11 Year Old Girl Is Pregnant, Sparks Abortion Debate

So, you dispute the OP, in which doctors are saying her life and health are at risk?

Seems kind of odd to wait 13 pages to question the OP... o_O

Yes, the "doctors" are abortionists and speaking in general, not specific terms. Again, the fact is that 11 year olds have babies every single day in South America. This girl, who will be 12 by the time the baby is born, is at no greater risk than her peers.

Oh, and I noted the OP was propaganda from the git go. Rape in Chile at least makes the news - in Brazil it sure wouldn't.
Even if you question the doctors who are saying how dangerous this pregnancy might be for the little girl, it still doesn't change the fact that Chile does no allow abortions, even to save the life of the mother.

You keep saying "abortionist" are pushing this story, but this is a huge story in Chile, and it has the people of Chile riled up. The fact is, the majority of Chileans think abortion should be legal for the health of the mother, and hopefully this story will be the catalyst for change there.
Well I suppose they could eventually do a C-section.

After she dies? It's not necessarily about her being able to deliver vaginally, it may have to do with carrying the baby. Why is a fetus more important than an 11 year old innocent girl-child?
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Even if you question the doctors who are saying how dangerous this pregnancy might be for the little girl, it still doesn't change the fact that Chile does no allow abortions, even to save the life of the mother.

You keep saying "abortionist" are pushing this story, but this is a huge story in Chile, and it has the people of Chile riled up. The fact is, the majority of Chileans think abortion should be legal for the health of the mother, and hopefully this story will be the catalyst for change there.

I shudder to think that Republicans/conservatives would have the US have laws the same as in Chile. Hard to understand how one can have more compassion for a "fetus" than for an innocent 11 year old girl.
Well I suppose they could eventually do a C-section.

After she dies? It's not necessarily about her being able to deliver vaginally, it may have to do with carrying the baby. Why is a fetus more important than an 11 year old innocent girl-child?

Who said this kid is going to die?
One thing's for sure, her baby will if you had your way. Her baby is just as innocent.
They are all innocents. Every aborted one of them.
Well I suppose they could eventually do a C-section.

After she dies? It's not necessarily about her being able to deliver vaginally, it may have to do with carrying the baby. Why is a fetus more important than an 11 year old innocent girl-child?

Who said this kid is going to die?
There is plenty of risk. Sure there have been cases where it has happened, but would you allow your 11 year old daughter to go through something so risky? That pro-lifers are so non-chalant about 10/11 year olds giving birth is beyond belief. For someone to be so concerned over a fetus and risk the life of an 11 year old is insane.

A 10-year-old girl in Colombia recently gave birth via caesarian section, placing her among the youngest mothers in the world. Though the girl is now recovering, her case highlights the dangers of pregnancy before maturity, doctors say.

"No 10-year-old anywhere in the world should be having a baby," Lewis Wall, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, told LiveScience.

Why 10-Year-Olds Shouldn't Give Birth | Pregnancy & Health | LiveScience

One thing's for sure, her baby will if you had your way. Her baby is just as innocent.
They are all innocents. Every aborted one of them.
Her baby? She was raped by a monster who has no respect for children and you are calling it "her baby"? So, go ahead and let her risk her life, after all the fetus is so much more important than her, and then after it is born it can be denied Obamacare and Welfare, since obviously an 11 year old is in no position to go out and work to support it. Brilliant thinking.
Sure there have been cases where it has happened, but would you allow your 11 year old daughter to go through something so risky?

We have.

We were told there were strong indications that our daughter would be born with Down's Syndrome. Then we were matter-of-factly advised to go down to the coffee shop "and discuss our options".

She'll be 18 in September. Perfectly healthy, smart as a tack, and a talented dancer.
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Sure there have been cases where it has happened, but would you allow your 11 year old daughter to go through something so risky?

We have.

We were told there were strong indications that our daughter would be born with Down's Syndrome. Then we were matter-of-factly advised to go down to the coffee shop "and discuss our options".

She'll be 18 in September. Perfectly healthy, smart as a tack, and a talented dancer.

Your wife was not a child when she became pregnant, Mr. H. You know that is not the same thing.
Sure there have been cases where it has happened, but would you allow your 11 year old daughter to go through something so risky?

We have.

We were told there were strong indications that our daughter would be born with Down's Syndrome. Then we were matter-of-factly advised to go down to the coffee shop "and discuss our options".

She'll be 18 in September. Perfectly healthy, smart as a tack, and a talented dancer.

Your wife was not a child when she became pregnant, Mr. H. You know that is not the same thing.

Yes, ma'am. Whatever you say, ma'am. :)
Sure there have been cases where it has happened, but would you allow your 11 year old daughter to go through something so risky?

We have.

We were told there were strong indications that our daughter would be born with Down's Syndrome. Then we were matter-of-factly advised to go down to the coffee shop "and discuss our options".

She'll be 18 in September. Perfectly healthy, smart as a tack, and a talented dancer.

Your wife was not a child when she became pregnant, Mr. H. You know that is not the same thing.

You weren't in that hospital coffee shop contemplating the life of your child, your own future as a parent, or the emotional financial and societal burdens that lay ahead.

And you weren't me, sitting across the table from a Liberal feminist man-hating eco-nazi.

So I stay silent, hoping she would make the first move. And all she said was "you take what life gives you". I nodded, and that was that.

So you see, it is the same thing. I fear for the life of that 11 year old, yet I also respect her own child - to the point of giving him/her the very same respect and recognition and opportunity.
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Liberals crow about opportunity and rights, yet deny their own progeny those same basic virtues.

The muted voices that are vacuumed from countless mothers' XXXXX.

Lives without voices never to be heard.

Saunter to the clinic "a little off the top".

Pedicures, manicures, child cures.

Tiny throbbing hearts silenced by choice.

Untold millions left without voice.
Mr H, do you think a woman should have the right to have an abortion when her life and health are in danger?
Mr H, do you think a woman should have the right to have an abortion when her life and health are in danger?

I'd appreciate it if you first address my previous posts.

Abortion is no longer an issue of a mother's health.
It's about a mother's calendar of appointments.

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This thread is specifically about the potential life or death abortion for an 11 year old rape victim.

I understand its not the norm. We are not discussing the norm. We are not discussing abortions in America.

So, do you think a woman should have the right to abort when being told her life and health are in danger.
This thread is specifically about the potential life or death abortion for an 11 year old rape victim.

I understand its not the norm. We are not discussing the norm. We are not discussing abortions in America.

So, do you think a woman should have the right to abort when being told her life and health are in danger.

If you addressed my previous posts like I kindly asked you, you would very well know that my own child's life and health were in danger.
I have nothing to say about your previous posts. I have no comments about your man hating nazi feminist wife, or evil liberals crowing about rights then running out to get abortions and pedicures.

This thread is specifically about the law in Chile that does not allow any woman to get an abortion to save her life. I think that's wrong. I hope you think it's wrong too.
I have nothing to say about your previous posts. I have no comments about your man hating nazi feminist wife, or evil liberals crowing about rights then running out to get abortions and pedicures.

This thread is specifically about the law in Chile that does not allow any woman to get an abortion to save her life. I think that's wrong. I hope you think it's wrong too.

The country of Chile, as it appears to me, saves more pre-born lives than it destroys

Should this 11 year old die, then so be it. If both she and her child die, then so be it.

Chile has faith in humanity. The United States has faith in murder.

Abortion is in fact a murderous endeavor.
Quick question Mr. H........................

Hypothetically speaking, and no, I'm not talking about anyone's family.............................

Say that YOU had an 11 year old daughter, and she was raped, and that rape resulted in pregnancy.

Would YOU want your 11 year old child to carry the baby to full term?
This thread is specifically about the potential life or death abortion for an 11 year old rape victim.

I understand its not the norm. We are not discussing the norm. We are not discussing abortions in America.

So, do you think a woman should have the right to abort when being told her life and health are in danger.

If you addressed my previous posts like I kindly asked you, you would very well know that my own child's life and health were in danger.

Respectfully, this thread hasn't a thing to do with your child. Your child was not expecting a child at the tender age of 11.
I have nothing to say about your previous posts. I have no comments about your man hating nazi feminist wife, or evil liberals crowing about rights then running out to get abortions and pedicures.

This thread is specifically about the law in Chile that does not allow any woman to get an abortion to save her life. I think that's wrong. I hope you think it's wrong too.

The country of Chile, as it appears to me, saves more pre-born lives than it destroys

Should this 11 year old die, then so be it. If both she and her child die, then so be it.

Chile has faith in humanity. The United States has faith in murder.

Abortion is in fact a murderous endeavor.

So it is preferable that the child die rather than have an abortion to save her life?

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