11 Facts About Obamacare That No Conservative Knows About, Cares About, Or Will Read

You're a fucking idiot. The entire bill is fully funded for at least the first 10 years. Do you understand what fully funded means? Go away Grandma, the relevant people are having a discussion.

Texas estimates their share of the expansion of Medicare under ACA will cost close to $10 billion over 10 years, despite the ultimate 90% federal funding. That money will have to come from somewhere. The majority of their state revenue comes from sales taxes, a very regressive tax that falls most heavily on the poor and middle classes. I don't know if there are enough rich people to tax in Texas to fund a $10 billion mandate.

Then maybe Texas should have thought about that before they set up their infrastructure to have just 23% of its people covered by medical insurance, huh? I wonder, also, how many oil subsidies poor into that state?

Just saying, there are ways to get around a massive boom in Medicare expenses, and for the first THREE years, it's 100% covered by the Feds. So are you telling me in three years Texas law makers are too fucking stupid to-

Oh I get it now.

Actually, they have 75% of their total population insured; granted, the worst in the country, but followed closely in percentage of uninsured adults by California (#48) and New York (#47), those bastions of conservatism. I don't know what bearing the "oil subsidies" have on the discussion. And if it's 100% covered by the Feds over the first three years and their 10 year estimate is still $10 billion, you can expect the following 10 years to be $20 billion. Bottomline - someone in all the states will be picking up the unfunded portion of the Medicaid mandate (I've read an estimated $123 billion over the first 10 years); I don't know how anyone can say that the poor and/or middle class will not share that additional burden.
Texas estimates their share of the expansion of Medicare under ACA will cost close to $10 billion over 10 years, despite the ultimate 90% federal funding. That money will have to come from somewhere. The majority of their state revenue comes from sales taxes, a very regressive tax that falls most heavily on the poor and middle classes. I don't know if there are enough rich people to tax in Texas to fund a $10 billion mandate.

Then maybe Texas should have thought about that before they set up their infrastructure to have just 23% of its people covered by medical insurance, huh? I wonder, also, how many oil subsidies poor into that state?

Just saying, there are ways to get around a massive boom in Medicare expenses, and for the first THREE years, it's 100% covered by the Feds. So are you telling me in three years Texas law makers are too fucking stupid to-

Oh I get it now.

Actually, they have 75% of their total population insured; granted, the worst in the country, but followed closely in percentage of uninsured adults by California (#48) and New York (#47), those bastions of conservatism. I don't know what bearing the "oil subsidies" have on the discussion. And if it's 100% covered by the Feds over the first three years and their 10 year estimate is still $10 billion, you can expect the following 10 years to be $20 billion. Bottomline - someone in all the states will be picking up the unfunded portion of the Medicaid mandate (I've read an estimated $123 billion over the first 10 years); I don't know how anyone can say that the poor and/or middle class will not share that additional burden.

Shit. I think you're right, and I dyslexia'd that figure. I meant to say that they have 25% of their populace uninsured. Thanks for fact-checking me on that.

What do oil subsidies have to do with it? I'll admit I'm totally taking a stab in the dark, but I would imagine the state of Texas gives crazy good kick-backs and tax incentives to oil companies yeah? Maybe it's time to scale that back by about $10 billion a year. Just sayin'.
What do oil subsidies have to do with it? I'll admit I'm totally taking a stab in the dark, but I would imagine the state of Texas gives crazy good kick-backs and tax incentives to oil companies yeah? Maybe it's time to scale that back by about $10 billion a year. Just sayin'.

It's time to ban tax incentives entirely. The practice is the most pernicious of loopholes in constitutionally limited government and at the heart of most illicit corporate power.
The court struck down the provision that forced states to expand their medicaid roles. So the notion that everyone who cannot afford to buy insurance will just be put on medicaid is not entirely accurate. However good the intentions, Obamacare is simply another perfect example of more regulations attempting to fix problems caused by previous regulations, which attempting to fix problems caused by even earlier regulations, etc.
The court struck down the provision that forced states to expand their medicaid roles. So the notion that everyone who cannot afford to buy insurance will just be put on medicaid is not entirely accurate. However good the intentions, Obamacare is simply another perfect example of more regulations attempting to fix problems caused by previous regulations, which attempting to fix problems caused by even earlier regulations, etc.

And another example of how well-meaning reform efforts are converted into corporate welfare.
The court struck down the provision that forced states to expand their medicaid roles. So the notion that everyone who cannot afford to buy insurance will just be put on medicaid is not entirely accurate. However good the intentions, Obamacare is simply another perfect example of more regulations attempting to fix problems caused by previous regulations, which attempting to fix problems caused by even earlier regulations, etc.

And another example of how well-meaning reform efforts are converted into corporate welfare.
When will people learn.
If you think for two seconds people are going to stop being doctors, or that we won't have enough doctors to meet demand, you're crazy sauce. There's actually a section in the ACA setting aside slots for training primary care doctors.

Ya'all need to educate before you masturbate.

Why is this so difficult for liberals to understand.

If Obama forces health care insurance companies, drug makers, and medical providers to lose money, they will stop providing the service and products.

Unless they work for the government no company can consistently keep operating at a loss.

That is the point of the free market system.

Heavy handed government interference will create disaster to Americans' health care.
If you think for two seconds people are going to stop being doctors, or that we won't have enough doctors to meet demand, you're crazy sauce. There's actually a section in the ACA setting aside slots for training primary care doctors.

Ya'all need to educate before you masturbate.

Why is this so difficult for liberals to understand.

If Obama forces health care insurance companies, drug makers, and medical providers to lose money, they will stop providing the service and products.

Unless they work for the government no company can consistently keep operating at a loss.

That is the point of the free market system.

Heavy handed government interference will create disaster to Americans' health care.

How exactly is hand-delivering millions of new customers to the insurance companies making them turn less profit, exactly?
Tried to clip it out using their tool and couldn't get it to embed into the forum right. Pretty much though, just watch the clip. Skip to about 3:35, and you'll see that when fully phased in, the Feds are going to pay for 90% of the Medicare costs.

So what's your answer going to be now?

Rachel Maddow Show

Tell me you didn't just give me something from MSNBC to "prove" your point, Conserva...
I have the entire .pdf file of the bill saved here on my laptop.

Derpty-Derp hasn't broken any new ground.

It's hilariously scary how he left leaning Dembulbs think it's perfectly fine to have scores of new IRS agents determining how much money I can afford for health insurance that I may not want.
Whether it's cheaper, or not, to pay the penalty rather than for the coverage is irrelevant.
I shouldn't have to pay the federal government any-fucking-thing for being born.

If you think for two seconds people are going to stop being doctors, or that we won't have enough doctors to meet demand, you're crazy sauce. There's actually a section in the ACA setting aside slots for training primary care doctors.

Ya'all need to educate before you masturbate.

Why is this so difficult for liberals to understand.

If Obama forces health care insurance companies, drug makers, and medical providers to lose money, they will stop providing the service and products.

Unless they work for the government no company can consistently keep operating at a loss.

That is the point of the free market system.

Heavy handed government interference will create disaster to Americans' health care.

How exactly is hand-delivering millions of new customers to the insurance companies making them turn less profit, exactly?

15%-20% operating expense, that will kill ya, that's to start. What are the risks associated with the pool, they would be poor and probably not as healthy as others. That there takes more money, they could always raise the rates, right?
Really? You buy into that bullshit and it only proves you are a total moron. This 2700 page monstrosity was written by Democrat special interest groups, RUSHED through, totally unvetted, no one there to put any brakes on the massive power grabs -and it didn't include the details of all the regulations that accompany it as a result. Those are all to be published separately. The first set of regulations was published and they apply ONLY to the first SIX pages of the bill -and it was 429 pages long. Once all the regulations are published, this horror is expected to be well over 170,000 pages long.

The tax code is a total confusing mess and is "just" 13000 pages long. The Constitution is 16 pages -16 pages to create what at the time was an experimental system of government. But laying claim to 1/6th of our entire economy in order to more firmly entrench the power hungry? 170000.

The useful idiots of the left (as their own side calls them) actually believe whatever title the left gives a bill -and believe that alone PROVES it will actually do what the title says! The TITLE is the ONLY assurance they need. That's why they don't give a shit that NO ONE read the fucking thing before ramming it down our throats against our will and without allowing us to see it either. (It's also why the left believes the term "useful idiot" is so appropriate.) Bad news liberals but this bill was never intended to lower the cost of medical insurance. At all. The CBO already said Obamacare will drive up health insurance premiums. So exactly when you expecting to see it DROP? ROFL

This bill was entirely about DESTROYING PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE. That's it -doesn't matter what touchy-feely, smarmy title they gave to the bill because it has nothing to do with making anything AFFORDABLE. It is about DESTROYING. In spite of what the left lies about -Obamacare includes 21 new taxes -12 of which will hit the middle class.

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You can go to a private carrier pick up the insurance only when you need it, it isn't rocket science, if the cover pre existing conditions, you get it when you need it.

I'm pretty sure Obamacare doesn't require insurers to issue policies that only last as long as a doctor visit. But maybe you know better.

Enjoy your laptop, I was always told that people,with limited people skills and intelligence usually resorted to your type of name calling.


What I am saying is why can't you buy it when someone gets an hospitalized, go get insure and when the medical issue is over in a couple months drop the insurance? Is that difficult to understand?

I dunno, how did Mitt Romney fix that loophole in Massachusetts? Romney said it should be the model for the nation, maybe we should ask him?
Why is this so difficult for liberals to understand.

If Obama forces health care insurance companies, drug makers, and medical providers to lose money, they will stop providing the service and products.

Unless they work for the government no company can consistently keep operating at a loss.

That is the point of the free market system.

Heavy handed government interference will create disaster to Americans' health care.

How exactly is hand-delivering millions of new customers to the insurance companies making them turn less profit, exactly?

15%-20% operating expense, that will kill ya, that's to start. What are the risks associated with the pool, they would be poor and probably not as healthy as others. That there takes more money, they could always raise the rates, right?

Ha. In sheer volume alone that would see CRAZY increases in revenue, kid. Insane new levels of people coming in PAYING them no matter what.
Really? You buy into that bullshit and it only proves you are a total moron. This 2700 page monstrosity was written by Democrat special interest groups, RUSHED through, totally unvetted, no one there to put any brakes on the massive power grabs -and it didn't include the details of all the regulations that accompany it as a result. Those are all to be published separately. The first set of regulations was published and they apply ONLY to the first SIX pages of the bill -and it was 429 pages long. Once all the regulations are published, this horror is expected to be well over 170,000 pages long.

The tax code is a total confusing mess and is "just" 13000 pages long. The Constitution is 16 pages -16 pages to create what at the time was an experimental system of government. But laying claim to 1/6th of our entire economy in order to more firmly entrench the power hungry? 170000.

The useful idiots of the left (as their own side calls them) actually believe whatever title the left gives a bill -and believe that alone PROVES it will actually do what the title says! The TITLE is the ONLY assurance they need. That's why they don't give a shit that NO ONE read the fucking thing before ramming it down our throats against our will and without allowing us to see it either. (It's also why the left believes the term "useful idiot" is so appropriate.) Bad news liberals but this bill was never intended to lower the cost of medical insurance. At all. The CBO already said Obamacare will drive up health insurance premiums. So exactly when you expecting to see it DROP? ROFL

This bill was entirely about DESTROYING PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE. That's it -doesn't matter what touchy-feely, smarmy title they gave to the bill because it has nothing to do with making anything AFFORDABLE. It is about DESTROYING. In spite of what the left lies about -Obamacare includes 21 new taxes -12 of which will hit the middle class.


Please don't take this the wrong way, but I have to ask after reading that...thing you just posted.

Did you get a boner doing this? I kinda feel like you did.
I have the entire .pdf file of the bill saved here on my laptop.

Derpty-Derp hasn't broken any new ground.

It's hilariously scary how he left leaning Dembulbs think it's perfectly fine to have scores of new IRS agents determining how much money I can afford for health insurance that I may not want.
Whether it's cheaper, or not, to pay the penalty rather than for the coverage is irrelevant.
I shouldn't have to pay the federal government any-fucking-thing for being born.


How exactly is hand-delivering millions of new customers to the insurance companies making them turn less profit, exactly?

15%-20% operating expense, that will kill ya, that's to start. What are the risks associated with the pool, they would be poor and probably not as healthy as others. That there takes more money, they could always raise the rates, right?

Ha. In sheer volume alone that would see CRAZY increases in revenue, kid. Insane new levels of people coming in PAYING them no matter what.

In business it isn't about how much you make, it is about how much you keep.

And tons more people using it does not mean more profit, it depends on how much it skews a risk pool. If they are a group that goes to the emergency room, if they are a higher risk because of obesity, smoking, drinking, drugs, violence and so on, it could cost more to keep them on the plans and having to cover pre existing conditions will make them potential liabilities. Insurance companies won't have the option not to take you and your pre existing conditions.
I have the entire .pdf file of the bill saved here on my laptop.

Derpty-Derp hasn't broken any new ground.

It's hilariously scary how he left leaning Dembulbs think it's perfectly fine to have scores of new IRS agents determining how much money I can afford for health insurance that I may not want.
Whether it's cheaper, or not, to pay the penalty rather than for the coverage is irrelevant.
I shouldn't have to pay the federal government any-fucking-thing for being born.



That's my point, exactly, Derp.

You just don't fucking get it that it's not my government's place to determine if I need/want health coverage.
I have the entire .pdf file of the bill saved here on my laptop.

Derpty-Derp hasn't broken any new ground.

It's hilariously scary how he left leaning Dembulbs think it's perfectly fine to have scores of new IRS agents determining how much money I can afford for health insurance that I may not want.
Whether it's cheaper, or not, to pay the penalty rather than for the coverage is irrelevant.
I shouldn't have to pay the federal government any-fucking-thing for being born.



That's my point, exactly, Derp.

You just don't fucking get it that it's not my government's place to determine if I need/want health coverage.

No, you don't seem to get it. It's our government's responsibility to make sure that you, as a free loader, not buying insurance and therefore driving up the cost of insurance on EVERYONE when you end up having to go the ER for something that if you'd insurance and gone to see a doctor much sooner would have been treatable and much less expense.

You're the one fucking EVERYONE else over by thinking you're either a) invincible and will live forever and will therefore never need to see a doctor b) above having to work within the system or c) are just an ignorant asshole who equates the ACA with Socialism and even Socialized Medicine, which it really isn't at the end of the day.

That's what you don't seem to get.
Free market health insurance was destroyed long ago. The reason costs are so high is precisely for this reason. Obamacare is simply the next step. Insurance companies risk losing customers because of regulations making insurance too expensive, so they lobbied government to pass an individual mandate to force people to patronize them. This will only make matters worse and grant these companies more leeway to keep costs high.

If Obamacare was bad for these companies, they wouldn't have lobbied in favor of it. Obamacare is just another big government corporatist monstrosity. There is a difference between corporations competing for consumers on the free market and corporations competing for government handouts and benefits like we have so many of today.

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