11 year old thug arrested after threatening teacher,principal and resisting arrest in school

I was a teacher when a father came in and said his son would not stand or say the pledge. I came back with: :Your son will stand because that it at my direction. I don't care if he says the pledge, but I do care that he does follow my direction."
I can't think of another country in which an eleven year old will be arrested in school for non violent behaviour. Land of the free all right.

Little piece of shit should have stood. He might have gotten away with it if he had not threatened the teacher and principal....throw his ass in juvenile hall!

11 year old refuses to stand.

which is a right and a privilege in a free country!

teacher tries to FORCE kid to stand (only a fascist nazi would FORCE anyone to stand for a pledge)

kid STANDS HIS GROUND...... CONSERVATIVE ADULTS and POLICE use FORCE on an 11 year old boy to FORCE him to stand. 11 year old continues to stand his ground against ADULT CONSERVATIVE FASCIST NAZI BULLIES and gets arrested.

At least THAT is how I see it.

Because the education industry is dominated by conservatives?
. The problem is that we can't teach the children civics. But it's okay to teach them they don't have to be the gender they were born as. This is why they think they shouldn't recite the pledge. They aren't doing it because they think they have a right to. That is a liberal excuse.
Oh fucking Christ really. What are we teaching children about gender ? Why do you people always find a way work the trans issue into any discussion no matter how far removed from that issue it is. That is a sign of a warped mind and indicative of someone who cant debate a topic on its merits and has to employ a logical fallacy in order to score a point, which in this case, fails miserably.
I was a teacher when a father came in and said his son would not stand or say the pledge. I came back with: :Your son will stand because that it at my direction. I don't care if he says the pledge, but I do care that he does follow my direction."
3. The history of racism is no excuse to be hostile to his fellow citizens. If it is, then Diversity and Multiculturalism were not only lies, but deadly poisons to our nation.
He was not being hostile to his fellow citizens. He was expressing his c=views about racism and the flag. Diversity and Multiculturalism are lies, and deadly poisons to our nation- only according to bigots and xenophobes .

THe nation is nothing but the whole of it's citizens.

If he is refusing to stand for the Flag, because it is symbol of a nation that he considers so "racist" that he has to refuse to join in the unity ritual,

then he is stating that he considers his fellow citizens to be so "Racist" that he cannot stand to even pretend for a few minutes to be loyal to them,

then he is hostile to them.

THe supposed goal of diversity and multiculturalism is that a diverse mix of different people can have their differences and yet live in harmony and peace.

That what is actually happening is that a significant portion of our population is being raised to believe that the nation as a whole, and large percentages of their fellow citizens are "racist" and literally out to get them,

makes that utterly impossible.

ANY event perception of a conflict of interest will, instead of being seen as an internal and minor issue, will be seen as a move by Evul Enemies with which no real dialog is possible.

Only a fool could pretend to himself that that is going to work out for anyone, but the most vile.
1. An ELEVEN YEAR old in a school setting, does not have the right to Freedom of Speech. He is there to be TAUGHT, and being taught to respect the Flag and the Nation it stands for is completely right and proper.
Where in the constitution does it specify the age at which we are granted freedom of speech?

Don't know, don't care.

My point rests on it's obvious logic. Yours is nothing but the logical fallacy of Appeal to Authority. Thus, your point is invalid and you lose.
It appears the it is you who are employing the logical fallacy of Appeal to Authority
3. The history of racism is no excuse to be hostile to his fellow citizens. If it is, then Diversity and Multiculturalism were not only lies, but deadly poisons to our nation.
He was not being hostile to his fellow citizens. He was expressing his c=views about racism and the flag. Diversity and Multiculturalism are lies, and deadly poisons to our nation- only according to bigots and xenophobes .

THe nation is nothing but the whole of it's citizens.

If he is refusing to stand for the Flag, because it is symbol of a nation that he considers so "racist" that he has to refuse to join in the unity ritual,

then he is stating that he considers his fellow citizens to be so "Racist" that he cannot stand to even pretend for a few minutes to be loyal to them,

then he is hostile to them.

THe supposed goal of diversity and multiculturalism is that a diverse mix of different people can have their differences and yet live in harmony and peace.

That what is actually happening is that a significant portion of our population is being raised to believe that the nation as a whole, and large percentages of their fellow citizens are "racist" and literally out to get them,

makes that utterly impossible.

ANY event perception of a conflict of interest will, instead of being seen as an internal and minor issue, will be seen as a move by Evul Enemies with which no real dialog is possible.

Only a fool could pretend to himself that that is going to work out for anyone, but the most vile.
Just more of the same regurgitated horseshit

Little piece of shit should have stood. He might have gotten away with it if he had not threatened the teacher and principal....throw his ass in juvenile hall!

11 year old refuses to stand.

which is a right and a privilege in a free country!

teacher tries to FORCE kid to stand (only a fascist nazi would FORCE anyone to stand for a pledge)

kid STANDS HIS GROUND...... CONSERVATIVE ADULTS and POLICE use FORCE on an 11 year old boy to FORCE him to stand. 11 year old continues to stand his ground against ADULT CONSERVATIVE FASCIST NAZI BULLIES and gets arrested.

At least THAT is how I see it.

Because the education industry is dominated by conservatives?
. The problem is that we can't teach the children civics. But it's okay to teach them they don't have to be the gender they were born as. This is why they think they shouldn't recite the pledge. They aren't doing it because they think they have a right to. That is a liberal excuse.
Oh fucking Christ really. What are we teaching children about gender ? Why do you people always find a way work the trans issue into any discussion no matter how far removed from that issue it is. That is a sign of a warped mind and indicative of someone who cant debate a topic on its merits and has to employ a logical fallacy in order to score a point, which in this case, fails miserably.

Because it reflect the complete disconnect from anything resembling traditional morals or culture or even sanity, in your world view and the way it is impacting the children, and the nation.
1. An ELEVEN YEAR old in a school setting, does not have the right to Freedom of Speech. He is there to be TAUGHT, and being taught to respect the Flag and the Nation it stands for is completely right and proper.
Where in the constitution does it specify the age at which we are granted freedom of speech?

Don't know, don't care.

My point rests on it's obvious logic. Yours is nothing but the logical fallacy of Appeal to Authority. Thus, your point is invalid and you lose.
It appears the it is you who are employing the logical fallacy of Appeal to Authority

And what Authority would you claim that I am appealing to?
3. The history of racism is no excuse to be hostile to his fellow citizens. If it is, then Diversity and Multiculturalism were not only lies, but deadly poisons to our nation.
He was not being hostile to his fellow citizens. He was expressing his c=views about racism and the flag. Diversity and Multiculturalism are lies, and deadly poisons to our nation- only according to bigots and xenophobes .

THe nation is nothing but the whole of it's citizens.

If he is refusing to stand for the Flag, because it is symbol of a nation that he considers so "racist" that he has to refuse to join in the unity ritual,

then he is stating that he considers his fellow citizens to be so "Racist" that he cannot stand to even pretend for a few minutes to be loyal to them,

then he is hostile to them.

THe supposed goal of diversity and multiculturalism is that a diverse mix of different people can have their differences and yet live in harmony and peace.

That what is actually happening is that a significant portion of our population is being raised to believe that the nation as a whole, and large percentages of their fellow citizens are "racist" and literally out to get them,

makes that utterly impossible.

ANY event perception of a conflict of interest will, instead of being seen as an internal and minor issue, will be seen as a move by Evul Enemies with which no real dialog is possible.

Only a fool could pretend to himself that that is going to work out for anyone, but the most vile.
Just more of the same regurgitated horseshit

Your inability to even address, let along even TRY to refute my points,

is you losing the debate.
That what is actually happening is that a significant portion of our population is being raised to believe that the nation as a whole, and large percentages of their fellow citizens are "racist" and literally out to get them,
Horseshit! The issue is very simply, what the symbolism of the flag means to this young man, and his right to protest it.
We as a society, have lost our sense of self to the point that we cannot agree to ask a room full of children to stand for the FUCKING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.
Absolutely. Brainwashing has to start with people taking oaths while minors.
That what is actually happening is that a significant portion of our population is being raised to believe that the nation as a whole, and large percentages of their fellow citizens are "racist" and literally out to get them,
Horseshit! The issue is very simply, what the symbolism of the flag means to this young man, and his right to protest it.

And he clearly stated that he considers the symbol to be "racist" and "offensive to black people".

How can we have a society, when large portions of the population are being raised to consider their fellow citizens to be their enemies?
We as a society, have lost our sense of self to the point that we cannot agree to ask a room full of children to stand for the FUCKING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE.
Absolutely. Brainwashing has to start with people taking oaths while minors.

A group that has no mechanism to encourage group loyalty, and no mechanism to protect itself from disloyalty,

is one doomed to fall in short order.
3. The history of racism is no excuse to be hostile to his fellow citizens. If it is, then Diversity and Multiculturalism were not only lies, but deadly poisons to our nation.
He was not being hostile to his fellow citizens. He was expressing his c=views about racism and the flag. Diversity and Multiculturalism are lies, and deadly poisons to our nation- only according to bigots and xenophobes .

THe nation is nothing but the whole of it's citizens.

If he is refusing to stand for the Flag, because it is symbol of a nation that he considers so "racist" that he has to refuse to join in the unity ritual,

then he is stating that he considers his fellow citizens to be so "Racist" that he cannot stand to even pretend for a few minutes to be loyal to them,

then he is hostile to them.

THe supposed goal of diversity and multiculturalism is that a diverse mix of different people can have their differences and yet live in harmony and peace.

That what is actually happening is that a significant portion of our population is being raised to believe that the nation as a whole, and large percentages of their fellow citizens are "racist" and literally out to get them,

makes that utterly impossible.

ANY event perception of a conflict of interest will, instead of being seen as an internal and minor issue, will be seen as a move by Evul Enemies with which no real dialog is possible.

Only a fool could pretend to himself that that is going to work out for anyone, but the most vile.
Just more of the same regurgitated horseshit

Your inability to even address, let along even TRY to refute my points,

is you losing the debate.
You can't simply declare that I am l failing to address or refute your points and make it true. That is an appeal to ignorance

Little piece of shit should have stood. He might have gotten away with it if he had not threatened the teacher and principal....throw his ass in juvenile hall!

11 year old refuses to stand.

which is a right and a privilege in a free country!

teacher tries to FORCE kid to stand (only a fascist nazi would FORCE anyone to stand for a pledge)

kid STANDS HIS GROUND...... CONSERVATIVE ADULTS and POLICE use FORCE on an 11 year old boy to FORCE him to stand. 11 year old continues to stand his ground against ADULT CONSERVATIVE FASCIST NAZI BULLIES and gets arrested.

At least THAT is how I see it.
Every morning at school, it was the same routine. My 7 year olds would come in, get their hugs (!!!) and get their things, for those who wanted to hear a short story, i would be in a corner reading a story or playing a reading game. The announcements came on and afterwards, I asked my ladies and gentlemen to stand for the pledge. They always did. They had no choice, but saying the pledge was optional.

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