11 missing passenger jets in Libya

There were 33 Ryder trucks, rented by people with Islamic names never returned after 9-11. Explosives from companies that level commercial buildings were also stolen. Al Queada instructional manuals found in no mans land between Mexico and USA.
I'm thinking my daughter should leave Queens NY on 9/11 and come stay with me.

I'm thinking my daughter should leave Queens NY on 9/11 and come stay with me.

What I gather from several news sources, the attacks would be across the pond. As previous poster said, they would never make it over here.
But, if they did, we would shoot them down. Thus what i said earlier, "what goes up must come down"
Other than this All Africa site, which is not African, there are no legitimate news sources for this story. It was apparantly manufactured by ( or for) a right wing trash blog called Washington Free Beacon. The Free Beacon is a repository of far right wing nuttery, where paranoia, xenophobia and fearmongering find fertile ground.

When a real news source shows up, I'll take it seriously. Until then, I'll file of right next to other sensationalist and baseless rigth wing fictions (illegal immigrants bring ebola to US, ISIS crossign the Rio Grande, etc).

From your own link:

"All this means that the threat of an 11 September 2001-style attack is probably not credible. However, the reports of Algerian and Moroccan military alerts and air defence battery deployments do signal an increased risk of shootdown of unidentified aircraft that have come from Libyan airspace.
Goodlatte Gowdy Chaffetz Blast Administration s Policy Change Allowing Libyan Pilots and Nuclear Scientists to Train in U.S. - Press Releases - Judiciary Committee

Well, let's hope it's not true. They have posted some pics which show them at the airport with planes.
And this came out on the 11th of Aug-
Washington, D.C. – The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) recently approved a final regulation to lift a longstanding prohibition on Libyans coming to the U.S. to attend flight school, to work in aviation maintenance or flight operations, or to study or seek training in nuclear science. The final regulation has been approved by OMB and can be signed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Jeh Johnson.
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if true this is scary, At some point the fight is coming back to us no matter how much we try to deny it

Free Beacon Islamists Take 11 Commercial Jets from Libya - The Roger Hedgecock Show - Talk Radio

This is such bull shit!

Obama and Hillary see to it that Qaddafi is removed from leading Libya and what happens? Chaos is what happens and now radical Islamists are controlling much of Libya..to say nothing of the four dead Americans in Benghazi.

W invades Iraq to remove Saddam and what happens? Chaos...with radical Islamists murdering and torturing their way through Iraq.

Obama pushes through a coup in Ukraine, overthrowing an elected president and what happens? Chaos with lots of killing and the potential for confrontation with a nuclear power. Now he has imposed sanctions on Russia, which is an act of war and put boots on the ground in Ukraine.

When are Americans going to wake the F**K up and realize that our political leadership is a bunch of murderous fools?

From your own link:

"All this means that the threat of an 11 September 2001-style attack is probably not credible. However, the reports of Algerian and Moroccan military alerts and air defence battery deployments do signal an increased risk of shootdown of unidentified aircraft that have come from Libyan airspace.

Hence my sadness at the lack of an aeroplane landing on nuttyyarhoo's head.

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