11 Facts About Obamacare That No Conservative Knows About, Cares About, Or Will Read

You really don't know what Fully Funded means? It means that as of right now they have the funding completely figured out without any budget shortfalls for the first 10 years. That CBO report of cost increase is a misnomer.

PolitiFact | Ted Cruz says health reform

Hold on. Hide behind the size of the legislation? It's the Conservatives that decided to call it the LARGEST TAX INCREASE IN THE HISTORY OF THE KNOWN WORLD, dummy. If you all hadn't opened your mouths up about that, we wouldn't have had to actually tell the truth, which is that it's nowhere NEAR the largest tax increase in our country's history, and actually ranks below THREE Reagan increases.

I didn't pull the number out of my ass, I just need to track the link down. I read dozens of stories a day on this shit, and I just need to find the link. Settle down, Beavis.

How's that "search" for your link coming, Conserva? It's ten hours later and still not a peep out of you.

Why don't you just admit that you made the number up... I know you did...and you know you did...and anyone who's watched you shuck and jive since you got challenged on it knows you did.

Which brings us back to the same old question...which is...if ObamaCare really IS so wonderful...why do you Progressives have to keep lying about the numbers to sell it?

As for your definition of "fully funded"? How is it they've got it totally paid for when they underestimated the cost by almost 50%? Or did they build a 50% cost overage into their plans? (Eye-roll)

I didn't make up shit, mah-facka. I just have a life and a job and shit. The ACA is actually going to work out as a tax cut for the Middle Class. Indeed it will.

I'll find the link to the 97% or I won't, and the awesome part is I won't give a fuck whether you like it or not. You're also grossly distorting the CBO's revision of the cost of the ACA. Read the politifact link I posted.

Ah, yes...the "I have a life" excuse for why you can't back up your claims...gotta love it!!! This from the person who's posting on here CONSTANTLY.

Funny how your "life" interferes with your ability to find a link yet it DOESN'T interfere with your ability to post non-stop here about everything else under the sun.

Your credibility is on life support, my long winded friend. If you REALLY think that the ACA is going to be a tax cut for the Middle Class it just shows how naive you progressives really are.
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How's that "search" for your link coming, Conserva? It's ten hours later and still not a peep out of you.

Why don't you just admit that you made the number up... I know you did...and you know you did...and anyone who's watched you shuck and jive since you got challenged on it knows you did.

Which brings us back to the same old question...which is...if ObamaCare really IS so wonderful...why do you Progressives have to keep lying about the numbers to sell it?

As for your definition of "fully funded"? How is it they've got it totally paid for when they underestimated the cost by almost 50%? Or did they build a 50% cost overage into their plans? (Eye-roll)

I didn't make up shit, mah-facka. I just have a life and a job and shit. The ACA is actually going to work out as a tax cut for the Middle Class. Indeed it will.

I'll find the link to the 97% or I won't, and the awesome part is I won't give a fuck whether you like it or not. You're also grossly distorting the CBO's revision of the cost of the ACA. Read the politifact link I posted.

Ah, yes...the "I have a life" excuse for why you can't back up your claims...gotta love it!!! This from the person who's posting on here CONSTANTLY.

Funny how your "life" interferes with your ability to find a link yet it DOESN'T interfere with your ability to post non-stop here about everything else under the sun.

Your credibility is on life support, my long winded friend. If you REALLY think that the ACA is going to be a tax cut for the Middle Class it just shows how naive you progressives really are.

I didn't make up shit, mah-facka. I just have a life and a job and shit. The ACA is actually going to work out as a tax cut for the Middle Class. Indeed it will.

I'll find the link to the 97% or I won't, and the awesome part is I won't give a fuck whether you like it or not. You're also grossly distorting the CBO's revision of the cost of the ACA. Read the politifact link I posted.

Ah, yes...the "I have a life" excuse for why you can't back up your claims...gotta love it!!! This from the person who's posting on here CONSTANTLY.

Funny how your "life" interferes with your ability to find a link yet it DOESN'T interfere with your ability to post non-stop here about everything else under the sun.

Your credibility is on life support, my long winded friend. If you REALLY think that the ACA is going to be a tax cut for the Middle Class it just shows how naive you progressives really are.


Yeah, you don't have time to find credible backup for the bullshit numbers you quoted here...but you DO have time to post funny pictures of John McCain.

Why should anyone take you seriously? You started a string that was total crap and when you got called on it you respond with nonsense.
Ah, yes...the "I have a life" excuse for why you can't back up your claims...gotta love it!!! This from the person who's posting on here CONSTANTLY.

Funny how your "life" interferes with your ability to find a link yet it DOESN'T interfere with your ability to post non-stop here about everything else under the sun.

Your credibility is on life support, my long winded friend. If you REALLY think that the ACA is going to be a tax cut for the Middle Class it just shows how naive you progressives really are.


Yeah, you don't have time to find credible backup for the bullshit numbers you quoted here...but you DO have time to post funny pictures of John McCain.

Why should anyone take you seriously? You started a string that was total crap and when you got called on it you respond with nonsense.

One could argue that he might have been put off from posting a really concise long argument because it really would not do any good with the right. Basically when the right sees someone thinking they move on knowing there are easier targets out there. I don't know if this is what he is doing, but when I post support for my arguments i really consider it playing with myself as republicans will never admit to anything, as seen by how they are still waving the birther flag.

Yeah, you don't have time to find credible backup for the bullshit numbers you quoted here...but you DO have time to post funny pictures of John McCain.

Why should anyone take you seriously? You started a string that was total crap and when you got called on it you respond with nonsense.

One could argue that he might have been put off from posting a really concise long argument because it really would not do any good with the right. Basically when the right sees someone thinking they move on knowing there are easier targets out there. I don't know if this is what he is doing, but when I post support for my arguments i really consider it playing with myself as republicans will never admit to anything, as seen by how they are still waving the birther flag.

Except Conserva made bold statements and was asked for links, yet Conserva has failed to post the links and he says he has no time, yet the guy post consistently all day long and makes up crap, and when called on it, he ignores your post.

Now, I could go on and make stupid generalization about the left at this point, but I find all types of persons with all sorts of opinions and to categorize them into black and white is really quite immature and narrow minded.

Now, that you admitted that you masturbate, go play with yourself and quit making excuses for others.

Yeah, you don't have time to find credible backup for the bullshit numbers you quoted here...but you DO have time to post funny pictures of John McCain.

Why should anyone take you seriously? You started a string that was total crap and when you got called on it you respond with nonsense.

One could argue that he might have been put off from posting a really concise long argument because it really would not do any good with the right. Basically when the right sees someone thinking they move on knowing there are easier targets out there. I don't know if this is what he is doing, but when I post support for my arguments i really consider it playing with myself as republicans will never admit to anything, as seen by how they are still waving the birther flag.

You really need to let someone else have a crack at the library computer for a while and make sure no one is rummaging thru your occupy tent down at the park.

Yeah, you don't have time to find credible backup for the bullshit numbers you quoted here...but you DO have time to post funny pictures of John McCain.

Why should anyone take you seriously? You started a string that was total crap and when you got called on it you respond with nonsense.

One could argue that he might have been put off from posting a really concise long argument because it really would not do any good with the right. Basically when the right sees someone thinking they move on knowing there are easier targets out there. I don't know if this is what he is doing, but when I post support for my arguments i really consider it playing with myself as republicans will never admit to anything, as seen by how they are still waving the birther flag.

Pretty much. Why bother? It really, truly does not MATTER what I say. Or who I link to.

But then again, hey OldBalls, I found this:


Can you say "Middle class tax CUT?"


One could argue that he might have been put off from posting a really concise long argument because it really would not do any good with the right. Basically when the right sees someone thinking they move on knowing there are easier targets out there. I don't know if this is what he is doing, but when I post support for my arguments i really consider it playing with myself as republicans will never admit to anything, as seen by how they are still waving the birther flag.

Pretty much. Why bother? It really, truly does not MATTER what I say. Or who I link to.

But then again, hey OldBalls, I found this:


Can you say "Middle class tax CUT?"



So, some get a tax credit of $4,000, others will not. Currently paying health insurance is a tax deduction for those that pay for it, others have used tax exempt cafeteria plans, all those go away. So now, many are losing out on the tax breaks. Health insurance for a family of four is over $15,000, the tax credit, isn't going to offset the expense, nor will it help those that used to take it as a deduction, no does it help those that used Cafeteria Plans.

Many of those are struggling small businesses.

Small businesses get INSANELY good tax incentives to provide the coverage to their employees. You haven't read the ACA, have you? Or have you read it and don't understand it, just as you clearly don't understand the infograph. There are literally going to be MILLIONS of Americans that get a FAT tax break. Like, the majority of Americans are. Also, within the ACA are provisions that cap how much a Family can be charged for medical insurance. That 15k figure you quoted will go down thanks to this law.

IT's certainly the case in Kanasas: http://www.khi.org/news/2011/mar/01/study-cap-out-pocket-medical-expenses-will-help-ma/

Oh, and you know that a family can't deduct ALL of that 15k you say they spend right? There are already limits on how much you can deduct. Damn son, you need to educate.

Do yourself a favor and READ shit before you try to come correct.
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Pretty much. Why bother? It really, truly does not MATTER what I say. Or who I link to.

But then again, hey OldBalls, I found this:


Can you say "Middle class tax CUT?"



So, some get a tax credit of $4,000, others will not. Currently paying health insurance is a tax deduction for those that pay for it, others have used tax exempt cafeteria plans, all those go away. So now, many are losing out on the tax breaks. Health insurance for a family of four is over $15,000, the tax credit, isn't going to offset the expense, nor will it help those that used to take it as a deduction, no does it help those that used Cafeteria Plans.

Many of those are struggling small businesses.

Small businesses get INSANELY good tax incentives to provide the coverage to their employees. You haven't read the ACA, have you? Or have you read it and don't understand it, just as you clearly don't understand the infograph. There are literally going to be MILLIONS of Americans that get a FAT tax break. Like, the majority of Americans are.

Do yourself a favor and READ shit before you try to come correct.

No, there are small businesses that have only themselves as employees, they get no break.

According to your chart, 4.8% of Americans will get the tax credit, the other 95.2% will not. It also means that most Americans will lose the Cafeteria Plans that saved them in tax expenses. It also means that most small businesses that have no employees and others will no longer be able to write off their health insurance costs any longer. That will increase many people's taxes, that would include the middle class.
Then, as a law, it is null and void.

Wow. You think you have the power to strike down an entire act of Congress. You're one crazy dude.

You can't have it both ways, "dude".

Either fess up and admit that the mandate is a tax and suffer the consequences, come election day.....

OR insist that it is NOT a tax and repeal it yourselves before we do in November.

Pretty much. Why bother? It really, truly does not MATTER what I say. Or who I link to.

But then again, hey OldBalls, I found this:


Can you say "Middle class tax CUT?"



24 million Americans who have Flexible Spending Accounts will face a new federally imposed $2,500 annual cap.

And, to answer papa's question about claiming medical expenses:

Americans are allowed to deduct medical expenses on their 1040 form to the extent the costs exceed 7.5 percent of one’s adjusted gross income. The new provision will raise that threshold to 10 percent, subjecting patients to a higher tax bill.

And how about the new 2.3% manufacturing tax on small companies with less than 20 employees who pioneer the next generation of life-prolonging devices???

I won't mention the Medicare payroll tax increase that takes effect, coincidentally(?), after the 2012 election


But, no, we "conservatives" know nothing about the upcoming train wreck.
Tell you what guys, why don't you go find me some links to reputable data sources that shows what you're asserting is going to happen. Seriously, go rustle up some real, hard data that shows how everyone's taxes are going to skyrocket.

I'll wait here.

Yeah, you don't have time to find credible backup for the bullshit numbers you quoted here...but you DO have time to post funny pictures of John McCain.

Why should anyone take you seriously? You started a string that was total crap and when you got called on it you respond with nonsense.

One could argue that he might have been put off from posting a really concise long argument because it really would not do any good with the right. Basically when the right sees someone thinking they move on knowing there are easier targets out there. I don't know if this is what he is doing, but when I post support for my arguments i really consider it playing with myself as republicans will never admit to anything, as seen by how they are still waving the birther flag.

One "could" argue that, Tererun...but only if they ignored the fact that Conserva DIDN'T post any support for his argument and instead resorted to name calling and stupid pictures of John McCain licking himself.

Provide credible support for your arguments and you'll be treated with respect. Provide nonsense and you'll be treated with derision. That's life.

Take Conserva's latest attempt to dig himself out of the hole he's dug for himself. He's come here and posted "someone's" chart showing that millions of Americans are going to get a tax cut from ObamaCare, yet he doesn't attribute where it is he got that chart so we can judge for ourselves whether it's viable or simply another piece of propaganda put out to SELL a really badly conceived health care reform bill. My guess is that after hours of searching, he was unable to locate anything that would be considered even remotely unbiased and resorted to using something from ThinkProgress or some other joke source...which in and of itself is an admission that you CAN'T provide credible support for your argument.
Tell you what guys, why don't you go find me some links to reputable data sources that shows what you're asserting is going to happen. Seriously, go rustle up some real, hard data that shows how everyone's taxes are going to skyrocket.

I'll wait here.

Your turn, Derpty-Derp.

Where are your links showing that the middle class WON'T see an increase?
I'm still waiting for Conserva to explain how the increases in State Medicaid are going to paid for if not by tax increases on the Middle Class.

He tried to go with saying it will be paid by taxes on the wealthy and on insurance companies but couldn't show where that was going to take place. It's the same old progressive refrain that we've been hearing on who was going to pay for ObamaCare from it's inception...don't worry...it's going to be someone ELSE who's going to pick up the tab...not the Middle Class, even though someone with rudimentary math skills and a calculator knows that isn't the case. We've established entitlement programs that will cost far more than ALL of the income of the wealthy to pay for. So how exactly is it that we WON'T be seeing tax increases on the Middle Class to help pay for those? You'd have to be borderline retarded to buy the notion that you can have all these entitlements but three quarters of the population isn't going to pay for them.
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I'm still waiting for Conserva to explain how the increases in State Medicaid are going to paid for if not by tax increases on the Middle Class.

He tried to go with saying it will be paid by taxes on the wealthy and on insurance companies but couldn't show where that was going to take place. It's the same old progressive refrain that we've been hearing on who was going to pay for ObamaCare from it's inception...don't worry...it's going to be someone ELSE who's going to pick up the tab...not the Middle Class, even though someone with rudimentary math skills and a calculator knows that isn't the case. We've established entitlement programs that will cost far more than ALL of the income of the wealthy to pay for. So how exactly is it that we WON'T be seeing tax increases on the Middle Class to help pay for those? You'd have to be borderline retarded to buy the notion that you can have all these entitlements but three quarters of the population isn't going to pay for them.

Give him time. He's over on Urban Dictionary looking up new names to call people. That or his mom made him take a computer break and go outside to play.
Tell you what guys, why don't you go find me some links to reputable data sources that shows what you're asserting is going to happen. Seriously, go rustle up some real, hard data that shows how everyone's taxes are going to skyrocket.

I'll wait here.

Your turn, Derpty-Derp.

Where are your links showing that the middle class WON'T see an increase?

I already did. But since you got to post from a Right Wing site, you can read this:

Infographic: Obamacare Is a Tax Cut for Middle-Class Families


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