the left come up with 11 facts in the law that runs as long as a novel? The former democrat speaker of the house couldn't name a single fact when she was asked about the 3,000 page mess. She actually said "we will have to pass it to find out what is in it" but we still don't know what is in the often contradictory bill that mentions the word "penalty" on every other page. The supremes complicated things even more when they eliminated some penalties that democrats depended on. Claiming to know "11 facts" about a 3,000 page law is laughable.


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