11 Facts About Obamacare That No Conservative Knows About, Cares About, Or Will Read

Now that's Horse Shit. SS was started as a pay as you go Plan, but well over Half of the money going out now, Goes to SSDI which in most cases is money going out, that was not first paid in.

And yes, with out Reforms it is indeed going bankrupt.

I just said this on another thread, but I think it fits here too.

One of the questions lost in the dynamics of most discussions is really was this the time for such a law? We are in a fiscal crisis and spending is out of control with insurmountable debt climbing to before unseen heights.

The streets were not littered with dead bodies before ACA. Medicaid was insuring the most needy of the population and many still ignore the fact that our penetrable borders are causing most of our problems.

For years, Congress has ignored the elephant in the room by allowing amnesty to criminals who came across these borders illegally, usurped our medical services beyond their bounds.

If all administrations and Congresses had taken this issue seriously, we wouldn't be facing the medical crisis we have now. Instead the present administration lends a helping hand to illegals, refuses to help states with ICE commitments and leads us down the path of even more unsustainable medical demands than we currently have.


The answer is no.

Gallup: Only 6 Percent of Americans Say Health Care is the Top U.S. Problem | CNSNews.com
That's because Obama solved it. It's off their worry list! :)
Did you not read that he has a family of 4? Do you have any idea what the insurance premiums are for 4 people?

Well, that is his problem now isn't it? I did not decide for him to have a family he cannot pay for. I did not decide for him to have so many bills he cannot pay them. I did not make his mistakes nor do I care to fuck everyone else because he could not keep his dick in his pants and his wife drops crotch droppings like a crack whore. Fuck you, they make Birth Control for a reason, use it. Don't whine to me because you cannot figure out how to put on a condom or get your bitch to the abortion clinic.

You made it your problem when you voted for the idiots that support Obama's tax on the middle class.

What tax is that?
11 facts about the Affordable Care Act

I love Ezra Klein (insert shouts of "hater," "hack" and "liar).

This list is brilliant and carries some very important facts with it. Some of which dispels the "OH MY GOD WE'RE ALL GONNA GET TAXED OUT OF EXISTENCE!" hysteria that the Right Wing Media and posters here are all falling victim to.

This bill is far from perfect, but the benefits far outstrip the negatives. In 10 years, all you crusty old fucks will be standing out on the steps of City Hall with signs that read, "DON'T TAKE MAH OBAMMACURE!"

"How will this help me afford health care, if I'm so broke already? I'll get taxed for not being to afford it in the first place!!"
2. Families making less than 133 percent of the poverty line — that’s about $29,000 for a family of four — will be covered through Medicaid. Between 133 percent and 400 percent of the poverty line — $88,000 for a family of four – families will get tax credits on a sliding scale to help pay for private insurance.

3.For families making less than 400 percent of the poverty line, premiums are capped. So, between 150% and 200% of the poverty line, for instance, families won’t have to pay more than 6.3 percent of their income in premiums. Between 300 percent and 400 percent, they won’t have to pay more than 9.5 percent. This calculator from the Kaiser Family Foundation will let you see the subsidies and the caps for different families at different income levels.

"It's massive tax increase on the Middle Class!"
4. When the individual mandate is fully phased-in, those who can afford coverage — which is defined as insurance costing less than 8 percent of their annual income — but choose to forgo it will have to pay either $695 or 2.5 percent of the annual income, whichever is greater.

"It'll cripple small businesses!"

"All my money is going to get taken away from some medical insurance company's CEO bonus!"

"It'll bankrupt the country!!!"
The law is expected to spend a bit over $1 trillion in the next 10 years. The law’s spending cuts — many of which fall on Medicare — and tax increases are expected to either save or raise a bit more than that, which is why the Congressional Budget Office estimates that it will slightly reduce the deficit. (There’s been some confusion on this point lately, but no, the CBO has not changed its mind about this.) As time goes on, the savings are projected to grow more quickly than the spending, and CBO expects that the law will cut the deficit by around a trillion dollars in its second decade. Here’s its graph, which covers the period between 2012 and 2021:

"Health care costs are spiraling out of control and this law does NOTHING to prevent that!"
10. In recent years, health-care costs have slowed dramatically. Much of this is likely due to the recession. Some of it may just be chance. But there’s also evidence that the law has accelerated changes in the way the medical system delivers care, as providers prepare for the law’s efforts to move from fee-for-service to quality-based payments.

Hate site!

Those will be the responses. But now at least there's a CHANCE you ignorant fucks will educate yourself.

but, but, but, but, Obama is a Secret Muslim!!!!:clap2:
so what if i can't afford 6.3% of my income? I make over 29,000 and have a family of 4. We currently have no coverage and struggle to make payments on all our bills each month.

So tell me how obama care is going to help me come up with 6.3% of my income to pay for insurance please.

tax credits
You made it your problem when you voted for the idiots that support Obama's tax on the middle class.

Where do you rw's get this crap?

In point of FACT, President Obama lowered taxes for the middle class.

Did you miss that?
Gasoline under Carter.

Yeah except gas is a commodity; health care isn't. As long as there are sick people, they'll need doctors. But nice try.

It doesn't matter.

That's like saying as long as people need gasoline, they'll be people who sell them. It doesn't work that way. Carter tried to control prices. He kept the price under the market value. The result-- a shortage.

Companies sell stuff to make money. If they are losing money they won't sell it. If the government is artifically setting prices, it will create shortages.

Insurance companies aren't going to provide insurance if they are losing money.

Doctors aren't going to provide medical care if they are losing money.

Drug makers aren't going to sell drugs if they are losing money on them.

That's why we have a free market. The government will fuck it up.

They may be able to force the setting of rates, but they can't force companies and doctors to provide the services.
If you think for two seconds people are going to stop being doctors, or that we won't have enough doctors to meet demand, you're crazy sauce. There's actually a section in the ACA setting aside slots for training primary care doctors.

Ya'all need to educate before you masturbate.
11 facts about the Affordable Care Act

I love Ezra Klein (insert shouts of "hater," "hack" and "liar).

This list is brilliant and carries some very important facts with it. Some of which dispels the "OH MY GOD WE'RE ALL GONNA GET TAXED OUT OF EXISTENCE!" hysteria that the Right Wing Media and posters here are all falling victim to.

This bill is far from perfect, but the benefits far outstrip the negatives. In 10 years, all you crusty old fucks will be standing out on the steps of City Hall with signs that read, "DON'T TAKE MAH OBAMMACURE!"

"How will this help me afford health care, if I'm so broke already? I'll get taxed for not being to afford it in the first place!!"
2. Families making less than 133 percent of the poverty line — that’s about $29,000 for a family of four — will be covered through Medicaid. Between 133 percent and 400 percent of the poverty line — $88,000 for a family of four – families will get tax credits on a sliding scale to help pay for private insurance.

3.For families making less than 400 percent of the poverty line, premiums are capped. So, between 150% and 200% of the poverty line, for instance, families won’t have to pay more than 6.3 percent of their income in premiums. Between 300 percent and 400 percent, they won’t have to pay more than 9.5 percent. This calculator from the Kaiser Family Foundation will let you see the subsidies and the caps for different families at different income levels.

"It's massive tax increase on the Middle Class!"
4. When the individual mandate is fully phased-in, those who can afford coverage — which is defined as insurance costing less than 8 percent of their annual income — but choose to forgo it will have to pay either $695 or 2.5 percent of the annual income, whichever is greater.

"It'll cripple small businesses!"

"All my money is going to get taken away from some medical insurance company's CEO bonus!"

"It'll bankrupt the country!!!"
The law is expected to spend a bit over $1 trillion in the next 10 years. The law’s spending cuts — many of which fall on Medicare — and tax increases are expected to either save or raise a bit more than that, which is why the Congressional Budget Office estimates that it will slightly reduce the deficit. (There’s been some confusion on this point lately, but no, the CBO has not changed its mind about this.) As time goes on, the savings are projected to grow more quickly than the spending, and CBO expects that the law will cut the deficit by around a trillion dollars in its second decade. Here’s its graph, which covers the period between 2012 and 2021:

"Health care costs are spiraling out of control and this law does NOTHING to prevent that!"
10. In recent years, health-care costs have slowed dramatically. Much of this is likely due to the recession. Some of it may just be chance. But there’s also evidence that the law has accelerated changes in the way the medical system delivers care, as providers prepare for the law’s efforts to move from fee-for-service to quality-based payments.

Hate site!

Those will be the responses. But now at least there's a CHANCE you ignorant fucks will educate yourself.

I'm curious, Conserva...who do you think it is that's going to end up paying for the State's added Medicaid costs...the "tax fairy"? If you're a middle class American then ObamaCare is about to hit you with some SERIOUS tax increases. It's simple common sense. You can't pay for all of this coverage for all of these additional people without it coming from someone. The Federal Government is making the States pick up the tab for Medicaid...just where is it you think those States are going to make THAT money appear from? Ignorant fuck? At least I can do the eight grade math necessary to figure out that Middle Class taxes HAVE to go up.
Gasoline under Carter.

Yeah except gas is a commodity; health care isn't. As long as there are sick people, they'll need doctors. But nice try.

It doesn't matter.

That's like saying as long as people need gasoline, they'll be people who sell them. It doesn't work that way. Carter tried to control prices. He kept the price under the market value. The result-- a shortage.

Companies sell stuff to make money. If they are losing money they won't sell it. If the government is artifically setting prices, it will create shortages.

Insurance companies aren't going to provide insurance if they are losing money.

Doctors aren't going to provide medical care if they are losing money.

Drug makers aren't going to sell drugs if they are losing money on them.

That's why we have a free market. The government will fuck it up.

They may be able to force the setting of rates, but they can't force companies and doctors to provide the services.

Quit raining on their glitter and rainbow parade! :eusa_hand: :evil:
11 facts about the Affordable Care Act

I love Ezra Klein (insert shouts of "hater," "hack" and "liar).

This list is brilliant and carries some very important facts with it. Some of which dispels the "OH MY GOD WE'RE ALL GONNA GET TAXED OUT OF EXISTENCE!" hysteria that the Right Wing Media and posters here are all falling victim to.

This bill is far from perfect, but the benefits far outstrip the negatives. In 10 years, all you crusty old fucks will be standing out on the steps of City Hall with signs that read, "DON'T TAKE MAH OBAMMACURE!"

"How will this help me afford health care, if I'm so broke already? I'll get taxed for not being to afford it in the first place!!"
2. Families making less than 133 percent of the poverty line — that’s about $29,000 for a family of four — will be covered through Medicaid. Between 133 percent and 400 percent of the poverty line — $88,000 for a family of four – families will get tax credits on a sliding scale to help pay for private insurance.

3.For families making less than 400 percent of the poverty line, premiums are capped. So, between 150% and 200% of the poverty line, for instance, families won’t have to pay more than 6.3 percent of their income in premiums. Between 300 percent and 400 percent, they won’t have to pay more than 9.5 percent. This calculator from the Kaiser Family Foundation will let you see the subsidies and the caps for different families at different income levels.

"It's massive tax increase on the Middle Class!"

"It'll cripple small businesses!"

"All my money is going to get taken away from some medical insurance company's CEO bonus!"

"It'll bankrupt the country!!!"

"Health care costs are spiraling out of control and this law does NOTHING to prevent that!"
10. In recent years, health-care costs have slowed dramatically. Much of this is likely due to the recession. Some of it may just be chance. But there’s also evidence that the law has accelerated changes in the way the medical system delivers care, as providers prepare for the law’s efforts to move from fee-for-service to quality-based payments.

Hate site!

Those will be the responses. But now at least there's a CHANCE you ignorant fucks will educate yourself.

I'm curious, Conserva...who do you think it is that's going to end up paying for the State's added Medicaid costs...the "tax fairy"? If you're a middle class American then ObamaCare is about to hit you with some SERIOUS tax increases. It's simple common sense. You can't pay for all of this coverage for all of these additional people without it coming from someone. The Federal Government is making the States pick up the tab for Medicaid...just where is it you think those States are going to make THAT money appear from? Ignorant fuck? At least I can do the eight grade math necessary to figure out that Middle Class taxes HAVE to go up.

Silly, everyone knows taxes grow from unicorn droppings and sunshine. Quit being a fuddy duddy.
I just said this on another thread, but I think it fits here too.

One of the questions lost in the dynamics of most discussions is really was this the time for such a law? We are in a fiscal crisis and spending is out of control with insurmountable debt climbing to before unseen heights.

The streets were not littered with dead bodies before ACA. Medicaid was insuring the most needy of the population and many still ignore the fact that our penetrable borders are causing most of our problems.

For years, Congress has ignored the elephant in the room by allowing amnesty to criminals who came across these borders illegally, usurped our medical services beyond their bounds.

If all administrations and Congresses had taken this issue seriously, we wouldn't be facing the medical crisis we have now. Instead the present administration lends a helping hand to illegals, refuses to help states with ICE commitments and leads us down the path of even more unsustainable medical demands than we currently have.


The answer is no.

Gallup: Only 6 Percent of Americans Say Health Care is the Top U.S. Problem | CNSNews.com

Oh cool. A Right-Wing news organization cherry-picked data? Sweet. That totally shows that Americans don't care about our busted-ass health care system.

For the less intelligent in the room, if you click on the link to Gallup inside the story, it takes you to Gallup where horror of horrors it says the same thing! Have you given any thought to hanging out in the Romper Room?

U.S. Satisfaction Slips Slightly to 20%
1. By 2022, the Congressional Budget Office estimates (pdf) the Affordable Care Act will have extended coverage to 33 million Americans who would otherwise be uninsured.
LOL, so in 10 years the plan will be a success! LOL, why wouldn't it be right away. These projects and the charge mean nothing they are bullshit. If they are off in even 2013 no one will remember or give a fuck. Project my ass!

What are your thoughts on endless, unpaid for wars in foreign countries?

Oh shit.......QUICK, change the subject!
11 facts about the Affordable Care Act

I love Ezra Klein (insert shouts of "hater," "hack" and "liar).

This list is brilliant and carries some very important facts with it. Some of which dispels the "OH MY GOD WE'RE ALL GONNA GET TAXED OUT OF EXISTENCE!" hysteria that the Right Wing Media and posters here are all falling victim to.

This bill is far from perfect, but the benefits far outstrip the negatives. In 10 years, all you crusty old fucks will be standing out on the steps of City Hall with signs that read, "DON'T TAKE MAH OBAMMACURE!"

"How will this help me afford health care, if I'm so broke already? I'll get taxed for not being to afford it in the first place!!"
2. Families making less than 133 percent of the poverty line — that’s about $29,000 for a family of four — will be covered through Medicaid. Between 133 percent and 400 percent of the poverty line — $88,000 for a family of four – families will get tax credits on a sliding scale to help pay for private insurance.

3.For families making less than 400 percent of the poverty line, premiums are capped. So, between 150% and 200% of the poverty line, for instance, families won’t have to pay more than 6.3 percent of their income in premiums. Between 300 percent and 400 percent, they won’t have to pay more than 9.5 percent. This calculator from the Kaiser Family Foundation will let you see the subsidies and the caps for different families at different income levels.

"It's massive tax increase on the Middle Class!"

"It'll cripple small businesses!"

"All my money is going to get taken away from some medical insurance company's CEO bonus!"

"It'll bankrupt the country!!!"

"Health care costs are spiraling out of control and this law does NOTHING to prevent that!"
10. In recent years, health-care costs have slowed dramatically. Much of this is likely due to the recession. Some of it may just be chance. But there’s also evidence that the law has accelerated changes in the way the medical system delivers care, as providers prepare for the law’s efforts to move from fee-for-service to quality-based payments.

Hate site!

Those will be the responses. But now at least there's a CHANCE you ignorant fucks will educate yourself.

but, but, but, but, Obama is a Secret Muslim!!!!:clap2:

Did you know that's because it's Bush's fault? True story! :thup:
11 facts about the Affordable Care Act

I love Ezra Klein (insert shouts of "hater," "hack" and "liar).

This list is brilliant and carries some very important facts with it. Some of which dispels the "OH MY GOD WE'RE ALL GONNA GET TAXED OUT OF EXISTENCE!" hysteria that the Right Wing Media and posters here are all falling victim to.

This bill is far from perfect, but the benefits far outstrip the negatives. In 10 years, all you crusty old fucks will be standing out on the steps of City Hall with signs that read, "DON'T TAKE MAH OBAMMACURE!"

"How will this help me afford health care, if I'm so broke already? I'll get taxed for not being to afford it in the first place!!"

"It's massive tax increase on the Middle Class!"

"It'll cripple small businesses!"

"All my money is going to get taken away from some medical insurance company's CEO bonus!"

"It'll bankrupt the country!!!"

"Health care costs are spiraling out of control and this law does NOTHING to prevent that!"

Hate site!

Those will be the responses. But now at least there's a CHANCE you ignorant fucks will educate yourself.

but, but, but, but, Obama is a Secret Muslim!!!!:clap2:

Did you know that's because it's Bush's fault? True story! :thup:

:lmao: too bad Dante never went looney over Bush like you have over Obama. :lmao:

so your best response is 'look what lefties did to Bush...makes it fair to do same to Obama' and you imagine Dante to be a leftie because he now supports Obama...whom he did not support in 2008?

poor hateful wingnut, suicide is a viable...:eusa_whistle:
The health bill, if it survives, will not be same in a few years. These politically contested bills, if passed at all, are compromises and as such are far from perfect. As time goes by Obama-care will be changed, improved, made to fit the health care needs and soon will become indispensible. One only need to look at the history of Social Security to see the pattern.
As a nation, in many respects, America seems usually late in programs that are for its citizens. Germany passed a health care program in the 1890's and other nations soon followed. And even a hundred years later the fight in America is still somewhat bitter. Are we a nation that greedy?

we are a nation who people fought and died for, FREEDOM.
how dare you call that greedy, you like Germany's health care, move there

I can see it now, flags flying, band music playing patriotic music in the background and an image of General MacArthur appears on the screen.
I don't know if I like Germany's health care or not but they sure were ahead of us, well the world was ahead of us. But the interesting thing about Germany's health care is that in the 1890's people were making funny communist noises and so Otto, Von Bismarck instead of asking Limbaugh to make a speech, put in a medical care program to quiet the people.
$750 is cheaper? Brilliant in depth analysis, except you forget one thing. YOU DON'T GET ANYTHING FOR IT, SHIT FOR BRAINS.

Which is cheaper? Paying $900 for a brand new laptop - or paying $400 for nothing?
When you go to get a lap-top next time you'll just hand the salesman $400 for nothing in return, and walk out thinking you got the better deal because its cheaper?

You can go to a private carrier pick up the insurance only when you need it, it isn't rocket science, if the cover pre existing conditions, you get it when you need it.

I'm pretty sure Obamacare doesn't require insurers to issue policies that only last as long as a doctor visit. But maybe you know better.

Enjoy your laptop, I was always told that people,with limited people skills and intelligence usually resorted to your type of name calling.


What I am saying is why can't you buy it when someone gets an hospitalized, go get insure and when the medical issue is over in a couple months drop the insurance? Is that difficult to understand?

I don't carry insurance for doctor visits, my policy is major medical only. If I pay cash to doctors, I get some good discounts and no one hassles with insurance companies.

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