11 Year Old Girl Is Pregnant, Sparks Abortion Debate

This can be simply resolved. All pregnancies are presumed to be intended. If a woman or a girl if under age claims the pregnancy is the result of rape she has to give up the rapist. Or the abortion provider has to both give up the rapist and a dna sample of the aborted fetus so the rapist can be identified.

What is it that this will resolve? It doesn't resolve the problem of a child whose doctors say she is at risk of dying not being able to get the medical care she needs.

In this case the rapist was identified.

In general, I would ask you who you are to tell a rape victim what she has to do. In many if not most countries an 11-year-old who is pregnant is by definition a rape victim and the child shouldn't be forced to say any more than she is ready to handle.

Again, that is moot in this case. The rapist is known.

If the rapist is known prosecuting him for the murder of the unborn child should be easy. Ariel Castro is charged with the murders of five unborn children. Amanda Berry was forced to have a baby conceived by rape. Should this six year old be executed?
Doctors say the girl, who is 14 weeks pregnant, is at high risk if the pregnancy continues. In other words, she could die, because her body is not developed enough to carry a fetus to term. But abortions in her home country of Chile are not permitted for medical reasons.

Clearly this is a medical reason. We have a small child, who became pregnant after she was raped by her mothers partner, and the law doesn't allow her to have a termination, despite the fact the risk to both fetus and child/mother are high:

THE case of a pregnant 11-year old girl who was raped in Chile by her mother's partner has set off a national debate about abortion.

State TV reported that the girl known only as "Belen'' is 14 weeks pregnant. Police arrested her mother's partner who confessed to abusing the fifth grader. Doctors say her life and that of the fetus are at high risk. But ending the pregnancy is not an option.

Chile allowed abortions for medical reasons until they were outlawed in 1973 by General Augusto Pinochet's dictatorship. The current government of conservative President Sebastian Pinera has opposed any loosening of the prohibition.

Many Chileans were venting outrage on social media on Friday. Some have started an online campaign to demand legalisation of abortion in cases of rape or health risks for mother.

Chile's Senate rejected three bills last year that would have eased the absolute ban on abortions.

One of the bills would have permitted abortion when two doctors said it was needed because of risks to a mother's life or other medical reasons, such as a fetus with low chances of survival.

Another of the measures rejected would have allowed abortion in the event of rape.

Read more: Pregnant child, 11, sparks abortion debate in Chile | News.com.au

Abortion is not even allowed in cases of rape. Its a total blanket ban, which is completely wrong.

My view - a child should not be having a child. She is 11 years old, she has been raped and abused by someone who should have been caring for her, she should have a termination in order to protect her health, and her life.


It sure beats 14 year old children being driven to abortion clinics without parental notification so that the abuser never gets caught I suppose. That way monsters like Gosnell can get rich of them.
I've looked up this story, and its very vague. "Doctors say she is at risk" but don't give any details. So, we dont really know how dangerous carrying will be, and we dont know if she wants to abort or not. Although Im not even sure if a child this young is capable of deciding on issues like this.

I think it's barbaric to have a blanket ban on abortions. Health of the mother should always be priority, and I hope that even those arguing against abortion in this case would agree that if the pregnancy poses a serious danger to her health than she should be allowed to save herself by terminating.
And what about the mental and emotional damage by encouraging killing a woman's child?

Life sux. Not the kids fault.

You're right. The kid should be carried to term. :thup:

I believe in this case, there is a serious question if "carrying to term" is possible, or if the little girl and fetus can even survive that outcome.

If doctors are saying there is a good chance that the little girl will die or be seriously harmed, then I hope all the petitions and outrage this story has sparked gets her the abortion she needs. Or at the very least, I hope she can travel somewhere that will provide it.
Life sux. Not the kids fault.

You're right. The kid should be carried to term. :thup:

I believe in this case, there is a serious question if "carrying to term" is possible, or if the little girl and fetus can even survive that outcome.

If doctors are saying there is a good chance that the little girl will die or be seriously harmed, then I hope all the petitions and outrage this story has sparked gets her the abortion she needs. Or at the very least, I hope she can travel somewhere that will provide it.

Looking at the other end of the age spectrum, when is a grown woman's pregnancy considered "at risk"? 30 - 40 - even 50 years old? Medicine today is advanced enough to protect both that child and her child.

Doctors can be wrong- even the best. Mrs. H. got pregnant at 40, and we were told by the doctor observing the first ultrasound that there were strong indications that our child would be born with Down's Syndrome.

His advice? "Go down to the coffee shop and discuss your options".

So we did just that. We were stunned. And heartbroken.

The first words out of my Liberal man-hating eco-Nazi wife's mouth were....

...you take what life gives you.

And this is what life gave us. She's on the right:


I love my second perfectly healthy un-aborted baby. Yeah, there's another. But I'll save that for another time... and another bottle. :beer:
Its an 11 year old CHILD who never had a choice as to whether she became pregnant. This has nothing to do with convenience.
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You're right. The kid should be carried to term. :thup:

I believe in this case, there is a serious question if "carrying to term" is possible, or if the little girl and fetus can even survive that outcome.

If doctors are saying there is a good chance that the little girl will die or be seriously harmed, then I hope all the petitions and outrage this story has sparked gets her the abortion she needs. Or at the very least, I hope she can travel somewhere that will provide it.

Looking at the other end of the age spectrum, when is a grown woman's pregnancy considered "at risk"? 30 - 40 - even 50 years old? Medicine today is advanced enough to protect both that child and her child.

Doctors can be wrong- even the best. Mrs. H. got pregnant at 40, and we were told by the doctor observing the first ultrasound that there were strong indications that our child would be born with Down's Syndrome.

His advice? "Go down to the coffee shop and discuss your options".

So we did just that. We were stunned. And heartbroken.

The first words out of my Liberal man-hating eco-Nazi wife's mouth were....

...you take what life gives you.

And this is what life gave us. She's on the right:


I love my second perfectly healthy un-aborted baby. Yeah, there's another. But I'll save that for another time... and another bottle. :beer:

Your wife was 40, this is a child of 11. Its hardly the same thing.

And I did not know your daughter was a ballet? dancer? It looks like ballet - what is she, in some kind of performance?
I believe in this case, there is a serious question if "carrying to term" is possible, or if the little girl and fetus can even survive that outcome.

If doctors are saying there is a good chance that the little girl will die or be seriously harmed, then I hope all the petitions and outrage this story has sparked gets her the abortion she needs. Or at the very least, I hope she can travel somewhere that will provide it.

Looking at the other end of the age spectrum, when is a grown woman's pregnancy considered "at risk"? 30 - 40 - even 50 years old? Medicine today is advanced enough to protect both that child and her child.

Doctors can be wrong- even the best. Mrs. H. got pregnant at 40, and we were told by the doctor observing the first ultrasound that there were strong indications that our child would be born with Down's Syndrome.

His advice? "Go down to the coffee shop and discuss your options".

So we did just that. We were stunned. And heartbroken.

The first words out of my Liberal man-hating eco-Nazi wife's mouth were....

...you take what life gives you.

And this is what life gave us. She's on the right:


I love my second perfectly healthy un-aborted baby. Yeah, there's another. But I'll save that for another time... and another bottle. :beer:

Your wife was 40, this is a child of 11. Its hardly the same thing.

And I did not know your daughter was a ballet? dancer? It looks like ballet - what is she, in some kind of performance?

She's in an un-aborted state. Thanks for asking. :thup:
"Looking at the other end of the age spectrum, when is a grown woman's pregnancy considered "at risk"? 30 - 40 - even 50 years old? Medicine today is advanced enough to protect both that child and her child."

But appparantly not Palin's accidental child, which was born when she was 40 or over. Any doctor could have told her that the risk of Down's Sydrome was astronomical, campared with a mother in her twenties or early 30's. But as she told us while dragging the kid from one campaign speech to another, "The world needs MORE children like mine!"
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They only have compassion for the unborn.
That's bullshit and you know it. Of course, the health of the mother should come first, but the child's life should not be sacrificed because the mother doesn't want to be inconvenienced with a pregnancy that was a result of her own responsibility. Stop making ridiculous blanket statements you know are not true.

Its an 11 year old CHILD who never had a choice as to whether she became pregnant. This has nothing to do with convenience.
Sorry, noomi. I didn't make myself very clear. I wasn't referring to the 11 year old child, I was referring to the many millions of abortions performed for reasons of convenience. I don't disagree with you on this one. Having said that, I don't think this one incident should be used to open the flood gates to abortion on demand at any point in the pregnancy. XXXXXXX
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I'm still wondering how an 11 (or 12 year old) can have any idea as to how to raise a kid?

She was raped. Let her get the abortion so she can live a (semi) normal life.

Does she really need to have the kid to prove the point of a bunch of men?
You're right. The kid should be carried to term. :thup:

I believe in this case, there is a serious question if "carrying to term" is possible, or if the little girl and fetus can even survive that outcome.

If doctors are saying there is a good chance that the little girl will die or be seriously harmed, then I hope all the petitions and outrage this story has sparked gets her the abortion she needs. Or at the very least, I hope she can travel somewhere that will provide it.

Looking at the other end of the age spectrum, when is a grown woman's pregnancy considered "at risk"? 30 - 40 - even 50 years old? Medicine today is advanced enough to protect both that child and her child.

Doctors can be wrong- even the best. Mrs. H. got pregnant at 40, and we were told by the doctor observing the first ultrasound that there were strong indications that our child would be born with Down's Syndrome.

His advice? "Go down to the coffee shop and discuss your options".

So we did just that. We were stunned. And heartbroken.

The first words out of my Liberal man-hating eco-Nazi wife's mouth were....

...you take what life gives you.

And this is what life gave us. She's on the right:


I love my second perfectly healthy un-aborted baby. Yeah, there's another. But I'll save that for another time... and another bottle. :beer:

Yes, doctors can be wrong. I'm happy that was the case for you and your wife.

However, shouldn't this little girl have the choice? Demanding that she risk her life to attempt to carry a fetus she may not even want seems wrong to me. Again, the details of this case are vague, but going under the assumption that doctors are saying she may die, or damage her body(perhaps forfeit the chance to have more children in the future) than she should be allowed to decide if this fetus is worth the risk to herself.
Tim Tebow's mother was advised to get an abortion. Justin Beiber's mother was pressured into having an abortion. Both women resisted. Elaine Tebow resisted out of religious conviction. Pattie Mallette read a book about Mozart and learned that his mother was pressured into having an abortion in her day and chose to be a single mother. Mallette decided that had Mozart been aborted, the world would not be better off.
Tim Tebow's mother was advised to get an abortion. Justin Beiber's mother was pressured into having an abortion. Both women resisted. Elaine Tebow resisted out of religious conviction. Pattie Mallette read a book about Mozart and learned that his mother was pressured into having an abortion in her day and chose to be a single mother. Mallette decided that had Mozart been aborted, the world would not be better off.

Both women resisted. Key factor there. They were women.

If the 11-year-old little girl resists an abortion on her own, then that matters.

If the 11-year-old girl is forced to carry the pregnancy to term despite the advice of her doctors, that is a travesty.
Are we just listing random abortion stories now? I sort of thought this thread was about a little girl who was repeatedly raped and now may die if not granted an abortion.
I am concerned about an 11 year old girl who was raped, and who may be physically and mentally ruined because of this pregnancy. My concern is not with the fetus.

I did some quick Googling and it appears this girl has little reason to be concerned, since childbirth at such a young age is well documented. And with today's medical achievements, her child is most certainly viable at any stage.

So why would you like to see this baby killed?

i do not think anyone said they would like to see the baby killed, least of all noomi.

sometimes, very hard choices need to be made, but i do not think this a choice of convenience. no, this is not a question of convenience.

Noomi thinks a woman (of any age) should be able to have an abortion for any reason right up to the time of birth. Ask her.....
There are extremes on both sides. Considering the girl in this story lives in a country that has a blanket ban on abortion, and makes no exception for the life of the mother, I'd think that's obvious.
The 11 year old girl says she wants to have the baby.
She does not know anything at all bout what it will be like.
She says "It will be like having a doll in my arms".
This little 11 yr. old thinks that having this baby will be like having a living baby doll.
They really do need to change their laws on abortion for rape, incest or for health reasons.

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