11 Year Old Girl Is Pregnant, Sparks Abortion Debate

Well, I can applaud your wife's morals in your case but this is a different case Mr. H. - a case where the mother's life is in danger.
The question is, Do you throw away two lives or give the mother a chance to live.
If one breaks their leg and gangrene sets in, do you say, "you deal with what life gives you." or do you allow them to have the leg amputated and save the life?
Quick question Mr. H........................

Hypothetically speaking, and no, I'm not talking about anyone's family.............................

Say that YOU had an 11 year old daughter, and she was raped, and that rape resulted in pregnancy.

Would YOU want your 11 year old child to carry the baby to full term?

This thread is specifically about the potential life or death abortion for an 11 year old rape victim.

I understand its not the norm. We are not discussing the norm. We are not discussing abortions in America.

So, do you think a woman should have the right to abort when being told her life and health are in danger.

Either the girl is a child or a woman. Make up your mind. She can't be a child, then suddenly be a woman depending on the circumstances. She either is a child or a woman.
The choice is obvious, save the life of the mother. I doubt a female of her age would survive birthing. Besides, getting pregnant is easy. She can get voluntarily get pregnant, as opposed to the way she was impregnated this time, at a later date.
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Quick question Mr. H........................

Hypothetically speaking, and no, I'm not talking about anyone's family.............................

Say that YOU had an 11 year old daughter, and she was raped, and that rape resulted in pregnancy.

Would YOU want your 11 year old child to carry the baby to full term?


Really? You would accept the bastard child of some unknown rapist to be the heir of your family fortune and name?
Quick question Mr. H........................

Hypothetically speaking, and no, I'm not talking about anyone's family.............................

Say that YOU had an 11 year old daughter, and she was raped, and that rape resulted in pregnancy.

Would YOU want your 11 year old child to carry the baby to full term?


Really? You would accept the bastard child of some unknown rapist to be the heir of your family fortune and name?

What does that have to do with anything? Are you trying to pin the way the child was conceived (not in the child’s control) on the child? Who cares if they are a ‘bastard’ or conceived in rape – that is totally irrelevant once the child is born. It matters not one iota.
Quick question Mr. H........................

Hypothetically speaking, and no, I'm not talking about anyone's family.............................

Say that YOU had an 11 year old daughter, and she was raped, and that rape resulted in pregnancy.

Would YOU want your 11 year old child to carry the baby to full term?


Really? You would accept the bastard child of some unknown rapist to be the heir of your family fortune and name?

Gosh, I didn't know abortion came with so many qualifiers.

My wife and I were ready to accept a Down's child into our lives. How could that be any more difficult?
Adopted children are left family names and fortunes all the time. Is there nothing about step children and the family fortunes they get.

Really? You would accept the bastard child of some unknown rapist to be the heir of your family fortune and name?

Gosh, I didn't know abortion came with so many qualifiers.

My wife and I were ready to accept a Down's child into our lives. How could that be any more difficult?

So.....................if your 11 year old was raped by some idiot, you're cool with her carrying the child to full term and having the child, and then raising not only your daughter, but also the child that was brought about by unfortunate circumstances?
Quick question Mr. H........................

Hypothetically speaking, and no, I'm not talking about anyone's family.............................

Say that YOU had an 11 year old daughter, and she was raped, and that rape resulted in pregnancy.

Would YOU want your 11 year old child to carry the baby to full term?


Even if there was a high chance that 11 year old daughter would die, or become severely injured as a result of the pregnancy?
Really? You would accept the bastard child of some unknown rapist to be the heir of your family fortune and name?

Gosh, I didn't know abortion came with so many qualifiers.

My wife and I were ready to accept a Down's child into our lives. How could that be any more difficult?

So.....................if your 11 year old was raped by some idiot, you're cool with her carrying the child to full term and having the child, and then raising not only your daughter, but also the child that was brought about by unfortunate circumstances?

My god, he has answered the question several times. How hard is the concept to understand?

Seriously, it is not that difficult to understand. For some reason, you all seem to think that there is a difference if the child was conceived in rape. Guess what, there are no horns on that kids head. There is nothing different about that child than there is any other child in the world. Raising them would be no different than raising any other child that was not a planned conception (the vast majority).

What would take a great deal of fortitude is actually on the one that has to carry and live with the child as a reminder of the rape. THAT would be quite difficult. What is the answer to that conundrum though, I don’t know. Abortion might be an option but clearly Mr. H does not believe in that option for his family and, if I am not mistaken, he has made that clear.
Even if you question the doctors who are saying how dangerous this pregnancy might be for the little girl, it still doesn't change the fact that Chile does no allow abortions, even to save the life of the mother.

You keep saying "abortionist" are pushing this story, but this is a huge story in Chile, and it has the people of Chile riled up. The fact is, the majority of Chileans think abortion should be legal for the health of the mother, and hopefully this story will be the catalyst for change there.

I keep saying it because it is the fact. Chile is a democracy, if the Chilean people want this changed, they will vote for change. Currently, we have American backed abortion promoters creating a media stir. We will see if the people of Chile give Planned Parenthood the market expansion they seek.
This thread is specifically about the potential life or death abortion for an 11 year old rape victim.

It is not a life or death abortion. That is a lie.

I understand its not the norm. We are not discussing the norm. We are not discussing abortions in America.

A 12 year old having a baby in South America may not be the norm, but it isn't terribly unusual either.

So, do you think a woman should have the right to abort when being told her life and health are in danger.

Of course, but that is not relevant to this case.
While I think Mr H is a fun poster, In grateful most Americans don't agree with his way of thinking. There are, luckily, very few people who think women shouldn't be granted life saving abortions.
Gosh, I didn't know abortion came with so many qualifiers.

My wife and I were ready to accept a Down's child into our lives. How could that be any more difficult?

So.....................if your 11 year old was raped by some idiot, you're cool with her carrying the child to full term and having the child, and then raising not only your daughter, but also the child that was brought about by unfortunate circumstances?

My god, he has answered the question several times. How hard is the concept to understand?

Seriously, it is not that difficult to understand. For some reason, you all seem to think that there is a difference if the child was conceived in rape. Guess what, there are no horns on that kids head. There is nothing different about that child than there is any other child in the world. Raising them would be no different than raising any other child that was not a planned conception (the vast majority).

What would take a great deal of fortitude is actually on the one that has to carry and live with the child as a reminder of the rape. THAT would be quite difficult. What is the answer to that conundrum though, I don’t know. Abortion might be an option but clearly Mr. H does not believe in that option for his family and, if I am not mistaken, he has made that clear.

Actually, I DO believe there is a difference of a child resulting from rape, because not only does the mother have a permanent memory of what happened to her from the rape (i.e. the child), but because of the circumstances regarding the conception, she is more likely to end up resenting the child, which could lead to child abuse (or worse).
So.....................if your 11 year old was raped by some idiot, you're cool with her carrying the child to full term and having the child, and then raising not only your daughter, but also the child that was brought about by unfortunate circumstances?

My god, he has answered the question several times. How hard is the concept to understand?

Seriously, it is not that difficult to understand. For some reason, you all seem to think that there is a difference if the child was conceived in rape. Guess what, there are no horns on that kids head. There is nothing different about that child than there is any other child in the world. Raising them would be no different than raising any other child that was not a planned conception (the vast majority).

What would take a great deal of fortitude is actually on the one that has to carry and live with the child as a reminder of the rape. THAT would be quite difficult. What is the answer to that conundrum though, I don’t know. Abortion might be an option but clearly Mr. H does not believe in that option for his family and, if I am not mistaken, he has made that clear.

Actually, I DO believe there is a difference of a child resulting from rape, because not only does the mother have a permanent memory of what happened to her from the rape (i.e. the child), but because of the circumstances regarding the conception, she is more likely to end up resenting the child, which could lead to child abuse (or worse).
Speculation on your part, and worth nothing.
My god, he has answered the question several times. How hard is the concept to understand?

Seriously, it is not that difficult to understand. For some reason, you all seem to think that there is a difference if the child was conceived in rape. Guess what, there are no horns on that kids head. There is nothing different about that child than there is any other child in the world. Raising them would be no different than raising any other child that was not a planned conception (the vast majority).

What would take a great deal of fortitude is actually on the one that has to carry and live with the child as a reminder of the rape. THAT would be quite difficult. What is the answer to that conundrum though, I don’t know. Abortion might be an option but clearly Mr. H does not believe in that option for his family and, if I am not mistaken, he has made that clear.

Actually, I DO believe there is a difference of a child resulting from rape, because not only does the mother have a permanent memory of what happened to her from the rape (i.e. the child), but because of the circumstances regarding the conception, she is more likely to end up resenting the child, which could lead to child abuse (or worse).
Speculation on your part, and worth nothing.

Not speculation on my part.

I became an orphan at age 8, and most family members (with the exception of my Grandparents) resented the fact that I was there. Also, I was a foster child for around 5 years (and the foster kids, as well as the wife resented me), and know how it feels.

You may call it speculation, but I know what it's like to be resented by an entire family. Do you?
So.....................if your 11 year old was raped by some idiot, you're cool with her carrying the child to full term and having the child, and then raising not only your daughter, but also the child that was brought about by unfortunate circumstances?

My god, he has answered the question several times. How hard is the concept to understand?

Seriously, it is not that difficult to understand. For some reason, you all seem to think that there is a difference if the child was conceived in rape. Guess what, there are no horns on that kids head. There is nothing different about that child than there is any other child in the world. Raising them would be no different than raising any other child that was not a planned conception (the vast majority).

What would take a great deal of fortitude is actually on the one that has to carry and live with the child as a reminder of the rape. THAT would be quite difficult. What is the answer to that conundrum though, I don’t know. Abortion might be an option but clearly Mr. H does not believe in that option for his family and, if I am not mistaken, he has made that clear.

Actually, I DO believe there is a difference of a child resulting from rape, because not only does the mother have a permanent memory of what happened to her from the rape (i.e. the child), but because of the circumstances regarding the conception, she is more likely to end up resenting the child, which could lead to child abuse (or worse).

That is a difference for the MOTHER, not the child. I noted that on my original post as well. The reality is the child themselves did nothing and is no different than any other child.

I support the right to choose and understand why someone would want to abort after being raped BUT that does not make it the right or best choice. There are others as well, adoption being chief among those, if you are not capable of raising a child connived in that manner.

All I was pointing out is the rather inane idea that somehow there is a difference from a child conceved in rape vs. conceived in any other way.
A child conceived out of rape is DEFINITELY different than an accidental pregnancy.

Sorry you missed the difference.

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