11 Year Old Girl Is Pregnant, Sparks Abortion Debate

All 3 of my pregnancies were deemed 'high risk.' The last 26 years ago. All three are fine, married, and university graduates. Two are 'gifted' IQ wise, let's not get into commonsense.

I've seen nothing that would lead me to believe this girl, and she is only a girl, is in a life-threatening position. If someone can show that she's less than 80 pounds, I'd reconsider my position.

While personally I think that rape is one of the few reasons to terminate, it should be very early in pregnancy. Yes, 'health of the mother' too is a reason, but not a blanket reason. As indicated, if she's too developmentally small to sustain a pregnancy, I'd go with that. Truth is that girls are reaching puberty in 3rd and 4th grades now, at least in US.

i think your attitude would be different were you 11 y.o. and the victim of a rape.

It's rape because she's 11. Otherwise, it's a consensual sexual relationship with her 17 year old boyfriend. He's under 18. Just a child himself. It's not rape according to those who think that rape shouldn't be rape if both are under aged boyfriend and girlfriend.

Agree! And, have you seen SOME 11-12 yr olds??? I think it was America's Got Talent (love that show!)...there was a girl and her brother that sang, she said she was 12 yrs old and my jaw dropped! She looked and was built like at least a 17 or 18 yr old!
So lets recap, we have an 11 year old girl who was raped by her mothers boyfriend over a 2 year period. Her mother is a disgusting twat who insists its the little girls fault because she wanted it. Doctors are saying her life is at risk, but the little girl now says she doesn't want to abort because it'll be just like having "a living doll".

And she's still stuck in a country that doesn't allow her to make the decision anyway.
i think your attitude would be different were you 11 y.o. and the victim of a rape.

It's rape because she's 11. Otherwise, it's a consensual sexual relationship with her 17 year old boyfriend. He's under 18. Just a child himself. It's not rape according to those who think that rape shouldn't be rape if both are under aged boyfriend and girlfriend.

Agree! And, have you seen SOME 11-12 yr olds??? I think it was America's Got Talent (love that show!)...there was a girl and her brother that sang, she said she was 12 yrs old and my jaw dropped! She looked and was built like at least a 17 or 18 yr old!

You and Katz are right, I'm sure when she was 9 she was desperate to get into her mothers boyfriends pants. And she probably didn't "look" 9, so that makes it ok.


You should both be ashamed.
Tim Tebow's mother was advised to get an abortion. Justin Beiber's mother was pressured into having an abortion. Both women resisted. Elaine Tebow resisted out of religious conviction. Pattie Mallette read a book about Mozart and learned that his mother was pressured into having an abortion in her day and chose to be a single mother. Mallette decided that had Mozart been aborted, the world would not be better off.

Both women resisted. Key factor there. They were women.

If the 11-year-old little girl resists an abortion on her own, then that matters.

If the 11-year-old girl is forced to carry the pregnancy to term despite the advice of her doctors, that is a travesty.

If this 11 year old girl moseyed on into the local drug store to buy plan b, she'd be a woman.
I'm not saying this child should have an abortion, or shouldn't. Merely pointing out the very clear confusion of the left in thinking that abortion is not an answer, it is the ONLY answer.
Tim Tebow's mother was advised to get an abortion. Justin Beiber's mother was pressured into having an abortion. Both women resisted. Elaine Tebow resisted out of religious conviction. Pattie Mallette read a book about Mozart and learned that his mother was pressured into having an abortion in her day and chose to be a single mother. Mallette decided that had Mozart been aborted, the world would not be better off.
and had the mother's of Attila The Hun, Adolph Hitler, and Joseph Stalin had an abortion the world would have been a lot better off.
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I'm not saying this child should have an abortion, or shouldn't. Merely pointing out the very clear confusion of the left in thinking that abortion is not an answer, it is the ONLY answer.

For an 11 year old girl, it should be.
Tim Tebow's mother was advised to get an abortion. Justin Beiber's mother was pressured into having an abortion. Both women resisted. Elaine Tebow resisted out of religious conviction. Pattie Mallette read a book about Mozart and learned that his mother was pressured into having an abortion in her day and chose to be a single mother. Mallette decided that had Mozart been aborted, the world would not be better off.

Ever notice the age difference between the women you've cited as examples, and the little girl that was raped?

Would Tebow's mother have carried him to full term if she were 11, and told that she could die by carrying him to term?

How about Bieber's mom? Would she have been comfortable carrying him to term if she were 11 as well?

Sorry, but your example is nothing more than a very weak strawman.
I'm not saying this child should have an abortion, or shouldn't. Merely pointing out the very clear confusion of the left in thinking that abortion is not an answer, it is the ONLY answer.

For an 11 year old girl, it should be.
It is worthy to point out at this juncture that some on the left here are no longer arguing for free choice. It apparently, to the poster above at least, is NOT the woman’s decision. Rather, the abortion should be mandatory.

What really sickens me here is that you some don’t even realize that there is little difference in the two positions. Forcing the girl to have her child is no different or more horrific than forcing her to have the abortion.

For all that talk about ‘woman’s right to choose’ there are certainly a few here who would take that right away in a hurry as long as it involves an abortion.
Yes, it is horrific to force a woman to have an abortion, and horrific to force her to carry to term but this is a child, and what is in the child's best interests here?
Yes, it is horrific to force a woman to have an abortion, and horrific to force her to carry to term but this is a child, and what is in the child's best interests here?

To allow here a modicum of decency and not tear her rights over her own body by letting her have then option if she want to kill a living person in her body or carry an outcome of rape for 9 months; giving birth to a child.

I thought that was simple. For those of you that push a woman’s right, this should be a given. Taking the position you have belittles the position you claim to have. Essentially, women should have the right as long as YOU think it is okay and then as soon as you find a situation, BAM, you think taking that away and forcing an abortion is hunky dory.

It is also interesting that you have decided that the ONE place that you are willing to remove a woman’s right over her body, you have made the decision to abort. This might be one of those rare times when we have located an actual pro-abortion stance rather than a pro-choice one.
If an 11 year old girl is a child, she should not be considered a woman for purposes of buying her own birth control, like over the counter Plan B. 11 year old girls are children whose parents know what they are doing and make decisions for them, or they make the decisions that liberals decide for them.

Liberals are all abortion all the time. The best interests of the child only go so far, and that's as far as having an abortion.
Do they even sell plan B in Chile?

Why are you obsessed with trying to make this little girl seem like an adult Katz?:confused:
Do they even sell plan B in Chile?

Why are you obsessed with trying to make this little girl seem like an adult Katz?:confused:

Because to libtards an 11 year old girl is a child or a woman depending on how libtards feel about what she's doing. Sometimes its a child, but when parents want to exercise authority she's a woman able to make her own decisions.

This is Chile, another country. A country that passes its own laws according to what that country finds best for their citizens. Yet, libtards want to impose their murderous views on the whole world, no matter HOW the people in that country feel. Chileans elected their government. If they don't like it, it's not up to American libtards to change it.
An 11 year old is always a child, however every situation is different. Typically a child this young would never be allowed to make medical decisions, but in the US she can decide to risk her life and have this child, and in some states she can decide to abort.

This story has caused a huge backlash in Chile, and many want to amend the laws to allow women to have life saving abortions when needed. You're right, ultimately its up to the people of Chile to decide to get rid of such a terrible ban, but that doesn't stop the rest of us from commenting on how awful the law there is.
An 11 year old is always a child, however every situation is different. Typically a child this young would never be allowed to make medical decisions, but in the US she can decide to risk her life and have this child, and in some states she can decide to abort.

This story has caused a huge backlash in Chile, and many want to amend the laws to allow women to have life saving abortions when needed. You're right, ultimately its up to the people of Chile to decide to get rid of such a terrible ban, but that doesn't stop the rest of us from commenting on how awful the law there is.

11 year old female children in this country make medical decisions all the time. They decide to have sex and get pregnant, planned parenthood provides cover for them and their rapists by concealing the rape and never telling parents what their daughter is doing. They can buy their own birth control, once the rapist gives them the money.

Now all of a sudden an 11 year old is a child and cannot make these decisions for themselves. Therefore an overbearing and overreaching government must decide for that child to have an abortion.
Oh stop it:rolleyes:

You're argument is completely ridiculous and has no basis in the OP at all. Stop trying to make this little girl into something she's not. This isn't about someone who choose to have sex or someone who purchased birth control. I don't care how "old" you think she may look.

You are tossing up nonsense statements in an attempt to avoid the argument. Women in Chile don't get a choice. This little girl doesn't have a choice. She didn't choose to be raped, she didn't choose to have a disgusting mother, and she doesn't get to choose what happens with her pregnancy at this point.

In Chile, women are not allowed to have an abortion to save their life.
Oh stop it:rolleyes:

You're argument is completely ridiculous and has no basis in the OP at all. Stop trying to make this little girl into something she's not. This isn't about someone who choose to have sex or someone who purchased birth control. I don't care how "old" you think she may look.

You are tossing up nonsense statements in an attempt to avoid the argument. Women in Chile don't get a choice. This little girl doesn't have a choice. She didn't choose to be raped, she didn't choose to have a disgusting mother, and she doesn't get to choose what happens with her pregnancy at this point.

In Chile, women are not allowed to have an abortion to save their life.

Do you know for a fact that this wasn't consensual sex and therefore the rape was merely stautory?
Oh stop it:rolleyes:

You're argument is completely ridiculous and has no basis in the OP at all. Stop trying to make this little girl into something she's not. This isn't about someone who choose to have sex or someone who purchased birth control. I don't care how "old" you think she may look.

You are tossing up nonsense statements in an attempt to avoid the argument. Women in Chile don't get a choice. This little girl doesn't have a choice. She didn't choose to be raped, she didn't choose to have a disgusting mother, and she doesn't get to choose what happens with her pregnancy at this point.

In Chile, women are not allowed to have an abortion to save their life.

Do you know for a fact that this wasn't consensual sex and therefore the rape was merely stautory?

The man confessed to raping her repeatedly over a 2 year period, starting when she was 9.

And I really wish i could neg you for such a disgusting question.
Oh stop it:rolleyes:

You're argument is completely ridiculous and has no basis in the OP at all. Stop trying to make this little girl into something she's not. This isn't about someone who choose to have sex or someone who purchased birth control. I don't care how "old" you think she may look.

You are tossing up nonsense statements in an attempt to avoid the argument. Women in Chile don't get a choice. This little girl doesn't have a choice. She didn't choose to be raped, she didn't choose to have a disgusting mother, and she doesn't get to choose what happens with her pregnancy at this point.

In Chile, women are not allowed to have an abortion to save their life.

Do you know for a fact that this wasn't consensual sex and therefore the rape was merely stautory?

The mad confessed to raping her repeatedly over a 2 year period, starting when she was 9.

And I really wish i could neg you for such a disgusting question.

Unless you know for sure that it wasn't consensual but under age sex, it was an ordinary question.

Kaitlyn Hunt raped her victim too. Would you like to see that rapist punished?

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