11 Facts About Obamacare That No Conservative Knows About, Cares About, Or Will Read

It's not a secret anymore DANTE! WE KNOW EVERYTHING!!

That's an awesome gif! :lol:
so what if i can't afford 6.3% of my income? I make over 29,000 and have a family of 4. We currently have no coverage and struggle to make payments on all our bills each month.

So tell me how obama care is going to help me come up with 6.3% of my income to pay for insurance please.

tax credits

If a family insurance plan costs $1,256.00 a month, it would be $15,072 a year, paid out of pocket every month. Then at the end of a tax year the government would issue a $4,000.00 credit. There still is a balance of $11,072.00. How is this plan going to cap his out of pocket expense at $1,827.00 or does it need to be applied for? If it is applied for, how long would it take to get the $9,245.00 back? That is a 50% chunk of a paycheck.

Just curious on how this will work.
so what if i can't afford 6.3% of my income? I make over 29,000 and have a family of 4. We currently have no coverage and struggle to make payments on all our bills each month.

So tell me how obama care is going to help me come up with 6.3% of my income to pay for insurance please.

tax credits

If a family insurance plan costs $1,256.00 a month, it would be $15,072 a year, paid out of pocket every month. Then at the end of a tax year the government would issue a $4,000.00 credit. There still is a balance of $11,072.00. How is this plan going to cap his out of pocket expense at $1,827.00 or does it need to be applied for? If it is applied for, how long would it take to get the $9,245.00 back? That is a 50% chunk of a paycheck.

Just curious on how this will work.

As I understand it, the premium (tax) credits go directly to the insurance company. The credit isn't "capped" at $4,000; the premium is capped at a percentage of income and the credit should be whatever the difference is between that and the policy. This will be reflected on your tax return as a credit even though you won't see the money. The interesting problem will arise when you claim an income that falls into the 3% of income credit bracket and then you actually earn more than that. Could be a lot of post-year tax return surprises in store....

The premium credits will be provided as advanceable, refundable federal tax credits ultimately calculated through individual tax returns (although the credit payments will go directly to insurers). The credits can only be obtained by qualifying individuals who file tax returns.
It's not a secret anymore DANTE! WE KNOW EVERYTHING!!

That's an awesome gif! :lol:

It's pretty much how I envision every single Conservative on this board reacting when hit in the face with facts and truth.

I reacted by simply asking you who is going to pay for the increased Medicaid costs that the Federal Government has now imposed on State governments? You ignored that question. So who has a problem with "facts and truth", Conserva?

I'll ask again...how do States pay for the additional Medicaid they will be expected to provide?
That's an awesome gif! :lol:

It's pretty much how I envision every single Conservative on this board reacting when hit in the face with facts and truth.

I reacted by simply asking you who is going to pay for the increased Medicaid costs that the Federal Government has now imposed on State governments? You ignored that question. So who has a problem with "facts and truth", Conserva?

I'll ask again...how do States pay for the additional Medicaid they will be expected to provide?

Oh, you want to know how they'll do that?

They won't have to. The Federal government is going to start picking up 100% of the extra medicaid expenses, and by the time it's fully funded I believe it's like 85-95% of the costs. Let me go and check that and bring you a link that you won't believe and/or read.
Tried to clip it out using their tool and couldn't get it to embed into the forum right. Pretty much though, just watch the clip. Skip to about 3:35, and you'll see that when fully phased in, the Feds are going to pay for 90% of the Medicare costs.

So what's your answer going to be now?

Rachel Maddow Show
That's an awesome gif! :lol:

It's pretty much how I envision every single Conservative on this board reacting when hit in the face with facts and truth.

I reacted by simply asking you who is going to pay for the increased Medicaid costs that the Federal Government has now imposed on State governments? You ignored that question. So who has a problem with "facts and truth", Conserva?

I'll ask again...how do States pay for the additional Medicaid they will be expected to provide?

Here's a fact and truth they haven't discovered yet.

View attachment 19835
Tried to clip it out using their tool and couldn't get it to embed into the forum right. Pretty much though, just watch the clip. Skip to about 3:35, and you'll see that when fully phased in, the Feds are going to pay for 90% of the Medicare costs.

So what's your answer going to be now?

Rachel Maddow Show

Are they going to pay with money that unicorns shit out of their asses? The fed won't pay anything. The poor and middle class will pay for it in taxes to the fed. Nice try though.
Tried to clip it out using their tool and couldn't get it to embed into the forum right. Pretty much though, just watch the clip. Skip to about 3:35, and you'll see that when fully phased in, the Feds are going to pay for 90% of the Medicare costs.

So what's your answer going to be now?

Rachel Maddow Show

Are they going to pay with money that unicorns shit out of their asses? The fed won't pay anything. The poor and middle class will pay for it in taxes to the fed. Nice try though.

You're a fucking idiot. The entire bill is fully funded for at least the first 10 years. Do you understand what fully funded means? Go away Grandma, the relevant people are having a discussion.
It's pretty much how I envision every single Conservative on this board reacting when hit in the face with facts and truth.

I reacted by simply asking you who is going to pay for the increased Medicaid costs that the Federal Government has now imposed on State governments? You ignored that question. So who has a problem with "facts and truth", Conserva?

I'll ask again...how do States pay for the additional Medicaid they will be expected to provide?

Here's a fact and truth they haven't discovered yet.

View attachment 19835

Yes, we all thought it was free.

Goddamn, shut the fuck up.
Tried to clip it out using their tool and couldn't get it to embed into the forum right. Pretty much though, just watch the clip. Skip to about 3:35, and you'll see that when fully phased in, the Feds are going to pay for 90% of the Medicare costs.

So what's your answer going to be now?

Rachel Maddow Show

Are they going to pay with money that unicorns shit out of their asses? The fed won't pay anything. The poor and middle class will pay for it in taxes to the fed. Nice try though.

You're a fucking idiot. The entire bill is fully funded for at least the first 10 years. Do you understand what fully funded means? Go away Grandma, the relevant people are having a discussion.

Why yes, yes I do. It means the government will be taking even more in taxes to fund these programs. Well, it will cost conservatives more in taxes since we don't have money shitting unicorns in ourt backyard like liberals do. :cuckoo:
I reacted by simply asking you who is going to pay for the increased Medicaid costs that the Federal Government has now imposed on State governments? You ignored that question. So who has a problem with "facts and truth", Conserva?

I'll ask again...how do States pay for the additional Medicaid they will be expected to provide?

Here's a fact and truth they haven't discovered yet.

View attachment 19835

Yes, we all thought it was free.

Goddamn, shut the fuck up.

Isn't it your nap time pee wee? Have your mom change your diaper, you're far to cranky.
Are they going to pay with money that unicorns shit out of their asses? The fed won't pay anything. The poor and middle class will pay for it in taxes to the fed. Nice try though.

You're a fucking idiot. The entire bill is fully funded for at least the first 10 years. Do you understand what fully funded means? Go away Grandma, the relevant people are having a discussion.

Why yes, yes I do. It means the government will be taking even more in taxes to fund these programs. Well, it will cost conservatives more in taxes since we don't have money shitting unicorns in ourt backyard like liberals do. :cuckoo:

Oh, so we're back to square one about you not understanding how the bill works then. Gotcha.
You're a fucking idiot. The entire bill is fully funded for at least the first 10 years. Do you understand what fully funded means? Go away Grandma, the relevant people are having a discussion.

Why yes, yes I do. It means the government will be taking even more in taxes to fund these programs. Well, it will cost conservatives more in taxes since we don't have money shitting unicorns in ourt backyard like liberals do. :cuckoo:

Oh, so we're back to square one about you not understanding how the bill works then. Gotcha.

No Mr. Obama Apologist, I know exactly how this new social program works.......but keep carrying that water and selling that soap. You're a damn fine sheeple.
Tried to clip it out using their tool and couldn't get it to embed into the forum right. Pretty much though, just watch the clip. Skip to about 3:35, and you'll see that when fully phased in, the Feds are going to pay for 90% of the Medicare costs.

So what's your answer going to be now?

Rachel Maddow Show

Are they going to pay with money that unicorns shit out of their asses? The fed won't pay anything. The poor and middle class will pay for it in taxes to the fed. Nice try though.

You're a fucking idiot. The entire bill is fully funded for at least the first 10 years. Do you understand what fully funded means? Go away Grandma, the relevant people are having a discussion.

Texas estimates their share of the expansion of Medicare under ACA will cost close to $10 billion over 10 years, despite the ultimate 90% federal funding. That money will have to come from somewhere. The majority of their state revenue comes from sales taxes, a very regressive tax that falls most heavily on the poor and middle classes. I don't know if there are enough rich people to tax in Texas to fund a $10 billion mandate.
Are they going to pay with money that unicorns shit out of their asses? The fed won't pay anything. The poor and middle class will pay for it in taxes to the fed. Nice try though.

You're a fucking idiot. The entire bill is fully funded for at least the first 10 years. Do you understand what fully funded means? Go away Grandma, the relevant people are having a discussion.

Texas estimates their share of the expansion of Medicare under ACA will cost close to $10 billion over 10 years, despite the ultimate 90% federal funding. That money will have to come from somewhere. The majority of their state revenue comes from sales taxes, a very regressive tax that falls most heavily on the poor and middle classes. I don't know if there are enough rich people to tax in Texas to fund a $10 billion mandate.

Then maybe Texas should have thought about that before they set up their infrastructure to have just 23% of its people covered by medical insurance, huh? I wonder, also, how many oil subsidies poor into that state?

Just saying, there are ways to get around a massive boom in Medicare expenses, and for the first THREE years, it's 100% covered by the Feds. So are you telling me in three years Texas law makers are too fucking stupid to-

Oh I get it now.
Why yes, yes I do. It means the government will be taking even more in taxes to fund these programs. Well, it will cost conservatives more in taxes since we don't have money shitting unicorns in ourt backyard like liberals do. :cuckoo:

Oh, so we're back to square one about you not understanding how the bill works then. Gotcha.

No Mr. Obama Apologist, I know exactly how this new social program works.......but keep carrying that water and selling that soap. You're a damn fine sheeple.

Who's apologizing, Leatherface? Not me. I fucking LOVE the ACA, and can't wait until it's tweaked and added to so we have actual single-payer as an option too. I'm a proud Liberal, motherfucker, no need to 'pologize. Shiiiiiiiiiit.
11 facts about the Affordable Care Act

I love Ezra Klein (insert shouts of "hater," "hack" and "liar).

This list is brilliant and carries some very important facts with it. Some of which dispels the "OH MY GOD WE'RE ALL GONNA GET TAXED OUT OF EXISTENCE!" hysteria that the Right Wing Media and posters here are all falling victim to.

This bill is far from perfect, but the benefits far outstrip the negatives. In 10 years, all you crusty old fucks will be standing out on the steps of City Hall with signs that read, "DON'T TAKE MAH OBAMMACURE!"

"How will this help me afford health care, if I'm so broke already? I'll get taxed for not being to afford it in the first place!!"
2. Families making less than 133 percent of the poverty line — that’s about $29,000 for a family of four — will be covered through Medicaid. Between 133 percent and 400 percent of the poverty line — $88,000 for a family of four – families will get tax credits on a sliding scale to help pay for private insurance.

3.For families making less than 400 percent of the poverty line, premiums are capped. So, between 150% and 200% of the poverty line, for instance, families won’t have to pay more than 6.3 percent of their income in premiums. Between 300 percent and 400 percent, they won’t have to pay more than 9.5 percent. This calculator from the Kaiser Family Foundation will let you see the subsidies and the caps for different families at different income levels.

"It's massive tax increase on the Middle Class!"
4. When the individual mandate is fully phased-in, those who can afford coverage — which is defined as insurance costing less than 8 percent of their annual income — but choose to forgo it will have to pay either $695 or 2.5 percent of the annual income, whichever is greater.

"It'll cripple small businesses!"

"All my money is going to get taken away from some medical insurance company's CEO bonus!"

"It'll bankrupt the country!!!"
The law is expected to spend a bit over $1 trillion in the next 10 years. The law’s spending cuts — many of which fall on Medicare — and tax increases are expected to either save or raise a bit more than that, which is why the Congressional Budget Office estimates that it will slightly reduce the deficit. (There’s been some confusion on this point lately, but no, the CBO has not changed its mind about this.) As time goes on, the savings are projected to grow more quickly than the spending, and CBO expects that the law will cut the deficit by around a trillion dollars in its second decade. Here’s its graph, which covers the period between 2012 and 2021:

"Health care costs are spiraling out of control and this law does NOTHING to prevent that!"
10. In recent years, health-care costs have slowed dramatically. Much of this is likely due to the recession. Some of it may just be chance. But there’s also evidence that the law has accelerated changes in the way the medical system delivers care, as providers prepare for the law’s efforts to move from fee-for-service to quality-based payments.

Hate site!

Those will be the responses. But now at least there's a CHANCE you ignorant fucks will educate yourself.

Fact 12: the Healthcare Cases ruling will drive Krazycons even more crazy, however difficult that may be to believe.

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